cerebellopotine angle meningioma - retrosigmoid approach - hearing improvement
Fig. 1 Pre- and postoperative magnetic resonance imaging. Preoperative gadollinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed meningioma at cerebellopontine angle, 35 mm in maximum diameter. Postoperative MRI showed gross total removal of the tumor, with slight enhancement along the cranial nerves 7th and 8th.
Fig. 2 Intraoperative images: (A) the arachnoid membrane was restored from the tumor; (B) detachment from petrous bone; (C) internal decompression; (D) dissection from lower cranial nerves; (E) detachment from cranial nerves 7th and 8th (F) detachment from brain stem and cerebellum; (G) gross total removal of the tumor, except for the adhesion to the cranial nerves 7th and 8th. CN, cranial nerve.