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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696061
Acute Nontraumatic Muscle Weakness
Address for correspondence
Publication History
Received: 24 February 2019
Accepted after revision: 19 June 2019
Publication Date:
11 September 2019 (online)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Initial Evaluation
- Assessment of Airway and Ventilation
- Clinical and Anatomical Localization
- Approach of a Patient with ANTW
- Psychiatric Illnesses
- Special Consideration in Pediatric Patients
- Referral to a Higher Center
- Conclusion
- References
Acute nontraumatic weakness (ANTW) is defined as acute onset of weakness in any part of the body. The weakness occurs due to interruption at any point along the motor pathway. The motor pathway originates from upper motor neuron cells in the cerebral cortex and traverses through the brainstem till lower motor neurons in the spinal cord. The axon of a lower motor neuron is known as the peripheral motor nerve that synapses with muscle. ANTW is of varied etiology and presentation that may be immediately life-threatening if respiratory muscles or autonomic nervous system is involved. Involvement of respiratory muscles may be associated with respiratory failure that may require mechanical ventilation. The weakness may be localized to one limb or generalized involving several muscle groups. When bulbar muscles are involved, weakness leads to problem in swallowing and coughing that endangers the patient's airway. Similarly, the course of the disease also varies, and these patients may worsen rapidly. Hence, a comprehensive history, systematic evaluation, and a detailed neurological examination are performed to localize the disorder. There are specific clinical features peculiar to the particular location of the lesion in the body. Hence, it is possible to anatomically localize these lesions based on the clinical features. Initial laboratory tests and appropriate neuroimaging should be obtained as indicated by history and examination. The time-sensitive emergencies should be addressed immediately, as the delay in management may lead to either permanent neurological damage or may worsen the overall outcome in such conditions. The initial management should always include care of airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC). The imaging should be obtained only after initial stabilization of ABC. The definitive treatment should be done as per the etiology.
Acute nontraumatic weakness (ANTW) is defined as the sudden onset of paralysis/weakness in any part of the body. The motor functions are controlled by the motor pathway involving upper and lower motor neurons ([Fig. 1]). The upper motor neurons (UMNs) arise from the pyramidal cells of the neocortex and pass through the posterior limb of the internal capsule to enter the crus of the midbrain.[1] The motor tracts then pass through the pons and medulla as the corticospinal tract, which are also known as the pyramidal tracts.[1] The corticospinal tract divides as the lateral corticospinal tract (decussates at pyramids) and the anterior corticospinal tract (crosses at corresponding spinal cord) as these pass down in the spinal cord.[1] [2] Approximately 90% of motor fibers form the lateral tract, while the rest (~10%) form the anterior tract. The lateral corticospinal tracts control the opposite side of the body, while the anterior corticospinal tract neurons control the same side of the body and trunk muscles.[1] Axons from UMNs synapse with the interneurons in the spinal cord, and occasionally directly with the lower motor neurons.[2] The lower motor neuron is located in the spinal cord, and its axon projects out of the spinal cord and controls the movement of muscles.[1] If there is a disease involving any part of the motor pathway, patients will develop weakness. [Figure 1] depicts the motor pathway.

The etiology of ANTW varies from immediately life-threatening conditions to minor disorders as shown in [Fig. 2] [3] The weakness may be localized to one limb or may become generalized involving the respiratory and bulbar muscles. In the latter scenario, protection of airway and care of breathing become the priority. In a few cases, weakness is associated with autonomic disturbances and may lead to hemodynamic instability. Hence, the management of ANTW should include simultaneous resuscitation (care of airway, breathing, and circulation [ABC]) and evaluation of underlying disease pathology. ANTW is one of the few neurological conditions where delaying the diagnosis and initiation of treatment directly affects the outcome. With a thorough history and clinical examination, we should be able to localize the lesion in many patients or should be able to narrow down the differential diagnosis list.

Here in this review, we discuss the systematic approach to the management of patients with ANTW. Traumatic and chronic weaknesses are beyond the scope of this review.
Initial Evaluation
The initial evaluation should include the assessment of the patient’s ability to protect the ABC and appropriate measures should be taken to optimize ABC before the neurological examination.[4] [5] Initial neurological examination should be done quickly to rule out time-critical emergencies including acute ischemic stroke, acute spinal cord compression, status epilepticus, dyselectrolytemia, hypoglycemia, and toxin. Various assessment tools are available to assess the neurological status of the patient including the Glasgow Coma Scale, FOUR score (includes eye response, motor response, brainstem response, and respiration), and prehospital stroke scale score. Early recognition and activation of the stroke code system are necessary for optimum outcome in these patients. The acute spinal cord compression may present with flaccid paralysis below the level of insult, and a sensory deficit limited to the involved segment. There may be certain syndromes having their own specific features such as acute cauda equina syndrome that presents with lower severe back pain, sciatica, perineal hypoesthesia, bowel and bladder incontinence, and limb weakness with decreased reflexes.[3] If toxin exposure is suspected, scene safety should be ensured, and history related to amount and type toxin should be elicited. Initial biochemistry must include blood glucose, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus), kidney and liver function tests, blood coagulation test, and complete blood counts. Relevant imaging should be obtained as indicated by history and examination. A detailed motor and sensory examination should be done to locate the lesion anatomically by characteristics of the weakness.
Assessment of Airway and Ventilation
Neurologically ill patients need airway protection and ventilation if their airway is at risk of aspiration or breathing is inadequate. There are various causes of the airway and respiratory compromise including pharyngeal muscle weakness, leading to the upper airway obstruction and increased risk of aspiration, and respiratory muscle weakness leading to respiratory failure.[6] Pulmonary gas exchange is usually preserved but may be affected due to atelectasis. Noninvasive ventilation may be tried if the airway reflexes are intact, but respiratory failure occurs due to respiratory muscle weakness. Patients should be monitored regularly as patient’s clinical condition may deteriorate rapidly.
Besides the patient’s physiology, the plan to intubate is also influenced by the clinical environment and the anticipated course of the disease. If the patient is comatose and needs to be transported to a higher center, for imaging, or other invasive intervention, it would be most appropriate to secure the airway with endotracheal intubation. The patients who are expected to deteriorate in due course of time may need intubation, such as rapidly progressing Guillain–Berré syndrome (GBS).[7] [8] On the other hand, if the patient has a known illness, which is stable and expected to improve, can be managed by noninvasive ventilation.
Various predictors for the need of intubation are enumerated in [Table 1]. A combination of clinical signs and objective parameters should be used to predict the need for intubation rather than a single parameter alone. Rapid sequence induction is the preferred modality of emergency intubation in the neurologically ill patients who are at risk of aspiration.[9] [10] [11] [12] Pharmacological agents must be carefully chosen as these patients may be at risk of succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia (e.g., GBS) or resistant to it (e.g., myasthenia gravis).[13] [14] The patients may be highly sensitive to the sedative-hypnotic agents due to associated autonomic nervous system disturbance.
Abbreviations: FVC, forced vital capacity; PFT, pulmonary function tests; VC, vital capacity. |
Clinical symptoms
Subjective (clinical signs)
After intubation, the goals of mechanical ventilation are to normalize oxygenation using the lowest possible inspired oxygen to achieve a hemoglobin saturation >94%, a systemic pH of 7.3 to 7.4, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide or end-tidal carbon dioxide of 30 to 40 mm Hg, to reduce the work of breathing, and to prevent ventilator-induced lung injury.[15] Once the patient’s ABC are stabilized, a detailed and comprehensive neurological examination is done to localize the lesion.
Clinical and Anatomical Localization
The cause of weakness can be localized anatomically based on detailed history and examination as the patterns of weakness and associated findings are often specific for each anatomical region. Then we can make a focused differential diagnosis, and specific testing can be done to make an accurate diagnosis. In an obtunded or confused patient, a good clinical history is essential, as such patients may not cooperate for examination. With history and examination, we should be able to elicit whether the weakness is unilateral or bilateral, the pattern of weakness (monoparesis, hemiparesis, paraparesis, quadriparesis or patchy involvement), associated weakness (facial, neck or truncal muscle), the tone of the involved limbs (hypertonia [spasticity or rigidity] or hypotonia), reflexes (normal, diminished or hyperreflexia), and sensory involvement. In a cooperative patient, further evaluation is done to assess the pattern of weakness (symmetrical or asymmetrical, proximal or distal extremities), and sensory modalities affected (pain, fine touch, proprioception, and vibration). The absence of sensory signs (loss of sensations) or symptoms (numbness/tingling) rule out the involvement of peripheral nerves to some extent, and a central nervous system disease should be considered. [Figure 3] and [Table 2] show the localization of various differential diagnosis depending on the clinical features.[3]
With this protocol, we can locate the following anatomical regions: brain, spinal cord, anterior horn cell (α motoneuron), peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction (NMJ), and muscle.[3] The diseases of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) lead to “upper motor neuron (UMN) weakness,” that is the disruption of descending motor axons or cell bodies that innervate the lower motor neurons located in the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord. Lower motor neurons type of weakness is caused by lesions of the anterior horn cells, peripheral nerve, and NMJ. UMN lesions are usually characterized by increased muscle tone, hyperreflexia, and a positive Babinski sign (great toe extension and fanning of fingers). LMN lesions, in contrast, cause flaccidity, areflexic weakness, and fasciculations (involuntary contractions or twitching of muscle fibers). During the acute phase of weakness, the UMN lesions may mimic the LMN lesions and may present with flaccid paralysis, normal or decreased tone, unreliable reflexes, and absent atrophy and fasciculations (occurs after a longer duration of paralysis).[16] [17]
The characteristic features, history, clinical examination diagnosis, and treatment of various causes are represented in [Fig. 4].
Approach of a Patient with ANTW
Irrespective of clinical presentation, the initial management always includes care of ABC. Along with checking the vitals (pulse rate, blood pressure, and temperature), blood sugar should be checked in all patients presenting with weakness. After that, a detailed history and neurological examination are done to make the initial working diagnosis and differential diagnosis. The algorithm suggested by ENLS is shown in [Fig. 5].[3]
The diagnostic tests and definitive management vary greatly from one patient to another and may range from an emergent stroke imaging to elective nerve/muscle biopsy for specific illnesses. Various diagnostic modalities and treatment options for major differential diagnosis are enumerated in [Table 3]. After making an initial working diagnosis and differential diagnosis, the patients are further evaluated by various investigations including initial laboratory tests such as glucose, electrolytes (sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorous), blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, liver function tests, coagulation profile, complete blood counts, and arterial blood gas analysis. If history and examination suggest, certain specific tests may be performed such as thyroid function tests, creatine phosphokinase or CK, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, parathyroid hormone, gamma-glutamyl transferase, serum toxicology, and drug level. Once the patient’s ABC are optimized, the relevant imaging is obtained (computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging [CT/MRI]). Nerve conduction studies, electromyography, a biopsy of nerve and muscle, and lumbar puncture are to be done if indicated. Patients should be periodically screened for airway and ventilation as these may be involved as the disease progresses. If the examination findings, laboratory tests, and imaging are all within normal limits, then we should consider functional causes such as malingering, conversion disorder, anxiety disorders, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Psychiatric Illnesses
Conversion disorders are a quite common cause of ANTW and constitute around 5 to 14% of the cases presenting in the emergency department.[18] The conversion symptoms may represent a form of communication where patients are not able to express their emotions otherwise, or they may intend to gain attention and rewards from others. The conversion symptoms may originate from a stressful environment where an idea or psychological conflict is converted into somatic symptoms. A detailed psychodynamic assessment helps in making the diagnosis. In psychiatric illnesses presenting as ANTW, the history, clinical examination, initial laboratory tests, and imaging all are inconclusive for any physical illness. Usually, there is a temporal association with psychosocial stressors, and symptom substitution is frequently present. On examination, there is a “La belle indifference” (the person is unconcerned with symptoms) and distribution of weakness does not follow any anatomical pattern. Various investigations, such as MRI/CT and EEG, should be done to rule out organic lesions. Visual-evoked potentials and brainstem auditory-evoked responses should be done to rule out malingering/compensation neurosis if affective or emotional disturbances are found on clinical examination.

Disease |
History |
Examination |
Investigation |
Treatment |
Source: Adapted with permission from Caulfield et al.[3] |
Abbreviations: AChR, acetylcholine receptor; ASAS, anterior spinal artery syndrome; BP, blood pressure; CBC, complete blood count; CHF, congestive heart failure; CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed tomography; DKA, diabetes ketoacidosis; ECG, electrocardiography; EEG, electroencephalogram; EMG, electromyography; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; HHC, hyperosmolar coma; HIV, human immuno-deficiency virus; HTN, hypertension; ICP, intracranial pressure; IV, intravenous; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; LL, lower limb; LMN, lower motor neuron; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NCS, nerve conduction study; PSAS, posterior spinal artery; SIAD, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion; SPECT, single-photon emission computed tomography; UL, Upper limb; UMN, upper motor neuron. |
Brain lesions |
Acute ischemic stroke |
CT head to exclude other causes of weakness |
Spinal cord lesions |
Spinal cord infarction [32] |
Initially flaccid paralysis and loss of deep tendon reflexes Loss of pain/temperature sensation
Total anesthesia at the level of injury
Toxicology screen Electrocardiography Echocardiography Duplex ultrasonography of the cervical arteries 24-hour Holter electrocardiography |
Transverse myelitis [38] |
MRI is diagnostic |
Inflammatory demyelinating |
Peripheral nerve lesions |
Toxin-induced peripheral neuropathy [48] (alcohol, amiodarone, chloramphenicol, disulfiram, isoniazid, lithium, metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, nitrous oxide, thalidomide, vincristine, thallium, etc.) |
Nerve compression syndromes [52] [53] (median nerve at wrist, ulnar nerve at elbow and wrist, radial nerve in proximal forearm, scapular nerve, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, common peroneal nerve, tibial nerve, and lower brachial plexus) |
Neuromuscular junction |
Muscle |
Dermatomyositis [65] |
Generalized weakness due to systemic causes |
Hypoglycemia (serum glucose<3 mmol/L; <50 mg/dL) [68] |
Hypermagnesemia [71] |
Serum magnesium levels |
Periodic paralysis (PP) [74] |
Miscellaneous |
Locked-in syndrome [77] |
Follow acute stroke protocol |
Acute porphyria [78] |
Diabetic lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy [79] |
Psychiatric illness |
Special Consideration in Pediatric Patients
The basic principles of assessment of the airway/ventilation and localization are the same as in adults. The major differences are in the presentation, and the common etiologies leading to weakness are highlighted here. In children, the presenting symptoms may be mutable such as irritability, agitation, restlessness, refusal to walk, frequent awakening from sleep, willingness to be held frequently, or regression of milestones. The history should focus on the evaluation of various risk factors such as congenital heart diseases, sickle cell anemia, and prothrombotic states. The examination of reflexes, signs of bulbar weakness, and assessment of sensory level are as critical as in adults, but it may be difficult in very young children. In children, it is difficult to distinguish the various causes of difficulty in walking such as weakness, pain, and ataxia.
The common causes of ANTW in children include Todd’s paresis, acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, acute transverse myelitis, GBS, and myasthenia gravis.[19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Stroke is a rare presentation in children but may occur in various conditions including sickle cell, congenital heart disease, prothrombotic disorder, and Moyamoya disease. The aortic dissection is quite common ischemic spinal cord injury in children leading to spinal artery infarcts. If reflexes are intact, then consider transverse myelitis, Todd’s paresis, myasthenia gravis or stroke, while in patients with reduced or absent reflexes, consider early transverse myelitis with spinal shock or GBS. Imaging modalities and laboratory tests should be directed as per the differential diagnosis.
Referral to a Higher Center
Healthcare providers should provide the following details including patient’s age, history of present illness, complete details of patient’s initial assessment (ABC), salient history, examination findings, laboratory reports, imaging results, and treatment provided. The further plan about a pending investigations, list of potential considerations, and management (if the diagnosis of acute weakness is known) should also be provided.
Acute nontraumatic muscle weakness occurs due to a lesion in the motor tract anywhere from pyramidal cells to peripheral muscles. These may prove to be life threatening if airway, breathing, or circulation is affected. Care of ABC takes priority over managing and localizing the weakness. We should focus on a detailed history and examination to localize the lesion quickly, make an initial working diagnosis, and screen the patients for time-sensitive emergencies. The laboratory tests and neurological imaging are done to make the diagnosis. A systematic algorithm/protocol should be followed so that we do not miss any important cause of weakness.
Conflict of Interest
None declared.
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Address for correspondence
- 1 Gerard T, Bryan D. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. 14th ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc; 2014. 406, 502, 541
- 2 Gillian P, Christopher R. Human Physiology: The Basis of Medicine. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2006: 151-153
- 3 Caulfield AF, Flower O, Pineda JA, Uddin S. Emergency neurological life support: acute non-traumatic weakness. Neurocrit Care 2017; 27 (Suppl 1) 29-50
- 4 Mehta S. Neuromuscular disease causing acute respiratory failure. Respir Care 2006; 51 (09) 1016-1021, discussion 1021–1023
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