Endoscopy 2020; 52(S 01): S122
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1704376
ESGE Days 2020 oral presentations
Saturday, April 25, 2020 11:00 – 13:00 Finders keepers Liffey Hall 1
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York


M Trelles Guzmán
1   Hospital Comarcal de Inca, Gastroenterology Unit, Mallorca, Spain
J Reyes
1   Hospital Comarcal de Inca, Gastroenterology Unit, Mallorca, Spain
M Florido
1   Hospital Comarcal de Inca, Gastroenterology Unit, Mallorca, Spain
E Iyo
1   Hospital Comarcal de Inca, Gastroenterology Unit, Mallorca, Spain
S Ortega
1   Hospital Comarcal de Inca, Gastroenterology Unit, Mallorca, Spain
J Lucero
2   Hospital Ca’n Misses, Gastroenterology Unit, Eivissa, Spain
M Novella
2   Hospital Ca’n Misses, Gastroenterology Unit, Eivissa, Spain
Z Salman
2   Hospital Ca’n Misses, Gastroenterology Unit, Eivissa, Spain
C Rodriguez
2   Hospital Ca’n Misses, Gastroenterology Unit, Eivissa, Spain
A Ruiz
2   Hospital Ca’n Misses, Gastroenterology Unit, Eivissa, Spain
M Garcia
2   Hospital Ca’n Misses, Gastroenterology Unit, Eivissa, Spain
M Heredia
3   Hospital Mateu Orfila, Gastroenterology Unit, Menorca, Spain
C Sanchez-Contador
4   Conselleria de Salut, Govern de les Illes Balears, Dirección General de Salut Pública i Participació, Mallorca, Spain
E Miró
4   Conselleria de Salut, Govern de les Illes Balears, Dirección General de Salut Pública i Participació, Mallorca, Spain
G Artigues
4   Conselleria de Salut, Govern de les Illes Balears, Dirección General de Salut Pública i Participació, Mallorca, Spain
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23. April 2020 (online)


    Aims The aim of this study is to present the results and impact during the two rounds of the programme in Balearic Islands.

    Methods The Balearic CRC programme includes until now two rounds, the first one from January 2015 to December 2016, and the second one from January 2017 to December 2018.

    The programme has been developed in the areas of Menorca, Ibiza-Formentera and Tramuntana (Mallorca), including 30% of the Balearic Islands population.

    The target population, people who reside in these areas aged between 50 and 69 years old, was 75.575 individuals.

    Quantitative immunochemical fecal occult blood testing (i-FOBT/OC-Sensor) was the screening method. Participants who tested positive (≥100 ng/ml) were referred to pre-endoscopy evaluation and then colonoscopy.

    Results Total number of sent letters was 122 078. Overall participation rate (number of people who provide their i-FOBT sample) was 28.8% (n=35 160). Positive rate of i-FOBT was 6.51% (2 289) and 89.78% of those positive tests underwent a colonoscopy (we had a 10.22% of exclusions and resignations after pre-endoscopy evaluation). 2 055 colonoscopies were performed. 116 adenocarcinomas were found and of those 75.86% were in stage I and II. 472 of colonoscopies were classified as high risk (as it was established in the EU 2010 guidelines as ≥ 5 adenomas or at least one ≥ 20 mm). They have been reported 2 cases of colon perforations, both resolved by endoscopic treatment.

    Conclusions The participation rate in the two rounds of the colorectal cancer screening programme of the Balearic Islands was acceptable.

    The index of positivity rate of i-FOBT and the results of the endoscopic explorations are according with the observed in other colorectal cancer screening programmes.

    We can conclude that we had a successful development of these two rounds of our programme.
