CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2020; 99(S 02): S318
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1711288

Clinic and Paraclinic of Middle Ear Tubeculosis in the National ENT Hospital of Hanoi-Vietnam in the period from 08/2018 to 08/2019

TA Pham
1   ENT-Department HMU Hanoi Viet Nam
Christoph O. Greven
2   Maria Hilf Krankenhaus, HNO Praxis Krefeld
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    Background Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is currently more and more in Vietnam, especially in the head and neck area with about 4-6 %. Due to its very atypical clinic, middle ear tuberculosis is diagnosed very late.

    Methods We conducted a retrospective study of 30 inpatients at the National ENT Hospital of Hanoi with the diagnosis of "middle ear tuberculosis" in the period from 08/2018 to 07/2019. Study Design is a transversal retrospective study.

    Results Age distribution with an average of 33.4 years, the youngest patient is 2.5 years, the oldest 75 years old. The proportion of women is 85.6 %. The time window from the first symptoms to diagnosis: 61 % between 3 months to 5 years, under 1 month 9.7 %.

    Clinical symptoms ear pain: 66.6 %, tinnitus: 55.7 %, reduction of hearing: 61 %, otorrhea: 14.3 %, facial palsy 14.3 %, cervical lymph nodes: 14.3 %. Otoscopically, eardrum thickening with secretion appear in 50.6 %.. All patients are treated over 2 months with 4 tuberkulostatika and 6-9 months via standby therapy with 2 tuberkulostatika. Improvements have been made in all patients, especially the eardrum healed excellently. In one case, after 2 months of improvement, otorrhea with suspected resistance to tuberculosis.

    Conclusion Middle ear tuberculosis is sometimes difficult to diagnose. In case of suspicion, a biopsy (also several times and several pieces) is recommended. The antituberculostatic therapy is nessercery. It should be noted that tuberkulostatika resistances are increasing.

    Poster-PDF A-1044.pdf

    Tran Anh Pham
    ENT-Department HMU
    Ton That Tung Str.1
    10000 Hanoi
    Viet Nam   

    Publication History

    Article published online:
    10 June 2020

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