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DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1713064
Index to Volume 30
Publication History
Publication Date:
25 May 2020 (online)
Aazh H, 712, 772, 802
Abrams H, 472
Agrawal SK, 227
Aithal S, 781
Aithal V, 781
Alemi R, 396
Ali YHK, 417
Allan C, 904
Allen P, 904
Ameyaw GA, 178
Anderson S, 781
Andersson G, 31, 472
Anim-Sampong S, 178
Ankmnal-Veeranna S, 904
Arndt S, 607
Arnold ML, 145
Aschendorff A, 607
Azios JH, 31, 810
Azzarello J, 845
Baguley DM, 802
Bailey A, 472
Bakke M, 659
Baldock J, 264
Baldwin J, 845
Balen SA, 6
Barac-Cikoja D, 659
Baril I, 720
Barman A, 753
Behrens T, 634
Bellon-Harn M, 31
Bellon-Harn ML, 810
Benedict C, 856
Bennett ML, 918
Bennett RJ, 516
Beshear D, 493
Bornman M, 217
Brittz M, 482
Brown CRS, 564
Brännström KJ, 169
Bush M, 493
Buñag R, 78
Butera IM, 235
Cameron S, 533
Canale E, 431
Carlson KF, 250
Castillo P, 431
Cañete OM, 564
Chang H-Y, 187
Chen W-X, 672
Chermak G, 451, 735
Chew YY, 346
Chisolm TH, 145
Ciro CA, 845
Cline T, 493
Couture M, 720
Coyle D, 93
Cruickshanks KJ, 282
Côté, 720
Dalton DS, 282
Danesh AA, 772
Daneshi A, 896
Danhauer JL, 677
Davidson LS, 703
Davis A, 208
De Jager LB, 217
Diehm E, 273
Dillard LK, 282, 406
Dockens AL, 31, 810
Doettl SM, 792
Dorman MF, 731
Durieux-Smith A, 93
Dwyer RT, 235
Easterday M, 634, 792
Eikelboom RH, 217, 516
Entwisle L, 827
Escabi CD, 145
Fang X, 54
Farhadi M, 896
Feeney MP, 250
Ferguson MA, 417
Fischer ME, 282
Fitzpatrick EM, 93
Fitzpatrick J, 93
Flagge A, 31
Folkeard P, 227, 856
Folmer RL, 250
Fox A, 764
Frederick MT, 145, 406
Gaboury I, 93
Gaeta L, 845
Gaffney P, 550
Galster J, 315
Gardner A, 145
Gifford RH, 235, 918
Gilbane MS, 918
Glassman J, 273
Glista D, 552
Gopal KV, 431, 619
Gorga MP, 16
Goupell MJ, 659
Govindaswamy R, 744
Hallendorf L, 169
Harianawala J, 315
Harn WE, 810
Hatton K, 293
Hau O, 590
Hawkins M, 552
Haynes DS, 918
Heacock RM, 451, 871
Hedrick M, 103
Heeke P, 54
Heinze B, 482
Helmer D, 764
Herring CC, 54
Hoffer ME, 579
Hood LJ, 459
Hornsby B, 315
Hua N-Y, 672
Huang Y, 672
Huber A, 607
Hudson MA, 845
Hutcheson A, 431
Jacobson GP, 248, 450, 656
Jagadish N, 744
Janeteas C, 227
Jiang W, 672
Jilla AM, 677
John AB, 845
Johnson CE, 677, 845
Jones J, 431
Kaiser K, 431
Kallogjeri D, 502
Kapadia S, 264
Karayanidi K, 115
Kei J, 781
Kelley KS, 363
Kelly-Campbell RJ, 31
Kessler D, 235
Kitner BH, 357
Klein BEK, 282
Klein R, 282
Koch RW, 227
Kopun JG, 16
Korhonen P, 302, 590
Kuk F, 302, 590
Ladak HM, 227
Lake AB, 41
Langley LM, 208
Laszig R, 607
Leblond J, 720
Ledda KT, 502
Lee R, 93
Lehman M, 883
Lehmann A, 396
Lewis JD, 792
Liebenberg S, 781
Littenberg B, 363
Lo T-S, 187
Long GR, 459
Lu P, 672
Luo C-H, 187
Mahmoudian S, 896
Mahomed-Asmail F, 482
Maidment DW, 417
Makowiec K, 293
Malmstein E, 169
Manchaiah V, 31, 472, 810
Mann L, 883
Martindale AT, 856
Mathews L, 431
McCarron K, 764
McCaslin D, 293
McCaslin DL, 344, 550, 742
McCullough S, 431
McFarland DJ, 649
McMahon CM, 208
Mealings K, 533
Messersmith JJ, 827
Meyer CJ, 516
Mills LE, 619
Mohebbi M, 896
Montano JJ, 871
Montminy S, 720
Moodie S, 227
Moore BCJ, 772, 802
Moore DR, 6
Morency C-È, 720
Mosley CL, 208
Mülder HE, 607
Murfee J, 918
Musiek F, 451, 735
Muñoz K, 66, 444
Nagle S, 694
Nair E, 198
Nandy R, 619
Nassiri AM, 919
Natale SC, 731
Neeff M, 564
Neely ST, 16
Nelson L, 66
Nelson MD, 883
Nicholson C, 883
Nickerson A, 703
Nondahl DM, 282
Oeding K, 502
Olsson A, 169
Ong C, 444
Oree PH, 145
Osinubi O, 764
Pakulski LA, 273
Palmer S, 694
Pankow JS, 282
Parsa V, 552
Paulsen AJ, 282
Peck JE, 927
Penman T, 145
Phillips BS, 619
Picou EM, 131
Pigeon A, 451
Pilch S, 656
Plyler PN, 103, 634, 792
Pomponio ME, 694
Post CE, 54
Pourmand N, 552
Preminger JE, 871
Price T, 66
Purdy SC, 564
Quar TK, 346
Rajguru S, 579
Rasetshwane DM, 16
Rawool V, 78
Raybine DA, 16
Reed MB, 153
Ribera J, 178
Ricketts TA, 131
Riska K, 764
Roberts JB, 918
Romero DJ, 357
Roos M, 720
Roy J-S, 720
Salamatmanesh M, 93
Salvi R, 712
Sameshima K, 6
Sanchez KR, 677
Sanchez VA, 145
Satcher S, 764
Saunders G, 250
Saunders GH, 145, 406
Schafer EC, 431
Schmid F, 607
Schubert CR, 282
Scollie S, 227, 552
Scott M, 827
Searchfield GD, 327
Sell S, 250
Seper E, 302, 590
Shinn J, 493
Silverman SPC, 145, 406
Singh NK, 744, 753
Skoe E, 115
Slugocki C, 302, 590
Smart JL, 694
Smith KJ, 357
Snapp HA, 579
Sousa R, 198
Spahr A, 579
Spankovich C, 459
Speck I, 607
Squires ES, 273
Stoltz A, 482
Stuart A, 41
Sullivan JC, 677
Swanepoel DW, 217, 482
Tai C-C, 187
Tardy B, 103
Thirunavukkarasu K, 753
Thompson S, 431
Thorne PR, 564
Torre P, 153
Tremblay KL, 208
Trott S, 493
Tseng C-L, 764
Tweed TS, 282
Twohig M, 66
Twohig MP, 444
Uchanski RM, 703
Umat C, 346
Vachhani J, 250
Vaisberg JM, 552, 856
Valente M, 502
van Steenbrugge W, 264
Vermiglio AJ, 54
Waechter S, 169
Wang B, 672
Wang Y, 672
Wannagot S, 198
Warren S, 827
Weihing J, 451, 493, 735
Wesarg T, 607
Westermann LC, 145
Whicker JJ, 444
Whittingham JA, 93
Wiebe K, 607
Wilson MJ, 357
Wilson RH, 370
Xu Z-M, 672
Yawn RJ, 918
Zaleski-King A, 659
Key Words
(central) auditory processing, 694
(central) auditory processing disorder, 694
achieved gain, 346
action potential, 41
adaptive test, 315
adults, 552
adult children, 93, 677, 871
adverse childhood experiences, 772
AEMT, 315
Africa, 178
age-related hearing loss, 145, 208, 250, 273, 417
aging, 208, 217, 845
agreement, 363
aided audibility index, 16
air conduction oVEMP, 753
american academy of audiology guidelines, 827
amplification, 93, 502
amplitude modulation, 533
anxiety, 802
assessment, 792, 845
assistive listening device, 187, 579
attention, 451
audiologists, 677
audiology, 54, 178, 250, 810
audiometry, 208, 482
auditory neuropathy, 672
auditory perception, 370
auditory plasticity, 564
auditory processing disorder, 6, 904
auditory processing disorders, 451, 904
auditory rehabilitation, 198, 250, 406, 871
auditory steady-state response, 672
auditory training, 431
autism spectrum disorder, 431
automated audiometry, 217
axonal conduction time, 904
balance, 883
beamformer, 731
best practice guidelines, american academy of audiology, 827
bilingual, 115
Bluetooth, 187
brong-ahafo regional hospital, 178
Caucasian, 78
central auditory function, 282
central auditory processing disorder, 493, 904
cervical dysfunction, 720
childhood hearing loss, 178, 250, 273, 417, 703
children, 6, 552, 677, 94
chirp, 396
click-evoked ABR, 904
client oriented scale of improvement, 327
clinical consultation, 810
clinician-client communication, 810
cochlear implant, 235, 396, 731
cochlear implant guidelines, 827
cochlear implantation, 607, 918
cochlear implants, 198, 235, 396, 607, 659, 677, 703, 731, 827
cochlear microphonics, 672
cognitive load, 264
cognitive performance, 169
COM-B model, 417
communication, 810
communication partners, 810, 871
compression speeds, 590
confidence, 66
content validity, 227
contralateral routing of signal, 235, 579
conversation analysis, 810
cortical auditory evoked potential, 564
counseling, 66, 406, 677
CROS, 235
culture, 78
decision consistency, 363
depression, 802
diabetes, 459
diagnostic audiometry, 217
dichotic listening, 264, 451, 579
dichotic listening tests, 282, 363, 579
digital noise reduction, 103, 131
directional microphone, 731
distortion product otoacoustic emissions, 178
distortion product otoacoustic emissions screening, 178, 250
divided attention, 264
dizziness, 764
duration pattern test, 6
earplugs, 78
education, 227, 273
electrically evoked compound action potential, 918
electrocochleography, 41
electrode, 41
electrode montage, 357
electronystagmography, 883
electrophysiology, 451
epidemiology, 282
Etymotic, 208
eustachian tube dysfunction, 781
exercises, 720
extended high frequencies, 217
extended input dynamic range, 634
eye movements, 883
face shadow effect, 235
face validity, 227
fast-acting compression, 590
Filipino, 78
fine structure, 459
fit-to-targets, 346
frequency lowering, 552
Ghana, 178
goal planning, 327
Gulf War Illness, 764
habituation, 896
head shadow effect, 235
health care, 273
health information quality, 31
hearing, 250
health information readability, 31
hearing aid management, 250, 634
hearing aid, 103, 131, 516
hearing aid satisfaction, 103, 131, 302, 634
hearing aids, 16, 93, 103, 131, 227, 250, 417, 472, 502, 516, 552, 634, 703, 856
hearing aids and assistive listening devices, 93, 103, 131, 198, 227, 250, 406, 417, 552, 579, 634, 659, 703,
hearing health care, 208, 250
hearing health-care uptake, 208, 250
hearing healthcare, 250
hearing loss, 131, 250, 273, 417, 472, 482, 703, 845, 856
hearing preservation, 250, 918
hearing protection devices, 78, 250
hearing science, 659
hearing screening, 145, 178, 250
HHC, 871
HI, 871
high-frequency hearing, 169, 250
HINT, 315
Home Hearing Test, 208
human immunodeficiency virus, 482
hyperacusis, 712, 772, 802
infant hearing screening, 145, 178, 250
initial-fit, 346
insomnia, 802
instantaneous compression, 16
instrumentalists, 856
interaction analysis, 810
internet health information, 31
ipod, 619
kiosk, 250
Korle-bu Teaching Hospital, 178
large vestibular aqueduct syndrome, 677, 792
latency, 357
listening, 580
listening levels, 153
loud music, 78
Mandarin monosyllable recognition test, 187, 590
manual therapy, 720
manufacturer fitting, 346
masking release, 16
maximum amplitude, 918
medial olivocochlear reflex, 792
memory demands, 264
menopause, 493
mHealth, 217
middle latency responses, 396
mild hearing loss, 93, 131
mixed methods, 516
mobile health, 482
MOCR, 792
monaural, 579
music perception, 856
musician, 78
musicians, 856
n-back, 169
N1-P2, 451
N10 amplitude, 357
negative effects, 472
newborn hearing screening, 178, 250, 145
noise, 131, 459
noise-induced hearing loss, 217, 250, 273, 417, 703
nonlinear frequency compression, 103, 552
normal hearing, 169, 250
normal hearing for pure tones, 370
nystagmus, 883
older adults, 208, 552, 753
otoacoustic emission, 459
otoacoustic emissions screening, 178, 250
otolith, 357
ototoxicity, 217
outcomes, 516
oVEMP, 293
parental mental health, 772
parental separation, 772
parents, 677
patient perspective, 856
patient-centered care, 810
pediatric, 703, 810
pediatric audiology, 66, 178, 198, 250
performance-intensity functions, 315
personal audio systems, 619
phase-locking, 357
photo voice, 406
physicians, 677
pitch pattern test, 6
positional nystagmus, 883
posttraumatic stress disorder, 764
presbycusis, 208
prescribed gain, 346
probe tube placement, 227
psychological assessment, 712, 792
psychosocial concerns, 810
public health, 208
pure-tone hearing thresholds, 712
pure-tone thresholds, 54, 619, 918
qualitative, 856
questionnaire, 327, 896
R-SPACE™, 235
rate processing, 533
reading difficulties, 533
real-ear, 227
real-ear measures, 346
recreational noise–induced hearing loss, 131, 619, 703
reliability, 302
reliability and validity, 694
remote microphone technology, 431
remote wireless microphone system, 607
residual hearing, 250, 918
response amplitude, 357
response filter set, 753
risk factors, 153
saccades, 744
SCDS, 293
scoring methods, 694
screening, 250
selective attention, 264
self-report, 131, 145
self-reported hearing, 564
self-test, 208
sensorineural hearing loss, 131, 370, 417, 677, 703
sensory gating, 896
shared decision-making, 810
side effects, 472
SII, 703
simulation, 227
single-sided deafness, 607
slow-acting compression, 590
smartphone, 217
smartphone-connected listening devices, 417, 579
somatosensory tinnitus, 720, 772
sound localization, 564
sound quality, 552
spatial advantage, 54
spatial processing, 451
spectro-temporal processing, 533
speech in noise, 115
speech in noise test, 131, 315
speech perception, 131, 370
speech recognition abilities, 564, 590
speech recognition in noise ability, 54, 131, 459, 590, 607, 845
SSQ, 564
static, 883
stimulus polarity, 357
stimulus rate, 41
student, 273
sub-Saharan Africa, 178
summating potential, 41
superior canal dehiscence, 293
synaptic transmission time, 904
synchronous telehealth model, 178, 208
task-evoked pupil response, 264
tasking, 792
technology assessment, 363, 792
tele-audiology, 178, 250, 810
teleaudiology, 208, 250, 810
telecoil, 502
telehealth, 178, 208
telemedicine, 178
telephone, 502
telephony, 187
temporal sampling, 533
temporary threshold shift, 619
TEOAE, 792
test-retest reliability, 744
test–retest variability, 41
Theoretical Domains Framework, 417
tinnitus, 802
tinnitus, 31, 169, 327, 772, 802, 896
tinnitus functional index, 327, 772, 802
tinnitus handicap inventory, 327, 772, 802
tinnitus handicap questionnaire, 327, 772, 802
tinnitus loudness, 712, 772, 802
tolerable noise level, 131, 302
tracking of noise tolerance, 131, 302
training, 227
transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, 792
uncomfortable loudness levels, 712
unilateral cochlear implant, 579, 607, 731
unilateral hearing loss, 93, 131, 235, 250, 273, 417, 564, 703
utricle, 293, 357, 753
variable speed compression, 590
vascular health–related factors, 282
verification, 703
vertigo, 764
vestibular, 293, 792, 884
vestibular evoked myogenic potential, 357, 792
vestibulo-ocular reflex, 792
veterans, 764
vHIT, 744
videonystagmography, 883
VNG, 792
VOR, 792
VOR gain, 744
wideband absorbance, 781
word recognition, 370, 590
working memory, 169
young adults, 153
No conflict of interest has been declared by the author(s).