CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2021; 100(S 02): S302
DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1728911
Salivary Glands / Thyroid Gland

(Mammary analog) Secretory Carcinoma (MASC) of the salivary glands

D Leffers
1   Klinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, UKSH Campus Lübeck, Lübeck
C Idel
1   Klinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, UKSH Campus Lübeck, Lübeck
L Tharun
2   Institut für Pathologie, UKSH Campus Lübeck, Lübeck
S Perner
2   Institut für Pathologie, UKSH Campus Lübeck, Lübeck
K-L Bruchhage
1   Klinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, UKSH Campus Lübeck, Lübeck
› Author Affiliations

    Background (Mammary analog) Secretory Carcinoma (MASC) is a new, very rare variant of malignant salivary gland diseases. It was first described in 2010 and included in the WHO classification in 2017. In 95% of the cases there is an ETV6-NTRK translocation, mostly ETV6-NTRK3. Therefor exist the first tumor-unspecific treatment option by using NTRK-Inhibitors.

    Objectives This article aims to raise awareness of this tumor entity and the therapeutic options it offers.

    Case Case presentation of a 79-year-old patient with anaplastic secretory carcinoma of the parotid gland with knowledge of an ETV6-NTRK2 gene fusion.

    Conclusion Salivary gland tumor diseases have so far offered only a few treatment options. (Mammary analog) Secretory Carcinoma (MASC) is the first variant with an approved targeted therapy. For the first time, it is now possible to offer advanced therapies to patients.

    Poster-PDF A-1483.pdf


    Conflict of interest

    Der Erstautor gibt keinen Interessenskonflikt an.

    Address for correspondence

    Leffers David
    Klinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, UKSH Campus Lübeck

    Publication History

    Article published online:
    13 May 2021

    © 2021. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial-License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (

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