Rofo 2016; 188(11): 1031-1036
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-115570
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Noninvasive MRI-Based Liver Iron Quantification: Methodic Approaches, Practical Applicability and Significance

Nicht invasive MRT-basierte Bestimmung des Leber-Eisen-Gehalts: Methodische Ansätze, Anwendbarkeit in der Praxis und Aussagekraft
A. P. Wunderlich
1   Section for Experimental Radiology, Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Germany
4   Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Germany
H. Cario
2   Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Universitätsklinik Ulm, Germany
M. S. Juchems
3   Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Konstanz Hospital, Konstanz, Germany
M. Beer
4   Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Germany
S. A. Schmidt
4   Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Germany
› Author Affiliations
Further Information


Dr. Arthur P. Wunderlich
Klinik für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
D-89070 Ulm
Phone: ++ 49/7 31/50 06 10 86   
Fax: ++ 49/7 31/50 06 11 08   

Publication History

27 October 2015

29 July 2016

Publication Date:
14 September 2016 (online)



Due to the dependence of transverse relaxation times T2 and T2* on tissue iron content, MRI offers different options for the determination of iron concentration. These are the time-consuming spin-echo sequence as well as the gradient-echo sequence. For the latter, several data analysis approaches have been proposed, with different requirements for acquisition and post-processing: the mathematically challenging R2* analysis and the signal-intensity ratio method with its high demand on the signal homogeneity of MR images. Furthermore, special procedures currently under evaluation are presented as future prospects: quantitative susceptibility imaging, as a third approach for analyzing gradient echo data, and multi-contrast spin-echo using repeated refocusing pulses. MR theory, as far as needed for understanding the methods, is briefly depicted.

Key points:

• Description of underlying technology of different MRI-based procedures for liver iron quantification

• Applicability of these methods in clinical practice

• Validity of the methods, i. e. positive and negative predictive value, if available

Citation Format:

• Wunderlich AP, Cario H, Juchems MS et al. Noninvasive MRI-Based Liver Iron Quantification: Methodic Approaches, Practical Applicability and Significance. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2016; 188: 1031 – 1036



Aufgrund des Einflusses des Gewebe-Eisengehalts auf die transversalen Relaxationszeiten T2 und T2* bietet die MRT verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur In-vivo-Bestimmung der Eisenkonzentration. Dies sind im Einzelnen die zeitaufwändige Spin-Echo- sowie die Gradienten-Echo-Methode. Bei Letzterer gibt es prinzipiell mehrere Ansätze zur Datenauswertung, mit unterschiedlichen Voraussetzungen für Aufnahmetechnik und Nachverarbeitung: Einerseits die mathematisch anspruchsvolle R2*-Analyse, andererseits das Signalintensitätsverfahren, das hohe Anforderungen an die Signalhomogenität der MRT-Bilder stellt. Darauf aufbauende bzw. weiterführende Methoden sind: Die quantitative Suszeptibilitäts-Bestimmung als dritter Ansatz zur Auswertung von Gradienten-Echo-Daten, sowie die Multi-Kontrast Spin-Echo-Technik mit wiederholten Refokussierungspulsen. Die Theorie der MRT, sofern für das Verständnis der Methoden notwendig, wird in aller Kürze beleuchtet.


Pathophysiology of iron overload

Normal iron content plays an important role in the physiological processes of the human body. A disturbance to the precisely regulated iron metabolism system has serious consequences. Therefore, for example, iron overload results in oxidative damage to membrane lipids and proteins and in DNA damage that can cause mitochondrial and lysosomal dysfunction, changes in gene expression, and changes in tumor suppressor genes (p53). Organ damage due to iron overload primarily affects the heart and liver as well as the endocrine organs, i. e., the pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid, and gonads [1]. Cardiac insufficiency and arrhythmia as a result of myocardial siderosis are the most common causes of death in patients with transfusion-related iron overload [2]. The growth of hepatocellular carcinomas following hepatic siderosis often with a hepatitis C infection as an additional pathogenetic factor has become increasingly important in recent years [3].

As an example, Hernando and Wood provide an overview of the mechanisms of iron overload [4] [5]. Both hereditary and acquired factors can result in iron overload (primary and secondary hemochromatosis). The various forms of hereditary hemochromatosis cause disruption of the hepcidin-dependent regulation of iron absorption [6]. As a result of suppression of hepcidin synthesis, anemias with greatly increased but ineffective erythropoiesis (e. g. thalassemia intermedia, congenital dyserythropoietic anemia, MDS) also result in increased iron absorption via the intestinal mucosa and thus in secondary hemochromatosis [6]. The most important cause of secondary hemochromatosis is parenteral iron intake via blood transfusion, e. g. in the case of thalassemia major or other chronic types of anemia.

Early and precise diagnosis of iron overload is essential for the initiation of iron elimination therapy in a timely manner. In contrast to hereditary hemochromatosis in which iron removal is performed via phlebotomy, chelate therapy with medication is indicated here with a few exceptions (after stem cell transplantation, individual cases of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia). At present, the most important medication is deferasirox, which is approved for the treatment of both transfusion-related and absorption-related iron overload in thalassemia intermedia. Due to the side effects, primarily nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity, overtreatment must be avoided. For detailed information regarding iron elimination, refer to the corresponding overviews and guidelines [7].

In summary, quantification of the non-heme iron stores must be exact as possible because this is necessary both for confirming diagnosis and for monitoring therapy. Serum ferritin concentrations can be easily determined in daily routine, but are only conditionally reliable since serum ferritin as an acute phase protein is altered in inflammatory reactions and in different liver diseases as well [8]. Moreover, it is known, for example, that the serum ferritin concentration in patients with thalassemia intermedia is significantly lower than the values to be expected in relation to the total body iron load [9]. The liver iron concentration is suitable for the exact assessment of the total body iron load since it is correlated in a linear fashion with the iron load of the organism. The previously routinely performed determination of iron content via liver biopsy is invasive and associated with a relevant risk of complications. In addition, the iron distribution within the liver parenchyma is usually particularly inhomogeneous [10] so that a biopsy is not necessarily representative for the entire organ [11]. This resulted in a search for other precise and ideally noninvasive methods.


History of liver iron content determination via MRI

With the introduction of MRI in the clinical routine, an effect of the liver iron content on the MR signal was identified [12] [13]. The first systematic studies on this topic [14] [15] [16] [17] that qualitatively correlated the liver MRI signal with varying degrees of iron overload were published more than twenty years ago. Based on the studies of Alustiza, Gandon and St. Pierre, quantitative determination of liver iron content has been possible for ten years [18] [19] [20]. Yokoo et al. provide an overview of this development [21]. Today MR-based methods for determining liver iron content are an essential part of guideline recommendations for managing secondary iron overload [7] (latest version available at: – 029.html).

However, a recently published meta-analysis came to a very sobering conclusion regarding the diagnostic accuracy of MRI-based liver iron quantification: Sarigianni et al. determined negative and positive predictive values of only approx. 0.8 depending on the method [22]. This means that with the available methods an iron overload is overlooked or underestimated in approx. 20 % of patients while inappropriate therapeutic conclusions with the risk of therapy-associated side effects are drawn in a comparably sized group of patients based on false-positive findings.

The goal of this study is to present the approaches of the different methods. The validity of the individual methods is discussed and weaknesses that may be reasons for limited clinical significance are described. Finally, the practical applicability of the methods is discussed.


Basic MR theory

In all of the methods described in the following, liver iron content is determined based on the transverse relaxation rate, the inverse of the transverse relaxation time characterizing the MR signal decay. This signal decay is comprised of an irreversible component R2 primarily due to spin-spin relaxation. In addition, there is a reversible component R2’ resulting from dephasing of the nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms. This is caused by different magnetic fields at the site of the nucleus of the hydrogen atom due to chemical bonds (C-H bond in fat, O-H bond in water) which then result in precession at different Larmor frequencies. The impairment of magnetic field homogeneity due to local differences in magnetic susceptibility of different tissue with accordingly differing Larmor frequencies of the atomic nuclei is also a factor. This effect is particularly pronounced as a result of hemosiderin deposits in the liver, particularly in the case of increased iron content.

In spin-echo sequences, spin dephasing is reversed by the refocusing pulse so that only the irreversible component of the transverse relaxation rate, i. e., R2, is observed. This refocusing is eliminated in the gradient-echo method so that both components have an effect and the transverse relaxation rate is the sum of R2 and R2´, referred to as R2* for short. This is the inverse of the characteristic transverse relaxation time for gradient echo T2*.


The MRI method in detail

Spin-echo sequence

Historically used first [12] [13], this method was then further developed by St. Pierre [20] on the basis of the data of 40 patients into a validated, FDA-approved, CE-certified, fee-based method under the name Ferriscan®. The method is based on the fact that the liver signal decreases as the echo time (TE) increases as shown in [Fig. 1]. Subsequent revalidation of the method on the basis of 223 patients [23] showed a certain range of the results with an average deviation compared to liver biopsy of 35 %. In contrast to the nonlinear relationship between R2 and liver iron content in a range of up to 40 mg/g dry weight stated in the studies by St. Pierre et al. [20] [23], Wood showed a linear course (as is theoretically to be expected), but only for a maximum liver iron concentration of up to 30 mg/g dry weight (fig. 2 in ref. [17]). However, due to the range, the values are not significantly different (ref. [17], [Fig. 3]).

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Spin-echo images at different echo times. Columns a-e: TE = 6 -9- 12 -15- 18 ms. Upper row (I): Pat. 1 with nearly normal liver iron content (47 µmol/g, all values given in liver dry weight). Middle row (II): Pat. 2 with a liver iron content of 107 µmol/g, showing need for therapy which is indicated above a level of 80 µmol/g. Lower row (III): images of Pat. 3 with 281 µmol/g liver iron content, which is below the threshold of 360 µmol/g pointing to a risk of severe organ siderosis. Signal attenuation with increasing TE, which is more prominent at a higher liver iron content, is clearly visible.

In spin-echo, individual echoes must be recorded, i. e., the multiple measurements needed to determine the R2 relaxation rate at different echo times may not be performed after a single excitation as in multi-contrast spin-echo (see below) but rather a separate measurement is required for each of the five echo times. This causes the scan time of over 16 minutes needed for the Ferriscan® method.

After MRI examination, the data are sent online and the result is typically available within one workday. Scanners must be calibrated every 18 months. The same protocols as used for patient examinations are to be recorded using a phantom – a total time expenditure of approx. half an hour. Each examination incurs a cost of several hundred Euros to be negotiated for each operator.

The already mentioned meta-analysis by Sarigianni et al. specifies a positive predictive value of 0.81 and a negative predictive value of 0.83 for the spin-echo method [22].


Gradient-echo sequence

The majority of published studies are based on this method. The advantage of this method is the shorter scan time so that the necessary data can be acquired during breath-hold. Moreover, signals with different echo times can be repeatedly read out after a single excitation (multi-contrast technique, see [24], for example). The following describes the various ways in which the liver iron content is determined from the image data. There are essentially three approaches: a) Determination of the hepatic R2* relaxation rate, b) Calculation of the ratio of the signals from liver tissue and reference tissue, and c) Determination of magnetic susceptibility.

For all gradient-echo analysis methods together, Sarigianni et al. specifies a positive predictive value of 0.88 and a negative predictive value of 0.74 [22]. The latter is probably due to the large range of R2* values in normal persons [25].

Relaxation rate R2*

Because of the different precession frequencies of fat and water, an effect corresponding to the acoustic phenomenon known as "beat" is observed: If two minimally different frequencies are mixed, an increasing and decreasing volume is perceived. In MRI this means that the sum (in-phase) or the difference (opposed-phase) of the fat and water signals is displayed depending on the echo time (TE), see [Fig. 2]. For tissue containing both water and fat, the signal therefore does not attenuate in a monotone manner with an increasing TE but rather shows minimums for opposed-phase TEs and maximums for in-phase TEs. Since different echo times are also necessary in the gradient-echo method for the determination of transverse relaxation rate R2*, this behavior must be taken into consideration to prevent incorrect results in the case of possible steatosis [26] [27] [28].

Zoom Image
Fig. 2 Gradient-echo images of the three patients shown in Fig. 1. Columns a-d: TE = 2.38 – 4.76 – 7.14 – 9.52 ms. These echo times correspond to those specified as in-phase (columns b, d) and opposed-phase (a, c) for the scanner employed (Siemens Avanto, 1.5 T). Opposed-phase images show a delineation between subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue below, which doesn’t appear on in-phase images (columns b and d). Furthermore, signal attenuation with growing TE is evident, which again increases with greater iron overload (row I-III).

The fat signal is composed of multiple components with varying Larmor frequencies [29]. This means that the above description of the in-phase and opposed-phase effect is a simplification. Even restriction to in-phase echo times with fit to a monoexponential decay curve does not allow reliable determination of R2* [30]. The influence of fat components must therefore always be taken into consideration.

Despite this, almost all studies [16] [17] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37], with a few exceptions [27] [38] [39], determine transverse relaxation rate R2* by fitting to an exponential curve analogously to the procedure that is appropriately used for the determination of R2 in the case of spin-echo data. This is possibly the reason for the dependence of the consistency of results on the minimum echo time as postulated by Henninger et al. [36]. The attempt to substantiate the plausibility of the observed results with mathematic simulations of the MR signal [40] is of limited value since the simulation method does not take the influence of the described dephasing between the fat signal and water signal into consideration.

Although the determination of R2* under consideration of the influence of fat is mathematically complicated, the result can be calculated within several minutes once the parameters have been programmed. Major manufacturers provide options for the immediate creation of R2* parameter maps in the program so that the result is available directly on the scanner. Therefore, the total time spent is minimal. However, systematic studies regarding iron quantification using R2* values in larger patient populations are not yet available.


Signal-intensity ratio

The signal intensity of liver tissue in relation to fat tissue or skeletal muscles is determined. Since this ratio depends on the R2* value of the liver with a defined echo time, it is also suitable for determining liver iron content.

The method was applied for the first time by Hernandez et al. [14] to gradient-echo sequences. A further development of the method was published by Gandon et al. [19]. Gandon's method is based on the postulated linear relationship between the LIC and signal intensity ratio (SIR) depending on the protocol. It is available free of cost via a web interface, is relatively widely used, and is sometimes called the SIR method although alternatives to the analysis of the SIR values used by Gandon are conceivable [18]. A comparison between Gandon's approach and the Ferriscan® method showed a discrepancy in the results, namely a significant overestimation of the LIC in the range of 50 – 300 µmol/g (3 – 17 mg/g) [41]. Follow-up is only conditionally possible with this method. The LIC overestimation, particularly in the range around 80 µmol/g (4.5 mg/g) that is important for treatment management, will often result in overtreatment. Deviations of the method publicized by Gandon from R2*-based methods were also observed [31] [42].

Gandon's method is limited to a maximum liver iron content of 350 µmol/g (20 mg/g) which is often exceeded particularly in patients receiving regular transfusions. This prompted the add-on proposed by Rose et al. [43]. By using shorter echo times, it is possible to quantify even extreme iron overload, however, with the risk of overestimation of the iron concentration if fatty degeneration of the liver is also present.

Mathematic determination of signal intensities and their ratio is very simple. The described discrepancies between Gandon's method and the Ferriscan method cannot be explained by shortcomings of the method. A suitable evaluation of the signal intensity ratio via its natural logarithm, called the SIR Using Logarithm of Median ROI Values, SIR-ULM for short, allows reliable determination of liver iron content at 3 Tesla with a positive and negative predictive value of 0.9 and 0.93, respectively, for the threshold of 125 µmol/g (7 mg/g) dry weight used in the meta-analysis [44].



The local magnetic field strength, which depends on the iron content, can be determined from a corresponding analysis of the MRI signals [45]. A comparison with reference tissue makes it possible to determine the magnetic susceptibility of the tissue in question, i. e., the amplification of the external magnetic field primarily caused by the iron that is present [46]. After corresponding calibration, the susceptibility value can then be used to determine the iron concentration. In contrast to transverse relaxation times, this biomarker is dependent on the field strength that is used.


Multi-contrast spin-echo sequence

After data acquisition in spin-echo, additional refocusing can be performed by applying 180° pulses so that images can be acquired with additional echo times. However, in inhomogeneous tissues such as the liver, refocusing is only effective in the case of stationary hydrogen atoms. The time between refocusing pulses, known as echo spacing, influences the amount of time during which movement of hydrogen atoms affects the MRI signal. The dependence of the signal intensity on the time interval of the recorded echoes is described based on theoretical observations [47]. Examples are shown in [Fig. 3]. Jensen et al. were able to show that it is possible to differentiate between dissolved iron (associated with ferritin by the authors) and the aggregated form (hemosiderin) with the acquisition of multiple series with different echo intervals [48]. The sum of the two components results in more precise determination of liver iron content than each individual component. The following should be noted: the results acquired by Jensen on the basis of a phantom indicate that the R2 relaxation rate determined using spin-echo does not correlate significantly with the concentration of dissolved iron or of hemosiderin [48]. The correlation of R2 to the total iron content is also only moderate. However, gradient-echo data, i. e., the R2* relaxation rate, shows a good correlation with the hemosiderin concentration and a relatively good correlation with the total iron concentration [48].

Zoom Image
Fig. 3 Multi-contrast spin-echo images of the three patients depicted in Fig. 1 with different echo times and different echo spacing. Columns a, c, and e: TE = 8 ms, b, d und f: TE = 16 ms. Row I: echo spacing 4 ms, row II: echo spacing 8 ms. Columns a and b show pat. 1, c and d show pat. 2, and e and f show pat. 3. Besides the influence of echo time, the effect of echo spacing becomes evident (row I vs. II), which is barely visible in pat. 1 but shows increasing impact with increasing iron content and in pat. 3 predominates the signal loss due to prolonged TE.

The multi-contrast spin-echo method was used by Tang et al. in patients with iron overload [49]. Good agreement between the total liver iron content determined by MRI and biopsy was seen. Only the subjects without iron overload in Tang's study were taken into consideration in the meta-analysis mentioned above [22] since the patient group did not meet the inclusion criteria of the meta-analysis.


Conclusion and outlook

MRI is a noninvasive, readily available method for the quantification of liver iron content. In contrast to biopsy which can result in a significant sample error [11], the majority of the liver is scanned via MRI so that it is possible to determine the total iron content [50] and to draw conclusions regarding focally increased or reduced accumulation. The variability of the iron content of liver biopsies [11] calls the reliability of the gold standard into question [25].

There are a number of studies on the determination of liver iron content via MRI with a substantial majority using the gradient-echo technique with determination of the transverse relaxation rate R2*. Unfortunately, an adequate analysis method with consideration of the liver fat content has only been insufficiently evaluated to date.

The analysis of signal ratios between the liver and reference tissue according to Gandon [19] is apparently problematic [31] [41] [42]. A further approach introduced by Alustiza that also uses the signal ratio [18] has received little attention. A new analysis method based on SIR allows reliable determination of liver iron content at 3 Tesla [44].

In conclusion, the majority of existing MRI-based methods for liver iron quantification currently only have moderate positive and negative predictive values. This study shows some approaches for providing fundamental improvements. The extent to which methodic improvements in data analysis for established methods (gradient-echo) or completely new MRI concepts (multi-contrast spin-echo) can contribute to a further increase in significance remains to be seen.


Deutscher Artikel/German Article

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Dr. Arthur P. Wunderlich
Klinik für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
D-89070 Ulm
Phone: ++ 49/7 31/50 06 10 86   
Fax: ++ 49/7 31/50 06 11 08   

  • References

  • 1 Wood JC. History and current impact of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging on the management of iron overload. Circulation 2009; 120: 1937-1939
  • 2 Borgna-Pignatti C, Cappellini MD, De Stefano P et al. Survival and complications in thalassemia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2005; 1054: 40-47
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Fig. 1 Spin-echo images at different echo times. Columns a-e: TE = 6 -9- 12 -15- 18 ms. Upper row (I): Pat. 1 with nearly normal liver iron content (47 µmol/g, all values given in liver dry weight). Middle row (II): Pat. 2 with a liver iron content of 107 µmol/g, showing need for therapy which is indicated above a level of 80 µmol/g. Lower row (III): images of Pat. 3 with 281 µmol/g liver iron content, which is below the threshold of 360 µmol/g pointing to a risk of severe organ siderosis. Signal attenuation with increasing TE, which is more prominent at a higher liver iron content, is clearly visible.
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Fig. 2 Gradient-echo images of the three patients shown in Fig. 1. Columns a-d: TE = 2.38 – 4.76 – 7.14 – 9.52 ms. These echo times correspond to those specified as in-phase (columns b, d) and opposed-phase (a, c) for the scanner employed (Siemens Avanto, 1.5 T). Opposed-phase images show a delineation between subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue below, which doesn’t appear on in-phase images (columns b and d). Furthermore, signal attenuation with growing TE is evident, which again increases with greater iron overload (row I-III).
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Fig. 3 Multi-contrast spin-echo images of the three patients depicted in Fig. 1 with different echo times and different echo spacing. Columns a, c, and e: TE = 8 ms, b, d und f: TE = 16 ms. Row I: echo spacing 4 ms, row II: echo spacing 8 ms. Columns a and b show pat. 1, c and d show pat. 2, and e and f show pat. 3. Besides the influence of echo time, the effect of echo spacing becomes evident (row I vs. II), which is barely visible in pat. 1 but shows increasing impact with increasing iron content and in pat. 3 predominates the signal loss due to prolonged TE.