CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2022; 57(05): 747-765
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1745802
Artigo Original

Preferences and Practices of Brazilian Orthopedists for Thromboprophylaxis Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty: Survey Among Members of the Brazilian Society of Knee Surgery (SBCJ)

Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: português | English
1   Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brasil
2   Hospital Maradei, Clínica dos Acidentados, Belém, PA, Brasil
1   Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brasil
1   Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brasil
3   Centro Estadual de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo, Goiânia, GO, Brasil
4   Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil
5   Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Hospital das Clínicas HCFMUSP, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
› Institutsangaben


Objective The present study describes the preferences and current practices of a sample of knee surgeons in Brazil regarding thromboprophylaxis in total knee arthroplasty (TKA).

Method In the present internet survey, surgeons from the Brazilian Knee Surgery Society (SBCJ, in the Portuguese acronym) voluntarily answered an anonymous questionnaire including time of personal surgical experience, perceptions about the best thromboprophylaxis options, and actual practices in their work environment.

Results From December 2020 to January 2021, 243 participants answered the questionnaire. All, except for 3 (1.2%), reported using thromboprophylaxis, and most (76%) combined pharmacological and mechanical techniques. The most prescribed drug was enoxaparin (87%), which changed to rivaroxaban (65%) after discharge. The time of thromboprophylaxis initiation varied according to the length of training of the knee surgeon (p ≤ 0.03), and their preferences and practices differed according to the Brazilian region (p < 0.05) and the health system in which the surgeons work (public or private sector; p = 0.024). The option for mechanical thromboprophylaxis also depended on the training time of the surgeon.

Conclusion Thromboprophylaxis preferences and practices in TKA are diverse across Brazilian regions and health systems (public or private sectors). Given the lack of a national clinical guideline, most orthopedists follow either their hospital guidelines or none. The mechanical prophylaxis method and the little use of aspirin are the points that most diverge from international guidelines and practices.



Venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is a potentially fatal complication from knee arthroplasty. Its prevention can use pharmacological and mechanical methods. These methods must be effective (that is, avoiding fatal outcomes) and safe (that is, not causing major bleeding).[1] [2] Despite the great importance of this topic in the daily life of orthopedists, there is still no consensus on the best thromboprophylaxis regimen for total knee arthroplasty (TKA), either nationally or internationally.[1] [2] [3] [4]

The present study describes the preferences and current practices of a sample of Brazilian orthopedic knee surgeons regarding thromboprophylaxis for TKA.


Materials and Methods

The present research started after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal do Pará and by the Brazilian Knee Surgery Society (SBCJ, in the Portuguese acronym), in addition to registration on Plataforma Brasil.

The present online study collected data on perceptions and practices of knee surgeons working in Brazil; its report follows the guidelines for writing web-based research known as Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E‐Surveys (CHERRIES).[5]

We sent the open-ended questionnaire ([Appendix 1], [Supplementary material], available online only) to all SBCJ members. First, it was sent by email on December 18, 2020 ([Appendix 2], [Supplementary material], available online only) to 1,612 orthopedists. On December 27, 2020, a message sent via WhatsApp to all regional SBCJ groups ([Appendix 3], [Supplementary material], available online only) invited orthopedists to participate in the research. We offered no reward for participation.

The answers were received until January 26, 2021. We requested the e-mail address of the participant, but no other identification method, to avoid duplicates. If the same participant (same e-mail address) answered the questionnaire more than once, we considered only the last one and discarded any other. E-mail and WhatsApp messages were saved in the Google Forms platform website for automatic storage, with access restricted to researchers through a password. To complete the survey, all participants had to read and agree with an informed consent form (ICF) available as a link in the initial text ([Appendix 4], [Supplementary material], available online only).

The questionnaire consisted of 51 questions divided into 4 sections. The first section gathered general information about the participant. The second and third sections inquired about their perioperative routine in TKA and thromboprophylaxis preferences and practices (pharmacological or mechanical techniques or both), respectively. A final section was reserved for optional comments. The thromboprophylaxis methods listed in the questionnaire were based on a literature review, on international guidelines, and on the combined clinical experience of the authors.

In a pilot phase, we tested the online questionnaire with 6 orthopedists; the average time for its completion was 4 minutes. Some questions have been reworded to avoid ambiguity and improve usability/functionality.

Of the 51 questions, 35 were multiple choice (including 2 allowing more than one choice), and 15 were discursive. Some questions linked to some answers (branching logic), so the number of total questions to each participant could range from 17 to 51. There was no randomization in the order of the questions. We adopted the same sequence to maintain the line of reasoning. During the completion of the questionnaire, the participant could go back and review their answers until the final submission. Except for the “Final Comments” field, all other questions were mandatory. Since the platform only captured data from fully answered questionnaires, there were no incomplete questionnaires.

For the statistical analysis, absolute and relative frequencies described the conduct and preferences of the surgeons according to the characteristics of interest. The Kirkwood and Sternes likelihood-ratio test verified associations. Data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel 2003 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA) and analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows version 20.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The significance level was set at 5%.



We received 311 responses, including 65 duplicates excluded along with 1 participant who stated not performing routine TKA. Thus, we analyzed 245 questionnaires. This number corresponds to a response rate of 15.19% of the total SBCJ members during the study period, even though affiliation has not been verified.

[Table 1] shows the profile of the participants and their concerns with TKA complications. [Table 2] shows their preferences and thromboprophylaxis practices. Except for 3 participants (1.2%), all surgeons used some form of thromboprophylaxis. Most orthopedists (76%) preferred a combination of pharmacological and mechanical techniques. The most prescribed drug after surgery was enoxaparin (87%). All those prescribing thromboprophylaxis on admission also recommend their home use. Among those prescribing enoxaparin during hospitalization, only 30% maintain it after discharge; the other 70% switch to another oral drug. The most prescribed drug by these orthopedists was rivaroxaban (65%), mainly (86%) starting 24 hours after the last enoxaparin dosage. Among the orthopedists prescribing a drug other than enoxaparin during hospitalization, the majority (94%) did not change the medication after hospital discharge.

Table 1



Time since the conclusion of R4 in knee surgery

Up to 10 years

58 (23.6%)

11 to 20 years

81 (32.9%)

21 to 30 years

65 (26.4%)

> 30 years

42 (17.1%)

Brazilian Region


27 (11%)


44 (17.9%)


134 (54.5%)


24 (9.8%)


17 (6.9%)

Which are your main knee replacement patients?

Health insurance/Private practice

168 (68.3%)

Brazilian Universal Healthcare System (SUS)

33 (13.4%)

Similar volumes from SUS/Private practice

45 (18.3%)

Arthroplasties performed per month

0 to 4

143 (58.1%)

5 to 8

73 (29.7%)

≥ 9

30 (12.2%)

Do you predominantly act as the main surgeon or the assistant surgeon?

Main surgeon

226 (91.9%)

Assistant surgeon

20 (8.1%)

How concerned are you about the following potential complications in total knee arthroplasty? [Thromboembolism]

Not concerned

2 (0.8%)

Slightly concerned

20 (8.1%)

Moderately concerned

25 (10.2%)


94 (38.2%)

Very concerned

105 (42.7%)

How concerned are you about the following potential complications in total knee arthroplasty? [Infection]

Not concerned

3 (1.2%)

Slightly concerned

12 (4.9%)

Moderately concerned

7 (2.8%)


50 (20.3%)

Very concerned

174 (70.7%)

How concerned are you about the following potential complications in total knee arthroplasty? [Minor bleeding]

Not concerned

52 (21.1%)

Slightly concerned

70 (28.5%)

Moderately concerned

47 (19.1%)


65 (26.4%)

Very concerned

12 (4.9%)

How concerned are you about the following potential complications in total knee arthroplasty? [Major bleeding]

Not concerned

14 (5.7%)

Slightly concerned

38 (15.4%)

Moderately concerned

43 (17.5%)


85 (34.6%)

Very concerned

66 (26.8%)

Which is the anesthesia protocol most used by your team for total knee replacement?


1 (0.4%)


1 (0.4%)

Epidural with catheter

4 (1.6%)


98 (39.8%)

Spinal + ultrasound-guided peripheral block

136 (55.3%)

Spinal + epidural

6 (2.4%)

Do you believe that a tourniquet may increase the incidence of thromboembolic events in total knee replacement?


117 (47.6%)


129 (52.4%)

How long do you keep a patient with no complications hospitalized after a primary knee replacement?

1 day

18 (7.3%)

2 days

138 (56.1%)

3 days

81 (32.9%)

> 3 days

9 (3.7%)

How soon after surgery do you allow the patient to resume walking?

Within 24 hours

93 (37.8%)

From 24 to 48 hours

137 (55.7%)

From 48 to 72 hours

13 (5.3%)

> 72 hours

3 (1.2%)

Do you use a tourniquet in most of your arthroplasties?


45 (18.3%)


201 (81.7%)

If you often use a tourniquet, for how long do you do it?

From before skin incision up to the total closure of the surgical site

79 (39.3%)

From before skin incision up to the cementation of the prosthesis

121 (60.2%)

Only during cementation

1 (0.5%)

Table 2



In your routine, do you use any kind of thromboprophylaxis for total knee replacement?


3 (1.2%)


243 (98.8%)

Which thromboprophylaxis type(s) do you use for total knee replacement?

Pharmacological alone

57 (23.5%)

Mechanical alone

1 (0.4%)

Pharmacological + mechanical

185 (76.1%)

When do you start the pharmacological thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

15 (6.2%)

After surgery

227 (93.8%)

Which drug do you use after surgery?


5 (2.1%)


3 (1.2%)


4 (1.7%)


211 (87.2%)


18 (7.4%)

Another drug

1 (0.4%)

How long after surgery is the first dose administered?

Up to 2 hours

16 (6.6%)

3 to 6 hours

86 (35.5%)

7 to 11 hours

34 (14%)

12 hours

86 (35.5%)

≥ 24 hours

20 (8.3%)

What is the frequency of administration of this drug during hospitalization?

Every 12 hours

8 (3.3%)

Once a day

234 (96.7%)

For how long the patient must take this drug during hospitalization?

1 day

3 (1.2%)

2 days

29 (12%)

3 days

10 (4.1%)

Only while the patient cannot walk. When walking is resumed, I terminate the drug

2 (0.8%)

During the whole hospitalization period

198 (81.8%)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

189 (78.1%)

Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

27 (11.2%)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

26 (10.7%)

Do you prescribe pharmacological thromboprophylaxis after hospital discharge?


242 (100%)

Do you prescribe the same drug used during hospitalization for home treatment after discharge?


153 (63.2%)


89 (36.8%)

Which new drug do you prescribe for home use?

Acetylsalicylic acid

18 (11.8%)


30 (19.6%)


6 (3.9%)


99 (64.7%)

For how long the patient must use this drug at home?

1 week

4 (1.7%)

10 days

68 (28.1%)

2 weeks

83 (34.3%)

3 weeks

40 (16.5%)

4 weeks

44 (18.2%)

> 4 weeks

3 (1.2%)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

203 (83.9%)

Yes, but the administration route prevents its home use

10 (4.1%)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

29 (12%)

Do you prescribe mechanical thromboprophylaxis after total knee replacement?


72 (29.8%)


170 (70.2%)

What type of mechanical prophylaxis do you use?*

Graduated compression stockings

140 (81.9%)

Continuous passive motion (CPM) device

25 (14.6%)

Fixed pneumatic compression device

39 (22.8%)

Portable pneumatic compression device

8 (4.7%)

How do you use the device?

On the operated lower extremity alone

20 (11.7%)

On both lower extremities

151 (88.3%)

When do you start the mechanical thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

11 (6.4%)

During surgery

18 (10.5%)

Immediately after the end of surgery

105 (61.4%)

A couple of hours after the end of surgery

37 (21.6%)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

121 (70.8%)

Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

17 (9.9%)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

13 (7.6%)

Yes, but the device is not available where I work

3 (1.8%)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

17 (9.9%)

Do you stratify your thromboprophylaxis method for knee replacement or do you use the same routine regimen for all patients?

I stratify it

82 (33.7%)

I use the same method for all patients

161 (66.3%)

Do you follow any guideline regarding a thromboprophylaxis method?


88 (36.2%)

Yes, 2011 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

38 (15.6%)

Yes, 2012 American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)

10 (4.1%)

Yes, the guidelines from the hospital I work

102 (42%)

Yes, 2019 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

5 (2.1%)

[Table 3] associates the preferences and practices of the interviewee with the time since completing their knee specialization. There is a statistically significant association between time since training and some practices. Surgeons with < 10 years of experience started the pharmacological prophylaxis 12 hours after surgery (p = 0.030) and used less continuous passive motion (CPM) devices (p = 0.023) and portable pneumatic compression devices (p = 0.014); in addition, they were less likely to stratify the thromboprophylaxis method according to the patient, meaning that they usually prescribe the same method for all patients (p < 0.001). Orthopedists with 21 to 30 years of experience opt for graduated compression stockings (p = 0.022) rather than for a fixed pneumatic compression device (p = 0.030).

Table 3


R4 completion


Up to 10 years

11 to 20 years

21 to 30 years

> 30 years

Which thromboprophylaxis type(s) do you use for total knee replacement?

Pharmacological alone

10 (17.5)

24 (29.6)

16 (25)

7 (17.1)


Mechanical alone

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

1 (2.4)

Pharmacological + mechanical

47 (82.5)

57 (70.4)

48 (75)

33 (80.5)

When do you start the pharmacological thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

1 (1.8)

8 (9.9)

5 (7.8)

1 (2.5)


After surgery

56 (98.2)

73 (90.1)

59 (92.2)

39 (97.5)

Which drug do you use after surgery?

Acetylsalicylic acid

0 (0)

0 (0)

3 (4.7)

2 (5)



0 (0)

3 (3.7)

0 (0)

0 (0)


0 (0)

1 (1.2)

1 (1.6)

2 (5)


54 (94.7)

72 (88.9)

54 (84.4)

31 (77.5)


3 (5.3)

5 (6.2)

6 (9.4)

4 (10)

Another drug

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

1 (2.5)

How long after surgery is the first dose administered?

Up to 2 hours

2 (3.5)

3 (3.7)

5 (7.8)

6 (15)


3 to 6 hours

12 (21.1)

29 (35.8)

30 (46.9)

15 (37.5)

7 to 11 hours

6 (10.5)

14 (17.3)

8 (12.5)

6 (15)

12 hours

28 (49.1)

30 (37)

18 (28.1)

10 (25)

≥ 24 hours

9 (15.8)

5 (6.2)

3 (4.7)

3 (7.5)

What is the frequency of administration of this drug during hospitalization?

Every 12 hours

2 (3.5)

2 (2.5)

0 (0)

4 (10)


Once a day

55 (96.5)

79 (97.5)

64 (100)

36 (90)

For how long the patient must take this drug during hospitalization?

1 day

0 (0)

1 (1.2)

2 (3.1)

0 (0)


2 days

1 (1.8)

11 (13.6)

10 (15.6)

7 (17.5)

3 days

2 (3.5)

0 (0)

5 (7.8)

3 (7.5)

Only while the patient cannot walk. When walking is resumed, I terminate the drug

0 (0)

0 (0)

2 (3.1)

0 (0)

During the whole hospitalization period

54 (94.7)

69 (85.2)

45 (70.3)

30 (75)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

41 (71.9)

59 (72.8)

55 (85.9)

34 (85)


Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

8 (14)

13 (16)

2 (3.1)

4 (10)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

8 (14)

9 (11.1)

7 (10.9)

2 (5)

Do you prescribe the same drug used during hospitalization for home treatment after discharge?


40 (70.2)

55 (67.9)

39 (60.9)

19 (47.5)



17 (29.8)

26 (32.1)

25 (39.1)

21 (52.5)

Which new drug do you prescribe for home use?

Acetylsalicylic acid

1 (2.5)

8 (14.5)

6 (15.4)

3 (15.8)



10 (25)

10 (18.2)

8 (20.5)

2 (10.5)


1 (2.5)

2 (3.6)

2 (5.1)

1 (5.3)


28 (70)

35 (63.6)

23 (59)

13 (68.4)

For how long the patient must use this drug at home?

1 week

0 (0)

2 (2.5)

1 (1.6)

1 (2.5)


10 days

10 (17.5)

28 (34.6)

22 (34.4)

8 (20)

2 weeks

21 (36.8)

27 (33.3)

17 (26.6)

18 (45)

3 weeks

9 (15.8)

12 (14.8)

10 (15.6)

9 (22.5)

4 weeks

16 (28.1)

11 (13.6)

13 (20.3)

4 (10)

> 4 weeks

1 (1.8)

1 (1.2)

1 (1.6)

0 (0)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

42 (73.7)

68 (84)

58 (90.6)

35 (87.5)


Yes, but the administration route prevents its home use

1 (1.8)

5 (6.2)

2 (3.1)

2 (5)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

14 (24.6)

8 (9.9)

4 (6.3)

3 (7.5)

Do you prescribe mechanical thromboprophylaxis after total knee replacement?


14 (24.6)

31 (38.3)

18 (28.1)

9 (22.5)



43 (75.4)

50 (61.7)

46 (71.9)

31 (77.5)

Graduated compression stockings


6 (14)

13 (26)

3 (6.5)

9 (28.1)



37 (86)

37 (74)

43 (93.5)

23 (71.9)

Continuous passive motion (CPM) device


42 (97.7)

41 (82)

38 (82.6)

25 (78.1)



1 (2.3)

9 (18)

8 (17.4)

7 (21.9)

Fixed pneumatic compression device


33 (76.7)

35 (70)

42 (91.3)

22 (68.8)



10 (23.3)

15 (30)

4 (8.7)

10 (31.3)

Portable pneumatic compression device


43 (100)

49 (98)

44 (95.7)

27 (84.4)



0 (0)

1 (2)

2 (4.3)

5 (15.6)

How do you use the device?

On the operated lower extremity alone

5 (11.6)

6 (12)

5 (10.9)

4 (12.5)


On both lower extremities

38 (88.4)

44 (88)

41 (89.1)

28 (87.5)

When do you start the mechanical thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

3 (7)

4 (8)

3 (6.5)

1 (3.1)


During surgery

4 (9.3)

7 (14)

3 (6.5)

4 (12.5)

Immediately after the end of surgery

28 (65.1)

24 (48)

31 (67.4)

22 (68.8)

A couple of hours after the end of surgery

8 (18.6)

15 (30)

9 (19.6)

5 (15.6)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

26 (60.5)

30 (60)

35 (76.1)

30 (93.8)


Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

6 (14)

7 (14)

3 (6.5)

1 (3.1)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

3 (7)

5 (10)

4 (8.7)

1 (3.1)

Yes, but the device is not available where I work

1 (2.3)

1 (2)

1 (2.2)

0 (0)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

7 (16.3)

7 (14)

3 (6.5)

0 (0)

Do you stratify your thromboprophylaxis method for knee replacement or do you use the same routine regimen for all patients?

I stratify it

6 (10.5)

33 (40.7)

27 (42.2)

16 (39)

< 0.001

I use the same method for all patients

51 (89.5)

48 (59.3)

37 (57.8)

25 (61)

Do you follow any guideline regarding a thromboprophylaxis method?


21 (36.8)

33 (40.7)

25 (39.1)

9 (22)


Yes, 2011 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

10 (17.5)

12 (14.8)

7 (10.9)

9 (22)

Yes, 2012 American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)

1 (1.8)

3 (3.7)

3 (4.7)

3 (7.3)

Yes, the guidelines from the hospital I work

24 (42.1)

30 (37)

28 (43.8)

20 (48.8)

Yes, 2019 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

1 (1.8)

3 (3.7)

1 (1.6)

0 (0)

[Table 4] shows some practices and preferences associated with the Brazilian region in which they work (p < 0.05). Surgeons from the South and Central-West regions of Brazil frequently changed the drug after hospital discharge. The drug selected for home use also varies according to the Brazilian region. Mechanical prophylaxis was prescribed often in the South region, with fixed pneumatic compression standing out compared mainly with the North and Northeast regions. Mechanical thromboprophylaxis started earlier in the North region.

Table 4


Brazilian Region







Which thromboprophylaxis type(s) do you use for total knee replacement?

Pharmacological alone

8 (29.6)

10 (22.7)

35 (26.7)

2 (8.3)

2 (11.8)


Mechanical alone

0 (0)

0 (0)

1 (0.8)

0 (0)

0 (0)

Pharmacological + mechanical

19 (70.4)

34 (77.3)

95 (72.5)

22 (91.7)

15 (88.2)

When do you start the pharmacological thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

4 (14.8)

3 (6.8)

7 (5.4)

1 (4.2)

0 (0)


After surgery

23 (85.2)

41 (93.2)

123 (94.6)

23 (95.8)

17 (100)

Which drug do you use after surgery?

Acetylsalicylic acid

0 (0)

0 (0)

4 (3.1)

1 (4.2)

0 (0)



0 (0)

0 (0)

3 (2.3)

0 (0)

0 (0)


2 (7.4)

0 (0)

2 (1.5)

0 (0)

0 (0)


25 (92.6)

42 (95.5)

107 (82.3)

20 (83.3)

17 (100)


0 (0)

2 (4.5)

13 (10)

3 (12.5)

0 (0)

Another drug

0 (0)

0 (0)

1 (0.8)

0 (0)

0 (0)

How long after surgery is the first dose administered?

Up to 2 hours

1 (3.7)

2 (4.5)

6 (4.6)

5 (20.8)

2 (11.8)


3 to 6 hours

10 (37)

22 (50)

33 (25.4)

10 (41.7)

11 (64.7)

7 to 11 hours

2 (7.4)

7 (15.9)

20 (15.4)

4 (16.7)

1 (5.9)

12 hours

11 (40.7)

12 (27.3)

57 (43.8)

4 (16.7)

2 (11.8)

≥ 24 hours

3 (11.1)

1 (2.3)

14 (10.8)

1 (4.2)

1 (5.9)

What is the frequency of administration of this drug during hospitalization?

Every 12 hours

0 (0)

0 (0)

7 (5.4)

1 (4.2)

0 (0)


Once a day

27 (100)

44 (100)

123 (94.6)

23 (95.8)

17 (100)

For how long the patient must take this drug during hospitalization?

1 day

1 (3.7)

0 (0)

2 (1.5)

0 (0)

0 (0)


2 days

3 (11.1)

5 (11.4)

16 (12.3)

3 (12.5)

2 (11.8)

3 days

0 (0)

1 (2.3)

7 (5.4)

1 (4.2)

1 (5.9)

Only while the patient cannot walk. When walking is resumed, I terminate the drug

1 (3.7)

0 (0)

1 (0.8)

0 (0)

0 (0)

During the whole hospitalization period

22 (81.5)

38 (86.4)

104 (80)

20 (83.3)

14 (82.4)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

15 (55.6)

35 (79.5)

104 (80)

22 (91.7)

13 (76.5)


Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

5 (18.5)

5 (11.4)

15 (11.5)

0 (0)

2 (11.8)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

7 (25.9)

4 (9.1)

11 (8.5)

2 (8.3)

2 (11.8)

Do you prescribe the same drug used during hospitalization for home treatment after discharge?


14 (51.9)

22 (50)

84 (64.6)

20 (83.3)

13 (76.5)



13 (48.1)

22 (50)

46 (35.4)

4 (16.7)

4 (23.5)

Which new drug do you prescribe for home use?


1 (7.1)

0 (0)

12 (14.3)

3 (15)

2 (15.4)



3 (21.4)

3 (13.6)

18 (21.4)

0 (0)

6 (46.2)


1 (7.1)

3 (13.6)

1 (1.2)

1 (5)

0 (0)


9 (64.3)

16 (72.7)

53 (63.1)

16 (80)

5 (38.5)

For how long the patient must use this drug at home?

1 week

3 (11.1)

0 (0)

1 (0.8)

0 (0)

0 (0)


10 days

8 (29.6)

17 (38.6)

30 (23.1)

7 (29.2)

6 (35.3)

2 weeks

7 (25.9)

10 (22.7)

55 (42.3)

7 (29.2)

4 (23.5)

3 weeks

4 (14.8)

8 (18.2)

20 (15.4)

3 (12.5)

5 (29.4)

4 weeks

4 (14.8)

9 (20.5)

22 (16.9)

7 (29.2)

2 (11.8)

> 4 weeks

1 (3.7)

0 (0)

2 (1.5)

0 (0)

0 (0)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

20 (74.1)

37 (84.1)

109 (83.8)

22 (91.7)

15 (88.2)


Yes, but the administration route prevents its home use

0 (0)

2 (4.5)

5 (3.8)

1 (4.2)

2 (11.8)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

7 (25.9)

5 (11.4)

16 (12.3)

1 (4.2)

0 (0)

Do you prescribe mechanical thromboprophylaxis after total knee replacement?


11 (40.7)

11 (25)

44 (33.8)

2 (8.3)

4 (23.5)



16 (59.3)

33 (75)

86 (66.2)

22 (91.7)

13 (76.5)

Graduated compression stockings


4 (25)

7 (21.2)

13 (14.9)

6 (27.3)

1 (7.7)



12 (75)

26 (78.8)

74 (85.1)

16 (72.7)

12 (92.3)

Continuous passive motion (CPM) device


10 (62.5)

24 (72.7)

80 (92)

21 (95.5)

11 (84.6)



6 (37.5)

9 (27.3)

7 (8)

1 (4.5)

2 (15.4)

Fixed pneumatic compression device


16 (100)

30 (90.9)

62 (71.3)

14 (63.6)

10 (76.9)



0 (0)

3 (9.1)

25 (28.7)

8 (36.4)

3 (23.1)

Portable pneumatic compression device


14 (87.5)

32 (97)

84 (96.6)

20 (90.9)

13 (100)



2 (12.5)

1 (3)

3 (3.4)

2 (9.1)

0 (0)

How do you use the device?

On the operated lower extremity alone

4 (25)

6 (18.2)

7 (8)

2 (9.1)

1 (7.7)


On both lower extremities

12 (75)

27 (81.8)

80 (92)

20 (90.9)

12 (92.3)

When do you start the mechanical thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

3 (18.8)

0 (0)

6 (6.9)

2 (9.1)

0 (0)


During surgery

2 (12.5)

2 (6.1)

14 (16.1)

0 (0)

0 (0)

Immediately after the end of surgery

8 (50)

20 (60.6)

49 (56.3)

16 (72.7)

12 (92.3)

A couple of hours after the end of surgery

3 (18.8)

11 (33.3)

18 (20.7)

4 (18.2)

1 (7.7)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

9 (56.3)

25 (75.8)

61 (70.1)

17 (77.3)

9 (69.2)


Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

2 (12.5)

4 (12.1)

9 (10.3)

1 (4.5)

1 (7.7)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

2 (12.5)

1 (3)

4 (4.6)

4 (18.2)

2 (15.4)

Yes, but the device is not available where I work

0 (0)

1 (3)

2 (2.3)

0 (0)

0 (0)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

3 (18.8)

2 (6.1)

11 (12.6)

0 (0)

1 (7.7)

Do you stratify your thromboprophylaxis method for knee replacement or do you use the same routine regimen for all patients?

I stratify it

4 (14.8)

14 (31.8)

47 (35.9)

10 (41.7)

7 (41.2)


I use the same method for all patients

23 (85.2)

30 (68.2)

84 (64.1)

14 (58.3)

10 (58.8)

Do you follow any guideline regarding a thromboprophylaxis method?


11 (40.7)

17 (38.6)

43 (32.8)

8 (33.3)

9 (52.9)


Yes, 2011 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

6 (22.2)

9 (20.5)

18 (13.7)

2 (8.3)

3 (17.6)

Yes, 2012 American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)

0 (0)

1 (2.3)

6 (4.6)

2 (8.3)

1 (5.9)

Yes, the guidelines from the hospital I work

10 (37)

17 (38.6)

59 (45)

12 (50)

4 (23.5)

Yes, 2019 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

0 (0)

0 (0)

5 (3.8)

0 (0)

0 (0)

None of the preferences and practices showed a statistically significant association with the volume of surgical procedures (p > 0.05; [Table 5]).

Table 5


Arthroplasties performed per month


0 to 4

5 to 8

≥ 9

Which thromboprophylaxis type(s) do you use for total knee replacement?

Pharmacological alone

32 (22.9)

17 (23.3)

8 (26.7)


Mechanical alone

1 (0.7)

0 (0)

0 (0)

Pharmacological + mechanical

107 (76.4)

56 (76.7)

22 (73.3)

When do you start the pharmacological thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

9 (6.5)

3 (4.1)

3 (10)


After surgery

130 (93.5)

70 (95.9)

27 (90)

Which drug do you use after surgery?


2 (1.4)

2 (2.7)

1 (3.3)



1 (0.7)

2 (2.7)

0 (0)


2 (1.4)

1 (1.4)

1 (3.3)


123 (88.5)

63 (86.3)

25 (83.3)


11 (7.9)

4 (5.5)

3 (10)

Another drug

0 (0)

1 (1.4)

0 (0)

How long after surgery is the first dose administered?

Up to 2 hours

10 (7.2)

4 (5.5)

2 (6.7)


3 to 6 hours

39 (28.1)

32 (43.8)

15 (50)

7 to 11 hours

17 (12.2)

12 (16.4)

5 (16.7)

12 hours

59 (42.4)

21 (28.8)

6 (20)

≥ 24 hours

14 (10.1)

4 (5.5)

2 (6.7)

What is the frequency of administration of this drug during hospitalization?

Every 12 hours

4 (2.9)

3 (4.1)

1 (3.3)


Once a day

135 (97.1)

70 (95.9)

29 (96.7)

For how long the patient must take this drug during hospitalization?

1 day

1 (0.7)

1 (1.4)

1 (3.3)


2 days

15 (10.8)

10 (13.7)

4 (13.3)

3 days

5 (3.6)

5 (6.8)

0 (0)

Only while the patient cannot walk. When walking is resumed, I terminate the drug

1 (0.7)

1 (1.4)

0 (0)

During the whole hospitalization period

117 (84.2)

56 (76.7)

25 (83.3)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

104 (74.8)

61 (83.6)

24 (80)


Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

15 (10.8)

8 (11)

4 (13.3)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

20 (14.4)

4 (5.5)

2 (6.7)

Do you prescribe the same drug used during hospitalization for home treatment after discharge?


94 (67.6)

43 (58.9)

16 (53.3)



45 (32.4)

30 (41.1)

14 (46.7)

Which new drug do you prescribe for home use?


10 (10.6)

7 (16.3)

1 (6.3)



20 (21.3)

9 (20.9)

1 (6.3)


2 (2.1)

2 (4.7)

2 (12.5)


62 (66)

25 (58.1)

12 (75)

For how long the patient must use this drug at home?

1 week

2 (1.4)

2 (2.7)

0 (0)


10 days

36 (25.9)

22 (30.1)

10 (33.3)

2 weeks

40 (28.8)

31 (42.5)

12 (40)

3 weeks

30 (21.6)

8 (11)

2 (6.7)

4 weeks

30 (21.6)

8 (11)

6 (20)

> 4 weeks

1 (0.7)

2 (2.7)

0 (0)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

114 (82)

63 (86.3)

26 (86.7)


Yes, but the administration route prevents its home use

5 (3.6)

3 (4.1)

2 (6.7)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

20 (14.4)

7 (9.6)

2 (6.7)

Do you prescribe mechanical thromboprophylaxis after total knee replacement?


41 (29.5)

19 (26)

12 (40)



98 (70.5)

54 (74)

18 (60)

Graduated compression stockings


18 (18.2)

9 (16.7)

4 (22.2)



81 (81.8)

45 (83.3)

14 (77.8)

Continuous passive motion (CPM) device


84 (84.8)

46 (85.2)

16 (88.9)



15 (15.2)

8 (14.8)

2 (11.1)

Fixed pneumatic compression device


74 (74.7)

45 (83.3)

13 (72.2)



25 (25.3)

9 (16.7)

5 (27.8)

Portable pneumatic compression device


97 (98)

50 (92.6)

16 (88.9)



2 (2)

4 (7.4)

2 (11.1)

How do you use the device?

On the operated lower extremity alone

12 (12.1)

5 (9.3)

3 (16.7)


On both lower extremities

87 (87.9)

49 (90.7)

15 (83.3)

When do you start the mechanical thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

8 (8.1)

3 (5.6)

0 (0)


During surgery

9 (9.1)

7 (13)

2 (11.1)

Immediately after the end of surgery

59 (59.6)

34 (63)

12 (66.7)

A couple of hours after the end of surgery

23 (23.2)

10 (18.5)

4 (22.2)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

69 (69.7)

36 (66.7)

16 (88.9)


Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

8 (8.1)

8 (14.8)

1 (5.6)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

9 (9.1)

4 (7.4)

0 (0)

Yes, but the device is not available where I work

2 (2)

1 (1.9)

0 (0)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

11 (11.1)

5 (9.3)

1 (5.6)

Do you stratify your thromboprophylaxis method for knee replacement or do you use the same routine regimen for all patients?

I stratify it

44 (31.4)

29 (39.7)

9 (30)


I use the same method for all patients

96 (68.6)

44 (60.3)

21 (70)

Do you follow any guideline regarding a thromboprophylaxis method?


53 (37.9)

27 (37)

8 (26.7)


Yes, 2011 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

17 (12.1)

15 (20.5)

6 (20)

Yes, 2012 American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)

4 (2.9)

3 (4.1)

3 (10)

Yes, the guidelines from the hospital I work

62 (44.3)

27 (37)

13 (43.3)

Yes, 2019 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

4 (2.9)

1 (1.4)

0 (0)

[Table 6] shows that the use of CPM by surgeons who work predominantly in the Brazilian public health system (SUS, in the Portuguese acronym) is statistically lower when compared with that of surgeons from other services, such as private ones (p = 0.024). These surgeons would also opt for different thromboprophylaxis techniques if they could (p = 0.008).

Table 6


Which are your main knee replacement patients?


Private Insurance

Brazilian Universal Healthcare System (SUS)

Same volume SUS/Private Insurance

Which thromboprophylaxis type(s) do you use for total knee replacement?

Pharmacological alone

37 (22.3)

10 (30.3)

10 (22.7)


Mechanical alone

1 (0.6)

0 (0)

0 (0)

Pharmacological + mechanical

128 (77.1)

23 (69.7)

34 (77.3)

When do you start the pharmacological thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

9 (5.5)

1 (3)

5 (11.4)


After surgery

156 (94.5)

32 (97)

39 (88.6)

Which drug do you use after surgery?

Acetylsalicylic acid

1 (0.6)

1 (3)

3 (6.8)



1 (0.6)

0 (0)

2 (4.5)


1 (0.6)

1 (3)

2 (4.5)


150 (90.9)

28 (84.8)

33 (75)


12 (7.3)

3 (9.1)

3 (6.8)

Another drug

0 (0)

0 (0)

1 (2.3)

How long after surgery is the first dose administered?

Up to 2 hours

12 (7.3)

1 (3)

3 (6.8)


3 to 6 hours

62 (37.6)

11 (33.3)

13 (29.5)

7 to 11 hours

23 (13.9)

1 (3)

10 (22.7)

12 hours

53 (32.1)

16 (48.5)

17 (38.6)

≥ 24 hours

15 (9.1)

4 (12.1)

1 (2.3)

What is the frequency of administration of this drug during hospitalization?

Every 12 hours

3 (1.8)

2 (6.1)

3 (6.8)


Once a day

162 (98.2)

31 (93.9)

41 (93.2)

For how long the patient must take this drug during hospitalization?

1 day

3 (1.8)

0 (0)

0 (0)


2 days

14 (8.5)

7 (21.2)

8 (18.2)

3 days

9 (5.5)

0 (0)

1 (2.3)

Only while the patient cannot walk. When walking is resumed, I terminate the drug

0 (0)

1 (3)

1 (2.3)

During the whole hospitalization period

139 (84.2)

25 (75.8)

34 (77.3)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

130 (78.8)

24 (72.7)

35 (79.5)


Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

17 (10.3)

6 (18.2)

4 (9.1)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

18 (10.9)

3 (9.1)

5 (11.4)

Do you prescribe the same drug used during hospitalization for home treatment after discharge?


112 (67.9)

18 (54.5)

23 (52.3)



53 (32.1)

15 (45.5)

21 (47.7)

Which new drug do you prescribe for home use?


13 (11.6)

0 (0)

5 (21.7)



21 (18.8)

4 (22.2)

5 (21.7)


6 (5.4)

0 (0)

0 (0)


72 (64.3)

14 (77.8)

13 (56.5)

For how long the patient must use this drug at home?

1 week

3 (1.8)

0 (0)

1 (2.3)


10 days

49 (29.7)

8 (24.2)

11 (25)

2 weeks

50 (30.3)

16 (48.5)

17 (38.6)

3 weeks

31 (18.8)

2 (6.1)

7 (15.9)

4 weeks

30 (18.2)

6 (18.2)

8 (18.2)

> 4 weeks

2 (1.2)

1 (3)

0 (0)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

142 (86.1)

24 (72.7)

37 (84.1)


Yes, but the administration route prevents its home use

7 (4.2)

1 (3)

2 (4.5)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

16 (9.7)

8 (24.2)

5 (11.4)

Do you prescribe mechanical thromboprophylaxis after total knee replacement?


46 (27.9)

12 (36.4)

14 (31.8)



119 (72.1)

21 (63.6)

30 (68.2)

Graduated compression stockings


22 (18.3)

2 (9.5)

7 (23.3)



98 (81.7)

19 (90.5)

23 (76.7)

Continuous passive motion (CPM) device


99 (82.5)

21 (100)

26 (86.7)



21 (17.5)

0 (0)

4 (13.3)

Fixed pneumatic compression device


90 (75)

17 (81)

25 (83.3)



30 (25)

4 (19)

5 (16.7)

Portable pneumatic compression device


115 (95.8)

20 (95.2)

28 (93.3)



5 (4.2)

1 (4.8)

2 (6.7)

How do you use the device?

On the operated lower extremity alone

15 (12.5)

3 (14.3)

2 (6.7)


On both lower extremities

105 (87.5)

18 (85.7)

28 (93.3)

When do you start the mechanical thromboprophylaxis?

Before surgery

9 (7.5)

2 (9.5)

0 (0)


During surgery

10 (8.3)

3 (14.3)

5 (16.7)

Immediately after the end of surgery

73 (60.8)

11 (52.4)

21 (70)

A couple of hours after the end of surgery

28 (23.3)

5 (23.8)

4 (13.3)

The options you stated above indicate your current practice. Would you prefer another conduct if you could use other resources/drugs?

No, I am free to work as I prefer

92 (76.7)

10 (47.6)

19 (63.3)


Yes, but they are not available at the hospital(s) I work

10 (8.3)

2 (9.5)

5 (16.7)

Yes, but they are not financed by health insurance providers

11 (9.2)

1 (4.8)

1 (3.3)

Yes, but the device is not available where I work

2 (1.7)

1 (4.8)

0 (0)

Yes, but the cost would prevent its use by my patients

5 (4.2)

7 (33.3)

5 (16.7)

Do you stratify your thromboprophylaxis method for knee replacement or do you use the same routine regimen for all patients?

I stratify it

60 (36.1)

7 (21.2)

15 (34.1)


I use the same method for all patients

106 (63.9)

26 (78.8)

29 (65.9)

Do you follow any guideline regarding a thromboprophylaxis method?


57 (34.3)

12 (36.4)

19 (43.2)


Yes, 2011 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)

24 (14.5)

6 (18.2)

8 (18.2)

Yes, 2012 American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)

3 (1.8)

3 (9.1)

4 (9.1)

Yes, the guidelines from the hospital I work

78 (47)

12 (36.4)

12 (27.3)

Yes, 2019 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

4 (2.4)

0 (0)

1 (2.3)



The present online survey with Brazilian knee surgeons revealed a lack of a national clinical guideline, resulting in a wide range of thromboprophylaxis practices that do not comply with international standards. Although the interventions employed and preferred by orthopedists and the moment of their use vary according to the Brazilian region, the experience time of the surgeons, and the type of hospitals, they should be based on scientific evidence. The present study shows that this is the time to build a rational, evidence-based national guideline to be adopted by both public and private hospitals.

Thromboprophylaxis remains a frequent practice. Only 3 participants (1.2%) claimed not to use any method. This percentage is consistent with the one observed in a survey during the Brazilian Congress of Orthopedics in 2007.[6] Despite the low number of participants denying thromboprophylaxis, we need to discuss the potential legal implications of its absence since there is international scientific evidence of its benefit. This discussion would help build a national consensus.

A total of 76% of orthopedists selected a combination of pharmacological and mechanical prophylaxis, regardless of other variables. As in previous studies,[6] [7] [8] the drug most commonly used during hospitalization was enoxaparin, cited by 87% of the participants. This choice agrees with the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines, which recommend low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) for thromboprophylaxis in arthroplasties.[1] The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) recommends no particular agent.[2] In 2019, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) from the United Kingdom recommended one of the following three options: aspirin for 14 days, LMWH for 14 days combined with anti-embolism stockings until discharge, or rivaroxaban.[9] Therefore, Brazilian surgeons mostly follow the NICE guideline.

The moment to start LMWH is controversial both among participants and the literature.[10] [11] The ACCP guidelines advocate that LMWH administration should not begin earlier than 12 hours after the end of the surgery and not less than 12 hours before its start.[1] In our survey, 94% of the participants started pharmacological prophylaxis after surgery, but at different times: most (56%) did it up to 11 hours after arthroplasty, while ∼ 36% did it 12 hours after surgery, and ∼ 8% did it ≥ 24 hours later. The earlier onset occurred mainly among more experienced orthopedists (those who completed their 4th year of residency [R4] 21 to 30 years ago). The choice to start prophylaxis 12 hours after the end of surgery is statistically higher among orthopedists with up to 10 years since R4 completion (knee subspecialty in Brazil), showing greater alignment with the ACCP guidelines even though they did not declare to follow it in the same proportion.

About 60% of the participants answered that they change their prescription for home use, especially those who initially select enoxaparin. The cost and subcutaneous administration of enoxaparin probably explain this switch. On the other hand, those who prescribe oral drugs during hospitalization usually maintain them for home use. The most common prescription for domiciliar use was rivaroxaban, selected by 54% of the participants. However, 85% of these orthopedists prescribed enoxaparin during hospitalization, maybe due to the guidelines of the hospital where they work, since 42% report following them. This preference for enoxaparin and rivaroxaban is consistent with an Australian study from 2019.[8]

The wide range in the duration of pharmacological prophylaxis in our research mirrors the uncertainty presented in the literature. The NICE recommends 14 days.[9] The ACCP suggests at least 10 days but recommends 35 days.[1] The AAOS guidelines state that the duration of prophylaxis must be individualized and discussed by the doctor and the patient.[2] Most participants opted for a 10- or 14-day prescription (28 and 34%, respectively), and only one-third report stratifying the regimen according to the patient.

Few participants preferred aspirin. In other countries, however, this drug has been increasingly used.[8] [12] Because of its low risk of bleeding, easy oral administration, low cost, and prophylactic action against the main cause of death after arthroplasty (ischemic heart disease)[13], we expected that the adherence to it would be much higher than the 2% observed in our research. None of the orthopedists who claimed to operate predominantly on SUS patients prescribes aspirin. Perhaps, the fear of possible medical and legal implications, mentioned by some in the optional final comments section, explains the low use, although several studies support it;[14] [15] [16] [17] [18] in addition, aspirin is accepted as pharmacological prophylaxis by the main guidelines in the world.[1] [2] [9]

Early mobility is the most simple and cheap form of mechanical prophylaxis against thrombus formation.[19] Studies relating thromboembolism with walking after TKA reveal a significantly lower incidence of thromboembolic complications in patients walking within 24 hours in comparison with those starting to walk on the 2nd day.[20] [21] Improved anesthetic techniques, especially with the advent of ultrasound-guided adductor canal block, facilitate early walk.[22] [23] In total, 55% of the participants mentioned spinal anesthesia associated with this block, but even so, only 38% of them claimed that their patients resume walking within 24 hours postoperatively.

The main mechanical method used by the participants was the graduated compression stocking (GCM), cited by 82%. The literature, however, does not seem to agree on its effectiveness.[3] [4] [24] [25]

The ACCP and the AAOS recommend only intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPCD) for mechanical prophylaxis.[1] [2] The ACCP recommends a portable device (which allows walking) for at least 18 hours a day.[1] However, only 5% of the participants recommended this device, and only 2 of them prescribed its use for > 18 hours per day. Although it is the mechanical thromboprophylaxis device most recommended in the literature, the limited availability of these portable devices in Brazil may partially explain its low use. In Australia, Mirkazemi et al.[8] reported a rate of portable IPCD use of 89.9%. Other guidelines also prefer them over graduated compressive stockings.[3] [4] The NICE suggests anti-embolism stockings, but it does not specify which ones.[9] Mechanical prophylaxis was mostly prescribed by participants from the South region, especially fixed compression devices, which do not allow walking.

Approximately 15% of the participants used CPM devices, statistically less among younger orthopedists. A meta-analysis conducted by He et al.[26] revealed that these devices are not effective for TKA thromboprophylaxis.

Our study reflects the controversy observed in the literature on the relationship between tourniquet and thromboembolism in TKA. Among participants, there is no consensus if tourniquets increase the occurrence of VTE (52 versus 48%). However, 70% of them used it, even those considering it thrombogenic. Among those who did not believe that tourniquet increases VTE events, 95% used it. Overall, 82% routinely used a tourniquet, which is lower than the 93% rate observed in Australia.[8]

As for potential post-TKA complications, the participants were more concerned with infections than with thromboembolic phenomena. This is consistent with the study of Mirkazemi et al.[8] Surgeons may believe that the risk of infection is greater because most thromboembolic events occur after hospital discharge and the incidence of fatal VTE is very low.

In recent years, a trend for thromboprophylaxis individualization has been observed.[8] [27] [28] In our research, a third of the participants reported this individualization, which is statistically more frequent among orthopedists with > 10 years of knee subspecialization. Further studies are required to confirm this trend.

Although 70% of the respondents said they were free to choose their method, more than half of those working predominantly in the SUS would like to use a different technique, but they do not do so mainly because of the cost. This fact reflects the lower financial availability in this setting. A study from a federal public teaching hospital in Brazil showed an adherence rate to outpatient thromboprophylaxis after TKA and total hip arthroplasty of 73%; however, it did not investigate the cost of the drug.[29]

The fact that 42% of the participants follow the guidelines of their hospitals may explain the wide range of thromboprophylaxis techniques cited here. In addition, 36% of the participants do not follow any guidelines, which is in line with a study by Carvalho Júnior et al.[30] These findings should motivate the development of national guidelines on the subject.

We emphasize that only SBCJ members participated in the present research. However, we know that other orthopedists, not SBCJ members, also perform TKA; including them could alter our findings. On the other hand, although we invited only SBCJ members to participate, we cannot assure that the practices and preferences they reported reflect an official position of the society; the present research is about individual practices and preferences.



A wide range of thromboprophylaxis preferences and practices exists for TKA. Most Brazilian surgeons combine pharmacological and mechanical methods, but they do it in several ways. Most knee surgeons either follow their hospital guidelines or none. Mechanical prophylaxis methods and the little use of aspirin are the points most diverging from guidelines and practices from other countries.


Financial Support

The present study received no financial support from any public, commercial, or not-for-profit sources.

* Work developed at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Pará, Campus Belém.

Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material

  • Referências

  • 1 Falck-Ytter Y, Francis CW, Johanson NA. et al. Prevention of VTE in orthopedic surgery patients: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2012; 141 (2, Suppl): e278S-e325S
  • 2 Jacobs JJ, Mont MA, Bozic KJ. et al. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons clinical practice guideline on: preventing venous thromboembolic disease in patients undergoing elective hip and knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2012; 94 (08) 746-747
  • 3 Anderson DR, Morgano GP, Bennett C. et al. American Society of Hematology 2019 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical hospitalized patients. Blood Adv 2019; 3 (23) 3898-3944
  • 4 Samama CM, Afshari A. AESA; VTE Guidelines Task Force. European guidelines on perioperative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35 (02) 73-76
  • 5 Eysenbach G. Improving the quality of Web surveys: the Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES). J Med Internet Res 2004; 6 (03) e34
  • 6 Almeida RF, Queiroz AA, Belloti JC, Castro Filho JM, Cohen M, Navarro RD. Approach towards total knee arthroplasty in Brazil: cross-sectional study. Sao Paulo Med J 2009; 127 (04) 190-197
  • 7 Erduran M, Akseki D, Araç S. Surgical practices in total knee arthroplasty in Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2012; 46 (04) 255-261
  • 8 Mirkazemi C, Bereznicki LR, Peterson GM. Comparing Australian orthopaedic surgeons' reported use of thromboprophylaxis following arthroplasty in 2012 and 2017. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2019; 20 (01) 57
  • 9 Excellence NIfHaC. Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Updated August 2019. Accessed 2021 Aug 08, 2020 https:/
  • 10 Liu F, Chu X, Huang J, Tian K, Hua J, Tong P. Administration of enoxaparin 24 h after total knee arthroplasty: safer for bleeding and equally effective for deep venous thrombosis prevention. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2014; 134 (05) 679-683
  • 11 Plante S, Belzile EL, Fréchette D, Lefebvre J. Analysis of contributing factors influencing thromboembolic events after total knee arthroplasty. Can J Surg 2017; 60 (01) 30-36
  • 12 Runner RP, Gottschalk MB, Staley CA, Pour AE, Roberson JR. Utilization Patterns, Efficacy, and Complications of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Strategies in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty as Reported by American Board of Orthopedic Surgery Part II Candidates. J Arthroplasty 2019; 34 (04) 729-734
  • 13 Hunt LP, Ben-Shlomo Y, Whitehouse MR, Porter ML, Blom AW. The Main Cause of Death Following Primary Total Hip and Knee Replacement for Osteoarthritis: A Cohort Study of 26,766 Deaths Following 332,734 Hip Replacements and 29,802 Deaths Following 384,291 Knee Replacements. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2017; 99 (07) 565-575
  • 14 Prevention of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis with low dose aspirin: Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) trial. Lancet 2000; 355 (9212): 1295-1302
  • 15 Anderson DR, Dunbar M, Murnaghan J. et al. Aspirin or Rivaroxaban for VTE Prophylaxis after Hip or Knee Arthroplasty. N Engl J Med 2018; 378 (08) 699-707
  • 16 Farey JE, An VVG, Sidhu V, Karunaratne S, Harris IA. Aspirin versus enoxaparin for the initial prevention of venous thromboembolism following elective arthroplasty of the hip or knee: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2021; 107 (01) 102606
  • 17 Haykal T, Kheiri B, Zayed Y. et al. Aspirin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after hip or knee arthroplasty: An updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Orthop 2019; 16 (04) 312-319
  • 18 Matharu GS, Kunutsor SK, Judge A, Blom AW, Whitehouse MR. Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Aspirin for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis After Total Hip and Knee Replacement: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. JAMA Intern Med 2020; 180 (03) 376-384
  • 19 Gali JC, Camargo DB. Thromboprophylaxis for Total Knee Arthroplasty. Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2019; 54 (01) 1-5
  • 20 Chandrasekaran S, Ariaretnam SK, Tsung J, Dickison D. Early mobilization after total knee replacement reduces the incidence of deep venous thrombosis. ANZ J Surg 2009; 79 (7-8): 526-529
  • 21 Pearse EO, Caldwell BF, Lockwood RJ, Hollard J. Early mobilisation after conventional knee replacement may reduce the risk of postoperative venous thromboembolism. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2007; 89 (03) 316-322
  • 22 Elkassabany NM, Cai LF, Badiola I. et al. A prospective randomized open-label study of single injection versus continuous adductor canal block for postoperative analgesia after total knee arthroplasty. Bone Joint J 2019; 101-B (03) 340-347
  • 23 Li D, Tan Z, Kang P, Shen B, Pei F. Effects of multi-site infiltration analgesia on pain management and early rehabilitation compared with femoral nerve or adductor canal block for patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Int Orthop 2017; 41 (01) 75-83
  • 24 Shalhoub J, Lawton R, Hudson J. et al; GAPS trial investigators. Graduated compression stockings as adjuvant to pharmaco-thromboprophylaxis in elective surgical patients (GAPS study): randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2020; 369: m1309
  • 25 Wang D, Bao F, Li Q, Teng Y, Li J. Semiautomatic intermittent pneumatic compression device applied to deep vein thrombosis in major orthopedic surgery. Biomed Eng Online 2018; 17 (01) 78
  • 26 He ML, Xiao ZM, Lei M, Li TS, Wu H, Liao J. Continuous passive motion for preventing venous thromboembolism after total knee arthroplasty. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014; (07) CD008207
  • 27 Kahn SR, Shivakumar S. What's new in VTE risk and prevention in orthopedic surgery. Res Pract Thromb Haemost 2020; 4 (03) 366-376
  • 28 Parvizi J, Huang R, Rezapoor M, Bagheri B, Maltenfort MG. Individualized Risk Model for Venous Thromboembolism After Total Joint Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 2016; 31 (9, Suppl): 180-186
  • 29 Viana LMAT, Nogueira IAL, Fontenele AMM, Oliveira LP. Thromboembolism in Arthroplasty: Compliance to Prophylaxis. Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2021; 56 (05) 647-655
  • 30 Carvalho Júnior LH, Correa MA, Lima MR, Silvestre CB, Almeida VF, Temponi EF. Venous Thromboembolism Prevention Protocol: Experience of 2,000 Cases in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2020; 55 (04) 426-431

Endereço para correspondência

João Alberto Ramos Maradei-Pereira, MD, PhD, Prof.
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Pará
Avenida Generalíssimo Deodoro, 01, Umarizal, 66050-160, Belém, PA


Eingereicht: 14. Oktober 2021

Angenommen: 31. Januar 2022

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
01. August 2022

© 2022. Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commecial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (

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  • Referências

  • 1 Falck-Ytter Y, Francis CW, Johanson NA. et al. Prevention of VTE in orthopedic surgery patients: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2012; 141 (2, Suppl): e278S-e325S
  • 2 Jacobs JJ, Mont MA, Bozic KJ. et al. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons clinical practice guideline on: preventing venous thromboembolic disease in patients undergoing elective hip and knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2012; 94 (08) 746-747
  • 3 Anderson DR, Morgano GP, Bennett C. et al. American Society of Hematology 2019 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: prevention of venous thromboembolism in surgical hospitalized patients. Blood Adv 2019; 3 (23) 3898-3944
  • 4 Samama CM, Afshari A. AESA; VTE Guidelines Task Force. European guidelines on perioperative venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35 (02) 73-76
  • 5 Eysenbach G. Improving the quality of Web surveys: the Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES). J Med Internet Res 2004; 6 (03) e34
  • 6 Almeida RF, Queiroz AA, Belloti JC, Castro Filho JM, Cohen M, Navarro RD. Approach towards total knee arthroplasty in Brazil: cross-sectional study. Sao Paulo Med J 2009; 127 (04) 190-197
  • 7 Erduran M, Akseki D, Araç S. Surgical practices in total knee arthroplasty in Turkey. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2012; 46 (04) 255-261
  • 8 Mirkazemi C, Bereznicki LR, Peterson GM. Comparing Australian orthopaedic surgeons' reported use of thromboprophylaxis following arthroplasty in 2012 and 2017. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2019; 20 (01) 57
  • 9 Excellence NIfHaC. Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. Updated August 2019. Accessed 2021 Aug 08, 2020 https:/
  • 10 Liu F, Chu X, Huang J, Tian K, Hua J, Tong P. Administration of enoxaparin 24 h after total knee arthroplasty: safer for bleeding and equally effective for deep venous thrombosis prevention. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 2014; 134 (05) 679-683
  • 11 Plante S, Belzile EL, Fréchette D, Lefebvre J. Analysis of contributing factors influencing thromboembolic events after total knee arthroplasty. Can J Surg 2017; 60 (01) 30-36
  • 12 Runner RP, Gottschalk MB, Staley CA, Pour AE, Roberson JR. Utilization Patterns, Efficacy, and Complications of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Strategies in Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty as Reported by American Board of Orthopedic Surgery Part II Candidates. J Arthroplasty 2019; 34 (04) 729-734
  • 13 Hunt LP, Ben-Shlomo Y, Whitehouse MR, Porter ML, Blom AW. The Main Cause of Death Following Primary Total Hip and Knee Replacement for Osteoarthritis: A Cohort Study of 26,766 Deaths Following 332,734 Hip Replacements and 29,802 Deaths Following 384,291 Knee Replacements. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2017; 99 (07) 565-575
  • 14 Prevention of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis with low dose aspirin: Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) trial. Lancet 2000; 355 (9212): 1295-1302
  • 15 Anderson DR, Dunbar M, Murnaghan J. et al. Aspirin or Rivaroxaban for VTE Prophylaxis after Hip or Knee Arthroplasty. N Engl J Med 2018; 378 (08) 699-707
  • 16 Farey JE, An VVG, Sidhu V, Karunaratne S, Harris IA. Aspirin versus enoxaparin for the initial prevention of venous thromboembolism following elective arthroplasty of the hip or knee: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2021; 107 (01) 102606
  • 17 Haykal T, Kheiri B, Zayed Y. et al. Aspirin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after hip or knee arthroplasty: An updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Orthop 2019; 16 (04) 312-319
  • 18 Matharu GS, Kunutsor SK, Judge A, Blom AW, Whitehouse MR. Clinical Effectiveness and Safety of Aspirin for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis After Total Hip and Knee Replacement: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. JAMA Intern Med 2020; 180 (03) 376-384
  • 19 Gali JC, Camargo DB. Thromboprophylaxis for Total Knee Arthroplasty. Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2019; 54 (01) 1-5
  • 20 Chandrasekaran S, Ariaretnam SK, Tsung J, Dickison D. Early mobilization after total knee replacement reduces the incidence of deep venous thrombosis. ANZ J Surg 2009; 79 (7-8): 526-529
  • 21 Pearse EO, Caldwell BF, Lockwood RJ, Hollard J. Early mobilisation after conventional knee replacement may reduce the risk of postoperative venous thromboembolism. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2007; 89 (03) 316-322
  • 22 Elkassabany NM, Cai LF, Badiola I. et al. A prospective randomized open-label study of single injection versus continuous adductor canal block for postoperative analgesia after total knee arthroplasty. Bone Joint J 2019; 101-B (03) 340-347
  • 23 Li D, Tan Z, Kang P, Shen B, Pei F. Effects of multi-site infiltration analgesia on pain management and early rehabilitation compared with femoral nerve or adductor canal block for patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: a prospective randomized controlled trial. Int Orthop 2017; 41 (01) 75-83
  • 24 Shalhoub J, Lawton R, Hudson J. et al; GAPS trial investigators. Graduated compression stockings as adjuvant to pharmaco-thromboprophylaxis in elective surgical patients (GAPS study): randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2020; 369: m1309
  • 25 Wang D, Bao F, Li Q, Teng Y, Li J. Semiautomatic intermittent pneumatic compression device applied to deep vein thrombosis in major orthopedic surgery. Biomed Eng Online 2018; 17 (01) 78
  • 26 He ML, Xiao ZM, Lei M, Li TS, Wu H, Liao J. Continuous passive motion for preventing venous thromboembolism after total knee arthroplasty. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2014; (07) CD008207
  • 27 Kahn SR, Shivakumar S. What's new in VTE risk and prevention in orthopedic surgery. Res Pract Thromb Haemost 2020; 4 (03) 366-376
  • 28 Parvizi J, Huang R, Rezapoor M, Bagheri B, Maltenfort MG. Individualized Risk Model for Venous Thromboembolism After Total Joint Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty 2016; 31 (9, Suppl): 180-186
  • 29 Viana LMAT, Nogueira IAL, Fontenele AMM, Oliveira LP. Thromboembolism in Arthroplasty: Compliance to Prophylaxis. Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2021; 56 (05) 647-655
  • 30 Carvalho Júnior LH, Correa MA, Lima MR, Silvestre CB, Almeida VF, Temponi EF. Venous Thromboembolism Prevention Protocol: Experience of 2,000 Cases in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2020; 55 (04) 426-431