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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1750133
Power Spiral Enteroscopy: A Quick and Powerful Dive Deep Inside the Small Bowel!
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Device, Equipment, and Specifications
- Setting Up the Equipment
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Patient Preparation
- Technique of Power Spiral Enteroscope
- Power Spiral Enteroscope versus Balloon-Assisted Enteroscope: Important Technical Differences in Procedure
- Performance of Power Spiral Enteroscope: Current Evidence
- Power Spiral Enteroscope: Advantages and Improvements
- Power Spiral Enteroscope: Shortcomings and Scope for Improvement in Future
- Conclusion
- References
A comprehensive and detailed small bowel evaluation became possible since 2001 with the advent of a wireless capsule endoscope that was primarily used for diagnostic purposes. Simultaneously, the development of balloon-assisted enteroscope made detailed evaluation and therapy possible in the deeper small bowel. A novel motorized spiral enteroscope, introduced in 2015, is the most recent addition to the list of device-assisted enteroscopes. The rotational movements of the spiral overtube controlled by the integrated motor are transmitted into a linear force causing forward and backward propulsion of the scope in the bowel. There is emerging evidence about its safety and efficacy in the diagnosis and therapy of various small bowel diseases.
motorized spiral enteroscope - power spiral enteroscopy - spiral overtube - rotational movements - depth of maximum insertion - total enteroscopyIntroduction
Historically, endoscopic evaluation of deep small bowel started in 1971 using ropeway and “sonde” enteroscopes. But did not achieve wide acceptance as they were cumbersome, time consuming, and technically challenging. Later for the next three decades, the push enteroscope using long endoscopes was used for the evaluation of the upper jejunum only leaving the deeper small bowel uninvestigated. An intraoperative enteroscope was also put into practice but it was invasive involving abdominal incision and enterotomy and, thus, remained a less acceptable choice. In 2000, a wireless capsule endoscope was introduced as a novel noninvasive method for the evaluation of small bowel mucosa, and since then, we have witnessed an enhanced capability in the diagnosis of small bowel diseases.[1]
In 2001, Yamamoto et al[2] introduced the double-balloon enteroscope which offers a detailed evaluation of deep small bowel. Within a decade, this was quickly followed by the introduction of a single-balloon enteroscope[3] and a spiral enteroscope[4] and later a novel through-the-scope balloon was also described for the same purpose.[5] These device-assisted enteroscopes (DAEs) not only allow detailed evaluation of the small bowel mucosa but also allow us to carry out various therapeutic procedures including tissue sampling, clip application, polypectomy, argon plasma coagulation, foreign body removal, stricture dilatation, biliary interventions in surgically altered anatomy, etc.[6] Additionally, total enteroscopy also became a reality with the introduction of these techniques into our practice.[7] Despite a significant advancement, the above-described techniques still remain complex, time-consuming, labor-intensive, cumbersome, and require refined endoscopic skills. Also, long-length accessories might be required to pass through these long enteroscopes to carry out various therapeutic interventions. These above challenges warrant further refinement of the enteroscope which could offer us a faster, safer, and deeper evaluation of small bowel on a more stable platform using a shorter length scope.
A novel motorized spiral enteroscope (MSE) was introduced in 2015 by Neuhaus et al,[8] and initial evidence indicates that MSE has tried to address these shortcomings of the currently available DAE. In this review, we present the details of the equipment and its specifications, procedure technique, indications and contraindications, current evidence on this technology, and future improvements.
Device, Equipment, and Specifications
MSE was introduced as a power spiral enteroscope (PSE) in November 2015. It is a 168-cm-long flexible reusable endoscope. The PSE carries a rotating coupler at around 40 cm from the tip of the scope and an integrated motor just below the wheels on the enteroscope ([Fig. 1A, B]). It is fully compatible with the EVIS EXERA III and the latest EVIS X1 CV-1500 endoscopy systems (Olympus medical systems corporation, Tokyo) for usage. The device specifications of PSE in comparison with other available enteroscopes are detailed in [Table 1]. Additionally, the PSE unit comes along with other essential equipment such as (1) control unit, (2) foot pedal, (3) force gauze, (4) disposable 24-cm-long spiral overtube, (5) Bite block, (6) lubricating jelly specific for the enteroscope and spiral overtube, and (7) connecting cables ([Fig. 2A–F]). To perform the procedure, additionally, we need a water flush pump, CO2 pump, 18-mm and 20-mm bougie dilators, tattooing ink, and fluoroscopy in our endoscopy unit.
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Abbreviations: DAE, device-assisted enteroscope; PSE, power spiral enteroscope.
Setting Up the Equipment
The enteroscope needs to be liberally lubricated using the jelly provided by the manufacturer (EndoLan) from the tip of the enteroscope to the rotational segment. The disposable spiral overtube is 24-cm-long, 18-mm-wide overtube with pliable silicone spiral attached on the outer surface of it making it altogether around 31 mm wide. The inner surface of the spiral overtube has grooves. The spiral overtube is loaded onto the enteroscope with a connector pointing toward the rotational segment of the enteroscope, and it has to be adjusted gently such that the ridges on the rotational segment align with the grooves of the spiral overtube. Further advancement locks the overtube in place with a click. The lock collar on the overtube is further advanced onto the connector to lock the assembly completely that is confirmed by the nonvisualization of the yellow mark on the spiral overtube ([Fig. 3]).
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The next step would be a system check. System check is done after the control unit is turned on or the enteroscope has been replaced. As soon as the inspection mode is turned on, the backward light starts blinking first on the force gauge and the backward pedal has to be pressed to rotate the spiral overtube in a counter-clockwise direction. While maintaining the anticlockwise rotation, the overtube is bent gradually, and on the force gauge display, the changing forces can be appreciated. A manual squeezing pressure in the middle of the overtube would increase the forces indicated on the display and a continuous increase in squeeze pressure would activate the limit function, and the rotational movement is automatically halted by the built-in safety function. The same maneuver is repeated by pressing the forward pedal during clockwise rotation of the spiral overtube. Pressing the backward pedal and forward pedal would cause anticlockwise and clockwise movements of the spiral overtube, respectively. This would be transmitted as backward or forward propulsion of the enteroscope in the small bowel. Detailed information about the system assembly and setting up the equipment is available on the manufacturer website (www.
Patients with (1) suspected small bowel bleeding, (2) positive stool occult blood with unrevealing upper endoscopic and colonoscopic study, (3) unexplained iron deficiency anemia, (4) chronic diarrhea, (5) malabsorption and protein-losing enteropathy, (6) foreign body obstruction, (7) radiologic imaging suggestive of mucosal thickening, luminal narrowing, tumor, ulcer, bleeding, (8) unexplained pain abdomen, etc., in the small bowel need enteroscopy for various diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, and PSE can be considered in such cases.
While choosing PSE, a number of patient-related factors, underlying other gastrointestinal diseases, and various miscellaneous factors are needed to be considered.
Patient-related factors like (1) severe comorbid illness causing medical instability, (2) contraindication to general anesthesia, (3) contraindication to endotracheal intubation, and (4) uncontrolled coagulopathy; underlying other gastrointestinal diseases like (1) known intestinal perforation, (2) recent feeding jejunostomy tube placement (<2 weeks), (3) esophagogastric tumors/varices, (4) tumors/stenosis/metal stent prosthesis in the esophagogastric/colonic location, (5) eosinophilic esophagitis, (6) severe colitis, (7) surgically altered anatomy, and (8) radiation-induced mucosal changes; and other miscellaneous factors like (1) children especially infants and toddlers, (2) pregnancy, (3) failure to provide consent, and (4) inability to accept the mouth piece are needed to be considered and any contraindications should be explored at.
Patient Preparation
The procedure is done under general anesthesia with preferably nasotracheal intubation. The mouth piece is 35 mm wide and so adequate jaw opening and proper dental alignment have to be checked before considering for PSE. All indications and contraindications should be checked and a prior laboratory workup and anesthetic checkup should be completed before the procedure. A thorough history including the use of anticoagulants should be obtained. Overnight fasting is required for antegrade PSE, and an additional bowel lavage preparation is required for retrograde PSE. The procedure is done with the patient in the left lateral decubitus position or supine position. Gentle neck extension is needed in antegrade PSE to allow smooth negotiation of the enteroscope loaded with a spiral overtube. Findings of previously done investigations like upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, radiologic imaging, capsule endoscopy were noted. This would pick up any unnoticed contraindication, would guide the route of PSE, and also plan appropriate therapeutic intervention if needed.
Technique of Power Spiral Enteroscope
Prior esophageal bougie dilation over the guidewire up to 18 to 20 mm is encouraged for all antegrade PSE procedures to facilitate the smooth passage of the enteroscope. The technique of PSE grossly remains the same for antegrade and retrograde routes of PSE.[9] [10]
PSE is introduced via the mouth into the oral cavity and gently negotiated into the upper esophagus. A forward foot pedal is activated as soon as the distal portion of the spiral overtube reaches the incisors. This activates the clockwise spiral movements of the overtube and aids in forward propulsion of the enteroscope. Maneuvers like transient deflation of the cuff of the endotracheal tube and gentle extension of the neck to straighten the pathway might be needed for smooth negotiation of the entire overtube deep into the esophagus and stomach. A gentle forward push is maintained while the forward pedal is activated to propel the enteroscope forward. When the double marker at the 80-cm location of the enteroscope reaches incisors, it confirms that the entire overtube has crossed the esophagogastric junction (EGJ). During the entire procedure, we should remember that the scope tip is 16 cm ahead of the tip of the spiral overtube as this is important while negotiating any stricture segment. CO2 insufflation would cause more distension and bloating up of the small bowel leading to an ineffective procedure. So, as soon as the scope tip reaches the duodenum, CO2 is switched off and the small bowel is distended with intermittent water instillation. This would allow better lubrication between the overtube and small bowel mucosa leading to better scope-bowel engagement. PSE is propelled distally by continuous activation of the forward pedal, gentle push onto the scope, intermittent water instillation, gentle massage-like movements on the anterior abdominal wall, and also sometimes by position change of patient. Through the procedure, the operator should be vigilant of the signal on the force gauze that appears on the monitor in the picture-in-picture mode. Whenever excessive pressure is sensed on the overtube while negotiating a stricture or flexure or bend or a loop, the limit function gets active and the rotation ceases. The operator may follow the above-described maneuvers in various combinations to overcome these challenges and continue to perform the enteroscope. Appropriate therapeutic intervention is performed whenever needed during the procedure. The procedure is continued till the area of interest or till the maximum insertion point is reached. The operator may stop the procedure at the maximal insertion point whenever it is perceived that further advancement of PSE is not possible in the deep small bowel despite normal-looking lumen. If a total enteroscopy or retrograde enteroscopy is warranted, then this area is marked either with a clip or tattooing ink and this point is tried to reach via the retrograde route in the same session or on a different day ([Fig. 4A,B]). During scope withdrawal, the backward pedal is activated which causes anticlockwise rotation of the spiral overtube. Additional application of gentle backward traction on the scope, CO2 insufflation into the small bowel, and gentle wiggling movements of the scope tip using the wheels would allow smooth withdrawal of the scope. The small bowel is examined during both insertion and withdrawal of the enteroscope and appropriate interventions may be performed. For monitoring of end-tidal CO2, body temperature is necessary during the procedure. Fluoroscopy may be used whenever deemed necessary to estimate the depth of insertion ([Fig. 5]), negotiating small bowel in surgically altered anatomy, presence of any bend or any complication like perforation, etc. As the scope is nearing the 80-cm mark at the incisors, care should be taken to ensure that the scope is entirely in the stomach as this would avoid simultaneous engagement of the spiral overtube at the pylorus and EGJ which would lead to difficult withdrawal of scope. Maneuvers like neck extension and cuff deflation might be required during withdrawal of the scope also. Similar steps might be applied while performing retrograde route of PSE as well except the need to watch for the 80-cm mark. Standard length accessories like clips, injection needles, balloon dilators, snares, forceps, coagulation probe, etc., can be passed through the working channel of PSE to perform appropriate therapeutic interventions wherever necessary. Any adverse events like mucosal abrasions, lacerations, tears, perforation, etc., need to be identified and tackled, if necessary, in the same session. The patient is observed in the recovery room for few hours and started on an oral diet and discharged as per the clinical condition.
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Power Spiral Enteroscope versus Balloon-Assisted Enteroscope: Important Technical Differences in Procedure
Balloon-assisted enteroscope (BAE) and PSE are entirely different with respect to technology and scope specifications. This brings us to the point of noting important differences in the technical and procedural steps which are detailed in [Table 2].
Abbreviation: BAE, balloon-assisted enteroscope; PSE, power spiral enteroscope.
Performance of Power Spiral Enteroscope: Current Evidence
To date, no comparative study is available between PSE and other enteroscopes in terms of performance, safety, and efficacy, diagnostic and therapeutic yield, procedure time, depth of maximum insertion (DMI), etc. The published literature on PSE suggests that median DMI is between 450 and 521 cm (distal to the ligament of Treitz via antegrade route) and 120 and 140 cm (proximal to ileocecal valve) which is achieved in 40 and 61 minutes (via antegrade route) and 35 and 90 minutes (via retrograde route). Total enteroscopy rates ranges between 10.6 and 70%. Most common indications for PSE include small bowel bleeding, unexplained pain abdomen, chronic diarrhea, etc. We commonly come across ulcers, strictures ([Fig. 6]), angiodysplasias ([Fig. 7]), tumors ([Fig. 8]), etc., which warrant tissue sampling. The most common therapeutic interventions performed are argon plasma coagulation ([Fig. 9]), endoclip application, endoscopic mucosal resection, polypectomy ([Fig. 10]), stricture dilatation, etc.[9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] Biliary interventions can be performed in surgically altered anatomy with careful negotiation of PSE across the surgical anastomotic site ([Fig. 11]). It is usually a safe procedure. The most common adverse events reported are mucosal abrasions and lacerations ([Fig. 12]). Rarely severe adverse events like bowel perforation are also reported.[9] A detailed summary of currently available literature is summarized in [Tables 3] and [4]. In addition to enteroscopy, PSE is also described for colonoscopic examination.[23] Mean procedure time was 20.8 minutes, and cecal intubation was achieved in 96.7%. Cecum was reached in 7.1 minutes. In total, 3.3% required external manual compression during the procedure. The adenoma detection rate was 46.7%. Interventions like endoscopic mucosal resection, forceps polypectomy, etc., were performed in 20 out of 30 patients.
Author name |
Prasad et al[11] (2020) |
Ramchandani et al[10] (2020) |
Beyna et al[12] (2020) |
Beyna et al[9] (2021) |
Giordano et al[13] (2020) |
Our experience (Abstract submitted to ESGE Days 2022) |
n |
14 |
61 |
30 |
132 |
28 |
44 |
Mean age (years) |
55.57 |
45.67 |
64 |
68 |
57 |
42.98 |
Male gender (n) |
10M |
43M |
14M |
74M |
17M |
33M |
Study design |
case series |
Retrospective |
Prospective |
Prospective |
Prospective |
Retrospective |
Procedure indications |
Route of procedure (%) |
Antegrade |
35.71 |
55.7 |
100 |
97 |
67.9 |
29.54 |
Retrograde |
28.57 |
8.1 |
80 |
32.1 |
40.9 |
Bidirectional |
35.71 |
36 |
80 |
29.54 |
Tissue sampling (%) |
57.14 |
50.8 |
46.7 |
79.55 |
Median depth of maximal insertion (centimeters) |
Antegrade |
465 |
490 |
450 |
521 |
211 |
Retrograde |
140 |
120 |
No |
119 |
Procedure time (minutes) |
Antegrade |
61.1 |
40 |
51 |
54 |
46.12 |
Retrograde |
90 |
35 |
40 |
No |
35.09 |
Total enteroscopy (%) |
35.71 |
60.6 |
70 |
10.6 |
13.36 |
Adverse events (n) |
Mild odynophagia (3) Superficial mucosal abrasion (3) Hypothermia (3) Pancreatitis (1) |
Superficial mucosal injury and throat discomfort (15) |
Deep mucosal tears (3) Hematoma of jejunal wall (1) Mild swallowing discomfort (1) |
Deep mucosal tears (3) Mild bradycardia and arterial hypotension (3) Mild abdominal pain (4) Fever (3) Mild swallowing discomfort (3) Mild acute parotitis (1) Perforation (1) Mallory-Weiss tear (1) |
Cricopharyngeal laceration (n = 2) Ileal mucosal laceration (n = 1) Hypothermia (n = 1) |
Abbreviation: ESGE, European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Author name |
Age |
Indication |
Intervention |
Procedure time |
Route |
Adverse events |
González-Suárez et al[14] |
56 |
Polypoid lesion in mid jejunum identified by capsule endoscopy |
resection of polyp |
50 minutes |
Antegrade |
No |
González-Suárez et al[15] |
48 |
angioectasias in the jejunum and ileum |
Treating vascular lesions, biopsy |
less than 1 hour |
Antegrade |
No |
Rodge et al[16] |
59 |
Active bleeding of jejunum suggestive of Dieulafoy's lesion |
Hemoclip application |
Antegrade |
No |
Inavolu et al[17] |
36 |
CE device in proximal ileal loop |
CE retrieval and stricture dilatation |
Antegrade |
No |
Steiner et al[18] |
73 |
biliary stones, pain, and cholestasis |
Antegrade |
Disconnection of spiral overtube. Retrieved using through the scope balloon |
Mans et al[19] |
71 |
Iron deficiency anemia, Occult GI bleed |
Angiodysplasia treated with APC |
Antegrade |
No |
Beyna et al[20] |
78 |
Obstructive jaundice post Roux-en-Y reconstructive surgery and high bilateral bilioenteric anastomosis |
Stricture in right and left hepatic duct managed with balloon dilation |
51 minutes |
Antegrade |
no |
Neuhaus et al[8] |
48 |
Angiodysplasia in jejunum identified by small bowel capsule endoscopy |
APC done |
Antegrade |
no |
Viesca et al[21] |
70 |
melena and hematochezia |
Control of bleed and biopsy |
Antegrade, Retrograde, Total enteroscopy done |
pulmonary embolism |
Tang et al[22] |
87 |
Small bowel bleeding |
Multiple ulcers in the small bowel |
58 minutes |
Antegrade, total enteroscopy done |
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Power Spiral Enteroscope: Advantages and Improvements
PSE has arrived with some advancements and advantages which were lacking with BAE. Shorter scope length, the requirement of only a single operator, better ergonomics due to controlled motorized propulsion of enteroscope even in the deep small bowel, stable scope position, shorter procedure time, usage of endoscopic accessories of standard length, etc., represent the advantages of PSE. Due to these advantages, PSE becomes an attractive option to consider for small bowel enteroscopy.[9] [10]
Power Spiral Enteroscope: Shortcomings and Scope for Improvement in Future
A shorter length of scope and motorized control of rotational movements of the spiral overtube make PSE an attractive option for performing small bowel enteroscopy. But there are certain important points to note that might cause procedure challenges in certain patient populations.
(1) The spiral overtube is wider and more rigid compared with the balloon overtube. This was designed to offer better coupling and engagement of scope and small bowel/colon. A dedicated wider mouthpiece is needed to facilitate a smooth insertion of the enteroscope. A rotational coupler is a segment to offer more resistance during scope navigation. We noted during our initial experience that there might be some technical and procedure challenges in patients with low body mass index, thick and short neck, and dental malalignment. Also, there is no widespread evidence available about its safety and challenges faced in postoperative anatomy and pediatric patients. Literature reported more frequent mucosal lacerations/injury with PSE. A thinner and less rigid spiral overtube might be needed in a certain population as described above to facilitate a smooth and safe insertion and withdrawal of the scope.
(2) The small bowel is curled and pleated over the spiral overtube and the scope behind, immediate withdrawal of the scope in emergency untoward situations like cardiorespiratory arrest requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation, block of the endotracheal tube, or accidental dislodgment of the endotracheal tube in the middle of the procedure.
(3) CO2 insufflation is recommended for usage during the PSE procedure. This requires monitoring of end-tidal CO2, and thus, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Candidates who are at poor anesthesia risk might not tolerate the procedure.
PSE is the new kid on the block for the evaluation of small bowel mucosa. It comes with a spiral overtube which works with a rotational principle completely controlled by the operator using a foot pedal. It appears to be quick, safe, and offers a stable working platform using standard endoscopic accessories and can be performed by a single operator. Currently, the evidence is limited to areas like Europe and India and more data about its performance, safety, and efficacy are needed from other parts of the world. Randomized trials comparing PSE and BAE are needed to understand the role of PSE visa-vis BAE in small bowel enteroscopy. More evidence is needed in patients with postoperative anatomy and in children.
Conflict of Interest
None declared.
- 1 Iddan G, Meron G, Glukhovsky A, Swain P. Wireless capsule endoscopy. Nature 2000; 405 (6785): 417
- 2 Yamamoto H, Sekine Y, Sato Y. et al. Total enteroscopy with a nonsurgical steerable double-balloon method. Gastrointest Endosc 2001; 53 (02) 216-220
- 3 Hartmann D, Eickhoff A, Tamm R, Riemann JF. Balloon-assisted enteroscopy using a single-balloon technique. Endoscopy 2007; 39 (Suppl. 01) E276
- 4 Akerman PA, Agrawal D, Cantero D, Pangtay J. Spiral enteroscopy with the new DSB overtube: a novel technique for deep peroral small-bowel intubation. Endoscopy 2008; 40 (12) 974-978
- 5 Kumbhari V, Storm AC, Khashab MA. et al. Deep enteroscopy with standard endoscopes using a novel through-the-scope balloon. Endoscopy 2014; 46 (08) 685-689
- 6 Pennazio M, Spada C, Eliakim R. et al. Small-bowel capsule endoscopy and device-assisted enteroscopy for diagnosis and treatment of small-bowel disorders: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Clinical Guideline. Endoscopy 2015; 47 (04) 352-376
- 7 Zhao L, Yin AN, Liao F, Ding YJ, Yu HG. Achieving total enteroscopy by consecutive bidirectional double-balloon enteroscopy procedures. Curr Med Sci 2022; 42 (01) 144-149
- 8 Neuhaus H, Beyna T, Schneider M, Devière J. Novel motorized spiral enteroscopy: first clinical case. VideoGIE 2016; 1 (02) 32-33
- 9 Beyna T, Arvanitakis M, Schneider M. et al. Motorised spiral enteroscopy: first prospective clinical feasibility study. Gut 2021; 70 (02) 261-267
- 10 Ramchandani M, Rughwani H, Inavolu P. et al. Diagnostic yield and therapeutic impact of novel motorized spiral enteroscopy in small-bowel disorders: a single-center, real-world experience from a tertiary care hospital (with video). Gastrointest Endosc 2021; 93 (03) 616-626
- 11 Prasad M, Prasad VGM, Sangameswaran A. et al. A spiraling journey into the small bowel: a case series of novel motorized power spiral enteroscopies. VideoGIE 2020; 5 (11) 591-596
- 12 Beyna T, Arvanitakis M, Schneider M. et al. Total motorized spiral enteroscopy: first prospective clinical feasibility trial. Gastrointest Endosc 2021; 93 (06) 1362-1370
- 13 Giordano A, Pino YVD, Escapa M. et al. Preliminary experience with the novel motorized spiral enteroscope (powerspiral) for small bowel diseases. Endoscopy 2020; 52: OP121
- 14 González-Suárez B, Giordano A, Llach J. Are we experiencing a technological revolution? The novel motorized PowerSpiral enteroscope (PSE): a case of total oral enteroscopy. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 2020; 112 (04) 331
- 15 González-Suárez B, Giordano A, Escapa M, Llach J. Complete anterograde small-bowel exploration with the novel motorized spiral enteroscope. VideoGIE 2020; 5 (11) 517-518
- 16 Rodge GA, Ramchandani M, Bharat Shah B, Afzalpurkar S, Bhageerath Raj D, Goenka MK. Hemoclips during motorized spiral enteroscopy-A unique case. Indian J Gastroenterol 2021; 40 (03) 344-346
- 17 Inavolu P, Singh AP, Kanakagiri H, Reddy DN, Ramchandani M. Motorized spiral enteroscope-assisted retrieval of video capsule in a patient with Crohn's disease. VideoGIE 2020; 5 (10) 488-491
- 18 Steiner E, Mayer A, Maieron A. Motorized spiral enteroscopy—when things happen: troubleshooting spiral disconnection at 90 minutes into the enteroscopic procedure. Endoscopy 2021; (e-pub ahead of print)
- 19 Mans L, Arvanitakis M, Neuhaus H, Devière J. Motorized spiral enteroscopy for occult bleeding. Dig Dis 2018; 36 (04) 325-327
- 20 Beyna T, Schneider M, Höllerich J, Neuhaus H. Motorized spiral enteroscopy-assisted ERCP after Roux-en-Y reconstructive surgery and bilioenteric anastomosis: first clinical case. VideoGIE 2020; 5 (07) 311-313
- 21 Viesca MFY, D'Haene N, Arvanitakis M. Recurrent anemia and hematochezia: when total enteroscopy with motorized spiral enteroscopy gives the answer. Gastroenterology 2021; 160 (01) e6-e8
- 22 Tang RSY, Wong MTL, Lai JCT, Chiu PWY. Total enteroscopy by antegrade motorized spiral enteroscopy under conscious sedation for acute overt obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Endoscopy 2020; 52 (07) E251-E252
- 23 Beyna T, Schneider M, Pullmann D, Gerges C, Kandler J, Neuhaus H. Motorized spiral colonoscopy: a first single-center feasibility trial. Endoscopy 2018; 50 (05) 518-523
Address for correspondence
Publication History
Article published online:
05 July 2022
© 2022. Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
A-12, 2nd Floor, Sector 2, Noida-201301 UP, India
- 1 Iddan G, Meron G, Glukhovsky A, Swain P. Wireless capsule endoscopy. Nature 2000; 405 (6785): 417
- 2 Yamamoto H, Sekine Y, Sato Y. et al. Total enteroscopy with a nonsurgical steerable double-balloon method. Gastrointest Endosc 2001; 53 (02) 216-220
- 3 Hartmann D, Eickhoff A, Tamm R, Riemann JF. Balloon-assisted enteroscopy using a single-balloon technique. Endoscopy 2007; 39 (Suppl. 01) E276
- 4 Akerman PA, Agrawal D, Cantero D, Pangtay J. Spiral enteroscopy with the new DSB overtube: a novel technique for deep peroral small-bowel intubation. Endoscopy 2008; 40 (12) 974-978
- 5 Kumbhari V, Storm AC, Khashab MA. et al. Deep enteroscopy with standard endoscopes using a novel through-the-scope balloon. Endoscopy 2014; 46 (08) 685-689
- 6 Pennazio M, Spada C, Eliakim R. et al. Small-bowel capsule endoscopy and device-assisted enteroscopy for diagnosis and treatment of small-bowel disorders: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Clinical Guideline. Endoscopy 2015; 47 (04) 352-376
- 7 Zhao L, Yin AN, Liao F, Ding YJ, Yu HG. Achieving total enteroscopy by consecutive bidirectional double-balloon enteroscopy procedures. Curr Med Sci 2022; 42 (01) 144-149
- 8 Neuhaus H, Beyna T, Schneider M, Devière J. Novel motorized spiral enteroscopy: first clinical case. VideoGIE 2016; 1 (02) 32-33
- 9 Beyna T, Arvanitakis M, Schneider M. et al. Motorised spiral enteroscopy: first prospective clinical feasibility study. Gut 2021; 70 (02) 261-267
- 10 Ramchandani M, Rughwani H, Inavolu P. et al. Diagnostic yield and therapeutic impact of novel motorized spiral enteroscopy in small-bowel disorders: a single-center, real-world experience from a tertiary care hospital (with video). Gastrointest Endosc 2021; 93 (03) 616-626
- 11 Prasad M, Prasad VGM, Sangameswaran A. et al. A spiraling journey into the small bowel: a case series of novel motorized power spiral enteroscopies. VideoGIE 2020; 5 (11) 591-596
- 12 Beyna T, Arvanitakis M, Schneider M. et al. Total motorized spiral enteroscopy: first prospective clinical feasibility trial. Gastrointest Endosc 2021; 93 (06) 1362-1370
- 13 Giordano A, Pino YVD, Escapa M. et al. Preliminary experience with the novel motorized spiral enteroscope (powerspiral) for small bowel diseases. Endoscopy 2020; 52: OP121
- 14 González-Suárez B, Giordano A, Llach J. Are we experiencing a technological revolution? The novel motorized PowerSpiral enteroscope (PSE): a case of total oral enteroscopy. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 2020; 112 (04) 331
- 15 González-Suárez B, Giordano A, Escapa M, Llach J. Complete anterograde small-bowel exploration with the novel motorized spiral enteroscope. VideoGIE 2020; 5 (11) 517-518
- 16 Rodge GA, Ramchandani M, Bharat Shah B, Afzalpurkar S, Bhageerath Raj D, Goenka MK. Hemoclips during motorized spiral enteroscopy-A unique case. Indian J Gastroenterol 2021; 40 (03) 344-346
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