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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1750408
Two Cases of Quadricuspid Aortic Valve: Aortic Regurgitation and Degeneration
Background Quadricuspid aortic valve is rare and occasionally associated with aortic regurgitation and ascending aortic dilatation. Recent studies suggest an association of aortic regurgitation with ascending aortic medial degeneration.
Case Description Histologic evaluation of ascending aortic tissue of two individuals with regurgitant quadricuspid aortic valve, one dilated, one non-dilated, yielded comparable degeneration in the Media.
Conclusion Regurgitation of quadricuspid aortic valve may lead to the degeneration of Tunica media of the ascending aorta.
Quadricuspid aortic valve (AV) is a rare malformation.[1] For other congenital AV malformations (e.g., bicuspid AV) an association between aneurysm formation and AV morphology was observed.[2] For the quadricuspid AV (QAV) such an association remains controversial.[1] [3]
For many years AV stenosis was assumed to be involved in aneurysm formation.[4] Recent studies have shown that aortic regurgitation might be associated with more pronounced ascending aortic degeneration.[5] In QAV, aortic regurgitation is variable,[1] and echocardiographically usually central, suggesting variable degrees of aortic dilatation as main mechanism of aortic regurgitation. Thus, a more constant relationship between ascending aorta and QAV seems possible.
To explore such a potential relationship, we studied two cases of regurgitant QAVs, one with grossly dilated (case 1) and one with apparently normal ascending aortic dimensions (case 2).
Case Description
This study was approved by the regional ethics committee (vote #47/14). Both patients gave written informed consent.
Both patients were female and presented with severe, symptomatic aortic regurgitation ([Fig. 1]; Case 1: 31 years, sino-tubular junction 35 mm, ascending aorta 45 mm; case 2: 49 years, sino-tubular junction 28 mm, ascending aorta 30 mm).
Samples were obtained from the anterior circumference of the aorta approximately 5 to 10 mm above the sino-tubular junction, and immediately fixed (4% phosphate-buffered formalin, Roti-Histofix, Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany). Sections with 3 µm thickness were obtained. Routine (hematoxylin-eosin-, elastica-hematoxylin-eosin-, Masson-Goldner-trichrome-, Alcian-blue-, toluidine-blue-, Sirius red-, Movat-pentachrome according to Verhoeff-stain) and immunohistochemical stains (Collagen 3A1 [Primary antibody: Anti-Col3A1, Rabbit polyclonal, #ab53076, Abcam, Cambridge, United Kingdom, dilution 1:400; Secondary antibody: Biotinylated Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, #ab64265, Abcam, dilution 1:100; Chromogen: Diaminobenzidine; Counter stain: Hemalaun according to Mayer], Fibrillin-1 [Primary antibody: Anti-Fibrillin, Rabbit polyclonal, #ab53076, Abcam, dilution 1:50; Secondary antibody, Chromogen, and counter stain: Same as for Collagen 3A1]) were applied. Additionally, elastic fibers were evaluated by its autofluorescence in confocal microscopy [Mounting: DAPI-Mounting medium, #ab104139, Abcam; Laser excitation: Wavelength approximately 480 nm].
The histological grading was performed according to the consensus statements on aortic pathology.[2] [6] Results are displayed in [Table 1] and [Fig. 2]. Immunohistochemical stains were evaluated regarding signal intensity and distribution. Elastin autofluorescence was analyzed by determination of the area resembled by fluorescing elastin.
Note: Summary of the histological analysis.
The exact pathophysiological mechanism of ascending aortic dilatation in the setting of congenitally malformed AVs is not yet determined. Recent studies on the tricuspid AV suggest a relevant impact of aortic regurgitation independent of AV morphology.[4] The two presented cases of regurgitant QAV showed a similarly moderate degeneration of the ascending aorta, like previously described for regurgitant tricuspid AVs.[4] This might indicate, that a certain degree of aortic dilatation may be a causative factor in the pathogenesis of aortic regurgitation. But vice-versa aortic regurgitation may lead to aortic degeneration with consecutive dilatation, may be indicated by less, and weaker signals of Collagen 3A1, Fibrillin-1 ([Fig. 3]), and fluorescing elastin ([Fig. 4]) in the dilated aorta.
Summarizing, further research analyzing the association between aortic degeneration and regurgitation in the AV morphologies is required to better define both—the role of AV malformations and AV diseases in aneurysm formation.
Conflict of Interest
None declared.
In mourning for Prof. Dr. med. P. A. Schabel, we want to thank him for his year-long support and guidance. We thank Ms. Tanja Schwab for Performing the histological stains. We thank Prof. Dr. Peter Lipp for his support with the confocal microscope.
Data Availability Statement
The data underlying this manuscript are available in the article itself.
- 1 Idrees JJ, Roselli EE, Arafat A. et al. Outcomes after repair or replacement of dysfunctional quadricuspid aortic valve. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015; 150 (01) 79-82
- 2 Halushka MK, Angelini A, Bartoloni G. et al. Consensus statement on surgical pathology of the aorta from the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology and the Association For European Cardiovascular Pathology: II. Noninflammatory degenerative diseases—nomenclature and diagnostic criteria. Cardiovasc Pathol 2016; 25 (03) 247-257
- 3 Lin Y, Yin K, Wang Y. et al. Clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes of dysfunctional quadricuspid aortic valve. J Surg Res 2018; 229: 223-229
- 4 Wilton E, Jahangiri M. Post-stenotic aortic dilatation. J Cardiothorac Surg 2006; 1: 7
- 5 Balint B, Federspiel JM, Schwab T, Ehrlich T, Ramsthaler F, Schäfers HJ. Aortic regurgitation is associated with ascending aortic remodeling in the nondilated aorta. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2021; 41 (03) 1179-1190
- 6 Stone JR, Bruneval P, Angelini A. et al. Consensus statement on surgical pathology of the aorta from the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology and the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology: I. Inflammatory diseases. Cardiovasc Pathol 2015; 24 (05) 267-278
Address for correspondence
Eingereicht: 23. Dezember 2021
Angenommen: 07. März 2022
Artikel online veröffentlicht:
19. Juli 2022
© 2022. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany
- 1 Idrees JJ, Roselli EE, Arafat A. et al. Outcomes after repair or replacement of dysfunctional quadricuspid aortic valve. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015; 150 (01) 79-82
- 2 Halushka MK, Angelini A, Bartoloni G. et al. Consensus statement on surgical pathology of the aorta from the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology and the Association For European Cardiovascular Pathology: II. Noninflammatory degenerative diseases—nomenclature and diagnostic criteria. Cardiovasc Pathol 2016; 25 (03) 247-257
- 3 Lin Y, Yin K, Wang Y. et al. Clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes of dysfunctional quadricuspid aortic valve. J Surg Res 2018; 229: 223-229
- 4 Wilton E, Jahangiri M. Post-stenotic aortic dilatation. J Cardiothorac Surg 2006; 1: 7
- 5 Balint B, Federspiel JM, Schwab T, Ehrlich T, Ramsthaler F, Schäfers HJ. Aortic regurgitation is associated with ascending aortic remodeling in the nondilated aorta. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2021; 41 (03) 1179-1190
- 6 Stone JR, Bruneval P, Angelini A. et al. Consensus statement on surgical pathology of the aorta from the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology and the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology: I. Inflammatory diseases. Cardiovasc Pathol 2015; 24 (05) 267-278