CC BY 4.0 · Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2023; 81(08): 720-724
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1771174
Original Article

Pain in older adults with dementia: Brazilian validation of Pain Intensity Measure for Persons with Dementia (PIMD)

Dor em idosos com demência: validação da versão brasileira do instrumento Pain Intensity Measure for Persons with Dementia (PIMD)
1   Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Disciplina de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Serviço de Dor e Doenças Osteoarticulares, São Paulo SP, Brazil.
1   Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Disciplina de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Serviço de Dor e Doenças Osteoarticulares, São Paulo SP, Brazil.
1   Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Disciplina de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Serviço de Dor e Doenças Osteoarticulares, São Paulo SP, Brazil.
1   Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Disciplina de Geriatria e Gerontologia, Serviço de Dor e Doenças Osteoarticulares, São Paulo SP, Brazil.
› Author Affiliations


Background Although there are several ways to assess pain in dementia, there is still a need for tools with better items to assess the presence of pain intensity in these individuals.

Objective To validate to Brazilian version of the “Pain Intensity Measure for Persons with Dementia – PIMD-p.

Methods Older adults, all demented with impaired verbal communication and exposed to potentially painful situations, were selected from an outpatient clinic and long-term care facility (LTCF). The PIMD-p was applied independently by 2 researchers (E1 and E2) on the same day. Within 14 days, the instrument was reapplied by one of the 2 researchers (E3). The pain intensity reported by participants' caregivers and LTCF nurses were recorded on a verbal numeric pain scale. For the statistical analysis, Cronbach's Alpha, Spearman's Coefficient and intraclass correlation Index were calculated.

Results A total of 50 older individuals were selected (mean age 86 years), majority with musculoskeletal pain. The PIMD-p demonstrated good internal consistency according to Cronbach's α (0.838), excellent intra and interobserver reproducibility (0.927 and 0.970, respectively; p < 0.001), and convergent validity (strong significant correlations between reported pain intensities and pain indicators on the PIMD-p (except for expressive eyes; corr = 0.106 and p = 0.462). A ROC curve was plotted to determine the best cut-off for the PIMD-P, and a score of 7.5 predicted moderate-to-severe pain, with 77.8% sensitivity and 95.7% specificity (p < 0.001).

Conclusion The PIMD-p showed satisfactory psychometric properties for measuring intensity of pain in demented older adults with impaired verbal communication.



Antecedentes Embora existam várias formas de estimar a dor na demência ainda há necessidade de ferramentas com melhores itens para avaliação da presença e intensidade da dor nesses indivíduos.

Objetivo Analisar as propriedades psicométricas de uma ferramenta de avaliação da dor em idosos dementados, a “Pain Intensity Measure for Persons with Dementia Portuguese - PIMD-p”.

Métodos Idosos expostos a situações potencialmente dolorosas, sendo esses dementados e com prejuízo na comunicação verbal, foram selecionados em uma unidade ambulatorial e uma instituição de longa permanência, em São Paulo. A PIMD-p foi aplicada por 2 pesquisadores (E1 e E2), de forma separada, num mesmo dia, e, com intervalo de no máximo 14 dias, essa foi reaplicada por apenas um deles (E3), e ainda, foi obtida a intensidade álgica inferida pelos cuidadores dos idosos participantes. Na análise estatística foram utilizados o Alfa de Cronbach, o Coeficiente de Spearman e o Índice de Correlação Intraclasses.

Resultados Selecionada uma amostra de 50 idosos com média de idade de 86 anos, a maioria portadora de demência moderada e de dor de origem musculoesquelética. Apuradas para a PIMD-p uma boa consistência interna, segundo o alfa Cronbach (0,838); excelentes reprodutibilidades intra e interobservador (0,927 e 0,970, respectivamente; p < 0,001); e uma validade convergente, essa última obtida com as fortes e significativas correlações entre as intensidades dolorosas inferidas e os indicadores de dor do instrumento em estudo (exceto para o indicador “olhar expressivo”; corr = 0,106 e p = 0,462).

ConclusãoA PIMD-p se mostrou ser uma ferramenta com propriedades de medida adequadas para avaliar a presença e intensidade álgicas em idosos com demência e com prejuízo na comunicação verbal.



Due to the major demographic transition in the form of an aging population, the number of dementia cases is set to rise.[1] Currently, there are an estimated 30 million persons living with dementia worldwide, a figure projected to reach 100 million by 2050.[2]

Pain is highly prevalent in the older population, especially among demented persons. It has been estimated that 50% of people with dementia and pain are not correctly diagnosed or treated.[1] Individuals experiencing potentially painful situations can develop other symptoms, such as mood (anxiety and depression) and sleep disorders, aggression, agitation and even psychosis, which negatively Impact quality of life and predispose these individuals to disabilities.[2]

Some pain-related behaviors in demented persons can be treated inadequately, e.g., with use of antipsychotics for agitation or mechanical restraints which can have serious adverse effects.[3]

Evaluating and measuring pain in older people can often be challenging. Traditional tools designed for this purpose depend on the ability of the individual to self-report pain. For instance, the visual analogue scale (VAS), used to determine the intensity of pain, is problematic in the aging population, where around 33% of older person proved unable to answer the VAS.[4] Thus, new tools for pain assessment have been developed for individuals with impaired verbal communication, in an effort to improve treatment and quality of life.[2]

Instruments for assessing pain in older adults who are unable to express this verbally have been translated and validated for use in Brazil, such as the PACSLAC,[5] PAINAD[6] and IADIC.[7] These tools assess body language, facial expressions and vocalizations, but which behaviors suggest the intensity of pain have yet to be clearly defined. In fact, there is no single instrument that serves to assess all pain dimensions in the older population and therefore health professionals use those that best suit their place of work.[8]

The meta-instrument PIMD was developed to pool a limited set of best items for assessing the intensity of pain in individuals with dementia and some degree of impairment of expression when experiencing potential pain. The PIMD consists of 7 indicators that best correlate to the presence and intensity of pain comprising 3 for facial expressions (highly sensitive and reliable indicators for predicting pain); 1 for positioning, 1 for muscle stiffness, 1 for sighing, and 1 for verbal complaints.[9] The PIMD is a “meta-instrument,” i.e., a tool to “assess the assessments” of pre-existing behaviors indicating pain in dementia.[3] This kind of instrument is used to aggregate findings from a series of evaluations, it also involves an evaluation of the quality of this series of evaluations and its adherence to established good practice in evaluation.

The PIMD was originally developed and validated in English in North America. No publications related to the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the PIMD in other languages and countries were found. Recently, the PIMD was translated and cross-culturally adapted (PIMD-p) for use in Brazil and was shown to be a very straight forward and practical instrument for measuring pain in demented older individuals).[10] The PIMD-p can be found in the [Supplementary Material] (

The evaluation of PIMD's psychometric properties in other languages and cultures can yield more details about this new tool.



A methodological, descriptive analytical study was conducted to validate the PIMD-p instrument. All procedures conformed to the ethical standards of the Research Ethics Committee (permit approval number: 0188/2021).

The participants were selected by convenience sampling, a type of non-probability method collecting data for members of the population who are conveniently available for the study. According to some authors, samples of at least 50, and at most 100, individuals are sufficient to assess the psychometric properties of construct measurement instruments.[11] This study involved older adults aged ≥60 years of both sexes recruited from a geriatrics outpatient clinic and a long-term care facility (LTCF), both situated in Sao Paulo city. The inclusion criteria were: participants with dementia of any cause, diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - V (DSM-V),[12] with impaired verbal communication, and currently exposed to potentially painful situations (dislocations, bruises, sprains, infections, inflammation, fractures, operations, etc.). Dementia was diagnosed by experienced geriatricians using the Mini Mental State Examination and functionality in daily life (basic and instrumental activities, respectively according to the Katz and Lawton scales). The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale to measure the degree of dementia was also obtained by those professionals. Exclusion criteria were patients undergoing dialysis, chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments. The legal representatives of participants selected signed a Free and Informed Consent Form. Data collected included sociodemographics (age, sex, race); information on degree of dementia measured by CDR scale; and etiologies of potential pain. Also, information on pain intensity reported by participants' caregivers and LTCF nurses was collected using the verbal numeric pain scale (classified as mild, moderate or high).

The PIMD-p was applied independently by two researchers (E1 and E2) on the same day. Within 14 days, the instrument was reapplied by one of the researchers (E3), ensuring no different analgesic interventions had been performed over the period.

All statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), version 17, Minitab 16 and Microsoft Excel 2010. The test of equality of two proportions was used to characterize the distribution and relative frequency of the qualitative variables.

The present study explored the psychometric properties of the PIMD-P including its reliability and validation. Three measures of reliability were obtained: internal consistency (correlation between items); test-retest reproducibility by the same observer (intra-observer reproducability); and reproducibility by different observers (inter-observer reproducibility).[13] Internal consistency was determined using Cronbach's α coefficient (E1), while reproducibility was based on intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Convergent validity of the PIMD-p was established using Spearman's test. Also, a ROC curve was plotted for reported pain intensities and total PIMD scores. A 5% significance level was adopted.



The sample included 50 older individuals, mean age 86.1 years (range 68–100 years), comprising 60% outpatients and 40% LTCF residents, predominantly female (80%) and white (76%). For dementia rating, most participants had moderate (46%) or advanced dementia (42%) (p = 0.687) ([Table 1]).

Table 1

Sample characteristics


N (%)



Mean 86.1 years

Min-max 68–100 years



40 (80)

< 0.001


10 (20)



38 (76)


3 (6)

< 0.001


9 (18)

< 0.001



6 (12)

< 0.001


23 (46)


21 (42)


Potentially painful conditions


21 (42)



26 (52)


Vascular disease

4 (8)

< 0.001

Neurological disease

10 (20)

< 0.001


7 (14)

< 0.001

Pressure ulcer or painful skin condition

6 (12)

< 0.001


4 (8)

< 0.001


1 (2)

< 0.001


4 (8)

< 0.001

Pain – intensity


23 (46)


20 (40)



7 (14)

< 0.001

Abbreviation: CDR, clinical dementia rating.

Regarding pain conditions, osteoarticular (52%) and muscular pain (42%) predominated. Pain intensity reported by caregivers and nurses was mainly mild (46%) ([Table 1]).

Reliability of the PIMD-p according to internal consistency was good, as measured by Cronbach's α (coeff. 0.838). Reliability for intra and inter-observer reproducibility was high and strong, according to the ICC (correlation coefficients 0.927 and 0.970, respectively; p < 0.001) ([Table 2]).

Table 2

PIMD-p reproducibility according to ICC

Pain indicator







































Expressive eyes





Score PIMD-p





Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; PIMD-p, pain intensity measure for persons with dementia.

To analyze the psychometric property of the PIMD-p of convergent validity, pain indicators were correlated with pain intensities reported by patients' caregivers and nurses. Results for Spearman's test revealed a strong significant correlation, except for “expressive eyes” (0.106; p = 0.462) ([Table 3]).

Table 3

Validity of PIMD-p according to Spearman correlation

Pain indicator

Pain intensity

Pain intensity

Correlation (r)




















Expressive eyes



PIMD-p Score



Abbreviation: PIMD-P, pain intensity measure for persons with dementia.

A ROC curve was plotted to determine cut-off scores on the PIMD-p. To this end, reported pain intensities were correlated with total pain intensity scores on the PIMD-p. Scores ≥7.5 (0–21) denoted moderate/intense pain intensity, with a sensitivity of 77.8% and specificity of 95.7% (area under curve 0.931; p < 0.001) ([Table 4]). In this study, almost half of the sample had moderate/severe pain (44%).

Table 4

Sensitivity and specificity of PIMD-p for pain intensity on ROC curve

Total score PIMD-p

Sensitivity (%)

Specificity (%)




















































Abbreviations: PIMD-P, pain intensity measure for persons with dementia; ROC, Receiver Operating Characteristic.



Pain assessment in older people with dementia and impaired verbal communication remains a challenge for health professionals, since it is unclear which behaviors are most suggestive of pain, unlike for psychological symptoms such as anxiety, agitation and depression.

The present study is the first to analyze the reliability and validity of the PIMD meta-instrument outside its country of origin. This type of investigation is important because, when new measurement instruments are developed, they should undergo broad assessment of their psychometric properties and be analyzed for different population samples. More recently, a systematic review on pain assessment for individuals with advanced dementia in a care home setting identified 17 different tools used worldwide. These instruments included the PIMD, cited for having good psychometric quality and for involving rigorous multidimensional pain assessment. The authors of the review highlighted the need for more studies and tests of existing tools in larger and more diverse samples to better determine their qualities.[14]

The present study sample comprised older people from the community and residents of a LTCF. The mean age of the sample was 86.1 years, indicating older participants. Also, individuals predominantly had moderate dementia (46%) and apparent joint and muscular pain etiologies (52% and 42%, respectively). These potential pain etiologies corroborate the data found by Lichtner et al., revealing a higher prevalence of musculoskeletal and osteoarticular pain in older people with dementia.[15]

Analyzing the psychometric properties of the PIMD-p, primarily reliability, results confirmed adequate internal consistency (Cronbach's α 0.838). This data corroborates the findings for the original PIMD (Cronbach's α 0.72), while indicating even greater reliability.[3]

For PIMD-P reproducibility, excellent results were observed both for intra and inter-observer analyses (ICC 0.970 and 0.927, respectively, both with p < 0.001). This high reproducibility of the PIMD-p suggests its utility in clinical practice. Convergent validity for the PIMD-p proved adequate, where the sum of pain intensities calculated for each indicator correlated with the pain intensities reported by caregivers. Strong significant correlation was confirmed, except for the indicator expressive eyes (r 0.106 and p = 0.462), where higher PIMD-p scores correlated with greater pain intensities reported by caregivers. In the absence of a gold standard for comparison, convergent validation relative to reported pain intensity was used.

A cut-off point was determined for the PIMD-p due to the fact that pain intensity is a key factor in the choice of analgesic therapy to be used. A ROC curve determined that scores ≥ 7.5, with a sensitivity of 77.8% and specificity of 95.7%, indicated moderate-severe pain (p < 0.001). It was opted for a cutoff point of 7.5 because it greatly optimized Specificity with little reduction in the Sensitivity, thus obtaining a more specific instrument to detect more intense pain.

Some limitations of the study should be noted such as the small sample size. However, the sample did include many oldest-old (mean age 86 years), a group that is still poorly studied, despite being a fast-growing stratum of the population.The PIMD-p proved to be a reliable and valid tool for assessing the presence and intensity of pain in demented older people with difficulties expressing themselves verbally. Therefore, a meta-instrument for pain measurement is now available in Portuguese that has adequate psychometric properties and is both simple and practical. This tool can help health professionals improve care management in the older population with moderate or severe dementia, a group that often includes individuals who are unable to verbally express their pain.


Conflict of Interest

There is no conflict of interest to declare.

Authors' Contributions

MF: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, funding acquisition, investigation, methodology, project administration, resources, supervision, validation, visualization, writing – original draft, writing – review & editing; AEVFS, TGF: data curation, formal analysis investigation; FCS: conceptualization, project administration, supervision, validation, visualization, review & editing.

Supplementary Material

  • References

  • 1 van Kooten J, Binnekade TT, van der Wouden JC. et al. A review of pain prevalence in Alzheimer's, vascular, frontotemporal and lewy body dementias. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2016; 41 (3-4): 220-232
  • 2 Corbett A, Husebo B, Malcangio M. et al. Assessment and treatment of pain in people with dementia. Nat Rev Neurol 2012; 8 (05) 264-274 [Internet]
  • 3 Ersek M, Neradilek MB, Herr K. et al. Psychometric evaluation of a pain intensity measure for persons with dementia. Pain Med 2019; 20 (06) 1093-1104
  • 4 Chow S, Chow R, Lam M. et al. Pain assessment tools for older adults with dementia in long-term care facilities: a systematic review. Neurodegener Dis Manag 2016; 6 (06) 525-538
  • 5 Thé KB, Gazoni FM, Cherpak GL. et al. Pain assessment in elderly with dementia: Brazilian validation of the PACSLAC scale. Einstein (Sao Paulo) 2016; 14 (02) 152-157
  • 6 Pinto MC, Minson FP, Lopes AC, Laselva CR, Laselva CR. Cultural adaptation and reproducibility validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD-Brazil) scale in non-verbal adult patients. Einstein (Sao Paulo) 2015; 13 (01) 14-19
  • 7 Saurin G, Crossetti Mda GO. Fidedignidade e validade do instrumento de avaliação da dor em idosos confusos–IADIC". Rev Gaúcha Enferm 2013; 34 (04) 68-74
  • 8 Herr K, Zwakhalen S, Swafford K. Observation of Pain in Dementia. Curr Alzheimer Res 2017; 14 (05) 486-500
  • 9 Ersek M, Herr K, Hilgeman MM. et al. Developing a pain intensity measure for persons with dementia: Initial construction and testing. Pain Med 2019; 20 (06) 1078-1092
  • 10 Santos FC, Foraciepe M, Silva AEVF. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Meta instrument with 7 items to assess the pain intensity in dementia: Pain Intensity Measure for Persons with Dementa PIMD. IOSR J Nurs Heal Sci 2023
  • 11 Sapnas KG, Zeller RA. Minimizing sample size when using exploratory factor analysis for measurement. J Nurs Meas 2002; 10 (02) 135-154
  • 12 Association AP. Ed. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V. 5th ed.. Washington, DC: 2019
  • 13 Ferraz AS. Psicometria. Aval Psicol 2016; 15 (01) 129-131
  • 14 Felton N, Lewis JS, Cockburn SJ, Hodgson M, Dawson S. Pain assessment for individuals with advanced dementia in care homes: A systematic review. Geriatrics (Basel) 2021; 6 (04) 1-22
  • 15 Lichtner V, Dowding D, Esterhuizen P. et al. Pain assessment for people with dementia: a systematic review of systematic reviews of pain assessment tools. BMC Geriatr 2014; 14 (01) 138

Address for correspondence

Mariana Foraciepe

Publication History

Received: 27 January 2023

Accepted: 30 March 2023

Article published online:
30 August 2023

© 2023. Academia Brasileira de Neurologia. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit (

Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda.
Rua do Matoso 170, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20270-135, Brazil

  • References

  • 1 van Kooten J, Binnekade TT, van der Wouden JC. et al. A review of pain prevalence in Alzheimer's, vascular, frontotemporal and lewy body dementias. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2016; 41 (3-4): 220-232
  • 2 Corbett A, Husebo B, Malcangio M. et al. Assessment and treatment of pain in people with dementia. Nat Rev Neurol 2012; 8 (05) 264-274 [Internet]
  • 3 Ersek M, Neradilek MB, Herr K. et al. Psychometric evaluation of a pain intensity measure for persons with dementia. Pain Med 2019; 20 (06) 1093-1104
  • 4 Chow S, Chow R, Lam M. et al. Pain assessment tools for older adults with dementia in long-term care facilities: a systematic review. Neurodegener Dis Manag 2016; 6 (06) 525-538
  • 5 Thé KB, Gazoni FM, Cherpak GL. et al. Pain assessment in elderly with dementia: Brazilian validation of the PACSLAC scale. Einstein (Sao Paulo) 2016; 14 (02) 152-157
  • 6 Pinto MC, Minson FP, Lopes AC, Laselva CR, Laselva CR. Cultural adaptation and reproducibility validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD-Brazil) scale in non-verbal adult patients. Einstein (Sao Paulo) 2015; 13 (01) 14-19
  • 7 Saurin G, Crossetti Mda GO. Fidedignidade e validade do instrumento de avaliação da dor em idosos confusos–IADIC". Rev Gaúcha Enferm 2013; 34 (04) 68-74
  • 8 Herr K, Zwakhalen S, Swafford K. Observation of Pain in Dementia. Curr Alzheimer Res 2017; 14 (05) 486-500
  • 9 Ersek M, Herr K, Hilgeman MM. et al. Developing a pain intensity measure for persons with dementia: Initial construction and testing. Pain Med 2019; 20 (06) 1078-1092
  • 10 Santos FC, Foraciepe M, Silva AEVF. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Meta instrument with 7 items to assess the pain intensity in dementia: Pain Intensity Measure for Persons with Dementa PIMD. IOSR J Nurs Heal Sci 2023
  • 11 Sapnas KG, Zeller RA. Minimizing sample size when using exploratory factor analysis for measurement. J Nurs Meas 2002; 10 (02) 135-154
  • 12 Association AP. Ed. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-V. 5th ed.. Washington, DC: 2019
  • 13 Ferraz AS. Psicometria. Aval Psicol 2016; 15 (01) 129-131
  • 14 Felton N, Lewis JS, Cockburn SJ, Hodgson M, Dawson S. Pain assessment for individuals with advanced dementia in care homes: A systematic review. Geriatrics (Basel) 2021; 6 (04) 1-22
  • 15 Lichtner V, Dowding D, Esterhuizen P. et al. Pain assessment for people with dementia: a systematic review of systematic reviews of pain assessment tools. BMC Geriatr 2014; 14 (01) 138