CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Revista Iberoamericana de Cirugía de la Mano 2023; 51(02): e120-e123
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1776982
Reporte de un caso | Case Report

Myiasis Infestation After Hand Elective Surgery: Report of a Case

Article in several languages: español | English
Ricardo Kaempf de Oliveira
1   Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
2   Hospital Mãe de Deus de Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
João Pedro Farina Brunelli
3   Cirurgia da Mão, Hospital Santa Casa de São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Márcio Aurelio Aita
4   Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo André, SP, Brazil
Pedro J. Delgado
4   Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo André, SP, Brazil
5   Unidade de Cirurgia de Mão, Hospital Universitário Madrid Montepríncipe, Universidade CEU San Pablo, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, España
› Author Affiliations
Statement of Funding This study was funded by the authors.


Myiasis is a Greek-derived term (myia = fly) that describes infestations caused by maggots from Diptera order. It may present in a myriad of forms, but usually does in the cutaneous form, with migratory larvae infestation of the skin. We treated a two-year-old female patient who presented with syndactyly due to congenital constriction bands (Fig. 1). She developed an atypical case of myiasis infestation in post operative period. Parasite infestation due to Diptera order insects (myiasis) is a scaring event for patients and even for the assisting healthcare team. Despite not so frequent, the potential of complications such as secondary bacterial infection and invasive disease that may lead to death shall be considered, so that the condition severity cannot be minimized.



Myiasis is a Greek-derived term (myia = fly) that describes infestations caused by maggots from Diptera order, as opposed to other infestations caused by general insects.[1] Those diseases may present in several ways, the most common being the cutaneous form,[2] that is further subdivided into furuncular, migratory and wound-associated forms. Despite the recognized beneficial effects of maggots as a means of wound biological debridement, such as popularized by William Baer during the First World War,[3] along with the fact of helping to prevent severe, infectious events and sepsis, not always those agents behave so innocuously. There are several reports of secondary bacterial infection, mainly due to Staphylococcus aureus and group-B Streptococcus,[4] [5] together with the invasion of noble structures and patient death.[6]

Parasite infestation due to Diptera order insects (myiasis) is a scaring event for patients and even for the assisting healthcare team. There are several predisposing factors, including low income status, poor hygiene, physical or mental vulnerabilities, and pre-existing skin pathology.

We describe the first case of a healthy patient submitted to hand elective surgery that evolved to an early postoperative myiasis infestation.


Case Description

We treated a two-year-old female patient who presented with syndactyly due to congenital constriction bands ([Fig. 1]).

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Fig. 1 Clinical aspect of two-year-old female patient with syndactyly due to congenital constriction bands (A and B). Affected hand radiograph (C).

The patient did not present any other immunodeficiency-predisposing illness, and resided at a low-income, urban settlement. She was submitted to syndactyly-correction surgery by means of a dorsal flap to create an interdigital space associated to full-thickness, autologous skin grafting from the groin region. Procedure had been uneventful, and the patient was discharged the next day with protection dressing; the parents were instructed to keep dry and clean the surgical site ([Fig. 2]).

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Fig. 2 Early postoperative after treatment for syndactyly due to congenital constriction bands where a dorsal digital skin flap was performed to create the interdigital space employing full-thickness skin grafting from the groin (A and B).

Around ten days after discharge, the patient returns for assessment and dressing change; at this time, extensive migratory maggot infestation was observed ([Figs. 3A] and [3B]).

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Fig. 3 Dressing change after 10 days postoperatively showing extensive operative wound infestation with maggots (A and B). Patient was admitted after cleaning and debridement and treated with ivermectin and antibiotics.

After cleaning, devitalized tissue debridement and careful parasite removal, the pediatric infection service was called to scene and they decided for adjuvant treatment with oral ivermectin and first-generation cephalosporin antibiotics due to the great extension of the disease (under close supervision, as the age group was not ideal for the use of the first agent). Hospital admission lasted ∼96 hours, and the patient was discharged in good clinical condition. Around 30 days after discharge, the wound was in an advanced healing stage, with signs of neither infestation nor secondary bacterial infection ([Fig. 4]).

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Fig. 4 Patient clinical appearance after wound cleaning and maggot removal (A). Complete wound healing, with no infection signs after 30 days (B).



Maggot infestations of Diptera insect order, the so-called myiases are relatively common events, especially in tropical, underdeveloped countries; they bring about a strong stigma, as the general population – and even health professionals – feel greatly repulsed the illness. Those insects need live, warm tissue for egg-laying and maggot production in short-duration cycles.

It is also a problem associated to endemic zone travel and may represent, along with systemic febrile diseases and acute diarrhea, up to 12% of travel-associated illnesses.[7] The typical host is either a low-income individual or someone with any kind of vulnerability (such as mental retardation, immunosuppression, or visual impairment), which favors the contact of the fly with the crude area to deposit the eggs and to develop such opportunistic diseases. Bad hygiene is also associated to myiases.

There are thousands of insect types that may cause myiasis, but very few species comprise most diagnosed cases; the Dermatobia hominis is the most common cause of myiasis in the Americas.[8]

Myiasis, in its cutaneous form, may present in three forms: furuncular; migratory; and associated to wounds.[8]

This case presents a maggot-infested operatory wound, as it has been reported that larvae show predilection for hemorrhaged, necrotic, or purulent-draining tissue, along with their preference for alkaline environments.[9]

The standard treatment for this kind of disease consists of complete agent removal[10]; an ether or chloroform oily solution may be employed as a parasite immobilizer agent. Topical application of ivermectin may be associated as an alternative or adjuvant modality. Oral ivermectin has also been described and was employed for the treatment of our patient.[11]

Correct agent identification is not always possible, and involves a careful, professionally trained macro- and microscopic analysis of the maggot. Correct larvae preservation depends on their termination with hot (not boiling) water immersion and subsequent conservation in an alcoholic solution12.

There are literature reports on myiasis of a hand wound, but this is the first case reported after elective surgery of a healthy patient.



There should be awareness regarding patient orientation and supervision, especially for those submitted to surgical treatment and in a situation of social vulnerability to avoid such stigmatizing condition.

Given the risk of potential complications such as bacterial superinfection, prompt prophylactic antibiotic therapy must be implemented.


Statement of Informed Consent

Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.

Human and Animal Rights Statement

All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008 (5). Informed consent was obtained from all patients for being included in the study.

  • References

  • 1 Hope FW. On insects and their larvae occasionally found in the human body. Trans R Entomol Soc Lond 1840; •••: 256-271
  • 2 Diaz JH. Myiasis and tungiasis (chapter 295). In Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R. (ed), Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases, vol 2. Churchill, Livingstone, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.
  • 3 Baer WS. The treatment of chronic osteomyelitis with the maggot (larva of the blow fly). J Bone Joint Surg 1931; 13: 438-475
  • 4 Gordon PM, Hepburn NC, Williams AE, Bunney MH. Cutaneous myiasis due to Dermatobia hominis: a report of six cases. Br J Dermatol 1995; 132 (05) 811-814
  • 5 Hubler Jr WR, Rudolph AH, Dougherty EF. Dermal myiasis. Arch Dermatol 1974; 110 (01) 109-110
  • 6 Rossi MA, Zucoloto S. Fatal cerebral myiasis caused by the tropical warble fly, Dermatobia hominis. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1973; 22 (02) 267-269
  • 7 Hochedez P, Caumes E. Common skin infections in travelers. J Travel Med 2008; 15 (04) 252-262
  • 8 Francesconi F, Lupi O. Myiasis. Clin Microbiol Rev 2012; 25 (01) 79-105
  • 9 Goddard J. Physician's guide to arthropods of medical importance. 4th ed. Boca Raton, FL:: CRC Press;; 2016: 61-65
  • 10 Sesterhenn AM, Pfützner W, Braulke DM, Wiegand S, Werner JA, Taubert A. Cutaneous manifestation of myiasis in malignant wounds of the head and neck. Eur J Dermatol 2009; 19 (01) 64-68
  • 11 Jelinek T, Nothdurft HD, Rieder N, Löscher T. Cutaneous myiasis: review of 13 cases in travelers returning from tropical countries. Int J Dermatol 1995; 34 (09) 624-626

Address for correspondence

Ricardo Kaempf de Oliveira, MD
Rua Leopoldo Bier, 825 Conjunto 301, Porto Alegre, RS
Brazil, Zip code: 90620-100   

Publication History

Received: 26 October 2021

Accepted: 09 October 2023

Article published online:
05 December 2023

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Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda.
Rua do Matoso 170, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20270-135, Brazil

  • References

  • 1 Hope FW. On insects and their larvae occasionally found in the human body. Trans R Entomol Soc Lond 1840; •••: 256-271
  • 2 Diaz JH. Myiasis and tungiasis (chapter 295). In Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R. (ed), Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases, vol 2. Churchill, Livingstone, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.
  • 3 Baer WS. The treatment of chronic osteomyelitis with the maggot (larva of the blow fly). J Bone Joint Surg 1931; 13: 438-475
  • 4 Gordon PM, Hepburn NC, Williams AE, Bunney MH. Cutaneous myiasis due to Dermatobia hominis: a report of six cases. Br J Dermatol 1995; 132 (05) 811-814
  • 5 Hubler Jr WR, Rudolph AH, Dougherty EF. Dermal myiasis. Arch Dermatol 1974; 110 (01) 109-110
  • 6 Rossi MA, Zucoloto S. Fatal cerebral myiasis caused by the tropical warble fly, Dermatobia hominis. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1973; 22 (02) 267-269
  • 7 Hochedez P, Caumes E. Common skin infections in travelers. J Travel Med 2008; 15 (04) 252-262
  • 8 Francesconi F, Lupi O. Myiasis. Clin Microbiol Rev 2012; 25 (01) 79-105
  • 9 Goddard J. Physician's guide to arthropods of medical importance. 4th ed. Boca Raton, FL:: CRC Press;; 2016: 61-65
  • 10 Sesterhenn AM, Pfützner W, Braulke DM, Wiegand S, Werner JA, Taubert A. Cutaneous manifestation of myiasis in malignant wounds of the head and neck. Eur J Dermatol 2009; 19 (01) 64-68
  • 11 Jelinek T, Nothdurft HD, Rieder N, Löscher T. Cutaneous myiasis: review of 13 cases in travelers returning from tropical countries. Int J Dermatol 1995; 34 (09) 624-626

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Fig. 1 Aspecto clínico de una paciente de dos años de edad con sindactilia por bandas congénitas de constricción (A y B). Radiografía de la mano afectada (C).
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Fig. 2 Postoperatorio temprano después del tratamiento de sindactilia por bandas de constricción congénita donde se realizó un colgajo de piel digital dorsal para crear el espacio interdigital empleando un injerto de piel de espesor total procedente de la ingle (A y B).
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Fig. 3 Cambio de apósito después de 10 días de postoperatorio que muestra una extensa infestación de gusanos en la herida operatoria (A y B). El paciente ingresó después de limpieza y desbridamiento y fue tratado con ivermectina y antibióticos.
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Fig. 4 Aspecto clínico del paciente después de la limpieza de la herida y la eliminación de gusanos (A). Cicatrización completa de la herida, sin signos de infección a los 30 días (B).
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Fig. 1 Clinical aspect of two-year-old female patient with syndactyly due to congenital constriction bands (A and B). Affected hand radiograph (C).
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Fig. 2 Early postoperative after treatment for syndactyly due to congenital constriction bands where a dorsal digital skin flap was performed to create the interdigital space employing full-thickness skin grafting from the groin (A and B).
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Fig. 3 Dressing change after 10 days postoperatively showing extensive operative wound infestation with maggots (A and B). Patient was admitted after cleaning and debridement and treated with ivermectin and antibiotics.
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Fig. 4 Patient clinical appearance after wound cleaning and maggot removal (A). Complete wound healing, with no infection signs after 30 days (B).