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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1777012
Unusual Extra-Axial and Extracranial Recurrence in an IDH Mutant Astrocytoma: A Case Report
Isocitrate dehydrogenase mutant gliomas generally have a better prognosis than their wild-type counterpart. Recurrences are generally within the radiation field in the primary tumoral bed. Remote recurrence is uncommon and is usually intraparenchymal. Transformation to a higher grade has been observed with TP53 mutants. Presentation of glioma as an extra-axial lesion is extremely uncommon. No such cases of remote intracranial extra-axial recurrence have been reported in the literature. We describe the unique imaging findings in this case and attempt to formulate possible diagnoses. Intraoperative and pathological findings confirmed this unusual recurrence pattern.
Astrocytoma is a diffuse glial tumor with isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutant status and can be graded between the World Health Organization (WHO) grades 2 and 4.[1] [2] The IDH mutant status confers a better prognosis than its wild-type counterpart.[3] Upfront treatment with surgery and radiation is preferred in view of the high risk of recurrence and transformation. Most recurrences are generally within the radiation field, remote recurrence being uncommon.[4] [5] Here, we present a case of grade 3 astrocytoma, post-treatment, with simultaneous transformation into higher grade and remote intracranial recurrence as an extra-axial lesion. This has not been reported previously, to the best of our knowledge.
Case Report
A 46-year-old male patient was diagnosed with a left parietal space-occupying lesion extending to the peritrigonal area, splenium of the corpus callosum, and the left occipital lobe. He underwent surgical resection for it, and histopathology revealed an astrocytic IDH and TP53 mutant, the WHO grade 3 tumor with loss of Alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation, X-linked (ATRX) gene. Subsequent postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed the presence of residual disease for which he received radiation therapy (RT) and adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ). After 1 month, post-RT imaging showed some residual disease in the form of T2 intermediate areas. Considering IDH mutant status, it was decided to continue TMZ ([Fig. 1A] and [B]).

Post 11 cycles of chemotherapy, he presented to the emergency services with vomiting, altered sensorium, and right-sided hemiparesis. MRI at the time showed a new onset large extra-axial predominantly cystic lesion with a peripheral papillary solid component in the left high frontal region ([Fig. 2A–C]). The index tumor bed was stable. The cystic component was T1 hyperintense, and T2 hypointense (features of subacute blood on MRI), which made us consider the possibility of a subpial hematoma. Adjacent sulcal hyperintensity on T1-weighted images was seen, raising suspicion of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT). The other differentials proposed were intracranial recurrence of the primary tumor, extra-axial recurrence, and a remote possibility of a collision tumor with associated tumor bleed.

The patient improved on conservative management with antiedema measures. Post a multidisciplinary tumor board discussion, it was planned to observe the patient and continue TMZ. However, a follow-up MRI after 4 weeks showed an increase in the lesion size ([Fig. 3A–C]). Hence, surgical resection of the lesion was done. Intraoperatively, an extra-axial lesion was noted ([Fig. 4A, B]). The histopathology revealed a high-grade infiltrating (IDH-mutant) astrocytic tumor, central nervous system WHO grade 4, with loss of ATRX ([Fig. 5A, B]). This suggests the same histomorphological features as the primary tumor with progression to a higher grade.

Postoperative scan 1 month later showed resection cavity with no other suspicious enhancement or lesion ([Fig. 6A, B]). Adjuvant RT was also given to the postoperative bed. Five months post-surgery, the patient developed back pain, for which MRI of the spine with screening of the brain was done. This revealed nodular pachymeningeal enhancement along the right temporal lobe and the periorbital dura along the left temporal convexity ([Fig. 7A, B]). Also noted were altered signal intensity lesions in the dorsolumbar vertebral bodies ([Fig. 8A–C]). These findings in the given setting were suspicious for metastases, and a biopsy from the vertebral body lesions was planned. However, the patient worsened clinically and eventually succumbed to the disease. Hence, a pathological confirmation was not possible.

Given the clinical features and imaging findings, we conclude this to be likely due to disseminated disease. Thus, the case demonstrated both extra-axial and extracranial recurrence.
IDH mutant astrocytomas generally show increased progression-free survival compared with de novo glioblastoma (IDH wild type). The standard of care currently is maximal safe surgical resection and concurrent chemoradiation. Most of the patterns of failure and recurrence post-therapy are within the gross tumor volume.[6] Malignant degeneration of IDH mutant tumors has been observed with acquisition of additional genetic mutation and transformation into higher grade.[7]
TP53 mutant IDH mutant gliomas can show recurrence in remote intracranial regions.[8] The underlying pathogenetic mechanisms are not well understood. Nakae et al[4] have proposed the role of 8q gains and ability for interlobar metastases. Also hypothesized is tumor migration through the tracks of major fiber bundles.[4]
Extra-axial tumors include a spectrum of tumors involving the extra-parenchymal tissue, the majority of which have meningeal origin. The most common are meningiomas, which demonstrate broad-based dural contact and the “dural tail sign.”[9] In contrast, gliomas are generally intra-axial. When they extend to involve the dura, they may show features similar to meningiomas, including the dural tail sign.[10] This is common in peripheral glioblastomas.[11] The “cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cleft sign” may help differentiate intra-axial and extra-axial tumors, being positive in extra-axial tumors.[12] However, utility is limited in malignant meningiomas where it becomes difficult to distinguish the location.
There have been case reports of primary extra-axial gliomas.[10] [11] [13] [14] However, an extra-axial, remote intra-cranial recurrence of an IDH mutant glioma has yet to be reported in our search of existing literature. In the present case, due to the unlikely possibility of such a recurrence, we had considered other diagnoses in keeping with the imaging findings.
The large extra-axial lesion with T2 hypointense and T1 hyperintense signal was suggestive of signal characteristics of early subacute blood on MRI. The pattern of change of T2 intensity into a more hyperintense signal was also similar to progression into late subacute and chronic blood.[15] The surrounding sulcal T1 hyperintensity was assumed to be the hyperintense vein sign seen in isolated cortical vein CVT.[16] Thrombosis of isolated cortical veins has been speculated to be a mechanism for subpial hemorrhages.[17] In view of the imaging findings, we contemplated the possibility of a large subpial hematoma with CVT. Subpial hematomas typically show blood deposition along the cortical surface and are more common along the frontal lobe.[17] [18] This was similar to our case, although subpial hematomas are rare in adults.[18]
Another unlikely differential considered was a collision tumor. These most commonly involve a meningioma in collision with a glioma.[19] Here the meningioma component may be dural-based, which can give rise to an appearance similar to the present case.[19] However, the rest of the imaging findings precluded the possibility. Also, we note that in post-RT patients, radiation-induced meningiomas generally present after a mean interval of around 10 years.[20]
Meningeal dissemination of gliomas is rare and is usually observed in the late stages of the disease. Potential factors include the anatomical location (tumors near the subventricular zone), ventricular entry during surgery, repeated resections, and depressed immune function post-chemo and radiotherapy.[21]
Extracranial metastases of grade 4 astrocytomas have been reported in less than 0.5% of cases. Common sites include the lymph nodes, bone, soft tissue, skin, and liver.[22] [23] In skeletal metastases, vertebral bodies are most commonly involved,[24] likely through seeding from the Bateson plexus.[24] Spread via breakdown of the blood–brain barrier via tumoral vessels or invasion of dural veins, lymphogenous, and hematogenous spread by direct extracranial bone and soft tissue infiltration, through the CSF, by ventricular shunting are proposed mechanisms.[24] [25]
In the present case, nodular pachymeningeal enhancement and vertebral body lesions were observed. The possible factors in the case include a history of multiple neurosurgical procedures, which may have predisposed to CSF dissemination. Postoperative meningeal enhancement is another differential; however, it usually shows smooth meningeal enhancement, unlike the nodular enhancement noted in the present case. Also, the lack of such changes in the post-surgical imaging and worsening clinical symptoms preclude this.
The unique features in our case include (1) site distant (frontal region) to primary tumoral bed (parieto-occipital lobe), thus excluding the possibility of tumoral seedling along the postoperative track; (2) extra-axial lesion with signal characteristics of subacute blood, and possible pachymeningeal and extracranial spread in the form of skeletal metastases. The progression of the lesion prompted intervention and pathological confirmation.
We reported a rare presentation of recurrence in an IDH mutant astrocytoma as an extra-axial lesion remote to the primary site and possible pachymeningeal, extracranial (vertebral body lesions). A high index of suspicion and close clinicoradiological follow-up is required to monitor the course of recurrence in post-treatment gliomas and guide appropriate management strategies.
Conflict of Interest
None declared.
Informed Consent
Informed consent has been obtained from the patient for using clinical details and imaging.
- 1 Torp SH, Solheim O, Skjulsvik AJ. The WHO 2021 Classification of Central Nervous System tumours: a practical update on what neurosurgeons need to know-a minireview. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2022; 164 (09) 2453-2464
- 2 Sun Q, Xu R, Xu H, Wang G, Shen X, Jiang H. Extracranial metastases of high-grade glioma: the clinical characteristics and mechanism. World J Surg Oncol 2017; 15 (01) 181
- 3 Umphlett M, Bilal KH, Martini ML. et al. IDH-mutant astrocytoma with EGFR amplification-genomic profiling in four cases and review of literature. Neurooncol Adv 2022; 4 (01) vdac067
- 4 Nakae S, Kato T, Murayama K. et al. Remote intracranial recurrence of IDH mutant gliomas is associated with TP53 mutations and an 8q gain. Oncotarget 2017; 8 (49) 84729-84742
- 5 Im JH, Hong JB, Kim SH. et al. Recurrence patterns after maximal surgical resection and postoperative radiotherapy in anaplastic gliomas according to the new 2016 WHO classification. Sci Rep 2018; 8 (01) 777
- 6 Stewart J, Sahgal A, Chan AKM. et al. Pattern of recurrence of glioblastoma versus grade 4 IDH-mutant astrocytoma following chemoradiation: a retrospective matched-cohort analysis. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2022;21
- 7 Miller JJ, Loebel F, Juratli TA. et al. Accelerated progression of IDH mutant glioma after first recurrence. Neuro-oncol 2019; 21 (05) 669-677
- 8 Hong CS, Hsieh JK, Edwards NA, Ray-Chaudhury A, Zaghloul KA. IDH mutations may not preclude distant, trans-tentorial spread in gliomas: a case report and review of the literature. World J Surg Oncol 2016; 14: 53
- 9 Sotoudeh H, Yazdi HR. A review on dural tail sign. World J Radiol 2010; 2 (05) 188-192
- 10 Patel M, Nguyen HS, Doan N, Gelsomino M, Shabani S, Mueller W. Glioblastoma mimicking meningioma: report of 2 cases. World Neurosurg 2016; 95: 624.e9-624.e13
- 11 Dabboucy B, Younes P, Rahbani A, Fahed E, Abadjian G. Primary extra-axial glioblastoma: case report and literature review. Brazil Neurosurg 2021; 40 (04) e368-e373
- 12 Kim J, Hong CK, Suh SH, Jung WS, Ahn SJ. The added value of the CSF cleft on ADC in distinguishing extra-axial from intra-axial tumors. Clin Imaging 2017; 45: 81-85
- 13 Katsuhara T, Moro N, Ohta T, Homma T, Yoshino A. Solitary primary intracranial leptomeningeal glioblastoma invading the normal cortex: case report. Mol Clin Oncol 2018; 8 (03) 466-470
- 14 Karthigeyan M, Ahuja CK, Chatterjee D, Salunke P. Radiologic dilemma in an extra-axial petroclival lesion: low grade versus high grade. World Neurosurg 2017; 100: 713.e1-713.e3
- 15 Bradley Jr WG. MR appearance of hemorrhage in the brain. Radiology 1993; 189 (01) 15-26
- 16 Canedo-Antelo M, Baleato-González S, Mosqueira AJ. et al. Radiologic clues to cerebral venous thrombosis. Radiographics 2019; 39 (06) 1611-1628
- 17 Roth P, Happold C, Eisele G, Nägele T, Weller M, Luft AR. A series of patients with subpial hemorrhage: clinical manifestation, neuroradiological presentation and therapeutic implications. J Neurol 2008; 255 (07) 1018-1022
- 18 Bhatt SH, Kodankandath TV. Subpial hemorrhage in an adult male. Cureus 2022; 14 (08) e28404 . Accessed May 2, 2023 at:
- 19 Zhang D, Yu J, Guo Y, Zhao S, Shao G, Huang H. An intraventricular meningioma and recurrent astrocytoma collision tumor: a case report and literature review. World J Surg Oncol 2015; 13 (01) 37
- 20 Martínez-Lage J, Ros de San Pedro J, Martínez-Pérez M, Poza M. Meningiomas after radiation-therapy for benign astrocytomas. Neurocirugia (Astur) 2005; 16 (03) 266-270 , discussion 270
- 21 Lee J, Kim MS, Kim YZ. Extensive pachymeningeal dissemination of glioblastoma mimicking chronic subdural hematoma: a case report. Brain Tumor Res Treat 2019; 7 (01) 39-43
- 22 Sudarsan RT, Ramanujan V, Rajendran A. et al. Rare Case of Extracranial Metastases in a Patient with IDH-Mutant Glioblastoma. South Asian J Cancer [Internet]. 2022 Dec 31 [cited 2023 May 1]; Accessed November 4, 2023 at:
- 23 Li ZG, Mu HY. Extracranial bone metastases from recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma on FDG PET/CT: a case report a care-compliant article. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017; 96 (23) e7123
- 24 Piccirilli M, Brunetto GMF, Rocchi G, Giangaspero F, Salvati M. Extra central nervous system metastases from cerebral glioblastoma multiforme in elderly patients. Clinico-pathological remarks on our series of seven cases and critical review of the literature. Tumori 2008; 94 (01) 40-51
- 25 Dotson J, Nijim A, Denning KL, Shweihat Y, Lebowicz Y. A rare case of metastases from a high-grade astrocytoma to the pleura, bones, and liver within six months of diagnosis. Cureus 2018; 10 (08) e3234 . Available at:
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Article published online:
04 December 2023
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- 1 Torp SH, Solheim O, Skjulsvik AJ. The WHO 2021 Classification of Central Nervous System tumours: a practical update on what neurosurgeons need to know-a minireview. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2022; 164 (09) 2453-2464
- 2 Sun Q, Xu R, Xu H, Wang G, Shen X, Jiang H. Extracranial metastases of high-grade glioma: the clinical characteristics and mechanism. World J Surg Oncol 2017; 15 (01) 181
- 3 Umphlett M, Bilal KH, Martini ML. et al. IDH-mutant astrocytoma with EGFR amplification-genomic profiling in four cases and review of literature. Neurooncol Adv 2022; 4 (01) vdac067
- 4 Nakae S, Kato T, Murayama K. et al. Remote intracranial recurrence of IDH mutant gliomas is associated with TP53 mutations and an 8q gain. Oncotarget 2017; 8 (49) 84729-84742
- 5 Im JH, Hong JB, Kim SH. et al. Recurrence patterns after maximal surgical resection and postoperative radiotherapy in anaplastic gliomas according to the new 2016 WHO classification. Sci Rep 2018; 8 (01) 777
- 6 Stewart J, Sahgal A, Chan AKM. et al. Pattern of recurrence of glioblastoma versus grade 4 IDH-mutant astrocytoma following chemoradiation: a retrospective matched-cohort analysis. Technol Cancer Res Treat 2022;21
- 7 Miller JJ, Loebel F, Juratli TA. et al. Accelerated progression of IDH mutant glioma after first recurrence. Neuro-oncol 2019; 21 (05) 669-677
- 8 Hong CS, Hsieh JK, Edwards NA, Ray-Chaudhury A, Zaghloul KA. IDH mutations may not preclude distant, trans-tentorial spread in gliomas: a case report and review of the literature. World J Surg Oncol 2016; 14: 53
- 9 Sotoudeh H, Yazdi HR. A review on dural tail sign. World J Radiol 2010; 2 (05) 188-192
- 10 Patel M, Nguyen HS, Doan N, Gelsomino M, Shabani S, Mueller W. Glioblastoma mimicking meningioma: report of 2 cases. World Neurosurg 2016; 95: 624.e9-624.e13
- 11 Dabboucy B, Younes P, Rahbani A, Fahed E, Abadjian G. Primary extra-axial glioblastoma: case report and literature review. Brazil Neurosurg 2021; 40 (04) e368-e373
- 12 Kim J, Hong CK, Suh SH, Jung WS, Ahn SJ. The added value of the CSF cleft on ADC in distinguishing extra-axial from intra-axial tumors. Clin Imaging 2017; 45: 81-85
- 13 Katsuhara T, Moro N, Ohta T, Homma T, Yoshino A. Solitary primary intracranial leptomeningeal glioblastoma invading the normal cortex: case report. Mol Clin Oncol 2018; 8 (03) 466-470
- 14 Karthigeyan M, Ahuja CK, Chatterjee D, Salunke P. Radiologic dilemma in an extra-axial petroclival lesion: low grade versus high grade. World Neurosurg 2017; 100: 713.e1-713.e3
- 15 Bradley Jr WG. MR appearance of hemorrhage in the brain. Radiology 1993; 189 (01) 15-26
- 16 Canedo-Antelo M, Baleato-González S, Mosqueira AJ. et al. Radiologic clues to cerebral venous thrombosis. Radiographics 2019; 39 (06) 1611-1628
- 17 Roth P, Happold C, Eisele G, Nägele T, Weller M, Luft AR. A series of patients with subpial hemorrhage: clinical manifestation, neuroradiological presentation and therapeutic implications. J Neurol 2008; 255 (07) 1018-1022
- 18 Bhatt SH, Kodankandath TV. Subpial hemorrhage in an adult male. Cureus 2022; 14 (08) e28404 . Accessed May 2, 2023 at:
- 19 Zhang D, Yu J, Guo Y, Zhao S, Shao G, Huang H. An intraventricular meningioma and recurrent astrocytoma collision tumor: a case report and literature review. World J Surg Oncol 2015; 13 (01) 37
- 20 Martínez-Lage J, Ros de San Pedro J, Martínez-Pérez M, Poza M. Meningiomas after radiation-therapy for benign astrocytomas. Neurocirugia (Astur) 2005; 16 (03) 266-270 , discussion 270
- 21 Lee J, Kim MS, Kim YZ. Extensive pachymeningeal dissemination of glioblastoma mimicking chronic subdural hematoma: a case report. Brain Tumor Res Treat 2019; 7 (01) 39-43
- 22 Sudarsan RT, Ramanujan V, Rajendran A. et al. Rare Case of Extracranial Metastases in a Patient with IDH-Mutant Glioblastoma. South Asian J Cancer [Internet]. 2022 Dec 31 [cited 2023 May 1]; Accessed November 4, 2023 at:
- 23 Li ZG, Mu HY. Extracranial bone metastases from recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma on FDG PET/CT: a case report a care-compliant article. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017; 96 (23) e7123
- 24 Piccirilli M, Brunetto GMF, Rocchi G, Giangaspero F, Salvati M. Extra central nervous system metastases from cerebral glioblastoma multiforme in elderly patients. Clinico-pathological remarks on our series of seven cases and critical review of the literature. Tumori 2008; 94 (01) 40-51
- 25 Dotson J, Nijim A, Denning KL, Shweihat Y, Lebowicz Y. A rare case of metastases from a high-grade astrocytoma to the pleura, bones, and liver within six months of diagnosis. Cureus 2018; 10 (08) e3234 . Available at: