CC BY 4.0 · European Journal of General Dentistry 2024; 13(02): 152-157
DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1781440
Brief Report

A Cross-Sectional Study on Incidence and Predictors of Self-Reported Dental Anxiety among Nigerian Public Primary Schoolchildren

1   Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park 2006, Gauteng, South Africa
2   Faculty of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
› Author Affiliations
Funding The administration of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Indonesia, funded this project through its Online APD Program (grant number: 601/UN3.22/KS/2023), which was awarded to C.E. as the Principal Investigator for collaborative research with E.R.S.


Objective The presence of dental anxiety in Nigerian public primary schools may be one of the main obstacles preventing schoolchildren from effectively utilizing dental care services. The main objective of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the incidence and factors associated with self-reported dental anxiety among Nigerian public primary school children.

Materials and Methods A cross-sectional, observational design was employed to examine 434 primary schoolchildren (aged 6–9 years) from selected schools in Abia State, Southeastern Nigeria. Data collection was conducted using the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale, which includes 5-point Likert responses, five questions, and demonstrates good internal consistency.

Results The findings indicate that there was no statistically significant difference in the occurrence of dental anxiety between male and female schoolchildren (p = 0.374). In total, 1.9, 8.7, 10.1, 36.4, and 42.9% of the schoolchildren reported experiencing no dental anxiety, mild, moderate, extreme, and severe levels of dental anxiety, respectively. Furthermore, the results reveal that 2.1% of the variance in children's dental anxiety scores could be accounted for by factors such as gender, age, socioeconomic status, and parental education. However, the influence of gender (B = 0.183; p = 0.060; 95% confidence interval [CI]: –0.008 to 0.374), age (B = –0.128; p = 0.187; 95% CI: –0.318 to 0.062), socioeconomic status (B = –0.067; p = 0.124; 95% CI: –0.152 to 0.018), and parental education (B = –0.045; p = 0.420; 95% CI: –0.154 to 0.064) on schoolchildren's dental anxiety was not significant.

Male and female schoolchildren did not have significantly different dental anxiety levels. Gender, age, socioeconomic status, or parent education level did not significantly predict the dental anxiety among schoolchildren.

Conclusion School-based interventions need to be targeted to reduce dental anxiety among male and female primary schoolchildren in the study area. Clinicians should consider providing interventions to manage dental anxiety in children with moderate to severe levels of anxiety.



The term “dental anxiety” refers to feelings of unease, fear, or stress prior to or during a dental appointment.[1] This anxiety can lead to individuals constantly postponing their dental appointments, which can then result in a cycle of oral health issues, dental pain, increased anxiety, and intricate and costly dental procedures.[2] Children who experience dental anxiety may find themselves caught in a cycle where they delay or avoid dental care, leading to poor oral health and worsening psychosocial consequences over time.[3] The anxiety associated with dental treatment can impact a child's physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions. Additionally, avoiding dental care due to anxiety can worsen oral disease and increase the need for emergency dental care. When a child finally does see a dentist after delaying or avoiding care, they may require more complex treatment and miss out on opportunities to learn how to properly maintain their dental health at an early age.[4]

Managing dental anxiety is a crucial aspect of a child's dental health care, as it has been identified as the biggest barrier to receiving dental care in children.[5] Studies have shown that schoolchildren continue to experience dental anxiety, with prevalence rates ranging from 18.6 to 25.8%, making it a significant dental health concern.[5] [6] While dental anxiety in Nigeria has been studied primarily in hospitals among adults and community-dwelling children,[7] [8] [9] there is a lack of research specifically examining dental anxiety in public primary school students, especially in Abia State of Nigeria. Existing dental research in Nigeria suggests that dental care services are underutilized.[9] The presence of dental anxiety in Nigerian public primary schools may be one of the main obstacles preventing schoolchildren from effectively utilizing dental care services. Additionally, factors such as gender, age, socioeconomic status (SES), and parental education may contribute to the levels of dental anxiety among primary schoolchildren.

It is important to recognize and manage dental anxiety among Nigerian public primary schoolchildren in a timely manner to provide them with effective dental treatment. Therefore, the main objective of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the incidence and associated factors of self-reported dental anxiety among Nigerian public primary schoolchildren aged 6 to 9 years. By identifying the prevalence of dental anxiety in this specific population, the study aims to contribute to the understanding of this dental issue within the unique cultural and socioeconomic context of Nigeria. The findings from this research will provide valuable insights for developing targeted interventions and educational programs to alleviate dental anxiety among Nigerian primary schoolchildren.


  • There will be no significant difference in the incidence of dental anxiety between male and female primary schoolchildren.

  • Gender, SES, parental education, and age will not significantly influence primary schoolchildren's dental anxiety.

  • Gender, age, SES, and parental education will not significantly contribute to the prediction of schoolchildren's dental anxiety.


Materials and Methods

Study Design and Ethical Procedure

A cross-sectional, observational design was used to study primary schoolchildren (aged 6–9 years) from 10 selected public primary schools in Abia State, Southeastern Nigeria. The University of Nigeria's Faculty of Education Research Ethics Committee provided ethical clearance for this study in line with relevant research ethical guidelines.


Sample and Sampling Process

An a priori power analysis with G*Power version (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany)[10] for chi-squared test and regression analysis showed that a minimum sample size of 291 and 434, respectively, was needed to achieve 90% power to detect medium effects (w = 0.30; d = 0.25) at a significance level of 0.05. Consequently, a sample of 434 public primary schoolchildren was deemed sufficient for the study.


Criteria for Exclusion and Inclusion

Primary schoolchildren falling into the following categories were excluded from the study: (1) those with other medical illnesses, such as malaria or typhoid; (2) those with severe dental complications or bleeding, severe toothache, or severe headaches; and (3) those with physical disabilities that affect their psychological disposition. Schoolchildren within the age range of 6 and 9 years and without the aforementioned conditions were included in this study after obtaining their informed consent. The researchers included schoolchildren whose parents signed a letter of consent for their child to participate.


Data Collection

The main outcome of this study was the assessment of primary schoolchildren's dental anxiety using the English language version of the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS)[1] adapted by the researchers. The MDAS consists of 5-point Likert responses (ranging from 1: not anxious to 5: extremely anxious), five questions (with a total score ranging from 5 to 25), and an internal consistency of Cronbach's alpha value of 0.89. The MDAS requires respondents to indicate their emotional responses to the prospect of a dental appointment the day before, when they are in a dentist's waiting room, and during procedures such as drilling, scaling, and local anesthetic injection. A demographic questionnaire was used to collect individual information from the schoolchildren. Two postgraduate researchers served as research assistants to collect the required data from the schoolchildren. Data collection took place from July 15 to August 30, 2023. The MDAS showed an internal consistency reliability of 0.879 Cronbach's alpha in the current study.


Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics were used to analyze some aspects of the data from this study. Chi-squared statistics, pie charts, and regression analyses were used to analyze the research data. The study hypotheses were tested at a probability level of 0.05 using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 29 (IBM Corp, New York, United States). Microsoft Excel was used to prepare the pie chart.



[Table 1] indicates that the mean age of the children was 7.52 ± 1.18 years. Out of the 343 schoolchildren who participated in the study, 234 (53.9%) were male students, while 200 (46.1%) were female students. Additionally, the parents' educational background showed that the majority of parents (47.9%) had a bachelor's degree, while 126 (32.0%) had a post-secondary certificate. Others had a postgraduate degree (12.4%), secondary certificate (8.3%), or primary school certificate (2.3%). Finally, most participants came from a good socioeconomic background, with incomes ranging from NGN 150,001 to 200,000 (36.4%) to >200,000 (16.6%).

Table 1

Participants' characteristics


n (%)

Age (y)

Mean ± SD

7.52 ± 1.18

Age group

6–7 y

210 (48.4)

8–9 y

224 (51.6)



234 (53.9)


200 (46.1)

Parental education


10 (2.3)


36 (8.3)

Socioeconomic status

Postsecondary certificate

126 (32.0)

University degree

208 (47.9)

Postgraduate degree

54 (12.4)

NGN <50,000

36 (8.3)

NGN 50,000–100,000

49 (11.3)

NGN 100,001–150,000

119 (27.4)

NGN 150,001–200,000

158 (36.4)

NGN >200,000

72 (16.6)

Abbreviation: NGN, Nigerian Naira; SD, standard deviation.

[Table 2] and [Fig. 1] show that 1.2% of male schoolchildren and 0.7% of female schoolchildren reported having no dental anxiety. On the other hand, 6.2% of male schoolchildren and 3.9% of female schoolchildren reported mild levels of dental anxiety. Approximately 5.5% of male schoolchildren and 3.2% of female schoolchildren reported moderate levels of dental anxiety. Furthermore, 23.3% of male schoolchildren and 19.6% of female schoolchildren reported severe levels of dental anxiety. Also, 17.7% of male schoolchildren and 18.7% of female schoolchildren reported extreme levels of dental anxiety. Overall, there was no statistically significant difference in the self-reported incidence of dental anxiety between male and female schoolchildren (p = 0.374).

Table 2

Incidence of dental anxiety among schoolchildren by gender



Chi-squared statistic

Male (%)

Female (%)


Not anxious









χ 2 = 4.244, p = 0.374







Abbreviations: MDAS, Modified Dental Anxiety Scale.

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Pie chart indicating the total incidence of self-reported dental anxiety among schoolchildren.

[Table 3] shows that gender is positively correlated with dental anxiety score in schoolchildren (r = 0.093; p = 0.044). Furthermore, age (r = –0.076; p = 0.047) and SES (r = –0.087; p = 0.050) are negatively associated with schoolchildren's dental anxiety score. Furthermore, there is a negative correlation between parental education and schoolchildren's dental anxiety scores (r = –0.053; p = 0.390).

Table 3

Correlations of children's sociodemographic variables with dental anxiety

Dental anxiety
















Abbreviations: PE, parental education; SES, socioeconomic status.

[Table 4] shows the stepwise regression analysis model that includes four sociodemographic variables, explaining 2.1% of the variance in children's dental anxiety score. Specifically, gender explains only 0.9% of the variance in children's dental anxiety score; gender combined with age explains 1.3% of the variance in children's dental anxiety scores; and gender, age, and SES together explain 2.0% of the variance in children's dental anxiety score. In other words, the dental anxiety score reported by schoolchildren is slightly influenced by a combination of gender, age, SES, and parental education factors.

Table 4

Stepwise regression of children's sociodemographic variables with dental anxiety


Stepwise R

R 2

R 2 change

















Abbreviations: PE, parental education; SES, socioeconomic status.

[Table 5] presents the contributions of sociodemographic variables to the prediction of dental anxiety in schoolchildren. The impact of gender (B = 0.183; p = 0.060; 95% confidence interval [CI]: –0.008 to 0.374), age (B = –0.128; p = 0.187; 95% CI: –0.318 to 0.062), SES (B = –0.067; p = 0.124; 95% CI: –0.152 to 0.018), and parental education (B = –0.045; p = 0.420; 95% CI: –0.154 to 0.064) on dental anxiety in schoolchildren was not statistically significant. Therefore, gender, age, SES, and parental education did not significantly contribute to the prediction of dental anxiety in schoolchildren.

Table 5

Sociodemographic variables predicting children's dental anxiety



SE (B)




95% CI for B













–0.008 to 0.374







–0.318 to 0.062







–0.152 to 0.018







–0.154 to 0.064

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; PE, parental education; SES, socioeconomic status.



The primary purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the incidence and associated factors of self-reported dental anxiety among Nigerian public primary schoolchildren. The study found that the difference in the incidence of dental anxiety among male and female schoolchildren was not statistically significant. This implies that there is a similarity in self-reported dental anxiety between male and female schoolchildren in the study area. Overall, 1.9, 8.7, 10.1, 36.4, and 42.9% of the schoolchildren self-reported having no dental anxiety, having moderate, mild, extreme, and severe levels of dental anxiety, respectively. The incidence of dental anxiety in the current study is comparable to that found in previous studies, which ranged from 7.43 to 62.8%.[7] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] One study discovered that 47.3% of respondents had low dental anxiety, while 52.7% had high dental anxiety.[20] In another study on dental anxiety, 36.2% of respondents reported being mildly anxious, 57.8% reported being moderately anxious, and 6.0% reported being highly anxious.[21] The present findings also align with previous studies that reported that the incidence of dental anxiety is not gender related.[22] [23] Also, Folayan et al[22] reported that gender alone could not substantially determine dental anxiety, but it may contribute when combined with other factors. However, these results contradict some research that suggested that female children experience dental treatment anxiety more frequently than male children; 54% were anxious and rejected radiographic examination and showed significant anxiety levels.[13] Males demonstrated a lesser level of dental anxiety than female respondents in Akhigbe and Koleoso's study.[8]

The present study further found that gender, age, SES, and parental education did not make significant contributions to the prediction of schoolchildren's dental anxiety, thereby supporting our initial hypothesis. These sociodemographic factors only explained a slight proportion of the variance (2.1%) in dental anxiety reported by the schoolchildren. The findings also supported the hypothesis that the influence of gender, age, SES, and parental education on schoolchildren's dental anxiety is not statistically significant. Although some studies indicated that gender predicts dental anxiety following their report that dental anxiety was higher in adult females than males,[7] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [21] one study showed that no gender disparity exists in dental anxiety levels among children.[22] In contrast to some research that found that participants' age was a contributing factor to differences in dental anxiety scores,[7] [11] [12] [15] other studies found the opposite,[8] [24] which is consistent with our current findings regarding the relationship between age and dental anxiety in schoolchildren. Our findings aligned with other previous studies,[25] [26] indicating that anxiety had no relation to SES, but it contrasted with the finding of a study that revealed that there was a positive correlation between SES and the behavior of children in dental clinics.[27] Tuuti[28] reported that children of parents with high levels of education showed better and more harmonious behavior during dental procedures. Stabholz and Peretz[29] also reported that those with high levels of education are better equipped to cope with nervousness related to dental treatment. The results of our study therefore have implications for children and their families, as well as financial implications for providing dental treatment to dentally anxious children. Children with high dental anxiety may likely avoid dental encounters, resulting in neglected dental care and increased unmet need. Pediatricians should pay attention to children during early diagnostic tests and clinical risk assessment, periodic dental checkups, and oral hygiene instruction to prevent painful dental experiences and reduce the need for extensive dental procedures during childhood. It can be inferred from our results that the care for children with dental anxiety can have an impact on dentists regardless of the children's SES, gender, age, and parental education.

Even though reliable empirical methods were used, this study has some limitations. Only public school students were included in the study, while private schoolchildren were excluded. Therefore, it is crucial to be cautious when extrapolating the findings of this study to other populations experiencing dental anxiety. Ideally, future research should include a multigroup study to evaluate the prevalence of dental anxiety and its associated characteristics in children from public and private schools. This will enable us to compare dental anxiety effects and incidence among children in both contexts. Additionally, the cross-sectional design used in this study presents a challenge for making causal inferences. To address these issues, future studies should adopt a time-lag approach to data collection by using experimental or longitudinal methods. Although the data collection scale was validated before testing the hypotheses, future studies may consider running the data through a confirmatory factor analysis before utilizing it. Moreover, the study acknowledges the possibility of an order effect,[30] since the participants responded to all items in the same order. As a result of this order effect, the intended validity of the measurement scale may have been compromised, as respondents may have paid more attention to earlier statements than later statements. A counterbalanced or random order should be used in future research when presenting the measurement scale for dental anxiety in schoolchildren. This study has significantly contributed to our understanding of the incidence and factors associated with dental anxiety among Nigerian public primary school students, despite the limitations stated.



The main focus of this study was to investigate the incidence and associated factors of dental anxiety among Nigerian public primary schoolchildren, providing empirical data that can be used in future comparative studies. It was shown that there is no statistically significant difference in the incidence of dental anxiety between male and female schoolchildren. Gender, age, SES, and parental education did not make significant contributions to the prediction of schoolchildren's dental anxiety in the study area. Researchers are urged to implement school-based interventions aimed at minimizing dental anxiety in both male and female primary schoolchildren in the study area. When preparing and implementing intervention plans to manage children's dental anxiety, clinicians should consider children with moderate to severe levels of dental anxiety.


Conflict of Interest

None declared.


The researchers wish to thank the school heads, parents, and pupils at the public schools in Abia State where this study was conducted.

Author Contributions

C.E. and E.R.S. initiated the study, carried out the study, analyzed and interpreted the data, and wrote the manuscript. Both authors approved the submitted version of this manuscript.

Data Availability

The data related to this research can be obtained from the authors on reasonable request.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

The manuscript has not been submitted to more than one journal for consideration. The manuscript has not been published previously (partly or in full) unless the new work concerns an expansion of previous work; there is no transparency on the reuse of material to avoid the hint of text-recycling (“self-plagiarism”).

  • References

  • 1 Humphris GM, Morrison T, Lindsay SJ. The Modified Dental Anxiety Scale: validation and United Kingdom norms. Community Dent Health 1995; 12 (03) 143-150
  • 2 Jiang T. Drills, needles, and pain, oh my! Coping with dental anxiety. December 18, 2019. Harvard Health Blog. Accessed June 13, 2023 at:
  • 3 Wide U, Hakeberg M. Treatment of dental anxiety and phobia-diagnostic criteria and conceptual model of behavioural treatment. Dent J 2021; 9 (12) 153
  • 4 Curatola G. Dental anxiety: signs, symptoms, & how to ease the panic. March 2, 2021. Accessed June 13, 2023 at:
  • 5 Vanhée T, Poncelet J, Cheikh-Ali S, Bottenberg P. Prevalence, caries, dental anxiety and quality of life in children with MIH in Brussels, Belgium. J Clin Med 2022; 11 (11) 3065
  • 6 Grisolia BM, Dos Santos APP, Dhyppolito IM, Buchanan H, Hill K, Oliveira BH. Prevalence of dental anxiety in children and adolescents globally: a systematic review with meta-analyses. Int J Paediatr Dent 2021; 31 (02) 168-183
  • 7 Bashiru BO, Omotola OE. Prevalence and determinants of dental anxiety among adult population in Benin City, Nigeria. Eur J Gen Dent 2016; 5 (03) 99-103
  • 8 Akhigbe KO, Koleoso ON. Trait anxiety, sex, age and dental treatment experience as determinants of dental anxiety among chronic dental patients in Nigeria. Eur Sci J 2014; 10 (12) 316-328
  • 9 Adeniyi AA, Folayan MO, Arowolo O, Oziegbe EO, Chukwumah NM, El-Tantawi M. Associations between oral habits, dental anxiety, dental service utilization, and maternal mental health status among 6- to 12-year-old children in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2023; 24 (02) 177-185
  • 10 Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang AG, Buchner A. G*Power 3: a flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behav Res Methods 2007; 39 (02) 175-191
  • 11 Azodo CC, Umoh A. Association between oral health literacy and dental anxiety among dental outpatients. Nig J Med Dent Educ 2019; 1 (1 & 2): 8-13
  • 12 Arigbede AO, Ajayi DM, Kolude B. Dental anxiety among patients visiting a University Dental Centre. Niger Dent J 2011; 19 (01) 20-25
  • 13 Coker AO, Sorunke ME, Onigbinde OO, Awotile AO, Ogunbanjo OB, Ogunbanjo VO. The prevalence of dental anxiety and validation of the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale in a sample of Nigerian population. Niger Med Pract 2012; 62 (5–6): 138-143
  • 14 Olawole W, Kanmodi K. Factors responsible for delayed presentation at the Dental Clinic of the Federal Medical Centre, Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria. Med Univ 2019; 2 (01) 12-20
  • 15 Agbelusi G, Sanni O, Nnadozie E. Dental Anxiety in Nigerian Patients. IADR Abstract Archives. 2011 Africa/Middle East Region Meeting, Abuja, Nigeria, 2011 Accessed January 17, 2023 at:
  • 16 Koleoso ON, Akhigbe KO. Prevalence of dental anxiety and the psychometric properties of Modified Dental Anxiety Scale in Nigeria. World J Dent 2014; 5 (01) 53-59
  • 17 Braimoh OB, Umanah AU. Modified dental anxiety scale and its psychometric properties in an adult population in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Niger Health J 2017; 17 (02) 46-55
  • 18 Afolabi O, Ogunbanjo OB. Socio-demographic correlates of dental anxiety among patients attending a public dental clinic in Lagos, Nigeria. Libyan Dent J 2016; 6: 26021031
  • 19 Folayan MO, El Tantawi M, Aly NM. et al. Associations between a history of sexual abuse and dental anxiety, caries experience and oral hygiene status among adolescents in sub-urban South West Nigeria. BMC Oral Health 2021; 21 (01) 196
  • 20 Folayan MO, Kolawole KA, Onyejaka NK, Agbaje HO, Chukwumah NM, Oyedele TA. General anxiety, dental anxiety, digit sucking, caries and oral hygiene status of children resident in a semi-urban population in Nigeria. BMC Oral Health 2018; 18 (01) 66
  • 21 Suleiman AR, Efunkoya AA, Omeje KU, Amole IO. The effect of dental anxiety on surgical time of mandibular third molar disimpaction. Niger J Clin Pract 2021; 24 (10) 1430-1437
  • 22 Folayan MO, Idehen EE, Ufomata D. The effect of sociodemographic factors on dental anxiety in children seen in a suburban Nigerian hospital. Int J Paediatr Dent 2003; 13 (01) 20-26
  • 23 Doğan MC, Şeydaoğlu G, Uğuz S, Inanç BY. The effect of age, gender and socio-economic factors on perceived dental anxiety determined by a modified scale in children. Oral Health Prev Dent 2006; 4 (04) 235-241
  • 24 Egbor PE, Akpata O. An evaluation of the sociodemographic determinants of dental anxiety in patients scheduled for intra-alveolar extraction. Libyan J Med 2014; 9 (01) 25433
  • 25 Kothari S, Gurunathan D. Factors influencing anxiety levels in children undergoing dental treatment in an undergraduate clinic. J Family Med Prim Care 2019; 8 (06) 2036-2041
  • 26 Aminabadi NA, Sohrabi A, Erfanparast LK, Oskouei SG, Ajami BA. Can birth order affect temperament, anxiety and behavior in 5 to 7-year-old children in the dental setting?. J Contemp Dent Pract 2011; 12 (04) 225-231
  • 27 Neverlien PO. Assessment of a single-item dental anxiety question. Acta Odontol Scand 1990; 48 (06) 365-369
  • 28 Tuuti H. Socio-economic, psychological and historical background of dental fears of 7–10-year-old in Povaniemi, Finland. Proc Finn Dent Soc 1984; 80: 87
  • 29 Stabholz A, Peretz B. Dental anxiety among patients prior to different dental treatments. Int Dent J 1999; 49 (02) 90-94
  • 30 Strack F. “Order effects” in survey research: activation and information functions of preceding questions. In: Schwarz N. S Sudman, eds. Context Effects in Social and Psychological Research. New York, NY: Springer; 1992: 23-34

Address for correspondence

Endang R. Surjaningrum, PhD, Faculty of Psychology
Department of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga

Publication History

Article published online:
13 May 2024

© 2024. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction so long as the original work is properly cited. (

Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
A-12, 2nd Floor, Sector 2, Noida-201301 UP, India

  • References

  • 1 Humphris GM, Morrison T, Lindsay SJ. The Modified Dental Anxiety Scale: validation and United Kingdom norms. Community Dent Health 1995; 12 (03) 143-150
  • 2 Jiang T. Drills, needles, and pain, oh my! Coping with dental anxiety. December 18, 2019. Harvard Health Blog. Accessed June 13, 2023 at:
  • 3 Wide U, Hakeberg M. Treatment of dental anxiety and phobia-diagnostic criteria and conceptual model of behavioural treatment. Dent J 2021; 9 (12) 153
  • 4 Curatola G. Dental anxiety: signs, symptoms, & how to ease the panic. March 2, 2021. Accessed June 13, 2023 at:
  • 5 Vanhée T, Poncelet J, Cheikh-Ali S, Bottenberg P. Prevalence, caries, dental anxiety and quality of life in children with MIH in Brussels, Belgium. J Clin Med 2022; 11 (11) 3065
  • 6 Grisolia BM, Dos Santos APP, Dhyppolito IM, Buchanan H, Hill K, Oliveira BH. Prevalence of dental anxiety in children and adolescents globally: a systematic review with meta-analyses. Int J Paediatr Dent 2021; 31 (02) 168-183
  • 7 Bashiru BO, Omotola OE. Prevalence and determinants of dental anxiety among adult population in Benin City, Nigeria. Eur J Gen Dent 2016; 5 (03) 99-103
  • 8 Akhigbe KO, Koleoso ON. Trait anxiety, sex, age and dental treatment experience as determinants of dental anxiety among chronic dental patients in Nigeria. Eur Sci J 2014; 10 (12) 316-328
  • 9 Adeniyi AA, Folayan MO, Arowolo O, Oziegbe EO, Chukwumah NM, El-Tantawi M. Associations between oral habits, dental anxiety, dental service utilization, and maternal mental health status among 6- to 12-year-old children in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2023; 24 (02) 177-185
  • 10 Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang AG, Buchner A. G*Power 3: a flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behav Res Methods 2007; 39 (02) 175-191
  • 11 Azodo CC, Umoh A. Association between oral health literacy and dental anxiety among dental outpatients. Nig J Med Dent Educ 2019; 1 (1 & 2): 8-13
  • 12 Arigbede AO, Ajayi DM, Kolude B. Dental anxiety among patients visiting a University Dental Centre. Niger Dent J 2011; 19 (01) 20-25
  • 13 Coker AO, Sorunke ME, Onigbinde OO, Awotile AO, Ogunbanjo OB, Ogunbanjo VO. The prevalence of dental anxiety and validation of the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale in a sample of Nigerian population. Niger Med Pract 2012; 62 (5–6): 138-143
  • 14 Olawole W, Kanmodi K. Factors responsible for delayed presentation at the Dental Clinic of the Federal Medical Centre, Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria. Med Univ 2019; 2 (01) 12-20
  • 15 Agbelusi G, Sanni O, Nnadozie E. Dental Anxiety in Nigerian Patients. IADR Abstract Archives. 2011 Africa/Middle East Region Meeting, Abuja, Nigeria, 2011 Accessed January 17, 2023 at:
  • 16 Koleoso ON, Akhigbe KO. Prevalence of dental anxiety and the psychometric properties of Modified Dental Anxiety Scale in Nigeria. World J Dent 2014; 5 (01) 53-59
  • 17 Braimoh OB, Umanah AU. Modified dental anxiety scale and its psychometric properties in an adult population in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Niger Health J 2017; 17 (02) 46-55
  • 18 Afolabi O, Ogunbanjo OB. Socio-demographic correlates of dental anxiety among patients attending a public dental clinic in Lagos, Nigeria. Libyan Dent J 2016; 6: 26021031
  • 19 Folayan MO, El Tantawi M, Aly NM. et al. Associations between a history of sexual abuse and dental anxiety, caries experience and oral hygiene status among adolescents in sub-urban South West Nigeria. BMC Oral Health 2021; 21 (01) 196
  • 20 Folayan MO, Kolawole KA, Onyejaka NK, Agbaje HO, Chukwumah NM, Oyedele TA. General anxiety, dental anxiety, digit sucking, caries and oral hygiene status of children resident in a semi-urban population in Nigeria. BMC Oral Health 2018; 18 (01) 66
  • 21 Suleiman AR, Efunkoya AA, Omeje KU, Amole IO. The effect of dental anxiety on surgical time of mandibular third molar disimpaction. Niger J Clin Pract 2021; 24 (10) 1430-1437
  • 22 Folayan MO, Idehen EE, Ufomata D. The effect of sociodemographic factors on dental anxiety in children seen in a suburban Nigerian hospital. Int J Paediatr Dent 2003; 13 (01) 20-26
  • 23 Doğan MC, Şeydaoğlu G, Uğuz S, Inanç BY. The effect of age, gender and socio-economic factors on perceived dental anxiety determined by a modified scale in children. Oral Health Prev Dent 2006; 4 (04) 235-241
  • 24 Egbor PE, Akpata O. An evaluation of the sociodemographic determinants of dental anxiety in patients scheduled for intra-alveolar extraction. Libyan J Med 2014; 9 (01) 25433
  • 25 Kothari S, Gurunathan D. Factors influencing anxiety levels in children undergoing dental treatment in an undergraduate clinic. J Family Med Prim Care 2019; 8 (06) 2036-2041
  • 26 Aminabadi NA, Sohrabi A, Erfanparast LK, Oskouei SG, Ajami BA. Can birth order affect temperament, anxiety and behavior in 5 to 7-year-old children in the dental setting?. J Contemp Dent Pract 2011; 12 (04) 225-231
  • 27 Neverlien PO. Assessment of a single-item dental anxiety question. Acta Odontol Scand 1990; 48 (06) 365-369
  • 28 Tuuti H. Socio-economic, psychological and historical background of dental fears of 7–10-year-old in Povaniemi, Finland. Proc Finn Dent Soc 1984; 80: 87
  • 29 Stabholz A, Peretz B. Dental anxiety among patients prior to different dental treatments. Int Dent J 1999; 49 (02) 90-94
  • 30 Strack F. “Order effects” in survey research: activation and information functions of preceding questions. In: Schwarz N. S Sudman, eds. Context Effects in Social and Psychological Research. New York, NY: Springer; 1992: 23-34

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Pie chart indicating the total incidence of self-reported dental anxiety among schoolchildren.