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DOI: 10.1055/s-0045-1802595
Response Assessment after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Rectal Cancer
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Types of Neoadjuvant Therapy
- Management of Rectal Cancer Following Neoadjuvant Therapy
- Timing of Response Assessment MRI after Neoadjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancer
- MRI Technique and Image Acquisition
- Interpretation of Response Assessment or Restaging MRI in Rectal Cancer
- Common Challenges and Troubleshooting
- Other Imaging Modalities for Response Assessment
- Conclusion and Take-Home Message
- References
Management of locally advanced rectal cancer is complex, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings play a central role in treatment decisions. While neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy significantly improved local recurrence rates, newer treatment modalities, such as total neoadjuvant chemotherapy, improved distant control. They significantly improved pathological complete response rates, enabling organ preservation in more patients. MRI is the best imaging modality to assess treatment response. MRI aids in assessing operability, predicts surgical outcomes following neoadjuvant treatment, and aids in identifying patients' eligible for organ preservation and their follow-up. In this review, we discuss imaging techniques and interpretation of rectal cancer MRI following neoadjuvant treatment, provide a structured reporting template for response assessment MRI, and detail how imaging findings influence treatment decisions.
The management of locally advanced rectal cancer (stage III and above) has rapidly evolved since the first description of total mesorectal excision (TME) in 1986.[1] We saw a shift from traditional surgical management to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (NACRT) and now to total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT). The complete response rates have increased from 10 to 15% to around 50% with improvements in the neoadjuvant treatment regimens.[2] [3] [4] [5] Nonoperative management (NOM) of rectal adenocarcinoma is increasingly accepted as a standard practice. Rectal cancer magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a pivotal role in assessing response to different neoadjuvant treatment regimens. In those with complete response (CR) or near-complete response (nCR), MRI aids in identifying patients eligible for NOM and their subsequent follow-up.[5] [6] In patients with incomplete response (iCR), MRI-based response assessment aids in determining the correct surgical strategy and the prognosis. It accurately identifies patients who have progressed on neoadjuvant treatment and, thus, would need a change in the treatment intent.[6] [7] [8] While staging MRI has firmly established its role in the management of rectal cancer, regular use of MRI for response assessment is not a routine practice and comes with challenges. This review article describes the different neoadjuvant treatment regimens, patients eligible for these treatments, the MRI imaging protocol for rectal cancer response assessment and its interpretation, and the response assessment criteria and standard terminologies. We also describe a few common problems and solutions while scanning and interpreting response assessment MRI in rectal cancer patients.
Types of Neoadjuvant Therapy
Neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer has been classically done using two strategies: (1) short-course radiotherapy (SCRT) with 25 Gy given in five fractions or (2) long-course chemoradiotherapy (LCRT) with 45 to 50 Gy given in 25 to 28 fractions with concurrent low-dose fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy, which functions as a radiosensitizer.[9] Although abundant data supports both regimens before surgery, only a few studies have investigated the superiority of one over the other.[10] [11] Though there were no statistically significant differences in the R0 resection rates, local recurrence rates, systemic relapse rates, or overall survival (OR) in either of these strategies, there was better local tumor downstaging with LCRT with higher pathological complete response rates.[12]
A further development in neoadjuvant treatment is TNT.[1] [9] With TNT, a full-dose chemotherapy is delivered preoperatively, either with SCRT or LCRT. Chemotherapy can be delivered before (induction chemotherapy) or after (consolidation chemotherapy) irradiation. The chemotherapy regimens used in TNT are FOLFIRINOX (folinic acid, fluorouracil, irinotecan hydrochloride, and oxaliplatin), CAPOX (capecitabine and oxaliplatin), or FOLFOX (fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin). TNT appears to offer additional benefits to SCRT or LCRT, both in terms of the higher rates of pathological CR and in reducing the risks of systemic relapse and yet did not affect the 3-year OR rates.[13] [14] [15] [16]
Several recent studies have investigated a deescalation of neoadjuvant therapy, whereby neoadjuvant chemotherapy is used as a single-agent modality. The chemotherapeutic regimen used in this strategy is FOLFOX or CAPOX. Proponents for this strategy argue that the low rates of local recurrence seen after TME have reduced the potential benefit of radiotherapy (RT); hence, systemic chemotherapy alone without RT will reduce systemic relapse and reduce RT-related toxicities in patients whose cancers do not require downstaging before TME.[17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] However, this strategy remains unpopular worldwide and is unsupported by data on long-term survival outcomes. With all these options available for neoadjuvant treatment, there are different approaches among various expert groups about who should receive which type of neoadjuvant treatment. The summary of various neoadjuvant therapies available and the European Society for Medical Oncology guidelines for its use are shown in [Table 1].
Abbreviations: CAPOX, capecitabine and oxaliplatin; EMVI, extramural vascular invasion; ESMO, European Society for Medical Oncology; FOLFIRINIX, folinic acid, fluorouracil, irinotecan hydrochloride and oxaliplatin; FOLFOX, fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin; MRF, mesorectal fascia; RT, radiotherapy.
Management of Rectal Cancer Following Neoadjuvant Therapy
Following completion of neoadjuvant treatment, the patients are evaluated, and the tumor will be restaged to plan subsequent management. Digital rectal examination (DRE), endoscopy, and pelvic MRI are recommended for evaluation and local tumor restaging.[2] The terminologies and abbreviations recommended for response assessment include cCR for a clinical complete response, nCR, and iCR.[6] Patients are advised surgery or NOM depending on the response to neoadjuvant treatment. TME or beyond TME surgery is a standard management option for patients with iCR, yet completely resectable disease. NOM, also referred to as organ-preserving strategy, watch and wait, or wait and see, is an emerging and attractive option in the care of patients with rectal cancer, aimed at improving quality of life without over- or undertreatment in patients with cCR.[23] [24] The success of NOM depends on accurate restaging and identification of cCR, appropriate patient selection using triple assessment (MRI + DRE + endoscopy), and very stringent follow-up protocol. The term “regrowth” describes local recurrence in the bowel wall following a period of cCR in a patient on NOM. The local regrowth rate among rectal cancer patients managed with NOM following cCR was 25.2%, with the majority (88%) recurring within the first 2 years and 97% recurring in the bowel wall.[25] Thus, patients on NOM must be on a strict surveillance protocol.
Surveillance Protocol for Patients on Watch and Wait
Surveillance protocol for patients on NOM includes triple assessment every 3 months for the first 2 years and then every 6 months for 3 to 5 years after treatment. Along with MRI, computed tomography (CT) of the chest and abdomen is also recommended every 6 months for the first 2 years and then annually for 3 to 5 years. Regrowth is treated with definitive local treatments such as surgery or a combination of RT with local excision.
[Fig. 1] shows the management guidelines following neoadjuvant therapy.

Timing of Response Assessment MRI after Neoadjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancer
The timing for restaging MRI is typically 6 to 8 weeks after the completion of NACRT but varies widely based on institutional protocols and guidelines. Rectal cancer, however, continues to respond till 12 to 14 weeks after NACRT.[26] [27] The optimal response assessment time point suggested by international consensus recommendations to determine cCR is 12 to 14 weeks for LCRT and 24 weeks after TNT.[23] [28] In patients with an nCR at the initial assessment, repeat imaging is recommended in 4 to 10 weeks to look for cCR.
MRI Technique and Image Acquisition
Bowel preparation using microenema to clear rectal contents and routine advice to empty bowel and bladder before rectal cancer MRI is highly recommended to minimize contents.[29] A partially distended or empty bladder is helpful in better appreciating the mesorectal fascia (MRF). The use of spasmolytics is optional and can be helpful for reassessing upper rectal cancers. Administering intravenous contrast is not routinely recommended. The technologist's focus must be guided to the location of rectal cancer on baseline MRI. The imaging protocol is otherwise like the staging MRI. The protocol used is a standard 3-mm section T2-weighted high-resolution (HR) MRI of the pelvis with no interslice gap, with a voxel size of 1 mm3 or less, acquired in sagittal, oblique axial (perpendicular to the rectum), and oblique coronal (parallel to the rectum) planes. An axial small field of view diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is acquired using respiratory-triggered, single-shot echo planar imaging with b-values of 0 and 800 to 1,000 mm2/s in the same plane as oblique axial T2 HR images, and the apparent diffusion coefficient map is automatically generated.[30] [31] Detailed MRI parameters for 1.5T and 3T MRI magnets are outlined in [Table 2].
Abbreviations: DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; HR, high-resolution; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; SPAIR, Spectral Adiabatic Inversion Recovery.
Interpretation of Response Assessment or Restaging MRI in Rectal Cancer
The key to accurate response estimation after neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer patients is a systematic approach to the interpretation of response assessment MRI, factoring in the histopathological type of rectal cancer, baseline imaging characteristics of rectal cancer, type of neoadjuvant treatment, and the time elapsed since the completion of neoadjuvant therapy. Taking note of the MRI image quality and attempting to document any artifacts that might limit the interpretation of MRI is also a helpful step. In the following section, we give an multidisciplinary team (MDT) checklist ([Box 1]) and describe a systematic approach to interpreting response assessment MRI in rectal cancer patients.
Step 1: Review the Baseline MRI to Note the Imaging Characteristics of the Rectal Cancer at Presentation
The location of the tumor, the morphology, and the signal intensity of the rectal cancer on baseline MRI will influence the appearance of the tumor in the response assessment scan. Amidst the posttreatment edema and diffuse wall thickening ([Fig. 2]), it is often challenging to identify the residual tumor without knowing where to look for it. Taking note of the location (high, mid, or low rectum) and the morphology (annular, semiannular, or polypoidal) of the rectal cancer at baseline will guide our review to the correct anatomical site in the rectum bearing the tumor. The signal intensity of rectal cancer on T2 and DWI at the baseline would dictate the usefulness of these sequences on response assessment MRI ([Fig. 3]). For example, well and moderately differentiated rectal cancers appear T2 intermediate in signal intensity and show diffusion restriction. MRI-based response assessment on T2 and DWI is most accurate in these cancers. Rectal cancers that are T2 hyperintense or mixed in signal intensity are mucinous and show facilitated diffusion on DWI. Detecting cCR in these cancers is impossible unless there is a complete disappearance of the T2 hyperintense tumor and full restoration of rectal wall layers. Signet ring cell cancer and poorly differentiated carcinomas may either appear T2 markedly hypointense or mixed hyperintense and hypointense in signal and may not show diffusion restriction ([Fig. 4]).[32]

Step 2: Document Response Based on T2 and DWI Appearance of Rectal Cancer in the Current Response Assessment MRI
MR Tumor Regression Grade
The MERCURY study group described the five-point MR tumor regression grade (mrTRG) for response assessment using T2 HR MRI. It was adapted from Dworak's pathological tumor regression grading system.[7] The interpretation of mrTRG on response assessment MRI requires us to compare the current images with the baseline T2 HR images to determine the proportion of the tumor replaced by T2 hypointense fibrosis and the proportion of residual intermediate signal intensity tumor ([Table 3]).[33]
Abbreviations: DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; ESGAR, European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology; HR, high-resolution; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; mrTRG, magnetic resonance tumor regression grade; SAR, Society of Abdominal Radiology.
Note: Comparison with the baseline staging MRI is mandatory for the radiological interpretation of mrTRG.
Complete response or mrTRG1, seen as complete normalization of the rectal wall or thin (1–2 mm) T2 hypointense mucosal scar ([Fig. 5]), is rare. A more common morphological appearance of complete response is a variable thickness T2 hypointense mucosal and submucosal scar ([Fig. 6]). Though highly specific, morphological appearances had very low sensitivity for identifying complete responses.[27] [30] “Split scar sign” is a recently described morphological appearance for a complete response on T2 HR MRI, which carries a high pooled specificity of 92%, fair sensitivity of 62%, and substantial interobserver agreement (k = 0.69).[34] [35] [36] In a positive “split scar sign,” the rectal wall at the site of the previous tumor appears in three layers, that is, two thin hypointense layers like a tram track, sandwiched by an intermediate signal layer representing the perirectal and the submucosal fibrosis sandwiching a thickened edematous muscularis propria ([Fig. 7]).[34]

Modified mrTRG
The most adopted modification of mrTRG is the three-tier system ([Table 3]), which incorporates T2 HR MRI and DWI and is endorsed by the European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology and Society of Abdominal Radiology.[6] [23] [37] [38] The response patterns on DWI were described based on the morphology of the rectal cancer on baseline T2-weighted MRI ([Table 3]).[39] The semiannular rectal cancers can have one of these appearances following neoadjuvant therapy: normalization of the rectal wall and thus no diffusion restriction in cCR ([Figs. 5] [6] [7]), C-shaped diffusion restriction along the mucosal surface in a partly fibrosed rectal cancer, or semiannular restricted diffusion in frank residual tumor with iCR ([Fig. 8]). Annular and polyp tumors are less likely to show cCR than semiannular ones. Following neoadjuvant treatment, annular tumors often show multiple small foci of restricted diffusion amidst posttreatment fibrosis and are labeled nCR. Polypoidal growths with iCR show a nodular diffusion restricting focus along the mucosal surface of the rectum at the base of the polyp tumor ([Fig. 9]). The use of DWI along with T2 HR MRI has been shown to improve the diagnostic accuracy between mrTRG and pTRG, and there was better confidence among readers and interobserver agreement.[30] [39] [Table 3] summarizes the tumor response criteria and the MRI appearances. Regrowth is seen as an interruption of the split scar sign, scar thickening compared with the previous, and reappearance of tumor signal in the scar ([Figs. 10] and [11]).

Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumor 1.1
The Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumor (RECIST) 1.1, a commonly used method to quantify response, is not typically applied in rectal cancer due to the challenges in consistently measuring irregularly shaped rectal cancer in a single plane. RESIST focuses on measuring the longest diameter of target lesions. A 30% reduction in the length of rectal cancer is a partial response, a 20% increase in size is a progressive disease, and those in between are a stable disease.[40]
Step 3: Measurements That Must be Mentioned in the MRI Report
The comparison of the length of rectal cancer on restaging MRI with the baseline provides an estimate of response according to RESIST 1.1. The degree of extramural spread gives the subcategories of the ymr-T3 stage. Among those patients with a cCR on MRI, only those with treated rectal cancer amenable to a complete triple assessment with MRI, proctoscopy, and clinical examination, and those highly motivated to undergo stringent monitoring of tumor are eligible for watch-and-wait approach or NOM. In effect, only treated low- and mid-rectal cancers with a palpable upper margin are eligible for watch and wait in the author's institution. Thus, documenting the distance of the distal margin from the anal verge and the location of the upper margin of the treated cancer with respect to the peritoneal reflection on MRI aid in establishing the concordance between these three response assessment methods and help in monitoring these patients. The distance between the distal margin of the residual tumor or the scar and the anorectal junction helps decide the type of surgery, that is, abdominoperineal resection versus ultra-low anterior resection versus low anterior resection.
The next measurement that needs special mention in the report is the shortest distance to the MRF, which estimates the surgical circumferential resection margin (CRM). The shortest distance between MRF or puborectalis or anterior pelvic structures such as the prostate or vagina and one of these, that is, residual tumor/posttreatment fibrosis/mucin reaction/residual mesorectal node more than 5 mm in short axis, residual extramural vascular invasion (EMVI), or tumor deposit (TD) is measured to estimate the CRM. CRM is reported as involved when the distance is 1 mm or less. MRF is often involved by either posttreatment fibrosis or mucin reaction on restaging MRI, and surgical histopathology showed tumor cells in 15 and 17% of them, respectively.[39] Restaging MRI following NACRT has low positive predictive value (44–57%) and high negative predictive value (91–100%) for positive pathological CRM with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.73 to 0.89.[41] This would mean that the restaging MRI tends to overcall positive CRM compared with pathology. Despite this, the distance to MRF needs to be reported as 0 mm when the radial margin is involved by posttreatment fibrosis or mucin reaction and considered as “involved CRM or MRF” since microscopic tumor cells within these cannot be identified effectively using MRI.[33] [42]
Step 4: Are There Poor Prognostic Imaging Biomarkers?
EMVI and TD are important prognostic imaging biomarkers associated with synchronous and metachronous metastasis and confer poor OR and disease-free survival (DFS).[43] [44] [45] Other important prognostic quality imaging findings include lateral pelvic disease and mrTRG. The presence or absence of one or more of these imaging biomarkers of prognostic significance on staging MRI increasingly dictates the recommendation of neoadjuvant therapy at the MDT. When there is an excellent response to neoadjuvant treatment, that is, the disappearance of these findings or complete replacement by fibrosis, the prognosis becomes like those without these. On the other hand, persistence confers a worse prognosis.[46] [47] [48] Thus, it is critical to compare the baseline and restaging MRI for the presence or absence of these findings and document their morphological changes.
The mr-vTRG score was an attempt to quantify the response in EMVI that considers the degree of tumor signal seen within EMVI noted at baseline replaced by T2 markedly hypointense fibrosis on restaging MRI, mr-vTRG score of 1 being complete fibrosis and 5 being persistent EMVI ([Box 2]).[49] While it is cumbersome to apply the score, it is a helpful guide to understanding the imaging spectrum of ymr-EMVI and may also be used for ymr-TD. Mesorectal nodes seen on restaging MRI carry no prognostic significance, though persistent mesorectal nodes > 5 mm and all visible T2 hyperintense or mucinous nodes contribute to the ymr-N stage.[7] [46] [47] [50] It is important not to overstage the mesorectal nodes seen on MRI.[50] [51]
1: Tumor signal of EMVI replaced by homogeneous T2 markedly hypointense fibrosis. 2: 50–75% fibrosis of tumor signal within EMVI 3: 25–50% fibrosis of tumor signal within EMVI 4: less than 25% fibrosis of tumor signal within EMVI 5: EMVI unchanged since baseline |
Lateral pelvic nodes or the pelvic side wall nodes include the obturator, internal iliac, and external iliac nodes. The Lateral Node Study Consortium published a pooled retrospective multicenter analysis of 741 patients and reported a 5-year lateral local recurrence rate of 52.3% among patients who had persistent internal iliac nodes > 4 mm after NACRT and 9.5% among those with persistent obturator nodes > 6 mm.[52] [53] For staging MRI, a cutoff of ≥ 7 mm was proposed for the obturator and internal iliac nodes to define metastatic nodes. For restaging MRI following NACRT, a cutoff of > 4 mm is recommended for internal iliac nodes and > 6 mm for obturator nodes.[52] [53] [54] [55] mrTRG is another significant prognostic biomarker of rectal cancer. Significant differences in DFS and OS were observed between good responders (mrTRG 1–3) and poor responders (mrTRG 4–5).[7] [47] [Figs. 12] [13] [14] show examples of iCR (mrTRG 4) and persistent poor prognostic markers.

Step 5: Document the Local Extent of the Rectal Cancer to Decide the Surgical Strategy
The infiltration of adjacent structures is interpreted like the staging MRI. Obliteration of the planes between the rectum bearing the tumor or posttreatment change and the neighboring structures must be reported for surgical planning ([Fig. 15]). [Table 4] shows the types of surgeries done based on the imaging findings in the response assessment MRI.

Abbreviations: CRT, chemoradiotherapy; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; TME, total mesorectal excision.
Step 6: Comment on Nonregional Nodes and Distant Metastases
Response assessment is complete only when the most common sites of metastases, such as nonregion pelvic and retroperitoneal nodes, liver, lungs, and the peritoneum, are reassessed, and disease progression has been excluded. This is especially important in patients who have high-risk features such as signet ring cell cancer or poorly differentiated rectal cancer, persistent EMVI or TD or lateral pelvic node-positive patients on restaging MRI, and those who have progression of local disease on neoadjuvant therapy. Contrast-enhanced CT thorax and abdomen may be considered for these patients. Adding upper abdominal DWI to screen the liver for new metastases as a part of pelvic MRI protocol is a valuable practice during response assessment ([Fig. 14]).
Step 7: Restage with the 8th Edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM Staging System
After neoadjuvant treatment, the stage determined on restaging MRI is written with the prefix “y,” followed by the imaging modality, for example, ymr-T, N, and M stage. The staging system used is the same as the baseline, but the criteria for lymph nodes are modified, as described above. [Box 3] is a structured reporting template for radiologists for restaging MRI or the response assessment MRI in rectal cancer patients.
Common Challenges and Troubleshooting
A detailed review of the pitfalls and challenges in the interpretation of response assessment MRI following neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer patients is beyond the scope of the current review. However, we have enumerated a few common challenges and solutions.
The common challenge in interpreting response assessment MRI concerns suboptimal or incorrect planes of T2-weighted HR images. This is often attributed to a lack of communication with the technologists regarding the location of rectal cancer on baseline MRI and difficulties in identifying a treated rectal cancer. This can be easily mitigated by insisting that the clinical referrers mention the location of rectal cancer in the MRI request form and by the radiologists reviewing the baseline MRI before protocoling the study. Other challenges affecting DWI quality are susceptibility artifacts from the air in the bowel lumen ([Fig. 16]), hip prosthesis or fiducial metallic polypectomy markers, and the bowel contents (fluid and feces). Microenema, encouraging patients to empty the bowel and bladder just before the MRI study and administering a small volume (50–60 mL) of rectal gel can help minimize intraluminal air.

Interpretational-Related Challenges
Posttreatment changes in the rectum, such as bowel wall thickening and edema, radiation-related proctitis, mucosal ulcers, and necrotic foci, can be misinterpreted as residual tumor since they may show diffusion restriction. Reviewing baseline MRI for the location of rectal cancer will guide the radiologist to the correct region of interest. Similarly, imaging the patients too early after neoadjuvant treatment can make response assessment challenging due to severe treatment-related edema and result in higher mrTRG.[7] [33] [54] As mentioned in the previous section, response assessment in signet ring cell and mucinous rectal cancers is challenging. It is impossible to differentiate acellular mucin from a residual tumor in a mucinous rectal cancer ([Fig. 13]).[30] [32] [55] [56] Mucin reaction can be diagnosed with some confidence only if a T2 intermediate signal rectal cancer at baseline MRI shows a homogeneous T2 hyperintense pool of mucin in and around the posttreatment scar ([Fig. 17]). However, if the mucin pool has few intermediate signal foci, it is likely to have residual disease ([Fig. 18]). Reactive anterior group external iliac nodes are common on post-CRT MRI. Despite its borderline size, it appears elongated in shape and is aligned parallel to the pelvic side wall. All T2 hyperintense nodes seen in a setting of mucinous rectal cancers are significant and can be masked in a background of pelvic soft tissue edema and hyperintense mesorectal fat ([Fig. 13]).

Other Imaging Modalities for Response Assessment
Endoscopic Ultrasound
The overall accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) for ypT-stage and ypN-stage was quite variable.[57] [58] [59] There are conflicting results regarding T- and N-staging when the accuracy of MRI and EUS were compared.[60] [61] [62] Nevertheless, EUS was superior for predicting pathologic complete response and anal sphincter infiltration.[60] [61] [62] However, this modality is of limited use in proximal and stenotic rectal cancers. Since only the close visual field mesorectal nodes can be evaluated, an MRI of the pelvis will be needed to complete the assessment of treated rectal cancer.
Contrast-Enhanced Thoracoabdominal CT
CT is used to plan the neoadjuvant RT and aids in identifying disease progression on TNT.[63] New metastases seen on RT planning CT in patients treated with TNT represent a biologically aggressive tumor or synchronous distant metastases. In any case, its identification might change the treatment intent and modify the treatment protocol.
Fluorodeoxyglucose F 18 Positron Emission Tomography-CT and MRI
Positron emission tomography (PET) should not be routinely used to determine tumor response.[63] PET/CT had higher accuracy in detecting extrahepatic and hepatic colorectal metastatic disease than CT alone.[64] A recent review has suggested that fluorodeoxyglucose F 18 PET/MRI could be used for rectal cancer restaging due to its better accuracy in T and N staging compared with PET/CT or MRI alone. However, it performed poorly in the detection of lung metastases.[65]
Novel Techniques
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, magnetization transfer ratio, and textural analysis (e.g., radiomics) have been studied to overcome the limitations of MRI in the restaging of rectal cancer. A few recent studies on radiomics have been used for T and N staging, response to treatment, and survival prediction, with some promising results.[66] [67] [68] [69] These tools still need large-scale prospective validation.
Conclusion and Take-Home Message
When communicated well to the technologists performing MRI, this single question, “Where was rectal cancer at baseline?” would have a significant positive impact on the image quality and the report quality of response assessment MRI. This aspect would require the collective effort of clinical referrers, radiologists, and technologists.
Reviewing baseline MRI is critical before interpreting response assessment MRI in rectal cancer patients, and this must be made available to all radiologists who interpret these studies.
Understanding the clinical contribution of response assessment MRI following neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer patients and a structured report addressing critical clinical questions will make the radiologist's efforts worthwhile in this area.
Conflict of Interest
None declared.
The authors thank the Department of Colorectal Surgery and the Colorectal MDT team, Christian Medical College Vellore. The also thank the sColorectal cancer multi-disciplinary team formed by the Departments of Colorectal Surgery (Surgery Unit 2), Radiation Oncology (RT Unit 1), Medical Oncology, dedicated Abdominal Radiology Unit and Gastrointestinal Pathology section of Christian Medical College Vellore, India. The authors thank Dr. Rijo Issac, Department of Pathology and Prof. Rohin Mittal, Head of Colorectal Surgery, for sharing their insights.
Ethical Approval and Consent to Participate
Not applicable.
Authors' Contributions
All authors contributed to the concept/design, a draft of the manuscript, and its editing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. A.C. is the guarantor for the contents of the manuscript.
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- 23 Jayaprakasam VS, Alvarez J, Omer DM, Gollub MJ, Smith JJ, Petkovska I. Watch-and-wait approach to rectal cancer: the role of imaging. Radiology 2023; 307 (01) e221529
- 24 Fokas E, Appelt A, Glynne-Jones R. et al. International consensus recommendations on key outcome measures for organ preservation after (chemo)radiotherapy in patients with rectal cancer. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2021; 18 (12) 805-816
- 25 van der Valk MJM, Hilling DE, Bastiaannet E. et al; IWWD Consortium. Long-term outcomes of clinical complete responders after neoadjuvant treatment for rectal cancer in the International Watch & Wait Database (IWWD): an international multicentre registry study. Lancet 2018; 391 (10139): 2537-2545
- 26 West MA, Dimitrov BD, Moyses HE. et al. Timing of surgery following neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer - a comparison of magnetic resonance imaging at two time points and histopathological responses. Eur J Surg Oncol 2016; 42 (09) 1350-1358
- 27 Nagtegaal ID, Glynne-Jones R. How to measure tumour response in rectal cancer? An explanation of discrepancies and suggestions for improvement. Cancer Treat Rev 2020; 84: 101964
- 28 Chen J, Wu Z, Zhang X. et al. Optimized tools and timing of response reassessment after neoadjuvant chemoradiation in rectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis 2022; 37 (11) 2321-2333
- 29 Jayaprakasam VS, Javed-Tayyab S, Gangai N. et al. Does microenema administration improve the quality of DWI sequences in rectal MRI?. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021; 46 (03) 858-866
- 30 Chandramohan A, Siddiqi UM, Mittal R. et al. Diffusion weighted imaging improves diagnostic ability of MRI for determining complete response to neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer. Eur J Radiol Open 2020; 7: 100223
- 31 Jang S, Lee JM, Yoon JH, Bae JS. Reduced field-of-view versus full field-of-view diffusion-weighted imaging for the evaluation of complete response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021; 46 (04) 1468-1477
- 32 Suthar M, Baheti AD, Ankathi SK. et al. MRI features of signet ring rectal cancer. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021; 46 (12) 5536-5549
- 33 Patel UB, Blomqvist LK, Taylor F. et al. MRI after treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer: how to report tumor response–the MERCURY experience. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2012; 199 (04) W486-95
- 34 Santiago I, Barata M, Figueiredo N. et al. The split scar sign as an indicator of sustained complete response after neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer. Eur Radiol 2020; 30 (01) 224-238
- 35 Torri GB, Wiethan CP, Langer FW. et al. Split scar sign to predict complete response in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Radiol 2024; 34 (06) 3874-3881
- 36 Torkzad MR, Beets-Tan RGH. Importance and evolution of split scar sign. Eur Radiol 2024; 34 (06) 3872-3873
- 37 Beets-Tan RGH, Lambregts DMJ, Maas M. et al. Magnetic resonance imaging for clinical management of rectal cancer: updated recommendations from the 2016 European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) consensus meeting. Eur Radiol 2018; 28 (04) 1465-1475
- 38 Lee S, Kassam Z, Baheti AD. et al. Rectal cancer lexicon 2023 revised and updated consensus statement from the Society of Abdominal Radiology Colorectal and Anal Cancer Disease-Focused Panel. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2023; 48 (09) 2792-2806
- 39 Lambregts DMJ, Delli Pizzi A, Lahaye MJ. et al. A pattern-based approach combining tumor morphology on MRI with distinct signal patterns on diffusion-weighted imaging to assess response of rectal tumors after chemoradiotherapy. Dis Colon Rectum 2018; 61 (03) 328-337
- 40 Kokaine L, Gardovskis A, Gardovskis J. Evaluation and predictive factors of complete response in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. Medicina (Kaunas) 2021; 57 (10) 1044
- 41 Vliegen RFA, Beets GL, Lammering G. et al. Mesorectal fascia invasion after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy for locally advanced rectal cancer: accuracy of MR imaging for prediction. Radiology 2008; 246 (02) 454-462
- 42 Patra A, Lakhani A, Augustine A. et al. Predicting positive radial margin on restaging MRI of patients with low rectal cancer: can we do better?. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2023; 34 (01) 85-94
- 43 Lord AC, Graham Martínez C, D'Souza N, Pucher PH, Brown G, Nagtegaal ID. The significance of tumour deposits in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Cancer 2019; 122: 1-8
- 44 Lord AC, Knijn N, Brown G, Nagtegaal ID. Pathways of spread in rectal cancer: a reappraisal of the true routes to distant metastatic disease. Eur J Cancer 2020; 128: 1-6
- 45 Tan JJ, Carten RV, Babiker A, Abulafi M, Lord AC, Brown G. Prognostic importance of MRI-detected extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer: a literature review and systematic meta-analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2021; 111 (02) 385-394
- 46 Lord AC, D'Souza N, Shaw A. et al. MRI-diagnosed tumor deposits and EMVI status have superior prognostic accuracy to current clinical TNM staging in rectal cancer. Ann Surg 2022; 276 (02) 334-344
- 47 Chandramohan A, Mittal R, Dsouza R. et al. Prognostic significance of MR identified EMVI, tumour deposits, mesorectal nodes and pelvic side wall disease in locally advanced rectal cancer. Colorectal Dis 2022; 24 (04) 428-438
- 48 Schaap DP, Voogt ELK, Burger JWA. et al. Prognostic implications of MRI-detected EMVI and tumor deposits and their response to neoadjuvant therapy in cT3 and cT4 rectal cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2021; 111 (03) 816-825
- 49 Chand M, Swift RI, Tekkis PP, Chau I, Brown G. Extramural venous invasion is a potential imaging predictive biomarker of neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer. Br J Cancer 2014; 110 (01) 19-25
- 50 Chand M, Heald RJ, Brown G. The importance of not overstaging mesorectal lymph nodes seen on MRI. Colorectal Dis 2013; 15 (10) 1201-1204
- 51 Shihab OC, Quirke P, Heald RJ, Moran BJ, Brown G. Magnetic resonance imaging-detected lymph nodes close to the mesorectal fascia are rarely a cause of margin involvement after total mesorectal excision. Br J Surg 2010; 97 (09) 1431-1436
- 52 Ogura A, Konishi T, Cunningham C. et al; Lateral Node Study Consortium. Neoadjuvant (Chemo)radiotherapy with total mesorectal excision only is not sufficient to prevent lateral local recurrence in enlarged nodes: results of the multicenter lateral node study of patients with low cT3/4 rectal cancer. J Clin Oncol 2019; 37 (01) 33-43
- 53 Ogura A, Konishi T, Beets GL. et al; Lateral Node Study Consortium. Lateral nodal features on restaging magnetic resonance imaging associated with lateral local recurrence in low rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy or radiotherapy. JAMA Surg 2019; 154 (09) e192172
- 54 Awiwi MO, Kaur H, Ernst R. et al. Restaging MRI of rectal adenocarcinoma after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy: imaging findings and potential pitfalls. Radiographics 2023; 43 (04) e220135
- 55 Gollub MJ, Lall C, Lalwani N, Rosenthal MH. Current controversy, confusion, and imprecision in the use and interpretation of rectal MRI. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2019; 44 (11) 3549-3558
- 56 Wnorowski AM, Menias CO, Pickhardt PJ, Kim DH, Hara AK, Lubner MG. Mucin-containing rectal carcinomas: overview of unique clinical and imaging features. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2019; 213 (01) 26-34
- 57 Huh JW, Park YA, Jung EJ, Lee KY, Sohn SK. Accuracy of endorectal ultrasonography and computed tomography for restaging rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiation. J Am Coll Surg 2008; 207 (01) 7-12
- 58 Pastor C, Subtil JC, Sola J. et al. Accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound to assess tumor response after neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer: can we trust the findings?. Dis Colon Rectum 2011; 54 (09) 1141-1146
- 59 Marone P, de Bellis M, D'Angelo V. et al. Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the loco-regional staging of patients with rectal cancer. World J Gastrointest Endosc 2015; 7 (07) 688-701
- 60 Martellucci J, Scheiterle M, Lorenzi B. et al. Accuracy of transrectal ultrasound after preoperative radiochemotherapy compared to computed tomography and magnetic resonance in locally advanced rectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis 2012; 27 (07) 967-973
- 61 Pomerri F, Pucciarelli S, Maretto I. et al. Prospective assessment of imaging after preoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer. Surgery 2011; 149 (01) 56-64
- 62 Kye BH, Kim HJ, Kim G, Kim JG, Cho HM. Multimodal assessments are needed for restaging after neoadjunvant chemoradiation therapy in rectal cancer patients. Cancer Res Treat 2016; 48 (02) 561-566
- 63 Benson AB, Venook AP, Al-Hawary MM. et al. Rectal cancer, version 2.2022, NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2022; 20 (10) 1139-1167
- 64 Patel S, McCall M, Ohinmaa A, Bigam D, Dryden DM. Positron emission tomography/computed tomographic scans compared to computed tomographic scans for detecting colorectal liver metastases: a systematic review. Ann Surg 2011; 253 (04) 666-671
- 65 Crimì F, Valeggia S, Baffoni L. et al. [18F]FDG PET/MRI in rectal cancer. Ann Nucl Med 2021; 35 (03) 281-290
- 66 Wang J, Liu X, Hu B, Gao Y, Chen J, Li J. Development and validation of an MRI-based radiomic nomogram to distinguish between good and poor responders in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021; 46 (05) 1805-1815
- 67 Yu X, Song W, Guo D. et al. Preoperative prediction of extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer: comparison of the diagnostic efficacy of radiomics models and quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Front Oncol 2020; 10: 459
- 68 Bedrikovetski S, Dudi-Venkata NN, Kroon HM. et al. Artificial intelligence for pre-operative lymph node staging in colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Cancer 2021; 21 (01) 1058
- 69 Horvat N, Veeraraghavan H, Khan M. et al. MR imaging of rectal cancer: radiomics analysis to assess treatment response after neoadjuvant therapy. Radiology 2018; 287 (03) 833-843
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Publication History
Article published online:
14 February 2025
© 2025. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction so long as the original work is properly cited. (
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- 10 Bujko K, Nowacki MP, Nasierowska-Guttmejer A, Michalski W, Bebenek M, Kryj M. Long-term results of a randomized trial comparing preoperative short-course radiotherapy with preoperative conventionally fractionated chemoradiation for rectal cancer. Br J Surg 2006; 93 (10) 1215-1223
- 11 Ngan SY, Burmeister B, Fisher RJ. et al. Randomized trial of short-course radiotherapy versus long-course chemoradiation comparing rates of local recurrence in patients with T3 rectal cancer: Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group trial 01.04. J Clin Oncol 2012; 30 (31) 3827-3833
- 12 Zhou ZR, Liu SX, Zhang TS. et al. Short-course preoperative radiotherapy with immediate surgery versus long-course chemoradiation with delayed surgery in the treatment of rectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Surg Oncol 2014; 23 (04) 211-221
- 13 Conroy T, Bosset JF, Etienne PL. et al; Unicancer Gastrointestinal Group and Partenariat de Recherche en Oncologie Digestive (PRODIGE) Group. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with FOLFIRINOX and preoperative chemoradiotherapy for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (UNICANCER-PRODIGE 23): a multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2021; 22 (05) 702-715
- 14 Jin J, Tang Y, Hu C. et al. Multicenter, randomized, phase III trial of short-term radiotherapy plus chemotherapy versus long-term chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer (STELLAR). J Clin Oncol 2022; 40 (15) 1681-1692
- 15 Bahadoer RR, Dijkstra EA, van Etten B. et al; RAPIDO collaborative investigators. Short-course radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy before total mesorectal excision (TME) versus preoperative chemoradiotherapy, TME, and optional adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer (RAPIDO): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2021; 22 (01) 29-42
- 16 Dijkstra EA, Nilsson PJ, Hospers GAP. et al; Collaborative Investigators. Locoregional failure during and after short-course radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy and surgery compared with long-course chemoradiotherapy and surgery: a 5-year follow-up of the RAPIDO trial. Ann Surg 2023; 278 (04) e766-e772
- 17 Schrag D, Shi Q, Weiser MR. et al. Preoperative treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer. N Engl J Med 2023; 389 (04) 322-334
- 18 Basch E, Dueck AC, Mitchell SA. et al. Patient-reported outcomes during and after treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer in the PROSPECT trial (Alliance N1048). J Clin Oncol 2023; 41 (21) 3724-3734
- 19 Deng Y, Chi P, Lan P. et al. Modified FOLFOX6 with or without radiation versus fluorouracil and leucovorin with radiation in neoadjuvant treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer: initial results of the Chinese FOWARC multicenter, open-label, randomized three-arm phase III trial. J Clin Oncol 2016; 34 (27) 3300-3307
- 20 Deng Y, Chi P, Lan P. et al. Neoadjuvant modified FOLFOX6 with or without radiation versus fluorouracil plus radiation for locally advanced rectal cancer: final results of the Chinese FOWARC trial. J Clin Oncol 2019; 37 (34) 3223-3233
- 21 Mei WJ, Wang XZ, Li YF. et al. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with CAPOX versus chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer with uninvolved mesorectal fascia (CONVERT): initial results of a phase III trial. Ann Surg 2023; 277 (04) 557-564
- 22 Shen Y, Wu Q, Meng W, Wei M, Deng X, Wang Z. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (CAPOX) alone for low- and intermediate-risk stage II/III rectal cancer: long-term follow-up of a prospective single-arm study. Eur J Surg Oncol 2023; 49 (12) 107115
- 23 Jayaprakasam VS, Alvarez J, Omer DM, Gollub MJ, Smith JJ, Petkovska I. Watch-and-wait approach to rectal cancer: the role of imaging. Radiology 2023; 307 (01) e221529
- 24 Fokas E, Appelt A, Glynne-Jones R. et al. International consensus recommendations on key outcome measures for organ preservation after (chemo)radiotherapy in patients with rectal cancer. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2021; 18 (12) 805-816
- 25 van der Valk MJM, Hilling DE, Bastiaannet E. et al; IWWD Consortium. Long-term outcomes of clinical complete responders after neoadjuvant treatment for rectal cancer in the International Watch & Wait Database (IWWD): an international multicentre registry study. Lancet 2018; 391 (10139): 2537-2545
- 26 West MA, Dimitrov BD, Moyses HE. et al. Timing of surgery following neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer - a comparison of magnetic resonance imaging at two time points and histopathological responses. Eur J Surg Oncol 2016; 42 (09) 1350-1358
- 27 Nagtegaal ID, Glynne-Jones R. How to measure tumour response in rectal cancer? An explanation of discrepancies and suggestions for improvement. Cancer Treat Rev 2020; 84: 101964
- 28 Chen J, Wu Z, Zhang X. et al. Optimized tools and timing of response reassessment after neoadjuvant chemoradiation in rectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis 2022; 37 (11) 2321-2333
- 29 Jayaprakasam VS, Javed-Tayyab S, Gangai N. et al. Does microenema administration improve the quality of DWI sequences in rectal MRI?. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021; 46 (03) 858-866
- 30 Chandramohan A, Siddiqi UM, Mittal R. et al. Diffusion weighted imaging improves diagnostic ability of MRI for determining complete response to neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer. Eur J Radiol Open 2020; 7: 100223
- 31 Jang S, Lee JM, Yoon JH, Bae JS. Reduced field-of-view versus full field-of-view diffusion-weighted imaging for the evaluation of complete response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021; 46 (04) 1468-1477
- 32 Suthar M, Baheti AD, Ankathi SK. et al. MRI features of signet ring rectal cancer. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021; 46 (12) 5536-5549
- 33 Patel UB, Blomqvist LK, Taylor F. et al. MRI after treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer: how to report tumor response–the MERCURY experience. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2012; 199 (04) W486-95
- 34 Santiago I, Barata M, Figueiredo N. et al. The split scar sign as an indicator of sustained complete response after neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer. Eur Radiol 2020; 30 (01) 224-238
- 35 Torri GB, Wiethan CP, Langer FW. et al. Split scar sign to predict complete response in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Radiol 2024; 34 (06) 3874-3881
- 36 Torkzad MR, Beets-Tan RGH. Importance and evolution of split scar sign. Eur Radiol 2024; 34 (06) 3872-3873
- 37 Beets-Tan RGH, Lambregts DMJ, Maas M. et al. Magnetic resonance imaging for clinical management of rectal cancer: updated recommendations from the 2016 European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) consensus meeting. Eur Radiol 2018; 28 (04) 1465-1475
- 38 Lee S, Kassam Z, Baheti AD. et al. Rectal cancer lexicon 2023 revised and updated consensus statement from the Society of Abdominal Radiology Colorectal and Anal Cancer Disease-Focused Panel. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2023; 48 (09) 2792-2806
- 39 Lambregts DMJ, Delli Pizzi A, Lahaye MJ. et al. A pattern-based approach combining tumor morphology on MRI with distinct signal patterns on diffusion-weighted imaging to assess response of rectal tumors after chemoradiotherapy. Dis Colon Rectum 2018; 61 (03) 328-337
- 40 Kokaine L, Gardovskis A, Gardovskis J. Evaluation and predictive factors of complete response in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. Medicina (Kaunas) 2021; 57 (10) 1044
- 41 Vliegen RFA, Beets GL, Lammering G. et al. Mesorectal fascia invasion after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy for locally advanced rectal cancer: accuracy of MR imaging for prediction. Radiology 2008; 246 (02) 454-462
- 42 Patra A, Lakhani A, Augustine A. et al. Predicting positive radial margin on restaging MRI of patients with low rectal cancer: can we do better?. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2023; 34 (01) 85-94
- 43 Lord AC, Graham Martínez C, D'Souza N, Pucher PH, Brown G, Nagtegaal ID. The significance of tumour deposits in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Cancer 2019; 122: 1-8
- 44 Lord AC, Knijn N, Brown G, Nagtegaal ID. Pathways of spread in rectal cancer: a reappraisal of the true routes to distant metastatic disease. Eur J Cancer 2020; 128: 1-6
- 45 Tan JJ, Carten RV, Babiker A, Abulafi M, Lord AC, Brown G. Prognostic importance of MRI-detected extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer: a literature review and systematic meta-analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2021; 111 (02) 385-394
- 46 Lord AC, D'Souza N, Shaw A. et al. MRI-diagnosed tumor deposits and EMVI status have superior prognostic accuracy to current clinical TNM staging in rectal cancer. Ann Surg 2022; 276 (02) 334-344
- 47 Chandramohan A, Mittal R, Dsouza R. et al. Prognostic significance of MR identified EMVI, tumour deposits, mesorectal nodes and pelvic side wall disease in locally advanced rectal cancer. Colorectal Dis 2022; 24 (04) 428-438
- 48 Schaap DP, Voogt ELK, Burger JWA. et al. Prognostic implications of MRI-detected EMVI and tumor deposits and their response to neoadjuvant therapy in cT3 and cT4 rectal cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2021; 111 (03) 816-825
- 49 Chand M, Swift RI, Tekkis PP, Chau I, Brown G. Extramural venous invasion is a potential imaging predictive biomarker of neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer. Br J Cancer 2014; 110 (01) 19-25
- 50 Chand M, Heald RJ, Brown G. The importance of not overstaging mesorectal lymph nodes seen on MRI. Colorectal Dis 2013; 15 (10) 1201-1204
- 51 Shihab OC, Quirke P, Heald RJ, Moran BJ, Brown G. Magnetic resonance imaging-detected lymph nodes close to the mesorectal fascia are rarely a cause of margin involvement after total mesorectal excision. Br J Surg 2010; 97 (09) 1431-1436
- 52 Ogura A, Konishi T, Cunningham C. et al; Lateral Node Study Consortium. Neoadjuvant (Chemo)radiotherapy with total mesorectal excision only is not sufficient to prevent lateral local recurrence in enlarged nodes: results of the multicenter lateral node study of patients with low cT3/4 rectal cancer. J Clin Oncol 2019; 37 (01) 33-43
- 53 Ogura A, Konishi T, Beets GL. et al; Lateral Node Study Consortium. Lateral nodal features on restaging magnetic resonance imaging associated with lateral local recurrence in low rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy or radiotherapy. JAMA Surg 2019; 154 (09) e192172
- 54 Awiwi MO, Kaur H, Ernst R. et al. Restaging MRI of rectal adenocarcinoma after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy: imaging findings and potential pitfalls. Radiographics 2023; 43 (04) e220135
- 55 Gollub MJ, Lall C, Lalwani N, Rosenthal MH. Current controversy, confusion, and imprecision in the use and interpretation of rectal MRI. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2019; 44 (11) 3549-3558
- 56 Wnorowski AM, Menias CO, Pickhardt PJ, Kim DH, Hara AK, Lubner MG. Mucin-containing rectal carcinomas: overview of unique clinical and imaging features. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2019; 213 (01) 26-34
- 57 Huh JW, Park YA, Jung EJ, Lee KY, Sohn SK. Accuracy of endorectal ultrasonography and computed tomography for restaging rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiation. J Am Coll Surg 2008; 207 (01) 7-12
- 58 Pastor C, Subtil JC, Sola J. et al. Accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound to assess tumor response after neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer: can we trust the findings?. Dis Colon Rectum 2011; 54 (09) 1141-1146
- 59 Marone P, de Bellis M, D'Angelo V. et al. Role of endoscopic ultrasonography in the loco-regional staging of patients with rectal cancer. World J Gastrointest Endosc 2015; 7 (07) 688-701
- 60 Martellucci J, Scheiterle M, Lorenzi B. et al. Accuracy of transrectal ultrasound after preoperative radiochemotherapy compared to computed tomography and magnetic resonance in locally advanced rectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis 2012; 27 (07) 967-973
- 61 Pomerri F, Pucciarelli S, Maretto I. et al. Prospective assessment of imaging after preoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer. Surgery 2011; 149 (01) 56-64
- 62 Kye BH, Kim HJ, Kim G, Kim JG, Cho HM. Multimodal assessments are needed for restaging after neoadjunvant chemoradiation therapy in rectal cancer patients. Cancer Res Treat 2016; 48 (02) 561-566
- 63 Benson AB, Venook AP, Al-Hawary MM. et al. Rectal cancer, version 2.2022, NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2022; 20 (10) 1139-1167
- 64 Patel S, McCall M, Ohinmaa A, Bigam D, Dryden DM. Positron emission tomography/computed tomographic scans compared to computed tomographic scans for detecting colorectal liver metastases: a systematic review. Ann Surg 2011; 253 (04) 666-671
- 65 Crimì F, Valeggia S, Baffoni L. et al. [18F]FDG PET/MRI in rectal cancer. Ann Nucl Med 2021; 35 (03) 281-290
- 66 Wang J, Liu X, Hu B, Gao Y, Chen J, Li J. Development and validation of an MRI-based radiomic nomogram to distinguish between good and poor responders in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Abdom Radiol (NY) 2021; 46 (05) 1805-1815
- 67 Yu X, Song W, Guo D. et al. Preoperative prediction of extramural venous invasion in rectal cancer: comparison of the diagnostic efficacy of radiomics models and quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Front Oncol 2020; 10: 459
- 68 Bedrikovetski S, Dudi-Venkata NN, Kroon HM. et al. Artificial intelligence for pre-operative lymph node staging in colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Cancer 2021; 21 (01) 1058
- 69 Horvat N, Veeraraghavan H, Khan M. et al. MR imaging of rectal cancer: radiomics analysis to assess treatment response after neoadjuvant therapy. Radiology 2018; 287 (03) 833-843