CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Sleep Sci
DOI: 10.1055/s-0045-1802650
Original Article

Systematic Review of Craniofacial Phenotyping in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Approach to Standardization of Methods

1   Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnosis, Kulliyyah of Dentistry, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Nor Diyana Ismail
2   Department of Respiratory Medicine, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
3   Unit Pediatrik Respiratori, Jabatan Pediatrik, Hospital Serdang, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
› Author Affiliations
Funding Source This review was supported by Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Centre @IIUM under the SRGS Project (SRG21–057–0057).


Craniofacial phenotyping methods are pivotal in understanding and diagnosing pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, the lack of standardized methods often leads to inconsistencies, hindering the reliability and validity of quantitative analyses in this field. This systematic review aims to evaluate existing craniofacial phenotyping methodologies and their key parameters to propose standardization measures to enhance the reliability and validity of future quantitative analyses on this topic. A comprehensive search of electronic databases was conducted following PRISMA guidelines, resulting in the inclusion of 13 studies. Data extraction focused on the types of phenotyping methods and the parameters or measurements used. Our findings revealed a variation in the phenotyping techniques and a wide array of parameters used across studies, highlighting the need for standardization. The authors proposed a framework of parameters for future evaluation of craniofacial morphologies of pediatric OSA. By standardizing the assessment of these craniofacial morphologies, future research efforts can ensure consistency, facilitating more reliable and valid quantitative analyses in this critical area of study.



Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by recurrent episodes of partial or complete upper airway obstruction during sleep leading to episodes of hypopnea and/or apnea and sleep disruption. In pediatric patients, these lead to daytime symptoms such as hypersomnolence, mood changes, enuresis, hyperactivity, trouble focusing, and poor performance in school. This represents a significant health concern in the growing patients as it may negatively impact neurocognitive development, cardiovascular health, and overall quality of life later in adulthood.[1] [2] The cause of OSA in pediatric patients is commonly associated with abnormalities in the anatomical form of the upper airway.[3] [4] Several craniofacial features of the developing patients were found to play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of pediatric OSA.[5] [6] [7] Identifying these factors would give some guidance to frontline clinicians, such as family physicians, dentists, and other healthcare practitioners, to detect and screen for OSA risks. This allows for an early interceptive intervention before using more complex or invasive diagnostic approaches, like polysomnography (PSG) or drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE).

One of the main objectives of phenotyping is to minimize and manage the heterogeneity of presenting symptoms, etiopathophysiology, diagnostic variations, and treatment outcomes in pediatric OSA associated with craniofacial phenotypes. Classifying the disorder into a systematic characterization of craniofacial morphology will provide a more homogenous phenotype.[8] [9] This phenotyping has emerged as a valuable tool in pediatric OSA research and clinical practice which can provide insights into the underlying mechanisms of airway obstruction and facilitate risk stratification, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Given the crucial role of dental surgeons and orthodontists in addressing the craniofacial phenotype associated with pediatric OSA, it is imperative for medical professionals across disciplines to adeptly identify patients who stand to benefit from early interceptive dental treatments through comprehensive craniofacial phenotyping.[10] [11] [12] [13]

Current methods in identifying craniofacial phenotypes for pediatric OSA encompass a range of approaches aimed at characterizing anatomical features of the hard and soft tissues in terms of size, shape, and position, that may contribute to airway obstruction during sleep. These features involve graded and structured clinical assessment of the facial structures, such as Mallampati score and the Friedman tongue position, Brodsky grading and nasofiberendoscopy (NFE) scoring of the adenotonsils,[14] [15] [16] [17] [18] the dentofacial relationship and morphology,[19] [20] [21] as well as the adipose tissue under the chin. Other important craniofacial assessment includes a comprehensive dental and occlusal assessment with classification of dental occlusion, arch width, and palatal vault. Recent studies found that malocclusion with restricted maxilla, retruded mandible, and distal molar occlusion were predictive factors of OSA in children.[22] [23]

Several imaging techniques were also employed in craniofacial phenotyping to accurately assess craniofacial morphology and its relationship to OSA risk. Lateral cephalometric analysis evaluates the cranial base angle, mandibular plane angle, and pharyngeal airway dimensions through several landmarks in the cephalogram.[24] [25] [26] [27] Current technology of imaging such as cone-beam computed tomography and surface-based 3D imaging (photometry /3D photographic analysis) can provide detailed representation of the craniofacial morphology allowing precise quantification of landmarks and volumes that may predispose to OSA.[17] [28] [29] [30]

Despite the wealth of available methods, there exists a notable lack of standardization of methods across studies, in particular, the research methodology, and the data collection such as appropriate cephalometric measurements leading to variability and inconsistency in phenotypic assessment.[5] [7] [31] The importance of standardization in these assessment methods for craniofacial phenotyping in pediatric OSA cannot be overstated. Standardization refers to the establishment of uniform protocols, criteria, and measurement techniques to ensure consistency, reproducibility, and comparability of results across studies and clinical settings.[32] Multiple benefits can be achieved in standardizing the assessment of craniofacial phenotyping methods in pediatric OSA.[8] [9] [33] Of paramount advantage is the ability of these phenotyping methods to increase the statistical power, as well as reduce the risk of measurement error and bias, thereby facilitating comparison across studies. These attempts lay the groundwork to establish craniofacial phenotypes in OSA while advancing precision medicine in pediatric OSA. A one-treatment-fits-all approach of CPAP in the management of OSA should not be the standard approach in pediatric OSA.

Considering the benefits, the standardization of phenotyping methods for craniofacial assessment in pediatric OSA represents a critical imperative for advancing research, clinical practice, and patient care in this field. This systematic review aims to 1) explore the current landscape of phenotyping methods, 2) identify existing gaps and challenges in standardization efforts, and 3) provide recommendations for future research and clinical practice to promote uniformity and consistency in craniofacial phenotyping approaches for pediatric OSA.



This systematic review protocol on the methods of craniofacial phenotyping in pediatric OSA was developed following PRISMA reporting guidelines.[34]

Search Strategy and Eligibility Criteria

A comprehensive search strategy using multiple databases was employed to find relevant studies up to the year 2023. A consultation with a specialized health-sciences librarian was done to ensure resources were suitable. Electronic searches using a series of keywords and keyword combinations based on the knowledge of the subject-area controlled vocabulary, free-text terms, and use of Medical Subject Headings were done. Reference lists in the selected articles were also reviewed during the article screening process. The databases searched include MEDLINE via PubMed, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, BMJ Online Journals, ScienceDirect, and Scopus. The search syntax consisted of three concepts: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), pediatric population, and craniofacial phenotype. The MeSH term used for OSA included “sleep apnea, obstructive,” “obstructive sleep apnea” and “obstructive sleep apnea syndrome”; for the pediatric population included “child” and “adolescent” and for craniofacial phenotype included “craniofacial abnormalities” and “facial bones.” These concepts were used during the search by adding the Boolean operator AND. [Table 1] shows the search strategy with the MeSH and terms used.

Table 1

Concepts, MeSH terms and Keywords used for search strategy


MeSH Term


Obstructive sleep apnea

“Sleep Apnea, Obstructive” [MeSH]

“Obstructive Sleep Apneas” [MeSH]

“Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome” [MeSH]

“Obstructive Sleep Apnea”[tiab]



“Syndrome, Sleep Apnea, Obstructive”[tiab]

“Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Obstructive”[tiab]

“Apnea, Obstructive Sleep”[tiab]

“Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome”[tiab]

“Syndrome, Obstructive Sleep Apnea”[tiab]

“Upper Airway Resistance Sleep Apnea Syndrome”[tiab]

“Syndrome, Upper Airway Resistance, Sleep Apnea”[tiab]

Pediatric population







“Adolescent*, Female”[tiab]

“Female Adolescent*”[tiab]

“Adolescent*, Male”[tiab]

“Male Adolescent*”[tiab]



Craniofacial phenotype

“craniofacial abnormalities” [MeSH]

“Facial bones” [MeSH]

“Craniofacial morpholog*”[tiab]

“Craniofacial featur*”[tiab]


“Facial skeletal”[tiab]



The inclusion and exclusion of articles were guided by the PICO question: “In nonsyndromic pediatric patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, how are the craniofacial and dental phenotypes being assessed?” The articles focused on (P) nonsyndromic pediatric patients below the age of 18, (I) who were diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, with their craniofacial phenotypes identified, and (C) compared with the non-obstructive sleep apnea pediatric patients as control, evaluating the (O) variations in the method of assessment of the craniofacial and dental features through clinical and imaging ([Table 2]).

Table 2

PICO Strategy for eligibility criteria




Non-syndromic pediatric patients, below 18 years


Diagnosed with OSA


Non OSA as control


Method of assessment of craniofacial and dental assessment


Study Selection

The review process for the searched articles involved two phases and two reviewers (I.N.I and N.D.I). Initially, the articles underwent evaluation based on their titles and abstracts. Subsequently, those selected proceeded to a thorough examination of their full texts. Following these stages, further citations were identified by analyzing the reference lists of all previously chosen articles. The articles identified went through a similar review process for the selection. Lastly, the eligibility criteria, which encompassed the specified PICO strategy and study types, were meticulously applied during the analysis of articles.


Data Extraction and Outcome Synthesis

Data extraction was conducted meticulously to assess various types of phenotyping methods employed across studies which was represented in a table together with other important details such as the author, year of publication, and demographic features, as well as their main results ([Table 3]). To ensure consistency and comparability across studies, rigorous standardization measures were implemented during data extraction, encompassing predefined criteria for inclusion, data abstraction protocols, and quality assessment tools. This extraction was performed by 2 reviewers (I.N.I and N.D.I). The outcome synthesis involved a comprehensive analysis of the extracted data, synthesizing findings across studies to elucidate trends, patterns, and discrepancies in phenotyping methodologies and their respective outcomes.

Table 3

Study Characteristics

Authors, Year, Type of Study

Age in Range or (Mean ± SD)

Body mass index (BMI)


Control group

Criteria adopted to define or diagnose OSA

Methods used to assess craniofacial features

Manrikyan, 2023, CS


Mean 15.8 (1.08)

22.49 ± 4.25

(5 cases BMI >30)

Indo-European and Armenian


PSG (AHI ≥ 5)

Lateral cephalometry

Adenotonsillar assessment

Nasal septum

Oral breathing

Xu, 2023, CC


5–7 years and 8–10 years

BMI z-score 0.29 ± 1.03 and 0.92 ± 0.20 (OSA vs control)


Low risk of PSQ and underwent lateral cephalogram

Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ) >8

PSG (AHI >1)

Lateral cephalometry

Wang, 2023, CC (39)

5–12 years

BMI z score (0.88 OSA group*)



No snoring and OAHI ≤ 1/h

PSG (AHI >1)

OSA-18 questionnaire

Friedman tongue position

Brodsky tonsil grading

NFE adenoid grading

Craniofacial photogrammetry

Bozzini, 2022, CS (36)

4–9 years

BMI z-score categorization


Mild OSA

Level 2 PSG (AHI >1)

SDSC Questionnaire

Nasopharynx obstruction

Tonsil enlargement (Brodsky's grades 2, 3, 4)

Orthodontic assessment

Lateral cephalometry

Emsaeili, 2022, CC (40)

8–12 years (9.25 ± 1.08)



Healthy subject

Berlin questionnaire

CBCT Assessment

Lumbau, 2021, CS (37)

3–8 years



PSG revealed no OSAS

Clinical sleep record


Dental assessment

Marino, 2021, OS (44)

5.2 - 6.1 years (5.8 ± 0.2)




PSG with AHI >1

Dental impressions for dental assessments

Murakami, 2021, CC (41)

(10 ± 2.1)

BMI 17.4 ± 2.6


ANB > 4 (mandibular retrusion vs normal)

Basal arch <65 (narrow vs normal)

Out-of-center sleep testing REI >1 and 3% ODI

Lateral cephalograms

Dental models

Hsu, 2021, CC (17)

4–16 years (7.9 ± 2.8)

18.4 ± 4.4


No OSA with AHI ≤ 1

PSG with AHI > 5

CBCT Parameters

Lee, 2020, CC (28)

(5.14 ± 0.79)

15.38 ± 2.24


Normal (AHI < 1)

PSG (Mild OSA =

< 5 (AHI) >1)

Digital measurements of scanned model

Lateral cephalometry

Ahmad, 2020, CC (42)

10–19 years



Non OSA risk (STOP BANG≤2)


Extra and intra-oral examination

Lateral cephalometry

Inoshita, 2018, RS (18)

3–15 years

BMI and BMI z-score


Gender comparison

PSG with AHI > 1

Tonsillar size

Lateral neck radiographs

Smith, 2016, CC (43)

2–12 years (4.7 ± 2.1)

BMI z score (0.45 ± 1.7 vs 0.37 ± 0.7)

Mixed ethnicities (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Mixed)

Healthy subjects, non-snoring


PSG (AHI > 1)

Dental casts

Abbreviations: CC, case control; CS, cross sectional; NR, not recorded; OS, observational study.

Other abbreviations, refer to list of abbreviations.



Study Selection

Following the electronic search across databases and adhering to PRISMA guidelines, the study selection process generated a total of 462 articles from the year 2004 to 2023. After removing duplicates, 431 articles were subjected to title and abstract screening, leading to the exclusion of 339 studies deemed irrelevant for data evaluation. Next, a total of 92 articles were sought for retrieval from the database for full-text reading. However, 77 articles were not retrieved due to unavailable access to full text. The remaining 31 articles underwent full-text review, of which 13 met the predefined eligibility criteria and were incorporated into the systematic review ([Fig. 1]).

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Flowchart of study selection according to PRISMA guidelines.


Study Characteristics

[Table 3] reported the characteristics of the included studies, with details of the author, year of publication, and the type of study; the demographic features including age, body mass index, and ethnicity; control group description, criteria adopted to define OSA, and methods used to assess the craniofacial features, and the upper airway were systematically represented.

Among the 13 included studies, 3 presented a cross-sectional design,[35] [36] [37] 8 were case-control studies,[17] [28] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] and one was an observational study.[44] There was a variability in the age range of patients in the studies, ranging from 2 to 19 years old. 5 articles used BMI z scores to classify the different degrees of weight status.[18] [36] [38] [39] [43] Each of the articles has almost similar comparison groups where children with no OSA (AHI≤1) were used as control. The criteria for the diagnosis of OSA used include overnight polysomnography as well as multiple other types of questionnaires. The craniofacial and airway assessment includes otolaryngological examination, extra-oral and dental assessment, clinical photos, lateral cephalograms, and CBCT.


Craniofacial Phenotyping Methods

[Table 4] describes the clinical assessments done to assess the airway and the skeletal and dental features that would contribute to OSA. Four studies assessed the airway patency through adenotonsillar assessment using various scoring and grading scales, e.g., Brodsky tonsil grading and nasofiberendoscopy (NFE) adenoid grading.[18] [35] [36] [39] Most articles that investigated the adenotonsills had positive significance in the OSA group. The nasal and nasopharynx features were also recorded but none had any positive findings that would contribute to OSA in children.[35] [36] Tongue position was assessed in one article but did not show any significance in the pediatric OSA group.[39]

Table 4

Clinical assessment of the airway, skeletal and dental

Authors (Year)

Airway Assessment

Skeletal and Dental Assessment

Positive findings

Manrikyan et al. (2023) (35)

Adenotonsillar assessment

Nasal septum

Oral breathing


Tonsillar hypertrophy (14.6%)

Adenoid hypertrophy (51.2%)

Adenotonsillar hypertrophy (7.3%)

Bruxism (22%)

Oral breathing (34.1%)

Wang et al. (2023) (39)

Friedman tongue position

Brodsky tonsil grading

NFE adenoid grading


NFE adenoid grading (0% in grade 1 and 39.6% in grade 4 for OSA group)

Tonsil hypertrophy (64.2%) in OSA group

Bozzini et al. (2022) (36)

Nasopharynx obstruction

Tonsil enlargement (Brodsky's grades 2, 3, 4)

Orthodontic assessment:

Facial profile

Lip seal


Distooclusion (Angle Class II)


No significance

Lumbau (2021) (37)


Dental assessment:

Angles classification

Molar relationship

Open bite



Narrow palate


Narrow palate

Marino (2021) (44)


Dental models:

Inter-canine and Inter-molar, Arch length on upper and lower arches.

Reduced upper inter-canine and inter-molar distance

Murakami (2021) (41)


Dental models:

Based on Enoki and Motohashi measuring points (cite Enoki 1974)

Mandibular retrusion (ANB <4)

Reduced transverse maxillary dimensions

Lee et al (2020) (28)


Digital measurements of scanned model (3shape Dental System D640, 3shapre A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Molar relation, Inter-canine width, Intermolar width, Upper arch length, Lower arch length, Palatal height

No significance

Ahmad (2020) (42)


Facial profile

Facial height

Mandibular plane

Faucial pillars and soft palate

Shape of upper and lower arch

Molar classification

Convex profile

Steep mandibular plane

Type 3 and 4 faucial pillars

Class II molar relationship

Ovoid upper arch form

Inoshita (2018) (18)

Tonsillar size


Nil significance

Smith (2016) (43)


Dental measurements:

Inter-tooth distance at D, E and 6

Palate height

Reduced inter-tooth distances for D, E, 6

Abbreviations: 6, first permanent molar; D, first primary molar; E, second primary molar; NI, not indicated.

Other abbreviations, refer to list of abbreviations.

Skeletal and dental assessment was mainly assessed by dentists and orthodontists. Seven articles investigated the orthodontic aspects of the OSA in children.[28] [36] [37] [41] [42] [43] [44] The extraoral skeletal examination involved the clinical assessment from the frontal and profile, which includes anterior facial height, facial convexity on profile, and the mandibular plane angle. Cumulatively, a convex profile with a steep mandibular plane angle showed significance in the OSA group. Four studies used the dental models for the accurate assessment of the dentition, measuring the horizontal distances between teeth across the arch.[28] [41] [43] [44] It was found that a reduced intermaxillary distance showed positive significance toward pediatric OSA in four studies.

[Table 5] summarizes the imaging techniques used, the hardware and software involved, the landmarks used for the assessment, and the significant positive findings that showed statistical significance when comparing OSA children with the control group.

Table 5

Imaging techniques

Imaging techniques


Hardware and software


Positive findings

Lateral cephalometry

Manrikyan et al. (2023) (35)

Planmeca ProMax Type 3D+ (Planmeca) set at 12mA, 90 kV, and exposure time of 0.30 minute at natural head position

Romexis viewer 5.4.1 with manual tracing


SNA, SNB, ANB, BaSN, ArGoGn, MxPl/MdPl


Hyoid and C3 (horizontal distance)

Mandibular plane and hyoid (vertical distance)

Vertical position of tongue, U1NA, L1NB, OJ, OB, Posterior airway space (PAS)1, PAS2, PAS3, PASmin

SNB 79.4 ± 3.1 (distal position of mandible relative to anterior cranial base)

ANB 4.3 ± 1.9

ArGoGn 130.47 ± 8.99

AH-C3H 32.69 ± 5.8

Xu et al (2023) (38)

ORTHOPHOS XG 3D Ceph, Sirona Dental Systems GmbH

Digital cephalometric analysis

Skeletal variables:

SNA, SNB, ANB, SN, S-Ar, Ar-Go, Go-Me, NSAr, SArGo, NMeGo, SumAngles

Upper airwar, adenoid and hyoid:

NP space, OP space, A-B Absolute value of adenoid, Linear dimension of bony nasopharynx, Ratio A-N (relative adenoid size), Distance hypoid-RGn, H-FP

SNB, Ar-Go (ramus height)

NP, OP, A(absolute value of adenoid), N (linear dimension of bony nasopharynx),

Relative adenoid size

Bozzini et al (2022) (36)

Orthophos XG 5 DS Ceph, Sirona, Brazil regulated to 12mA, 90kV and 0.30 second of time exposure at natural head position

Easy Ceph (Anne Solutions ®Brazil)

Rickets's cephalometric analysis:

Facial axis

Facial depth

Mandibular plane angle

Lower facial height

Mandibular arch

Jarabak's analysis:

Posterior and anterior facial height

Facial depth angle on Ricketts (87 ± 2.8 vs 84.1 ± 4.6)

Murakamai et al (2021) (41)

Not mentioned

Lateral cephalograms


Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal airway dimension

Mandibular retrusion (ANB <4)

Lower pharynx

Lee et al (2020) (28)

Hardware not mentioned

PACS software

Lateral cephalometry:

Skeletal: SNA, SNB, ANB, SN-PP, SN-MP, AFH

Teeth: OJ, OB

Upper Airway: MinRPA, MinRGA

Soft palate: SPL, MPT

Tongue: TGL, TGH

Hyoid bone: MPH

SNB, ANB, Overjet

Ahmad (2020) (42)

CS 2200-Carestream Health® machine at 30mA, 70 kVp

Manual tracing with RK LED X-Ray View

Cephalometric analysis



Inoshita et al (2018) (18)


Lateral neck radiographs:

Airway area,

Diameter of adenoids and nasopharynx

Ratio of adenoids and nasopharynx (A/N)


Upper airway area

A/N ratio

Craniofacial photogrammetry

Wang et al (2022) (39)

Smartphone camera to photograph frontal and profile with a scale plate.

Image analysis software (Image J version 1.8.0, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, United States)

Facial landmarks:

Facial heights and widths

Facial convexity angle,

Eyes and Nose:

Inner and outer canthus width

Nose width

Nasal convexity angle


Lip width and height

Maxilla and mandible:

Maxillary length, mandibular length, Posterior mandibular height, Maxillomandibular angle, Mandibular angle

Upper face width, lower face width, lower facial height, maxillary-mandibular relationship angle effective and sensitive in predicting OSA in children

CBCT Assessment

Emsaili (2022) (40)

NewTom VGi cone-beam CT unit (Verona/Italy)

NNT Viewer software version 2.21


UA width, UA AP dimension, SNB, Shortest distance between PNS-Ad1

Hsu et al (2021) (17)

i-CT (Imaging Sciences International, LLC, Hatfield, PA) regulated at 120kV, 5mA, 0.25mm voxel size, scanning time of 20 seconds.

Dolphin Imaging, Chatsworth, CA

Nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal volume,

Airway length

Minimal airway locus – AP and lateral distances

Adenoid and tonsil size


Volume, Minimal airway area, AP distance, Mean airway area


Volume, Minimal airway area, Lateral distance, airway length, mean airway area

Abbreviations: AP, anteroposterior; NI, not indicated.

Other abbreviations, refer to list of abbreviations.

Seven studies evaluated craniofacial and airway features through lateral cephalometry with similar measuring instruments (Maxilla and mandible position about the anterior cranial base: SNA, SNB, ANB, BaSN, ArGo, SnMP, MMPA; Facial height; Airway dimension: PAS, NP space, OP space, linear distance between hyoid and spine, and tongue and pharynx).[18] [28] [35] [36] [38] [41] [42] Craniofacial features that yielded significant findings in pediatric obstructive sleep apnea include the retrusive mandible, the high maxillomandibular plane angle, the adenoid size, and the posterior airway space. One study assessed the craniofacial features through photogrammetry and looked at the facial heights, convexity, and maxillomandibular angle.[39] This method produced similar positive findings to pediatric OSA. Two studies assessed the craniofacial features using CBCT with similar landmarks for assessing the airway space and volume.[17] [40]



Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a multifactorial disorder influenced by a complex interplay of genetic, anatomical, and physiological factors. Understanding the craniofacial phenotype is crucial for identifying individuals at higher risk, as specific anatomical features can significantly contribute to the development and severity of OSA. Accurate detection of these phenotypic characteristics enhances early diagnosis and personalized treatment strategies. The key findings from this qualitative examination of 13 articles highlighted the diversity in methodologies and variables employed in appraising craniofacial attributes among pediatric patients with obstructive sleep apnea. While both clinical examination and imaging techniques for evaluating craniofacial features exhibit similarities, the specific criteria and landmarks utilized vary significantly across methodologies. Despite these methodological differences, certain variables demonstrate consistent significance in pediatric OSA. Notably, these craniofacial characteristics encompass a convex facial profile associated with a downward rotation of the maxillomandibular complex, resulting in mandibular retrusion and an elevated maxillomandibular plane angle.[41] [42] These skeletal morphological features contributed to the constriction in the pharyngeal space, evident through diminished horizontal distances between the base of the tongue to the posterior pharynx, and the hyoid bone to the cervical vertebra. Furthermore, dental characteristics predisposing children to OSA include a narrow maxillary arch, with or without crossbite.[37] [41] [43] [44] The validity of these findings has been reinforced by several systematic reviews and meta-analyses, as documented by Fagundes[5] and Brockman.[45]

The importance of standardizing methodologies to identify and screen for risks of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) through craniofacial phenotyping cannot be overstated. While numerous studies have delineated craniofacial phenotypes associated with pediatric OSA, recent meta-analyses[5] [24] have failed to detect significant differences in six skeletal features between OSA and non-OSA patients in lateral cephalometry, including SNA, SNB, ANB, BaSN, U1-L1, and U1-SN. This could be attributed to the fact that these 2-dimensional images represent a single static snapshot of the dynamic upper airway structure and did not reflect adequate anatomical contributions that could risk for OSA. For example, the tongue position when standing or lying supine during cephalometric assessment via CBCT or CT may greatly influence the upper airway space.[46] Therefore, a definitive diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) should not be based solely on this single radiographic assessment, as it only suggests potential risks for OSA. Further investigation to show the dynamic function of the upper airway during sleep is indicated to confirm the presence of OSA. Similarly, other associated craniofacial features of pediatric OSA, such as cranial base length,[11] adenotonsillar hypertrophy,[21] [47] and lateral pharyngeal wall thickness[9] have not demonstrated a strong association with pediatric OSA. The authors suggest that the inconsistencies in the literature could be due to the varying methodologies used in different studies, making it difficult to conduct reliable qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Given the diversity in methodologies, variables, and instruments used for the assessment of craniofacial morphology, the initial set of craniofacial phenotypes was found to be extremely broad.[7] [8] [9] [24] Nonetheless, the significant craniofacial morphologies from the skeletal, dental, and pharyngeal assessment ultimately contributed to the narrowing of the pharyngeal space. From here, identifying the key craniofacial parameters or measurements that led to this finding should be standardized across studies. Clinical examination of the facial profile, facial height, and lateral cephalometric analysis which would determine the position of the mandible about the cranial base, the pattern of growth, and the angle of the maxillomandibular complex are important parameters to be assessed.

Introducing a framework for conducting craniofacial assessments in the context of pediatric OSA serves as more than just a mere suggestion; it offers a structured guide essential for researchers navigating the complexities of pediatric OSA and craniofacial phenotyping.[5] [7] [48] This proposed framework not only outlines standardized parameters but also emphasizes the importance of consistency and uniformity in research practices. By advocating for the adoption of this framework among clinicians and researchers, the authors hoped to ensure a harmonized approach to data collection, analysis, and interpretation across studies. This not only enhances the credibility and reliability of research findings but also facilitates meaningful comparisons and meta-analyses

[Fig. 2] illustrates the proposed framework of the important parameters that contributed to the craniofacial phenotyping in pediatric OSA that should be evaluated. Key landmarks for these parameters include clinical facial convexity, SNA, SNB, ANB, Ar-Go, Ar-Go-Gn, and MMPA, and therefore need to be included and standardized across studies. Other studies in adult OSA have also confirmed the significance of these parameters.[49] [50] [51] In addition to that, adenotonsillar assessment using Brodsky and NFE grading would provide more accurate information regarding the pharyngeal space[52] [53] [54] than a Mallampati score or the Friedman tongue position. On the other hand, a crucial characteristic that can often be overlooked is the dental and occlusal status of these children. It was known that a narrow and high-arched palate would contribute to the constriction of the airway at the nasal and nasopharyngeal levels. Hence, measurement of the palate in transverse, vertical, and anteroposterior would benefit the researchers in confirming this component of the craniofacial phenotype for pediatric OSA.

Zoom Image
Fig. 2 Proposed framework for parameters to evaluate pediatric obstructive sleep apnea.

The attempt by the authors to report on the heterogeneity of articles evaluating pediatric OSA will strengthen the need for standardized methodologies to ensure that clinicians in the field can consistently identify and diagnose craniofacial features associated with pediatric OSA while enabling the reproducibility and reliability of results. The present study has systematically gathered and qualitatively reviewed data concerning the methodologies employed to ascertain the craniofacial phenotype of pediatric OSA. The diversity in these methodologies has constrained the ability to establish a uniform approach. Nevertheless, the framework suggested for standardizing evaluated parameters was developed by identifying commonalities among the noteworthy positive findings.



In conclusion, this approach to standardization will facilitate comparison across studies and meta-analyses. Without standardized protocols, variations in methodologies have led to discrepancies in results, making it challenging to draw meaningful conclusions or establish consensus in phenotyping pediatric OSA. Moreover, embracing this framework fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange within the research community, ultimately advancing our understanding of pediatric OSA and improving clinical outcomes for affected individuals.


List of Abbreviations






Continuous positive airway pressure


Body mass index


Apnea/Hypopnea Index


Cone-beam computed tomography


Respiratory event index


Oxygen desaturation index

Lateral cephalometric analysis abbreviations and its description


Angle between the sella/nasion plane and the nasion/A-plane


Angle between the sella/nasion plane and the nasion/B-plane


Angle between the A-plane and B-plane


Angle between the cranial base and the mid-sagittal plane


Line between the condyle and the gonial angle of the mandible


Angle between the condyle/gonion plane and the gonion/gnathion plane


Angle between the sella/nasion plane and the maxillary plane


Angle between the maxillary and mandibular plane


Posterior airway space






Angle between the upper incisor and lower incisor


Angle between the upper incisor and the sella/nasion plane


Conflict of Interest

The authors report no conflict of interest.

  • References

  • 1 Chan J, Edman JC, Koltai PJ. Obstructive sleep apnea in children. Am Fam Physician 2004; 69 (05) 1147-1154
  • 2 Blechner M, Williamson AA. Consequences of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2016; 46 (01) 19-26
  • 3 Weider DJ, Baker GL, Salvatoriello FW. Dental malocclusion and upper airway obstruction, an otolaryngologist's perspective. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2003; 67 (04) 323-331
  • 4 Gulotta G, Iannella G, Vicini C. et al. Risk Factors for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Children: State of the Art. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019; 16 (18) 3235
  • 5 Fagundes NCF, Gianoni-Capenakas S, Heo G, Flores-Mir C. Craniofacial features in children with obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Sleep Med 2022; 18 (07) 1865-1875
  • 6 Chianchitlert A, Luengthamchat N, Saengphen T, Sirisoontorn I. Craniofacial and Upper Airway Morphology in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients: A Systematic Review. J Int Dent Med Res. 2022; 15 (01) 412-421
  • 7 Flores-Mir C, Korayem M, Heo G, Witmans M, Major MP, Major PW. Craniofacial morphological characteristics in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Dent Assoc 2013; 144 (03) 269-277
  • 8 Zinchuk AV, Gentry MJ, Concato J, Yaggi HK. Phenotypes in obstructive sleep apnea: A definition, examples and evolution of approaches. Sleep Med Rev 2017; 35: 113-123
  • 9 Au CT, Chan KCC, Zhang J. et al. Intermediate phenotypes of childhood obstructive sleep apnea. J Sleep Res 2021; 30 (03) e13191
  • 10 Luzzi V, Ierardo G, Di Carlo G, Saccucci M, Polimeni A. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the pediatric age: the role of the dentist. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2019; 23 (1, Suppl) 9-14
  • 11 Stark TR, Pozo-Alonso M, Daniels R, Camacho M. Pediatric Considerations for Dental Sleep Medicine. Sleep Med Clin 2018; 13 (04) 531-548
  • 12 Leibovitz S, Haviv Y, Sharav Y, Almoznino G, Aframian D, Zilberman U. Pediatric sleep-disordered breathing: Role of the dentist. Quintessence Int 2017; 48 (08) 639-645
  • 13 Altalibi M, Saltaji H, Roduta Roberts M, Major MP, MacLean J, Major PW. Developing an index for the orthodontic treatment need in paediatric patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: a protocol for a novel communication tool between physicians and orthodontists. BMJ Open 2014; 4 (09) e005680
  • 14 Wilhelm CP, deShazo RD, Tamanna S, Ullah MI, Skipworth LB. The nose, upper airway, and obstructive sleep apnea. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2015; 115 (02) 96-102
  • 15 Anderson SM, Lim HJ, Kim KB, Kim SW, Kim SJ. Clustering of craniofacial patterns in Korean children with snoring. Korean J Orthod 2017; 47 (04) 248-255
  • 16 Pacheco MCT, Fiorott BS, Finck NS, Araújo MT. Craniofacial changes and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing in healthy children. Dental Press J Orthod 2015; 20 (03) 80-87
  • 17 Hsu WC, Kang KT, Yao CJ. et al. Evaluation of Upper Airway in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. Laryngoscope 2021; 131 (03) 680-685
  • 18 Inoshita A, Kasai T, Matsuoka R. et al. Age-stratified sex differences in polysomnographic findings and pharyngeal morphology among children with obstructive sleep apnea. J Thorac Dis 2018; 10 (12) 6702-6710
  • 19 Yap B, Kontos A, Pamula Y. et al. Differences in dentofacial morphology in children with sleep disordered breathing are detected with routine orthodontic records. Sleep Med 2019; 55: 109-114
  • 20 Pirilä-Parkkinen K, Pirttiniemi P, Nieminen P, Tolonen U, Pelttari U, Löppönen H. Dental arch morphology in children with sleep-disordered breathing. Eur J Orthod 2009; 31 (02) 160-167
  • 21 Soares MM, Romano FL, Dias FVDS. et al. Association between the intensity of obstructive sleep apnea and skeletal alterations in the face and hyoid bone. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2022; 88 (03) 331-336
  • 22 Carvalho FR, Lentini-Oliveira DA, Carvalho GMM, Prado LBF, Prado GF, Carvalho LBC. Sleep-disordered breathing and orthodontic variables in children–pilot study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2014; 78 (11) 1965-1969
  • 23 Ikävalko T, Närhi M, Eloranta AM. et al. Predictors of sleep disordered breathing in children: the PANIC study. Eur J Orthod 2018; 40 (03) 268-272
  • 24 Perri RA, Kairaitis K, Cistulli P, Wheatley JR, Amis TC. Surface cephalometric and anthropometric variables in OSA patients: statistical models for the OSA phenotype. Sleep Breath 2014; 18 (01) 39-52
  • 25 Ceccanti G, Caruso S, Pasini M, Giuca MR, Lardani L, Severino M. Facial skeletal alterations in mouth breathing paediatric patients: cephalometric evaluations. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 2020; 34 (1, Suppl. 1) 23-32 DENTAL SUPPLEMENT.
  • 26 Ardehali MM, Zarch VV, Joibari ME, Kouhi A. Cephalometric Assessment of Upper Airway Effects on Craniofacial Morphology. J Craniofac Surg 2016; 27 (02) 361-364
  • 27 Bittar RF, Duailibi SE, Prado GPR, Ferreira LM, Pereira MD. Cephalometric measures correlate with polysomnography parameters in individuals with midface deficiency. Sci Rep 2021; 11 (01) 7949
  • 28 Lee RWW, Chan ASL, Grunstein RR, Cistulli PA. Craniofacial phenotyping in obstructive sleep apnea–a novel quantitative photographic approach. Sleep 2009; 32 (01) 37-45
  • 29 Yuen HM, Chan KC, Chu WCW. et al. Craniofacial phenotyping by photogrammetry in Chinese prepubertal children with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep 2023; 46 (03) zsac289
  • 30 Hsueh WY, Kang KT, Yao CJ. et al. Measurements of craniofacial morphology using photogrammetry in children with sleep-disordered breathing. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2022; 162: 111287
  • 31 Katyal V, Pamula Y, Martin AJ, Daynes CN, Kennedy JD, Sampson WJ. Craniofacial and upper airway morphology in pediatric sleep-disordered breathing: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2013; 143 (01) 20-30.e3
  • 32 Dusdal J, Powell JJW. Benefits, Motivations, and Challenges of International Collaborative Research: A Sociology of Science Case Study. Sci Public Policy 2021; 48 (02) 235-245
  • 33 Liu SYC, Wayne Riley R, Pogrel A, Guilleminault C. Sleep Surgery in the Era of Precision Medicine. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2019; 27 (01) 1-5
  • 34 Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM. et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. Syst Rev 2021; 10 (01) 89
  • 35 Manrikyan GE, Vardanyan IF, Markaryan MM. et al. Association between the Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cephalometric Parameters in Teenagers. J Clin Med 2023; 12 (21) 6851
  • 36 Bozzini MF, Di Francesco RC, Soster LA. Clinical and anatomical characteristics associated with obstructive sleep apnea severity in children. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2022; 77: 100131
  • 37 Lumbau AMI, Melodia D, Meloni SM. et al. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea And Malocclusion In Early Paediatric Patients: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Clin Trials Dent 2022; 4 (04) 5-11
  • 38 Xu Q, Wang X, Li N, Wang Y, Xu X, Guo J. Craniofacial and upper airway morphological characteristics associated with the presence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea in Chinese children. Front Pediatr 2023; 11: 01-10 Available from cited 2024 Feb 20 [Internet]
  • 39 Wang H, Xu W, Zhao A, Sun D, Li Y, Han D. Clinical Characteristics Combined with Craniofacial Photographic Analysis in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Nat Sci Sleep 2023; 15: 115-125
  • 40 Emsaeili F, Sadrhaghighi A, Sadeghi-Shabestari M, Nastarin P, Niknafs A. Comparison of superior airway dimensions and cephalometric anatomic landmarks between 8-12-year-old children with obstructive sleep apnea and healthy children using CBCT images. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect 2022; 16 (01) 18-23
  • 41 Murakami A, Kawanabe H, Hosoya H, Fukui K. Effect of sleep-disturbed breathing on maxillofacial growth and development in school-aged children. Orthod Waves 2021; 80 (02) 87-95
  • 42 Ahmad L, Kapoor P, Bhaskar S, Khatter H. Screening of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) risk in adolescent population and study of association with craniofacial and upper airway morphology. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2020; 10 (04) 807-813
  • 43 Smith DF, Dalesio NM, Benke JR. et al. Anthropometric and Dental Measurements in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. J Clin Sleep Med 2016; 12 (09) 1279-1284
  • 44 Marino A, Nota A, Caruso S, Gatto R, Malagola C, Tecco S. Obstructive sleep apnea severity and dental arches dimensions in children with late primary dentition: An observational study. Cranio 2021; 39 (03) 225-230
  • 45 Brockmann PE, Schaefer C, Poets A, Poets CF, Urschitz MS. Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in children: a systematic review. Sleep Med Rev 2013; 17 (05) 331-340
  • 46 Buchanan A, Cohen R, Looney S, Kalathingal S, De Rossi S. Cone-beam CT analysis of patients with obstructive sleep apnea compared to normal controls. Imaging Sci Dent 2016; 46 (01) 9-16
  • 47 Di Francesco R, Monteiro R, Paulo Mde M, Buranello F, Imamura R. Craniofacial morphology and sleep apnea in children with obstructed upper airways: differences between genders. Sleep Med 2012; 13 (06) 616-620
  • 48 Certal V, Catumbela E, Winck JC, Azevedo I, Teixeira-Pinto A, Costa-Pereira A. Clinical assessment of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Laryngoscope 2012; 122 (09) 2105-2114
  • 49 Neelapu BC, Kharbanda OP, Sardana HK. et al. Craniofacial and upper airway morphology in adult obstructive sleep apnea patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cephalometric studies. Sleep Med Rev 2017; 31: 79-90
  • 50 Feltner C, Wallace IF, Aymes S. et al. Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA 2022; 328 (19) 1951-1971
  • 51 Finke H, Drews A, Engel C, Koos B. Craniofacial risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea-systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sleep Res 2024; 33 (01) e14004
  • 52 Wang J, Zhao Y, Yang W. et al. Correlations between obstructive sleep apnea and adenotonsillar hypertrophy in children of different weight status. Sci Rep 2019; 9 (01) 11455
  • 53 Jara SM, Weaver EM. Association of palatine tonsil size and obstructive sleep apnea in adults. Laryngoscope 2018; 128 (04) 1002-1006
  • 54 Zicari AM, Rugiano A, Ragusa G. et al. The evaluation of adenoid hypertrophy and obstruction grading based on rhinomanometry after nasal decongestant test in children. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2013; 17 (21) 2962-2967

Address for correspondence

Izzati Nabilah Ismail, DDS, MDS (OMFS)

Publication History

Received: 14 March 2024

Accepted: 20 September 2024

Article published online:
07 March 2025

© 2025. Brazilian Sleep Association. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (

Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda.
Rua Rego Freitas, 175, loja 1, República, São Paulo, SP, CEP 01220-010, Brazil

Bibliographical Record
Izzati Nabilah Ismail, Nor Diyana Ismail. Systematic Review of Craniofacial Phenotyping in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Approach to Standardization of Methods. Sleep Sci ; : s00451802650.
DOI: 10.1055/s-0045-1802650
  • References

  • 1 Chan J, Edman JC, Koltai PJ. Obstructive sleep apnea in children. Am Fam Physician 2004; 69 (05) 1147-1154
  • 2 Blechner M, Williamson AA. Consequences of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2016; 46 (01) 19-26
  • 3 Weider DJ, Baker GL, Salvatoriello FW. Dental malocclusion and upper airway obstruction, an otolaryngologist's perspective. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2003; 67 (04) 323-331
  • 4 Gulotta G, Iannella G, Vicini C. et al. Risk Factors for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Children: State of the Art. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2019; 16 (18) 3235
  • 5 Fagundes NCF, Gianoni-Capenakas S, Heo G, Flores-Mir C. Craniofacial features in children with obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Sleep Med 2022; 18 (07) 1865-1875
  • 6 Chianchitlert A, Luengthamchat N, Saengphen T, Sirisoontorn I. Craniofacial and Upper Airway Morphology in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients: A Systematic Review. J Int Dent Med Res. 2022; 15 (01) 412-421
  • 7 Flores-Mir C, Korayem M, Heo G, Witmans M, Major MP, Major PW. Craniofacial morphological characteristics in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Dent Assoc 2013; 144 (03) 269-277
  • 8 Zinchuk AV, Gentry MJ, Concato J, Yaggi HK. Phenotypes in obstructive sleep apnea: A definition, examples and evolution of approaches. Sleep Med Rev 2017; 35: 113-123
  • 9 Au CT, Chan KCC, Zhang J. et al. Intermediate phenotypes of childhood obstructive sleep apnea. J Sleep Res 2021; 30 (03) e13191
  • 10 Luzzi V, Ierardo G, Di Carlo G, Saccucci M, Polimeni A. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the pediatric age: the role of the dentist. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2019; 23 (1, Suppl) 9-14
  • 11 Stark TR, Pozo-Alonso M, Daniels R, Camacho M. Pediatric Considerations for Dental Sleep Medicine. Sleep Med Clin 2018; 13 (04) 531-548
  • 12 Leibovitz S, Haviv Y, Sharav Y, Almoznino G, Aframian D, Zilberman U. Pediatric sleep-disordered breathing: Role of the dentist. Quintessence Int 2017; 48 (08) 639-645
  • 13 Altalibi M, Saltaji H, Roduta Roberts M, Major MP, MacLean J, Major PW. Developing an index for the orthodontic treatment need in paediatric patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: a protocol for a novel communication tool between physicians and orthodontists. BMJ Open 2014; 4 (09) e005680
  • 14 Wilhelm CP, deShazo RD, Tamanna S, Ullah MI, Skipworth LB. The nose, upper airway, and obstructive sleep apnea. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2015; 115 (02) 96-102
  • 15 Anderson SM, Lim HJ, Kim KB, Kim SW, Kim SJ. Clustering of craniofacial patterns in Korean children with snoring. Korean J Orthod 2017; 47 (04) 248-255
  • 16 Pacheco MCT, Fiorott BS, Finck NS, Araújo MT. Craniofacial changes and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing in healthy children. Dental Press J Orthod 2015; 20 (03) 80-87
  • 17 Hsu WC, Kang KT, Yao CJ. et al. Evaluation of Upper Airway in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. Laryngoscope 2021; 131 (03) 680-685
  • 18 Inoshita A, Kasai T, Matsuoka R. et al. Age-stratified sex differences in polysomnographic findings and pharyngeal morphology among children with obstructive sleep apnea. J Thorac Dis 2018; 10 (12) 6702-6710
  • 19 Yap B, Kontos A, Pamula Y. et al. Differences in dentofacial morphology in children with sleep disordered breathing are detected with routine orthodontic records. Sleep Med 2019; 55: 109-114
  • 20 Pirilä-Parkkinen K, Pirttiniemi P, Nieminen P, Tolonen U, Pelttari U, Löppönen H. Dental arch morphology in children with sleep-disordered breathing. Eur J Orthod 2009; 31 (02) 160-167
  • 21 Soares MM, Romano FL, Dias FVDS. et al. Association between the intensity of obstructive sleep apnea and skeletal alterations in the face and hyoid bone. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2022; 88 (03) 331-336
  • 22 Carvalho FR, Lentini-Oliveira DA, Carvalho GMM, Prado LBF, Prado GF, Carvalho LBC. Sleep-disordered breathing and orthodontic variables in children–pilot study. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2014; 78 (11) 1965-1969
  • 23 Ikävalko T, Närhi M, Eloranta AM. et al. Predictors of sleep disordered breathing in children: the PANIC study. Eur J Orthod 2018; 40 (03) 268-272
  • 24 Perri RA, Kairaitis K, Cistulli P, Wheatley JR, Amis TC. Surface cephalometric and anthropometric variables in OSA patients: statistical models for the OSA phenotype. Sleep Breath 2014; 18 (01) 39-52
  • 25 Ceccanti G, Caruso S, Pasini M, Giuca MR, Lardani L, Severino M. Facial skeletal alterations in mouth breathing paediatric patients: cephalometric evaluations. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 2020; 34 (1, Suppl. 1) 23-32 DENTAL SUPPLEMENT.
  • 26 Ardehali MM, Zarch VV, Joibari ME, Kouhi A. Cephalometric Assessment of Upper Airway Effects on Craniofacial Morphology. J Craniofac Surg 2016; 27 (02) 361-364
  • 27 Bittar RF, Duailibi SE, Prado GPR, Ferreira LM, Pereira MD. Cephalometric measures correlate with polysomnography parameters in individuals with midface deficiency. Sci Rep 2021; 11 (01) 7949
  • 28 Lee RWW, Chan ASL, Grunstein RR, Cistulli PA. Craniofacial phenotyping in obstructive sleep apnea–a novel quantitative photographic approach. Sleep 2009; 32 (01) 37-45
  • 29 Yuen HM, Chan KC, Chu WCW. et al. Craniofacial phenotyping by photogrammetry in Chinese prepubertal children with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep 2023; 46 (03) zsac289
  • 30 Hsueh WY, Kang KT, Yao CJ. et al. Measurements of craniofacial morphology using photogrammetry in children with sleep-disordered breathing. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2022; 162: 111287
  • 31 Katyal V, Pamula Y, Martin AJ, Daynes CN, Kennedy JD, Sampson WJ. Craniofacial and upper airway morphology in pediatric sleep-disordered breathing: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2013; 143 (01) 20-30.e3
  • 32 Dusdal J, Powell JJW. Benefits, Motivations, and Challenges of International Collaborative Research: A Sociology of Science Case Study. Sci Public Policy 2021; 48 (02) 235-245
  • 33 Liu SYC, Wayne Riley R, Pogrel A, Guilleminault C. Sleep Surgery in the Era of Precision Medicine. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2019; 27 (01) 1-5
  • 34 Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM. et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. Syst Rev 2021; 10 (01) 89
  • 35 Manrikyan GE, Vardanyan IF, Markaryan MM. et al. Association between the Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cephalometric Parameters in Teenagers. J Clin Med 2023; 12 (21) 6851
  • 36 Bozzini MF, Di Francesco RC, Soster LA. Clinical and anatomical characteristics associated with obstructive sleep apnea severity in children. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2022; 77: 100131
  • 37 Lumbau AMI, Melodia D, Meloni SM. et al. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea And Malocclusion In Early Paediatric Patients: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Clin Trials Dent 2022; 4 (04) 5-11
  • 38 Xu Q, Wang X, Li N, Wang Y, Xu X, Guo J. Craniofacial and upper airway morphological characteristics associated with the presence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea in Chinese children. Front Pediatr 2023; 11: 01-10 Available from cited 2024 Feb 20 [Internet]
  • 39 Wang H, Xu W, Zhao A, Sun D, Li Y, Han D. Clinical Characteristics Combined with Craniofacial Photographic Analysis in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Nat Sci Sleep 2023; 15: 115-125
  • 40 Emsaeili F, Sadrhaghighi A, Sadeghi-Shabestari M, Nastarin P, Niknafs A. Comparison of superior airway dimensions and cephalometric anatomic landmarks between 8-12-year-old children with obstructive sleep apnea and healthy children using CBCT images. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect 2022; 16 (01) 18-23
  • 41 Murakami A, Kawanabe H, Hosoya H, Fukui K. Effect of sleep-disturbed breathing on maxillofacial growth and development in school-aged children. Orthod Waves 2021; 80 (02) 87-95
  • 42 Ahmad L, Kapoor P, Bhaskar S, Khatter H. Screening of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) risk in adolescent population and study of association with craniofacial and upper airway morphology. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res 2020; 10 (04) 807-813
  • 43 Smith DF, Dalesio NM, Benke JR. et al. Anthropometric and Dental Measurements in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. J Clin Sleep Med 2016; 12 (09) 1279-1284
  • 44 Marino A, Nota A, Caruso S, Gatto R, Malagola C, Tecco S. Obstructive sleep apnea severity and dental arches dimensions in children with late primary dentition: An observational study. Cranio 2021; 39 (03) 225-230
  • 45 Brockmann PE, Schaefer C, Poets A, Poets CF, Urschitz MS. Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in children: a systematic review. Sleep Med Rev 2013; 17 (05) 331-340
  • 46 Buchanan A, Cohen R, Looney S, Kalathingal S, De Rossi S. Cone-beam CT analysis of patients with obstructive sleep apnea compared to normal controls. Imaging Sci Dent 2016; 46 (01) 9-16
  • 47 Di Francesco R, Monteiro R, Paulo Mde M, Buranello F, Imamura R. Craniofacial morphology and sleep apnea in children with obstructed upper airways: differences between genders. Sleep Med 2012; 13 (06) 616-620
  • 48 Certal V, Catumbela E, Winck JC, Azevedo I, Teixeira-Pinto A, Costa-Pereira A. Clinical assessment of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Laryngoscope 2012; 122 (09) 2105-2114
  • 49 Neelapu BC, Kharbanda OP, Sardana HK. et al. Craniofacial and upper airway morphology in adult obstructive sleep apnea patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cephalometric studies. Sleep Med Rev 2017; 31: 79-90
  • 50 Feltner C, Wallace IF, Aymes S. et al. Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA 2022; 328 (19) 1951-1971
  • 51 Finke H, Drews A, Engel C, Koos B. Craniofacial risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea-systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sleep Res 2024; 33 (01) e14004
  • 52 Wang J, Zhao Y, Yang W. et al. Correlations between obstructive sleep apnea and adenotonsillar hypertrophy in children of different weight status. Sci Rep 2019; 9 (01) 11455
  • 53 Jara SM, Weaver EM. Association of palatine tonsil size and obstructive sleep apnea in adults. Laryngoscope 2018; 128 (04) 1002-1006
  • 54 Zicari AM, Rugiano A, Ragusa G. et al. The evaluation of adenoid hypertrophy and obstruction grading based on rhinomanometry after nasal decongestant test in children. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2013; 17 (21) 2962-2967

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Flowchart of study selection according to PRISMA guidelines.
Zoom Image
Fig. 2 Proposed framework for parameters to evaluate pediatric obstructive sleep apnea.