Endoscopy 2006; 38(2): 200
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-925145
Images in Focus
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Taking a Closer Look at Gastritis

K. Ragunath1 , G. K. Anagnostopoulos1
  • 1 Wolfson Digestive Diseases Centre, Queen’s Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Further Information

G. K. Anagnostopoulos, M. D.

Wolfson Digestive Diseases Centre,
Queen’s Medical Centre,
University of Nottingham

29A Newcastle Drive
The Park
Nottingham NG7 1AA
United Kingdom

Fax: +44-7834-776320

Email: gkanagnostopoulos@yahoo.gr

Publication History

Publication Date:
27 April 2006 (online)

Table of Contents
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    Figure 1 Conventional endoscopic view of the prepyloric region of the stomach, showing a well-circumscribed area of reddened mucosa which was interpreted as “antral gastritis”.

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    Figure 2 The same region visualised using a high-resolution zoom endoscope (Olympus GIF-Q240Z; Olympus Optical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) with distal cap attachment and the Lucera system video endoscopy processor (Olympus CV-260). This equipment provides the advanced features of adaptive index of haemoglobin (IHb) colour and structural enhancement, which emphasises subtle chromatic alterations in the mucous membrane. We visualised coil-like capillary loops of normal antral mucosa (white arrows, upper left), a clear demarcation line between cancerous and noncancerous mucosa (black arrows), and a leash of irregular vessels suggestive of neovascularisation and angiogenesis secondary to dysplasia (grey arrows). Targeted biopsies were obtained and histological examination revealed high-grade dysplasia.

    Competing interests: Not declared

    G. K. Anagnostopoulos, M. D.

    Wolfson Digestive Diseases Centre,
    Queen’s Medical Centre,
    University of Nottingham

    29A Newcastle Drive
    The Park
    Nottingham NG7 1AA
    United Kingdom

    Fax: +44-7834-776320

    Email: gkanagnostopoulos@yahoo.gr

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