Thromb Haemost 2007; 98(01): 73-76
DOI: 10.1160/TH07-05-0333
Anniversary Issue Contribution
Schattauer GmbH

Do ADP-activated platelets in vitro aggregate as discocytes ?

Eberhard Morgenstern
1   Formerly Medical Biology, Saarland University, Homburg, Germany
Nicole Boeckel
1   Formerly Medical Biology, Saarland University, Homburg, Germany
Ernst F. Lüscher
2   Formerly Theodor-Kocher-Institute, University of Berne, Switzerland
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Correspondence to:

Prof. Dr. Eberhard Morgenstern
Fakultaet 2; Theoretische Medizin
Universitaet des Saarlandes
Campus Homburg, Geb. 76
D – 66421 Homburg/Saar, Germany
Phone: +49 6841 16 26252   
Fax: +49 6841 16 26227   

Publication History

Received 07 May 2007

Accepted 08 May 2007

Publication Date:
29 November 2017 (online)




Deceased in 2002.

  • References

  • 1 Lüscher EF. Rapid shape change – When, why and to what purpose?. Thromb Haemost 2000; 84: 1130.
  • 2 Bizzozero J. Über einen neuen Formbestandteildes Blutes und dessen Rolle bei der Thrombose und der Blutgerinnung. Virchow’s Arch Path Anat Klin Med 1882; 90: 261-332.
  • 3 Deranleau DD, Dubler D, Rothen C. et al. Transient kinetics of the rapid shape change of unstirred human blood platelets stimulated with ADP. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1982; 79: 7297-7301.
  • 4 Lüscher EF, Weber S. The formation of the haemostatic plug – A special case of platelet aggregation. An experiment and a survey of the literature. Thromb Haemost 1993; 70: 234-237.
  • 5 Born GVR, Richardson PD. Activation time of blood platelets. J Membr Biol 1980; 57: 87-90.
  • 6 Maurer-Spurej E, Devine DV. Platelet aggregation is not initiated by platelet shape change. Lab Invest 2001; 81: 1517-1525.
  • 7 Ruggeri ZM, Orje JN, Habermann R. et al. Activation-independent platelet adhesion and aggregation under elevated shear stress. Blood 2006; 108: 1903-1910.
  • 8 Dopheide SM, Maxwell MJ, Jackson SR. Shear-dependent tether formation during platelet translocation on von Willebrand factor. Blood 2002; 99: 159-167.
  • 9 Maxwell JM, Westein E, Nesbitt WS. et al. Identification of a 2-stage platelet aggregation process mediating shear-dependent thrombus formation. Blood 2007; 109: 566-576.
  • 10 Ohlmann P, Eckly A, Freund M. et al. ADP induces partial platelet aggregation without shape change and potentiates collagen-induced aggregation in the absence of Gαq. Blood 2000; 96: 2134-2139.
  • 11 Gaarder A, Johnson J, Laland S. et al. Adenosine diphosphate in red cells as a factor in the adhesiveness of human blood platelets. Nature 1961; 192: 531-532.
  • 12 Morgenstern E, Edelmann L, Reimers H-J. et al. Fibrinogen distribution on surfaces and in organelles of ADP stimulated human blood platelets. Eur J Cell Biol 1985; 38: 292-300.
  • 13 Skaer RJ, Emmines JP, Skaer HB. The fine structure of cell contacts in platelet aggregation. J Ultrastruct Res 1979; 69: 28-42.
  • 14 Hartwig JH, De Sisto M. The cytoskeleton of the resting human blood platelet: structure of the membrane skeleton and its attachment to actin filaments. J Cell Biol 1991; 112: 407-425.
  • 15 Fox JE. Regulation of platelet function by the cytoskeleton. Adv Exp Med Biol 1993; 344: 175-185.
  • 16 Hartwig JH, Barkalow K, Azim A. et al. The elegant platelet: Signals controlling actin assembly. Thromb Haemost 1999; 82: 392-398.
  • 17 Hartwig JH. Plateletstructure. In: Platelets. Academic Press; London: 2002. pp. 37-45.
  • 18 Shattil SJ, Hoxie JA, Cunningham M. et al. Changes in the platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb-IIIa complexduring platelet activation. J Biol Chem 1985; 260: 11107-11114.
  • 19 Nakata T, Hirokawa N. Cytoskeletal reorganization of human platelets after stimulation revealed by quick-freeze deep-etch technique. J Cell Biol 1987; 105: 1771-1780.
  • 20 Nurden P. Bidirectional trafficking of membrane glycoproteins following platelet activation in suspension. Thromb Haemost 1997; 78: 1305-1315.
  • 21 Bennett JS, Zigmond S, Vilaire G. et al. The platelet cytoskeleton regulates the affinity of the integrin α IIb β 3 for fibrinogen. J Biol Chem 1999; 274: 25301-25307.
  • 22 Morgenstern E, Daub M, Dierichs R. A new model for in vitro clot formation that considers the mode of the fibrin(ogen) contacts to platelets and the arrangement of the platelet cytoskeleton. AnnNYAcad Sci 2001; 936: 449-455.
  • 23 Coller BS. Platelet GPIIb/IIIa antagonists: The first anti-integrin receptor the rapeutics. J Clin Invest 1997; 99: 1467-1471.
  • 24 Voss R, Morgenstern E, Waas W. et al. No increase in CD62P-positive single platelets after acuteplatelet activation in vivo . Thromb Res 2006; 117: 393-399.

Correspondence to:

Prof. Dr. Eberhard Morgenstern
Fakultaet 2; Theoretische Medizin
Universitaet des Saarlandes
Campus Homburg, Geb. 76
D – 66421 Homburg/Saar, Germany
Phone: +49 6841 16 26252   
Fax: +49 6841 16 26227   

  • References

  • 1 Lüscher EF. Rapid shape change – When, why and to what purpose?. Thromb Haemost 2000; 84: 1130.
  • 2 Bizzozero J. Über einen neuen Formbestandteildes Blutes und dessen Rolle bei der Thrombose und der Blutgerinnung. Virchow’s Arch Path Anat Klin Med 1882; 90: 261-332.
  • 3 Deranleau DD, Dubler D, Rothen C. et al. Transient kinetics of the rapid shape change of unstirred human blood platelets stimulated with ADP. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1982; 79: 7297-7301.
  • 4 Lüscher EF, Weber S. The formation of the haemostatic plug – A special case of platelet aggregation. An experiment and a survey of the literature. Thromb Haemost 1993; 70: 234-237.
  • 5 Born GVR, Richardson PD. Activation time of blood platelets. J Membr Biol 1980; 57: 87-90.
  • 6 Maurer-Spurej E, Devine DV. Platelet aggregation is not initiated by platelet shape change. Lab Invest 2001; 81: 1517-1525.
  • 7 Ruggeri ZM, Orje JN, Habermann R. et al. Activation-independent platelet adhesion and aggregation under elevated shear stress. Blood 2006; 108: 1903-1910.
  • 8 Dopheide SM, Maxwell MJ, Jackson SR. Shear-dependent tether formation during platelet translocation on von Willebrand factor. Blood 2002; 99: 159-167.
  • 9 Maxwell JM, Westein E, Nesbitt WS. et al. Identification of a 2-stage platelet aggregation process mediating shear-dependent thrombus formation. Blood 2007; 109: 566-576.
  • 10 Ohlmann P, Eckly A, Freund M. et al. ADP induces partial platelet aggregation without shape change and potentiates collagen-induced aggregation in the absence of Gαq. Blood 2000; 96: 2134-2139.
  • 11 Gaarder A, Johnson J, Laland S. et al. Adenosine diphosphate in red cells as a factor in the adhesiveness of human blood platelets. Nature 1961; 192: 531-532.
  • 12 Morgenstern E, Edelmann L, Reimers H-J. et al. Fibrinogen distribution on surfaces and in organelles of ADP stimulated human blood platelets. Eur J Cell Biol 1985; 38: 292-300.
  • 13 Skaer RJ, Emmines JP, Skaer HB. The fine structure of cell contacts in platelet aggregation. J Ultrastruct Res 1979; 69: 28-42.
  • 14 Hartwig JH, De Sisto M. The cytoskeleton of the resting human blood platelet: structure of the membrane skeleton and its attachment to actin filaments. J Cell Biol 1991; 112: 407-425.
  • 15 Fox JE. Regulation of platelet function by the cytoskeleton. Adv Exp Med Biol 1993; 344: 175-185.
  • 16 Hartwig JH, Barkalow K, Azim A. et al. The elegant platelet: Signals controlling actin assembly. Thromb Haemost 1999; 82: 392-398.
  • 17 Hartwig JH. Plateletstructure. In: Platelets. Academic Press; London: 2002. pp. 37-45.
  • 18 Shattil SJ, Hoxie JA, Cunningham M. et al. Changes in the platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb-IIIa complexduring platelet activation. J Biol Chem 1985; 260: 11107-11114.
  • 19 Nakata T, Hirokawa N. Cytoskeletal reorganization of human platelets after stimulation revealed by quick-freeze deep-etch technique. J Cell Biol 1987; 105: 1771-1780.
  • 20 Nurden P. Bidirectional trafficking of membrane glycoproteins following platelet activation in suspension. Thromb Haemost 1997; 78: 1305-1315.
  • 21 Bennett JS, Zigmond S, Vilaire G. et al. The platelet cytoskeleton regulates the affinity of the integrin α IIb β 3 for fibrinogen. J Biol Chem 1999; 274: 25301-25307.
  • 22 Morgenstern E, Daub M, Dierichs R. A new model for in vitro clot formation that considers the mode of the fibrin(ogen) contacts to platelets and the arrangement of the platelet cytoskeleton. AnnNYAcad Sci 2001; 936: 449-455.
  • 23 Coller BS. Platelet GPIIb/IIIa antagonists: The first anti-integrin receptor the rapeutics. J Clin Invest 1997; 99: 1467-1471.
  • 24 Voss R, Morgenstern E, Waas W. et al. No increase in CD62P-positive single platelets after acuteplatelet activation in vivo . Thromb Res 2006; 117: 393-399.