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DOI: 10.12687/phleb2421-4-2018
Lipoedema – myths and facts Part 3
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: deutsch | EnglishSummary
Lipedema is associated with numerous myths. In this short series we offer an overview of the myths of lipedema, and we throw a critical eye over popular statements concerning the disease; statements that found their way into scientific publications decades ago, and which have been accepted and repeated since then without criticism; statements which have become widely accepted facts for lipedema patients, and particularly for lipedema self-help groups. In the first part of this series we took a critical look at two popular myths about lipedema. We found that there is no scientific evidence for neither “Lipedema is a progressive disease”, nor “Lipedema negatively affects mental health”. In the second article about the myths of lipedema we focussed on the edema aspect, on the “edema in lipedema” and the subsequent therapeutic consequences – manual lymph drainage. We were also able to show that there is no scientific evidence for the popular statement: “lipedema is primarily an “edema problem”; manual lymph drainage is thus the essential standard therapy to be conducted regularly”. There is thus no basis for the prescription of long term regular manual lymph drainage with the aim of removing edema. In this, the third part of the series on familiar and often quoted “lipedema statements” we take a closer look at two other myths: 4: “lipedema makes you fat” and 5: “weight loss has no effect on lipedema”. For both statements there is neither a reasonable physiological or pathophysiological construct nor is there any scientific evidence in the literature. Furthermore both statements contradict our many years of daily clinical experience with lipedema patients to a high degree. It actually seems that the converse is true: Weight gain seems to be a decisive trigger for the development of lipedema, in patients with the right genetic disposition. Lipedema and obesity are two different diseases, but mostly they appear together. We see patients on almost a daily basis, who effectively lose weight after successful bariatric surgery as part of our obesity program, including in the limbs. Lipedema patients regularly experience considerable improvement in the pain symptoms typical for lipedema through sustained weight loss. These patients are often symptom-free, so that we can then say that the lipedema is in remission. In our fourth contribution to the series we will examine the significance of liposuction for lipedema, in order to then present a therapeutic concept in the last part of the series, that is not only based on scientific evidence, but should also contribute to a long-term and comprehensive improvement in the symptoms of lipedema patients.
- 1 Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 1. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 84-92.
- 2 Bertsch T. Adipositas-assoziierte Lymphödeme – unterschätzt und unterbehandelt. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 75-83.
- 3 Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 1. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 84-92.
- 4 Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 2. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 120-126.
- 5 Bertsch T, Martin KP. Adipositasprävalenz unter Lipödempatientinnen in einer kassenärztlichen lymphologischen Ambulanz im Jahr. 2015 (unveröffentlichte Daten)
- 6 Bosman J. Lipoedema: Poor knowledge, neglect or disinterest?. Journal of Lymphoedema 2011; Vol 06 No (02) 109-111.
- 7 Child AH. Lipedema: an inherited condition. Am J Med Genet A 2010; 152A (04) 970-976.
- 8 STERN TV. Was Sie über Lipödeme wissen sollten. Abrufbar unter:
- 9 Mysteriöse Krankheit, die dick macht: Was ist Lipödem?. Abrufbar unter:
- 10 Dick durch Krankheiten und Medikamente: Dick oder krank? Diese Krankheiten beeinflussen Gewicht und Aussehen. Abrufbar unter: flussen-das-gewicht
- 11 Markt vom 12.03.2018. Lipödem: Kasse zahlt Behandlung nicht. Abrufbar unter:,markt12014.html
- 12 YouTube. Lipödem im Bauch – gibt´s das überhaupt?. JA!. Abrufbar unter:
- 13 Herbst KL. Obesity and Lipedema – What’s the link?. Abrufbar unter
- 14 Could you have Lipedema?. Abrufbar unter: could-you-have-lipedema
- 15 Stunkard AJ. et al. An Adoption Study of Human Obesity. N Engl J Med 1986; 314: 193-198.
- 16 Stunkard AJ. et al. The Body-Mass Index of Twins who have been reared apart. N Engl J Med 1990; 322: 1483-1487.
- 17 Plagemann A. (Ed.). Perinatal Programming The State of the Art. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter; 2012: 11-22.
- 18 Herrera B. et al. Genetics and epigenetics of obesity. Maturitas 2011; 69 (01) 41-49.
- 19 Hewagalamulage SD. et al. Stress, Cortisol and obesity: a role for cortisol responsiveness in identifying individuals prone to obesity. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2016; 56 Suppl: 112-120.
- 20 Volkow ND. et al. Obesity and addiction: neurobiological overlaps. Obesity reviews 2013; (01) 2-18.
- 21 Nemiary D. et al. The Relationship Between Obesity and Depression Among Adolescents. Psychiatr Ann 2013; 42 (08) 305-308.
- 22 Seese B. Pathophysiologie der Adipositas. Abrufbar unter: Handout_Adipositas.pdf
- 23 Taubes G. The Case against Sugar. New York: Alfred A Knopf; 2016
- 24 Malik VS, Hu FB. Sweeteners and Risk of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: The Role of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages. Curr Diab Rep 2012; 12: 195.
- 25 Wang JW. Consumption of added sugars and development of metabolic syndrome components among a sample of youth at risk of obesity. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2014; 39 (04) 512.
- 26 Pietiläinen KH. et al. Does Dieting Make You Fat?. International J of Obesity 36 (03) 2012; 456-464.
- 27 Robert Koch-Institut. 2016 Studie DEGS1, Erhebung 2008–2011..
- 28 Sifferlin A. 40 % of Americans Are Obese – And the Trend Isn’t Slowing. In TIME HEALTH, October 2017. Abrufbar unter:
- 29 WHO. Controlling the global obesity epidemic, 2017. Abrufbar unter: tion/topics/obesity/en/
- 30 Hilbert A. et al. Stigmatisierung bei Adipositas. In Adipositas 2013; 03: 150-153.
- 31 Jung FU. et al. Stigma and Knowledge as Determinants of Recommendation and Referral Behavior of General Practitioners and Internists. Obes Surg 2016; 26: 2393-2401.
- 32 Kimberly AG. et al. Physicians build less rapport with obese patients. 2013; 21 (10) 2146-2152.
- 33 Brownell KD. et al. Weight Bias: Nature, consequences and remedies. New York: Guilford Press; 2005
- 34 Hilbert A, Geisert M. Stigmatisierung von Adipositas: Implikation für die Kommunikation mit adipösen Patienten. In: Lewandowski K, Bein T. (Hrsg). Adipositas in Anästhesie, Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin. 2012. Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft; 71-77.
- 35 Stunkard A. The Results of Treatment for Obesity. A Review of the Literature and Report of a Series. AMA Arch Intern Med 1959; 103 (01) 79-85.
- 36 Bennett W, Gurin J. The Dieter’s Dilemma: Why Diets Are Obsolete–the New Setpoint Theory of Weight Control. New York: Basic Books; 1982
- 37 Cogan J, Rothblum E. Outcomes of weight-loss Programms. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs. 1993 118. 04
- 38 Perri MG. et al. Sucess and failure in the treatment of obesity: Where do we go from here?. Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition and Health 1995; 04: 255-272.
- 39 Hensrud DD, Weinsier RL. A prospective study of weight maintenance in obese subjects reduced to normal body weight without weight-loss training. American clinical Nutrtion 1994; 60 (05) 688-694.
- 40 Mann T, Tomiyama AJ. et al. Medicare’s search for effective obesity treatments: diets are not the answer. Am Psychol 2007; 62 (03) 220-233.
- 41 Nordmann A. et al. Effects of low carb vs low fat diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: a meta analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Internal Med. 2006 166. 8
- 42 Fildes A, Charlton J. Probability of an obese person attaining normal body weight. American Journal of Public Health. 2015
- 43 Pietiläinen KH. et al. Does Dieting Make You Fat?. AAO.
- 44 Bosy-Westhpal A. Effect of weight loss and regain on adipose tissue distribution, composition of lean mass and resting energy expenditure in young overweight and obese adults. International Journal of Obesity 2013; 1-7.
- 45 Goddard S. I’m not fat, I’ve got lipedemda. BBC. com Abrufbar unter: bbcthree/item/5d58f224–4bf7–498f-97d4–4073754a8f7f.
- 46 Seo C. Movie: The disease they call fat. Abrufbar unter:
- 47 Baldzun A. Diagnose Lipödem: Der tägliche Kampf mit dem krankhaften Fett. Fokus am 24.1.2017. Abrufbar unter: gesundheit/ratgeber/frauenmedizin/mehr-alsdrei-millionen-betroffene-diagnose-lipoedem-der-taegliche-kampf-mit-dem-krankhaftenfett_id_6522464.html
- 48 Adipositasprogramm der Földiklinik. Unveröffentlichte Patientendaten.
- 49 Schmeller W, Meier-Vollrath I. Lipödem – Aktuelles zu einem weitgehend unbekannten Krankheitsbild. Akt Dermatol 2007; 33 (07) 251-260.
- 50 Schmeller W, Meier-Vollrath I. Moderne Therapie des Lipödems: Kombination von konservativen und operativen Maßnahmen. LymphForsch 2004; 08 (01) 22-26.
- 51 Cornely M, Gensior M. Website abrufbar unter:
- 52 Herbst KL. Rare adipose disorders (RADs) masquerading as obesity. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Volume 2012; 33: 155-172.
- 53 Stern TV. Was Sie über Lipödeme wissen sollten. Abrufbar unter:
- 54 Kaniuth M. Dicke Beine trotz Diät: Mein Leben mit Lipödem. 2015. MGV-Verlag München S; 9.
- 55 Lipö Alles über das Lipödem. Abrufbar unter: dem-probleme.htm.
- 56 Herbst KL. Rare adipose disorders (RADs) masquerading as obesity. AAO. S 155.
- 57 Schmeller W, Meier-Vollrath I. Lipödem – Aktuelles zu einem weitgehend unbekannten Krankheitsbild. AAO. S 256.
- 58 Cornely M. Das Lipödem an Armen und Beinen. Teil 2: Zur konservativen und operativen Therapie des Lipödems, genannt Lipohyperplasia dolorosa. Phlebologie 2011; 40: 146.
- 59 Website Dr. Stutz. Abrufbar unter:
- 60 Website Rosenbergklinik. Abrufbar unter:
- 61 Website LipoClinic Dr. Heck. Abrufbar unter:
- 62 Website Lipocura. Abrufbar unter:
- 63 Die typischen Kennzeichen des Lipödems. Abrufbar unter:
- 64 Allen E, Hines E. Lipedema of the legs: a syndrome characterized by fat legs and orthostatic edema. Proc Staff Mayo Clin 1940; 15: 184-187.
- 65 Wold LE, Hines EA, Allen EV. Lipedema of he legs; a syndrome characterized by fat legs and edema. Ann Intern Med 1951; 34 (05) 1243-1250.
- 66 Bertsch T. Adipositas-assoziierte Lymphödeme – unterschätzt und unterbehandelt. AAO..
- 67 Herpertz S, Kielmann R, Wolf AM. et al. Does obesity surgery improve psychosocial functioning? A systematic review. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2003; 27: 1300-1314.
- 68 Buddeberg-Fischer B, Klaghofer R, Sigrist S. et al. Impact of psychosocial stress and symptoms on indication for bariatric surgery and outcome in morbidly obese patients. Obes Surg 2004; 14: 361-369.
- 69 Buchwald H, Estok R, Fahrbach K. et al. Weight and type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Med 2009; 122: 248-256.
- 70 Wittgrove AC, Clark GW. Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, Roux en-Y – 500 Patients: Technique and Results, with 3–60 month follow-up. Obes Surg 2000; 10: 233.
- 71 Sugerman HJ. et al. Diabetes and hypertension in severe obesity and effects of gastric bypass-induced weight loss. Ann Surg 2003; 237: 751-756.
- 72 Rasheid S. et al. Bypass is an Effective Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Clinically Significant Obesity. OBES SURG 2003; 13: 5.
- 73 Courcoulas AP. et al. Long-term Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery: A National Institutes of Health Symposium. JAMA Surg 2014; 149 (12) 1323-1329.
- 74 Arterburn DE. et al. Association Between Bariatric Surgery and Long-term Survival. JAMA 2015; 313 (01) 62-70.
- 75 Sjöström L. et al. Effects of bariatric surgery on mortality in Swedish obese subjects. N Engl J Med 2007; 357: 741-752.
- 76 Adams TD. et al. 2007; Long-term mortality after gastric bypass surgery. N Engl J Med 357: 753-761.
- 77 Shubeck S. et al. Long-term Outcomes Following Bariatric Surgery. JAMA 2018; 319 (03) 302-303.
- 78 Faerber G. Adipositas und chronische Inflammation bei phlebologischen und lymphologischen Erkrankungen. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 55-65.
- 79 Lim EL. et al. Reversal of type 2 diabetes: normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreases pancreas and liver triacylglycerol. Diabetologica 2011; 54: 2506-2514.
- 80 Steven S, Taylor R. Restoring hyperglycaemia by very low calorie diet in long and short term diabetes. Diabet Med 2015; 32 (09) 1149-1155.
- 81 Stunkard A. The Results of Treatment for Obesity. A Review of the Literature and Report of a Series. AMA Arch Intern Med 1959; 103 (01) 79-85.
- 82 Bennett W, Gurin J. The Dieter’s Dilemma: Why Diets Are Obsolete–the New Setpoint Theory of Weight Control. New York: Basic Books; 1982
- 83 Cogan JERothblum. Outcomes of weight-loss Programms. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs. 1993 118. (04)
- 84 Perri MG. et al. Sucess and failure in the treatment of obesity: Where do we go from here?. Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition and Health 1995; 04: 255-272.
- 85 Hensrud DD, Weinsier RL. A prospective study of weight maintenance in obese subjects reduced to normal body weight without weight-loss training. American clinical Nutrtion 1994; 60 (05) 688-694.
- 86 Mann T, Tomiyama AJ. et al. Medicare’s search for effective obesity treatments: diets are not the answer. Am Psychol 2007; 62 (03) 220-233.
- 87 Nordmann A. et al. Effects of low carb vs low fat diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: a meta analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Internal Med. 2006 166. 08
- 88 Fildes A, Charlton J. Probability of an obese person attaining normal body weight. American Journal of Public Health. 2015
- 89 Dulloo AG. et al. How dieting makes the lean fatter. Obesity reviews 2015; 16 (S1): 25-35.
- 90 Lowe MR. Dieting: Proxy or Cause of Furture weight gain?. Obesity Reviews 2015; 16 (S1): 19-24.
- 91 Pietiläinen KH. et al. Does dieting make you fat? A Twin study. International Journal of Obesity 2012; 36 (03) 456-464.
- 92 Tindle HA, Omalu B, Courcoulas A. Risk of suicide after long-term follow-up from bariatric surgery. Am J Med 2010; 123: 1036-1042.
- 93 Peterhänsel C, Petroff D, Klinitzke G, Kersting A, Wagner B. Risk of completed suicide after bariatric surgery: a systematic review. Obes Rev. 2013 May; 14. 05 369-382 doi: 10.1111/obr.12014. Epub 2013 Jan 9..
- 94 Baumeister H, Härter M. Mental disorders in patients with obesity in comparison with healthy probands. Int J Obesity 2007; 31 (07) 1155-1164.
- 95 Müller A, Claes L, Smits D, Schag K, de Zwaan M. Lifetime Self-Harm Behaviors Are Not More Prevalent in Bariatric Surgery Candidates than in Community Controls with Obesity. Obes Facts 2018; 11: 109-115.
- 96 Bild abrufbar unter:
- 1 Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 1. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 84-92.
- 2 Bertsch T. Adipositas-assoziierte Lymphödeme – unterschätzt und unterbehandelt. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 75-83.
- 3 Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 1. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 84-92.
- 4 Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 2. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 120-126.
- 5 Bertsch T, Martin KP. Adipositasprävalenz unter Lipödempatientinnen in einer kassenärztlichen lymphologischen Ambulanz im Jahr. 2015 (unveröffentlichte Daten)
- 6 Bosman J. Lipoedema: Poor knowledge, neglect or disinterest?. Journal of Lymphoedema 2011; Vol 06 No (02) 109-111.
- 7 Child AH. Lipedema: an inherited condition. Am J Med Genet A 2010; 152A (04) 970-976.
- 8 STERN TV. Was Sie über Lipödeme wissen sollten. Abrufbar unter:
- 9 Mysteriöse Krankheit, die dick macht: Was ist Lipödem?. Abrufbar unter:
- 10 Dick durch Krankheiten und Medikamente: Dick oder krank? Diese Krankheiten beeinflussen Gewicht und Aussehen. Abrufbar unter: flussen-das-gewicht
- 11 Markt vom 12.03.2018. Lipödem: Kasse zahlt Behandlung nicht. Abrufbar unter:,markt12014.html
- 12 YouTube. Lipödem im Bauch – gibt´s das überhaupt?. JA!. Abrufbar unter:
- 13 Herbst KL. Obesity and Lipedema – What’s the link?. Abrufbar unter
- 14 Could you have Lipedema?. Abrufbar unter: could-you-have-lipedema
- 15 Stunkard AJ. et al. An Adoption Study of Human Obesity. N Engl J Med 1986; 314: 193-198.
- 16 Stunkard AJ. et al. The Body-Mass Index of Twins who have been reared apart. N Engl J Med 1990; 322: 1483-1487.
- 17 Plagemann A. (Ed.). Perinatal Programming The State of the Art. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter; 2012: 11-22.
- 18 Herrera B. et al. Genetics and epigenetics of obesity. Maturitas 2011; 69 (01) 41-49.
- 19 Hewagalamulage SD. et al. Stress, Cortisol and obesity: a role for cortisol responsiveness in identifying individuals prone to obesity. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2016; 56 Suppl: 112-120.
- 20 Volkow ND. et al. Obesity and addiction: neurobiological overlaps. Obesity reviews 2013; (01) 2-18.
- 21 Nemiary D. et al. The Relationship Between Obesity and Depression Among Adolescents. Psychiatr Ann 2013; 42 (08) 305-308.
- 22 Seese B. Pathophysiologie der Adipositas. Abrufbar unter: Handout_Adipositas.pdf
- 23 Taubes G. The Case against Sugar. New York: Alfred A Knopf; 2016
- 24 Malik VS, Hu FB. Sweeteners and Risk of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: The Role of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages. Curr Diab Rep 2012; 12: 195.
- 25 Wang JW. Consumption of added sugars and development of metabolic syndrome components among a sample of youth at risk of obesity. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2014; 39 (04) 512.
- 26 Pietiläinen KH. et al. Does Dieting Make You Fat?. International J of Obesity 36 (03) 2012; 456-464.
- 27 Robert Koch-Institut. 2016 Studie DEGS1, Erhebung 2008–2011..
- 28 Sifferlin A. 40 % of Americans Are Obese – And the Trend Isn’t Slowing. In TIME HEALTH, October 2017. Abrufbar unter:
- 29 WHO. Controlling the global obesity epidemic, 2017. Abrufbar unter: tion/topics/obesity/en/
- 30 Hilbert A. et al. Stigmatisierung bei Adipositas. In Adipositas 2013; 03: 150-153.
- 31 Jung FU. et al. Stigma and Knowledge as Determinants of Recommendation and Referral Behavior of General Practitioners and Internists. Obes Surg 2016; 26: 2393-2401.
- 32 Kimberly AG. et al. Physicians build less rapport with obese patients. 2013; 21 (10) 2146-2152.
- 33 Brownell KD. et al. Weight Bias: Nature, consequences and remedies. New York: Guilford Press; 2005
- 34 Hilbert A, Geisert M. Stigmatisierung von Adipositas: Implikation für die Kommunikation mit adipösen Patienten. In: Lewandowski K, Bein T. (Hrsg). Adipositas in Anästhesie, Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin. 2012. Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft; 71-77.
- 35 Stunkard A. The Results of Treatment for Obesity. A Review of the Literature and Report of a Series. AMA Arch Intern Med 1959; 103 (01) 79-85.
- 36 Bennett W, Gurin J. The Dieter’s Dilemma: Why Diets Are Obsolete–the New Setpoint Theory of Weight Control. New York: Basic Books; 1982
- 37 Cogan J, Rothblum E. Outcomes of weight-loss Programms. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs. 1993 118. 04
- 38 Perri MG. et al. Sucess and failure in the treatment of obesity: Where do we go from here?. Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition and Health 1995; 04: 255-272.
- 39 Hensrud DD, Weinsier RL. A prospective study of weight maintenance in obese subjects reduced to normal body weight without weight-loss training. American clinical Nutrtion 1994; 60 (05) 688-694.
- 40 Mann T, Tomiyama AJ. et al. Medicare’s search for effective obesity treatments: diets are not the answer. Am Psychol 2007; 62 (03) 220-233.
- 41 Nordmann A. et al. Effects of low carb vs low fat diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: a meta analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Internal Med. 2006 166. 8
- 42 Fildes A, Charlton J. Probability of an obese person attaining normal body weight. American Journal of Public Health. 2015
- 43 Pietiläinen KH. et al. Does Dieting Make You Fat?. AAO.
- 44 Bosy-Westhpal A. Effect of weight loss and regain on adipose tissue distribution, composition of lean mass and resting energy expenditure in young overweight and obese adults. International Journal of Obesity 2013; 1-7.
- 45 Goddard S. I’m not fat, I’ve got lipedemda. BBC. com Abrufbar unter: bbcthree/item/5d58f224–4bf7–498f-97d4–4073754a8f7f.
- 46 Seo C. Movie: The disease they call fat. Abrufbar unter:
- 47 Baldzun A. Diagnose Lipödem: Der tägliche Kampf mit dem krankhaften Fett. Fokus am 24.1.2017. Abrufbar unter: gesundheit/ratgeber/frauenmedizin/mehr-alsdrei-millionen-betroffene-diagnose-lipoedem-der-taegliche-kampf-mit-dem-krankhaftenfett_id_6522464.html
- 48 Adipositasprogramm der Földiklinik. Unveröffentlichte Patientendaten.
- 49 Schmeller W, Meier-Vollrath I. Lipödem – Aktuelles zu einem weitgehend unbekannten Krankheitsbild. Akt Dermatol 2007; 33 (07) 251-260.
- 50 Schmeller W, Meier-Vollrath I. Moderne Therapie des Lipödems: Kombination von konservativen und operativen Maßnahmen. LymphForsch 2004; 08 (01) 22-26.
- 51 Cornely M, Gensior M. Website abrufbar unter:
- 52 Herbst KL. Rare adipose disorders (RADs) masquerading as obesity. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica Volume 2012; 33: 155-172.
- 53 Stern TV. Was Sie über Lipödeme wissen sollten. Abrufbar unter:
- 54 Kaniuth M. Dicke Beine trotz Diät: Mein Leben mit Lipödem. 2015. MGV-Verlag München S; 9.
- 55 Lipö Alles über das Lipödem. Abrufbar unter: dem-probleme.htm.
- 56 Herbst KL. Rare adipose disorders (RADs) masquerading as obesity. AAO. S 155.
- 57 Schmeller W, Meier-Vollrath I. Lipödem – Aktuelles zu einem weitgehend unbekannten Krankheitsbild. AAO. S 256.
- 58 Cornely M. Das Lipödem an Armen und Beinen. Teil 2: Zur konservativen und operativen Therapie des Lipödems, genannt Lipohyperplasia dolorosa. Phlebologie 2011; 40: 146.
- 59 Website Dr. Stutz. Abrufbar unter:
- 60 Website Rosenbergklinik. Abrufbar unter:
- 61 Website LipoClinic Dr. Heck. Abrufbar unter:
- 62 Website Lipocura. Abrufbar unter:
- 63 Die typischen Kennzeichen des Lipödems. Abrufbar unter:
- 64 Allen E, Hines E. Lipedema of the legs: a syndrome characterized by fat legs and orthostatic edema. Proc Staff Mayo Clin 1940; 15: 184-187.
- 65 Wold LE, Hines EA, Allen EV. Lipedema of he legs; a syndrome characterized by fat legs and edema. Ann Intern Med 1951; 34 (05) 1243-1250.
- 66 Bertsch T. Adipositas-assoziierte Lymphödeme – unterschätzt und unterbehandelt. AAO..
- 67 Herpertz S, Kielmann R, Wolf AM. et al. Does obesity surgery improve psychosocial functioning? A systematic review. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2003; 27: 1300-1314.
- 68 Buddeberg-Fischer B, Klaghofer R, Sigrist S. et al. Impact of psychosocial stress and symptoms on indication for bariatric surgery and outcome in morbidly obese patients. Obes Surg 2004; 14: 361-369.
- 69 Buchwald H, Estok R, Fahrbach K. et al. Weight and type 2 diabetes after bariatric surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Med 2009; 122: 248-256.
- 70 Wittgrove AC, Clark GW. Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, Roux en-Y – 500 Patients: Technique and Results, with 3–60 month follow-up. Obes Surg 2000; 10: 233.
- 71 Sugerman HJ. et al. Diabetes and hypertension in severe obesity and effects of gastric bypass-induced weight loss. Ann Surg 2003; 237: 751-756.
- 72 Rasheid S. et al. Bypass is an Effective Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Clinically Significant Obesity. OBES SURG 2003; 13: 5.
- 73 Courcoulas AP. et al. Long-term Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery: A National Institutes of Health Symposium. JAMA Surg 2014; 149 (12) 1323-1329.
- 74 Arterburn DE. et al. Association Between Bariatric Surgery and Long-term Survival. JAMA 2015; 313 (01) 62-70.
- 75 Sjöström L. et al. Effects of bariatric surgery on mortality in Swedish obese subjects. N Engl J Med 2007; 357: 741-752.
- 76 Adams TD. et al. 2007; Long-term mortality after gastric bypass surgery. N Engl J Med 357: 753-761.
- 77 Shubeck S. et al. Long-term Outcomes Following Bariatric Surgery. JAMA 2018; 319 (03) 302-303.
- 78 Faerber G. Adipositas und chronische Inflammation bei phlebologischen und lymphologischen Erkrankungen. Phlebologie 2018; 47: 55-65.
- 79 Lim EL. et al. Reversal of type 2 diabetes: normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreases pancreas and liver triacylglycerol. Diabetologica 2011; 54: 2506-2514.
- 80 Steven S, Taylor R. Restoring hyperglycaemia by very low calorie diet in long and short term diabetes. Diabet Med 2015; 32 (09) 1149-1155.
- 81 Stunkard A. The Results of Treatment for Obesity. A Review of the Literature and Report of a Series. AMA Arch Intern Med 1959; 103 (01) 79-85.
- 82 Bennett W, Gurin J. The Dieter’s Dilemma: Why Diets Are Obsolete–the New Setpoint Theory of Weight Control. New York: Basic Books; 1982
- 83 Cogan JERothblum. Outcomes of weight-loss Programms. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs. 1993 118. (04)
- 84 Perri MG. et al. Sucess and failure in the treatment of obesity: Where do we go from here?. Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition and Health 1995; 04: 255-272.
- 85 Hensrud DD, Weinsier RL. A prospective study of weight maintenance in obese subjects reduced to normal body weight without weight-loss training. American clinical Nutrtion 1994; 60 (05) 688-694.
- 86 Mann T, Tomiyama AJ. et al. Medicare’s search for effective obesity treatments: diets are not the answer. Am Psychol 2007; 62 (03) 220-233.
- 87 Nordmann A. et al. Effects of low carb vs low fat diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: a meta analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Internal Med. 2006 166. 08
- 88 Fildes A, Charlton J. Probability of an obese person attaining normal body weight. American Journal of Public Health. 2015
- 89 Dulloo AG. et al. How dieting makes the lean fatter. Obesity reviews 2015; 16 (S1): 25-35.
- 90 Lowe MR. Dieting: Proxy or Cause of Furture weight gain?. Obesity Reviews 2015; 16 (S1): 19-24.
- 91 Pietiläinen KH. et al. Does dieting make you fat? A Twin study. International Journal of Obesity 2012; 36 (03) 456-464.
- 92 Tindle HA, Omalu B, Courcoulas A. Risk of suicide after long-term follow-up from bariatric surgery. Am J Med 2010; 123: 1036-1042.
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