Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Table of Contents Yearb Med Inform 2014; 23(01): 195-198DOI: 10.15265/IY-2014-0038 Original Article Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart Social Media and Patient Health Outcomes Findings from the Yearbook 2014 Section on Consumer Health Informatics P. Staccini 1 INSERM UMR 912 SESSTIM, IRIS, UFR Médecine, Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France , N. Douali 2 INSERM UMRS 1142 LIMICS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France , Section Editors for the IMIA Yearbook Section on Consumer Health Informatics › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Full Text PDF Download Keywords KeywordsSocial media - epidemiology - substance-related disorders - patients rights - health communities References References 1 Eysenbach G, Jimison H, Kukafka R, Lewis D, Stavri PZ. editors. Consumer health informatics.. Springer Science;; 2005 2 Grajales FJ, Sheps S, Ho K, Novak-Lauscher H, Eysenbach G. Social Media: A Review and Tutorial of Applications in Medicine and Health Care.. J Med Internet Res 2014; 16 (02) e13. 3 Moorhead SA, Hazlett DE, Harrison L, Carroll JK, Irwin A, Hoving C. A new dimension of health care: systematic review of the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication.. J Med Internet Res 2013; 15 (04) e85. 4 Symplur.. Healthcare Social Media Analytics.. (last visit: 07/06/2014).