CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2021; 79(10): 895-899
DOI: 10.1590/0004-282X-ANP-2020-0315

Motor symptoms and the quality of life of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients in a specialized center in South of Brazil

Sintomas motores e qualidade de vida em pacientes com esclerose múltipla remitente recorrente em um centro especializado no Sul do Brasil
1   Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Curso de Fisioterapia, Porto Alegre RS, Brazil.
2   Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre RS, Brazil.
1   Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Curso de Fisioterapia, Porto Alegre RS, Brazil.
› Author Affiliations


Background: Spasticity, fatigue, muscle weakness and changes in gait are some of the main motor symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). These changes can interfere with the patients’ quality of life. Objective: To characterize the motor and quality of life symptoms in patients with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis at a specialized center. Methods: Fifty five patients at the Neuroimmunology Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre were evaluated for fatigue (Fatigue Severity Scale — FSS), walking ability (Functional Ambulation Categories — FAC), impact of MS on walking (Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale-12 — MSWS-12), walking speed (10-Meter Walk Test — 10MWT and the Times 25-foot Walk test — T25FW), functional independence (Barthel Index — BI), functional mobility (Timed Up and Go — TUG), and quality of life (Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale — MSIS-29). Results: The patients were mostly women (69.1%), with average age of 43.3 (±12.1) years old, with time since diagnosis of 8.2 (±5.3) years, and EDSS average of 4.3 (±1.3). On the BI, the mean was 96.6 (±5.7) points and 80% of the patients had FAC 5. At MSIS-29, patients had a higher average score on the psychological scale (19.5±26.7) than on the physical scale (10.2±23.6). Most patients (69.1%) presented fatigue. Conclusion: The patients had preserved functional independence and functional walking ability and presence of fatigue. There was minimal impact of MS on patients’ quality of life.



Antecedentes: Espasticidade, fadiga, fraqueza muscular e alterações na marcha são alguns dos principais sintomas motores da esclerose múltipla (MS). Essas alterações podem interferir na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Objetivo: caracterizar os sintomas motores e qualidade de vida de pacientes com EM do tipo remitente-recorrente de um Centro Especializado. Métodos: Foram avaliados 55 pacientes do Ambulatório de Neuroimunologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, quanto a fadiga (Escala de Severidade da Fadiga — FSS), capacidade de deambulação (Categoria de Deambulação Funcional — FAC), impacto da EM na caminhada (Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale-12 — MSWS-12), velocidade de marcha (Teste de Caminhada de 10 Metros — 10MWT e o de Caminhada Cronometrada de 25 Pés — T25FW), independência funcional (Índice de Barthel — BI), mobilidade funcional (Timed Up and Go — TUG) e qualidade de vida (Escala de Impacto de Esclerose Múltipla — MSIS-29). Resultados: Os pacientes eram, em sua maioria, do sexo feminino (69,1%), com média de idade de 43,3 (±12,8) anos, tempo de diagnóstico de 8,2 (±5,3) anos e a média da EDSS de 4,3 (±1,3). A média no BI foi de 96,6 (±5,7) pontos e 80% dos pacientes apresentavam FAC 5. Na MSIS-29, os pacientes apresentaram maior pontuação média na escala psicológica (19,5±26,7) do que na física (10,2±23,6). A maioria dos pacientes (69.1%) apresentou fadiga. Conclusão: Os pacientes apresentaram independência funcional e capacidade de deambulação funcional preservadas e presença de fadiga. Houve pequeno impacto da EM na qualidade de vida dos pacientes.



Multiple sclerosis (MS) is traditionally considered to be a chronic and autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS)[1]. In many countries, it is the leading cause of non-traumatic neurological disability in young adults. It has a higher frequency in women (ratio 2:1)[2].

About 2.5 million people are affected by MS worldwide. In Brazil, the prevalence is heterogeneous, with a minimum rate of 1.36/100,000 inhabitants in the northeastern region and a maximum of 27.2/100,000 inhabitants in the south, with an average prevalence of 8.69/100,000 inhabitants[3].

The main form of MS evolution is relapsing-remitting MS[4]. Most individuals with MS (85%) start to present a clinical pattern with flare-up episodes and may present spasticity, fatigue, muscle weakness, and gait and balance disorders as the main motor symptoms[5]. Individuals with MS often have impaired walking ability and gait speed, which may be related to increasing functional mobility limitations, the presence of spastic patterns, and to a decrease in overall motor performance, as well as lack of coordination, imbalance and ataxic gait, which are some of the changes that most influence the quality of life of patients with MS[6].

These limitations are highly disabling for patients, as they directly influence their independence, causing a profound impact on the participation and performance of their Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)[7]. The wide variety of symptoms and impairments affecting patients with MS leads to a negative impact on ADLs, manifested mainly by a significant decline in quality of life (QoL), which influences their health[8].

Cardoso et al.[9] described the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of MS in the State of Bahia, in northeastern Brazil, and found a women-to-men ratio of 4:1, mean age at disease onset of 31.1 (±11.02) years, and the relapsing-remitting clinical form as the most frequent. Grzesiuk et al.[10] analyzed and described the clinical and epidemiological aspects of patients with multiple sclerosis treated in Cuiabá, a city located in the midwestern region of Brazil. The study was conducted on a sample of 20 patients, mostly white women. The average age of patients with MS was 40.2 years, and the average time since disease onset was 6.26 years. The initial/final mean of the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), used to assess neurological impairment caused by MS, was 1.85/3.9 points.

Currently, there is no study like the ones mentioned above that characterize the population of patients with MS treated in a specialized center in the city of Porto Alegre (RS), and there are also few studies that characterize patients diagnosed with MS in the state of Rio Grande do Sul[11]. Most studies that characterize patients focus only on clinical and epidemiological characteristics. Thus, the goal of this study was to characterize patients diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS and being treated at the Neuroimmunology Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), regarding fatigue, -functional mobility, walking ability, walking speed, and functional independence, as well as quality of life. This characterization will enable rehabilitation professionals to identify the main characteristics of patients with relapsing-remitting MS in order to establish more specific treatment objectives according to the functional changes presented by patients with the disease progression.



The study included 55 men and women diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS, aged over 18 years, with EDSS less than 7, who were able to walk independently and who were receiving treatment at the Neuroimmunology Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA). This study was approved by the HCPA Research Ethics Committee. All patients signed an informed consent form.

The patients were assessed from March to September 2017 with the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), composed of nine items on a seven-point scale. Scores range from 9 to 63, with a score greater than or equal to 28 indicating fatigue[12]. The Barthel Index (BI) was used to quantify the functional independence of the sample. A score equal to or greater than 60 points corresponded to functional independence, and below that value, dependence[13].

The Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale-12 (MSWS-12) was used to measure the impact of MS on walking ability. Values range from 0 to 80, and higher values indicate poorer performance or greater difficulty in walking. The final value obtained is a percentage that varies from 0 to 100%. It represents how much the patient’s gait is compromised. The higher the percentage, the greater the impact of MS on walking ability[14]. The patients were assessed regarding their ability to walk and classified according to the Functional Ambulation Categories (FAC). Capacity levels vary from 0, when the individual cannot walk, to 5, when the individual can walk anywhere independently[15].

The 10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT) was used to assess walking speed. The values found were compared with reference values of healthy individuals of the same age and sex[16]. In the Timed 25-foot Walk (T25FW) test, the patient was instructed to walk 7.62 m as fast as possible, but safely. The values found were categorized according to what was proposed in the study by Goldman et al.[17]: <6 seconds, between 6–7.99 seconds, and ≥8 seconds.

The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test was performed to assess the functional mobility of the patients. Functional mobility was characterized as preserved when the test was performed in less than 20 seconds[18]. This study also used the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29). It has a total score ranging from 0 to 100. The highest scores indicate a greater impact of Multiple Sclerosis on health, and, therefore, a worse level of quality of life[19].

The collected data is presented and described by means and standard deviations.



The patients were characterized by gender, age, time since diagnosis, EDSS, and number of flare-ups ([Table 1]).

Table 1

Clinical characteristics.

n (55)



SD (±)








Age (years)



Proportion female:male


EDSS score (minimum-maximum)




Time since diagnosis (years)



Number of attacks since diagnosis



n: number of patients; SD: standard deviation; EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale.

As for the ambulation categories (FAC), most patients were classified as independent to walk on any terrain.

In the 10MWT, patients demonstrated preserved comfortable walking speed according to the mean (1.3±0.4 m/s found, 1.2 m/s predicted), considering the mean age of the sample and the predominant sex. The fast speed was decreased (parameter 1.7 m/s, mean found 1.4±0.5 m/s). For the T25FW test, the patients took longer than 6 seconds to complete the test (time between 6–7.9). These findings are confirmed by the result found in the MSWS-12, which characterized the walking ability impairment caused by MS as low ([Table 2]).

Table 2

Motor characteristics and quality of life.

n (55)



SD (±)

FSS (% with fatigue)

















Comfortable speed (m/s)



Fast speed (m/s)




T25FW (in seconds)



TUG (in seconds)


<20 seconds




>20 seconds



BI (0–100 points)


Totally independent










MSIS-29 (0–100 points)

Physical scale



Psychological scale



FSS: Fatigue Severity Scale; FAC: Functional Ambulation Category; 10MWT: 10-Meter Walk Test; T25FW Timed 25-Foot Walk; TUG: Timed Up and Go Test; BI: Barthel Index; MSWS-12: Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale–12; MSIS–29: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale-29; n: number of patients; SD: standard deviation. Mode: value that occurs most frequently.

Most patients did not have a deficit in their functional mobility (94.5%), as evidenced by the TUG test. They were independent (96.6%) for their ADL, but were fatigued (69.1%).

When analyzing the questions of the FSS separately, questions 1 (“My motivation is lower when I’m fatigued”) and 4 (“Fatigue interferes with my physical performance”) had the highest averages in relation to the others, and the mode value in these questions was 7. Most patients chose alternative 7 (“I totally agree”) for these two questions, suggesting that for these patients, fatigue seems to interfere with motivation and physical performance.

In this study, the average score of MSIS-29 on the psychological scale and on the physical scale was closer to zero, demonstrating a low impact of MS on patients’ quality of life ([Table 2]).



The present study sought to characterize the motor symptoms and quality of life of people diagnosed with MS treated at the Neuroimmunology Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, in Brazil. Fatigue, functional mobility, walking ability, walking speed, and functional independence were the motor symptoms evaluated.

Finkelsztejn et al.[11], in a study conducted in another city in southern Brazil, with a sample of 67 patients, also found an average age of 43.5 (±11.2) years. The findings of our study corroborate the findings of two other Brazilian studies regarding the average age of patients with MS and that the patients affected by the disease are mostly young adults[10],[20].

In the study by Cardoso et al.[9], the average number of flare-ups in patients after diagnosis ranged from 3.74 to 4.9, similar to what was found in this study. As for gender distribution, MS is more common in women, generally with a 2:1 female to male ratio. The predominance of the disease among women, the gender ratio, mean values since time of diagnosis, and EDSS found in this study were similar to those reported by other authors[10],[11],[19],[20].

When assessed using the T25FW test, the patients walked at an average time greater than 6 seconds (6–7.99). In patients with MS who complete the T25FW, these average results are associated with patients who walk using a cane and need assistance with instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)[16]. The average time for this test indicate that patients should need greater assistance for walking and be unable to perform instrumental ADLs. This was not observed in the patients evaluated here.

As for the walking speed in the 10MWT, only for the rapid speed, the study subjects presented average value below the predicted values[15]. The time since diagnosis of the patients may have caused some impairments that justify this reduction in walking speed. For Bethoux[21], many patients have a deficit in walking ability and demonstrate a progressive reduction in walking speed with the progression of the disease due to increased spasticity and other indicators of motor control deficit.

In the present study, most patients were classified as being able to walk independently anywhere. Gait abnormalities are common in people with MS and these changes affect activities, participation, and quality of life[22]. EDSS values between 4.0 and 5.5 consider neurological impairment and gait condition. They characterize patients as being able to walk a distance between 100 to 500 m without help or rest[23]. The average EDSS of the patients in the present study was close to these values, characterizing the patients as capable of walking without help, which may justify the results found in the FAC.

Impaired mobility can present early in the disease course. Within a year of diagnosis, 58% of patients report mobility problems, and 10 years after diagnosis, 93% of patients have changes in functional mobility[24]. Most patients in the present study did not have a deficit in their functional mobility. This fact is probably related to the average EDSS values and the disease progression. Confavreux and Vukusic[25] report that despite the variation in prognosis in patients with MS, the time of diagnosis and EDSS can be used to establish average periods of impaired mobility. Patients with eight years of diagnosis walk with some deficit and have EDSS 4, which was observed in this study.

MS patients report that several symptoms affect mobility, including difficulty in walking[24]. Marangoni et al.[26], applied the MSWS-12 to 116 patients and found an average of 33.1% impact of MS on walking, a similar average to that observed in this study. These authors found a positive correlation between T25FW and MSWS-12, suggesting that the time to perform the test is an indicator of patient perception of walking limitations. In this study, patients demonstrated a good performance on T25FW and a low impact of MS on gait.

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of MS, with effects on quality of life, imposing limitations on the degree of independence[27]. Most patients evaluated in the study had fatigue. Other authors have also identified the presence of this symptom in 58.7 to 78.4% of patients with MS[28],[29],[30],[31].

Most patients in the present study were independent. Gait disorders are one of the most impacting and disabling for MS patients, as walking is part of most ADLs. It is an individual’s main means of independence[32]. The patients in the sample were characterized as able to walk independently anywhere by the FAC test, without a deficit in functional mobility by the TUG test, and with walking without the need for help or rest by the EDSS. These aspects show that the motor symptoms and the evolution of the disease were mild, and that the patients’ tendency was to remain independent. This may justify the findings regarding functional independence.

The patients in the present study presented less impact of MS on quality of life. The value of EDSS, disease progression and time since diagnosis may justify the findings regarding the impact of the disease on quality of life. Higher EDSS values translate into greater disability, generating the need for walking assistance[32], which can lead to a greater impact on quality of life. In addition, according to Casetta et al.[33], women with MS have a better quality of life than men because they can adapt to the disease better. Women seem to be more resilient, less vulnerable, and cope better with disability. This study consisted mostly of women, which may justify the results found regarding the low impact of MS on quality of life.

In conclusion, patients treated at the HCPA Neuroimmunology Outpatient Clinic presented as motor symptoms a reduction in fast walking speed and the presence of fatigue. Functional ambulation, functional mobility, and the degree of functional independence were preserved in most patients. MS had minimal impact on walking and on the quality of life of the patients evaluated.

The findings expand the knowledge about the population with relapsing-remitting MS, thus contributing to the establishment of a specific exercise program and guidance to caregivers of patients being monitored in specialized centers.


Conflict of interest:

There is no conflict of interest to declare.

Authors’ contributions:

FFJ: data curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, writing of the original draft; AF: conceptualization, formal analysis, project administration; LPR: conceptualization, formal analysis, methodology, project administration, supervision, writing, review and editing.

  • References

  • 1 Kutzelnigg A, Lassmann H. Pathology of multiple sclerosis and related inflammatory demyelinating diseases. Handb Clin Neurol. 2014;122:15-58.
  • 2 Browne P, Chandraratna D, Angood C, Tremlett H, Baker C, Taylor BV, et al. Atlas of Multiple Sclerosis 2013: A growing global problem with widespread inequity. Neurology. 2014 Sep;83(11):1022-4.
  • 3 Gama Pereira ABCN, Lacativa MCS, Costa Pereira FFC, Alvarenga RMP. Prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Brazil: a systematic review. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2015 Nov;4(6):572-9.
  • 4 Thompson AJ, Baranzini SE, Geurts J, Hemmer B, Ciccarelli O. Multiple sclerosis. Lancet. 2018 Apr;391(10130):1622-36.
  • 5 Kalincik T. Multiple sclerosis relapses: epidemiology, outcomes and management. A systematic review. Neuroepidemiology. 2015;44(4):199-214.
  • 6 Flachenecker P, Henze T, Zettl UK. Spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis–clinical characteristics, treatment and quality of life. Acta Neurol Scand. 2014 Mar;129(3):154-62.
  • 7 Sebastião E, Sandroff BM, Learmonth YC, Motl RW. Validity of the timed up and go test as a measure of functional mobility in persons with multiple sclerosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016 Jul;97(7):1072-7.
  • 8 Ramp M, Khan F, Misajon RA, Pallant JF. Rasch analysis of the multiple sclerosis impact scale (MSIS-29). Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2009 Jun;7:58.
  • 9 Cardoso E, Fukuda T, Pereira J, Seixas J, Miranda R, Rodrigues B, et al. Clinical and epidemiological profile of multiple sclerosis in a reference center in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2006 Sep;64(3B):727-30.
  • 10 Grzesiuk AK. Características clínicas e epidemiológicas de 20 pacientes portadores de esclerose múltipla acompanhados em Cuiabá-Mato Grosso. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2006 Sep;64(3A):635-8.
  • 11 Finkelsztejn A, Cristovam RA, Moraes GS, Lopes MGSM, Silva AV, Garcia MS, et al. Clinical features of multiple sclerosis in the south of Brazil: a partial analysis. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2009 Dec;67(4):1071-5.
  • 12 Krupp LB, LaRocca NG, Muir-Nash J, Steinberg AD. The fatigue severity scale: application to patients with multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arch Neurol. 1989 Oct;46(10):1121-3.
  • 13 Granger CV, Hamilton BB, Gresham GE, Kramer AA. The stroke rehabilitation outcome study: Part II. Relative merits of the total Barthel index score and a four-item subscore in predicting patient outcomes. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1989 Feb;70(2):100-3.
  • 14 Hobart JC, Riazi A, Lamping DL, Fitzpatrick R, Thompson AJ. Measuring the impact of MS on walking ability The 12-Item MS Walking Scale (MSWS-12). Neurology. 2003 Jan;60(1):31-6.
  • 15 Mehrholz J, Wagner K, Rutte K, Meissner D, Pohl M. Predictive validity and responsiveness of the functional ambulation category in hemiparetic patients after stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Oct;88(10):1314-9.
  • 16 Oberg T, Karsznia A, Oberg K. Basic gait parameters: reference data for normal subjects, 10-79 years of age. J Rehabil Res Dev. 1993;30(2):210-23.
  • 17 Goldman MD, Motl RW, Scagnelli J, Pula JH, Sosnoff JJ, Cadavid D. Clinically meaningful performance benchmarks in MS Timed 25-Foot Walk and the real world. Neurology. 2013 Nov;81(21):1856-63.
  • 18 Podsiadlo D, Richardson S. The Timed “Up & Go”: a test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1991 Feb;39(2):142-8.
  • 19 Lopes J, Kaimen-Maciel DR, Matsuo T. Adaptação transcultural e validação da Escala de Impacto de Esclerose Múltipla. Rev Neurocienc. 2011 Sep;19(3):433-40.
  • 20 Moreira MA, Felipe E, Endes MF, Tilbery CP. Esclerose múltipla. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2000 Jun;58(2B):460-66.
  • 21 Bethoux F. Gait disorders in multiple sclerosis. Continuum (Minneap Minn). 2013 Aug;19(4 Multiple Sclerosis):1007-22.
  • 22 Cameron MH, Wagner JM. Gait abnormalities in multiple sclerosis: pathogenesis, evaluation, and advances in treatment. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2011 Oct;11(5):507-15.
  • 23 Kurtzke JF. Rating neurologic impairment in multiple sclerosis an expanded disability status scale (EDSS). Neurology. 1983 Nov;33(11):1444-52.
  • 24 Van Asch, P Impact of mobility impairment in multiple sclerosis 2 – patients’ perspectives. Eur Neurol Rev. 2011 Jul;6(2):115-20.
  • 25 Confavreux C, Vukusic S. Age at disability milestones in multiple sclerosis. Brain. 2006 Mar;129(Pt 3):595-605.
  • 26 Marangoni BE, Pavan K, Tilbery CP. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the 12-item Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS-12) for the Brazilian population. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2012 Dec;70(12):922-8.
  • 27 Williams AE, Vietri JT, Isherwood G, Flor A. Symptoms and association with health outcomes in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: results of a US patient survey. Mult Scler Int. 2014;2014:203183.
  • 28 Learmonth YC, Dlugonski DLA, Pilutti LA, Sandroff BM, Klaren R, Motl RW. Psychometric properties of the Fatigue Severity Scale and the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale. J Neurol Sci. 2013 Aug;331(1-2):102-7.
  • 29 Fiest KM, Fisk JD, Patten SB, Tremlett H, Wolfson C, Warren S, et al. Fatigue and comorbidities in multiple sclerosis. Int J MS Care. 2016 Mar-Apr;18(2):96-104.
  • 30 Chalah MA, Kauv P, Créange A, Hodel J, Lefaucheur JP, Ayache SS. Neurophysiological, radiological and neuropsychological evaluation of fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Feb;28:145-52.
  • 31 Rooney S, Wood L, Moffat F, Paul L. Prevalence of fatigue and its association with clinical features in progressive and non-progressive forms of Multiple Sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Feb;28:276-82.
  • 32 Benedetti MG, Piperno R, Simoncini L, Bonato P, Tonini A, Giannini S. Gait abnormalities in minimally impaired multiple sclerosis patients. Mult Scler. 1999 Oct;5(5):363-8.
  • 33 Casetta I, Riise T, Nortvedt MW, Economou NT, Gennaro R, Fazio P, Cesnik E, Govoni V, Granieri E. Gender differences in healthrelated quality of life in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2009 Nov;15(11):1339-46.

Address for correspondence

Luciano Palmeiro Rodrigues

Publication History

Received: 05 August 2020

Accepted: 02 November 2020

Article published online:
07 June 2023

© 2021. Academia Brasileira de Neurologia. This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commecial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (

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  • References

  • 1 Kutzelnigg A, Lassmann H. Pathology of multiple sclerosis and related inflammatory demyelinating diseases. Handb Clin Neurol. 2014;122:15-58.
  • 2 Browne P, Chandraratna D, Angood C, Tremlett H, Baker C, Taylor BV, et al. Atlas of Multiple Sclerosis 2013: A growing global problem with widespread inequity. Neurology. 2014 Sep;83(11):1022-4.
  • 3 Gama Pereira ABCN, Lacativa MCS, Costa Pereira FFC, Alvarenga RMP. Prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Brazil: a systematic review. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2015 Nov;4(6):572-9.
  • 4 Thompson AJ, Baranzini SE, Geurts J, Hemmer B, Ciccarelli O. Multiple sclerosis. Lancet. 2018 Apr;391(10130):1622-36.
  • 5 Kalincik T. Multiple sclerosis relapses: epidemiology, outcomes and management. A systematic review. Neuroepidemiology. 2015;44(4):199-214.
  • 6 Flachenecker P, Henze T, Zettl UK. Spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis–clinical characteristics, treatment and quality of life. Acta Neurol Scand. 2014 Mar;129(3):154-62.
  • 7 Sebastião E, Sandroff BM, Learmonth YC, Motl RW. Validity of the timed up and go test as a measure of functional mobility in persons with multiple sclerosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016 Jul;97(7):1072-7.
  • 8 Ramp M, Khan F, Misajon RA, Pallant JF. Rasch analysis of the multiple sclerosis impact scale (MSIS-29). Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2009 Jun;7:58.
  • 9 Cardoso E, Fukuda T, Pereira J, Seixas J, Miranda R, Rodrigues B, et al. Clinical and epidemiological profile of multiple sclerosis in a reference center in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2006 Sep;64(3B):727-30.
  • 10 Grzesiuk AK. Características clínicas e epidemiológicas de 20 pacientes portadores de esclerose múltipla acompanhados em Cuiabá-Mato Grosso. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2006 Sep;64(3A):635-8.
  • 11 Finkelsztejn A, Cristovam RA, Moraes GS, Lopes MGSM, Silva AV, Garcia MS, et al. Clinical features of multiple sclerosis in the south of Brazil: a partial analysis. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2009 Dec;67(4):1071-5.
  • 12 Krupp LB, LaRocca NG, Muir-Nash J, Steinberg AD. The fatigue severity scale: application to patients with multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arch Neurol. 1989 Oct;46(10):1121-3.
  • 13 Granger CV, Hamilton BB, Gresham GE, Kramer AA. The stroke rehabilitation outcome study: Part II. Relative merits of the total Barthel index score and a four-item subscore in predicting patient outcomes. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1989 Feb;70(2):100-3.
  • 14 Hobart JC, Riazi A, Lamping DL, Fitzpatrick R, Thompson AJ. Measuring the impact of MS on walking ability The 12-Item MS Walking Scale (MSWS-12). Neurology. 2003 Jan;60(1):31-6.
  • 15 Mehrholz J, Wagner K, Rutte K, Meissner D, Pohl M. Predictive validity and responsiveness of the functional ambulation category in hemiparetic patients after stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Oct;88(10):1314-9.
  • 16 Oberg T, Karsznia A, Oberg K. Basic gait parameters: reference data for normal subjects, 10-79 years of age. J Rehabil Res Dev. 1993;30(2):210-23.
  • 17 Goldman MD, Motl RW, Scagnelli J, Pula JH, Sosnoff JJ, Cadavid D. Clinically meaningful performance benchmarks in MS Timed 25-Foot Walk and the real world. Neurology. 2013 Nov;81(21):1856-63.
  • 18 Podsiadlo D, Richardson S. The Timed “Up & Go”: a test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1991 Feb;39(2):142-8.
  • 19 Lopes J, Kaimen-Maciel DR, Matsuo T. Adaptação transcultural e validação da Escala de Impacto de Esclerose Múltipla. Rev Neurocienc. 2011 Sep;19(3):433-40.
  • 20 Moreira MA, Felipe E, Endes MF, Tilbery CP. Esclerose múltipla. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2000 Jun;58(2B):460-66.
  • 21 Bethoux F. Gait disorders in multiple sclerosis. Continuum (Minneap Minn). 2013 Aug;19(4 Multiple Sclerosis):1007-22.
  • 22 Cameron MH, Wagner JM. Gait abnormalities in multiple sclerosis: pathogenesis, evaluation, and advances in treatment. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2011 Oct;11(5):507-15.
  • 23 Kurtzke JF. Rating neurologic impairment in multiple sclerosis an expanded disability status scale (EDSS). Neurology. 1983 Nov;33(11):1444-52.
  • 24 Van Asch, P Impact of mobility impairment in multiple sclerosis 2 – patients’ perspectives. Eur Neurol Rev. 2011 Jul;6(2):115-20.
  • 25 Confavreux C, Vukusic S. Age at disability milestones in multiple sclerosis. Brain. 2006 Mar;129(Pt 3):595-605.
  • 26 Marangoni BE, Pavan K, Tilbery CP. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the 12-item Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS-12) for the Brazilian population. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr. 2012 Dec;70(12):922-8.
  • 27 Williams AE, Vietri JT, Isherwood G, Flor A. Symptoms and association with health outcomes in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: results of a US patient survey. Mult Scler Int. 2014;2014:203183.
  • 28 Learmonth YC, Dlugonski DLA, Pilutti LA, Sandroff BM, Klaren R, Motl RW. Psychometric properties of the Fatigue Severity Scale and the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale. J Neurol Sci. 2013 Aug;331(1-2):102-7.
  • 29 Fiest KM, Fisk JD, Patten SB, Tremlett H, Wolfson C, Warren S, et al. Fatigue and comorbidities in multiple sclerosis. Int J MS Care. 2016 Mar-Apr;18(2):96-104.
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