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DOI: 10.4103/1305-7456.156828
Identifying the tooth shade in group of patients using Vita Easyshade
04. September 2019 (online)
Objective: The aim of the present investigation is to identify tooth shade among a group of Sudanese patients. Materials and Methods: Total number of patients was 227. Participant's age ranged from 15 to 72 years, which, was divided into four groups. The tooth included in the study was either right or left sounds maxillary central incisor. Vita Easyshade was used to select the tooth shade. Investigation of the differences of Commission International de l'Eclairage (CIELab) coordinates among gender and state of origin was conducted together with an examination of the relationship between CIELab coordinates and age. One-way analysis of variance was used to test the differences in L*, a* and b* according to state of origin. Results: Results showed that A3 was the most common classical tooth shade respectively. There was highly significant difference in L* between males and females (P = 0.002). There was a significant relation between tooth shade and age (P = 0.026). There was a high significant association between classical tooth shade and Sudan regions (P = 0.00). Conclusion: In conclusion, most common classical shade was A3, women's teeth were lighter than men's. There was a relation between ethnic background and tooth shade.
Conflict of Interest
None declared
- 1 Baldwin DC. Appearance and aesthetics in oral health. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1980; 8: 244-56
- 2 Mayekar SM. Shades of a color. Illusion or reality?. Dent Clin North Am 2001; 45: 155-72 , vii
- 3 Rimmer SE, Mellor AC. Patients’ perceptions of esthetics and technical quality in crowns and fixed partial dentures. Quintessence Int 1996; 27: 155-62
- 4 Paravina RD, Powers JM. Color matching. In: Esthetic Color Training in Dentistry. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004: 139-80
- 5 Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto JF. Description of color, color-replication process, and esthetics. In: Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics. 4th ed.. St. Louis: Mosby; 2006: 709-39
- 6 Paul S, Peter A, Pietrobon N, Hämmerle CH. Visual and spectrophotometric shade analysis of human teeth. J Dent Res 2002; 81: 578-82
- 7 Chu SJ, Trushkowsky RD, Paravina RD. Dental color matching instruments and systems. Review of clinical and research aspects. J Dent 2010; 38 (Suppl. 02) e2-16
- 8 Gehrke P, Riekeberg U, Fackler O, Dhom G. Comparison of in vivo visual, spectrophotometric and colorimetric shade determination of teeth and implant-supported crowns. Int J Comput Dent 2009; 12: 247-63
- 9 Da Silva JD, Park SE, Weber HP, Ishikawa-Nagai S. Clinical performance of a newly developed spectrophotometric system on tooth color reproduction. J Prosthet Dent 2008; 99: 361-8
- 10 Browning WD, Chan DC, Blalock JS, Brackett MG. A comparison of human raters and an intra-oral spectrophotometer. Oper Dent 2009; 34: 337-43
- 11 Hasegawa A, Ikeda I, Kawaguchi S. Color and translucency of in vivo natural central incisors. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 83: 418-23
- 12 Jahangiri L, Reinhardt SB, Mehra RV, Matheson PB. Relationship between tooth shade value and skin color: An observational study. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 87: 149-52
- 13 Xiao J, Zhou XD, Zhu WC, Zhang B, Li JY, Xu X. The prevalence of tooth discolouration and the self-satisfaction with tooth colour in a Chinese urban population. J Oral Rehabil 2007; 34: 351-60
- 14 Hassan AK. Effect of age on colour of dentition of Baghdad patients. East Mediterr Health J 2000; 6: 511-3
- 15 Geary JL, Kinirons MJ. Use of a common shade guide to test the perception of differences in the shades and value by members of the dental team. Prim Dent Care 1999; 6: 107-10
- 16 Cocking C, Cevirgen E, Helling S, Oswald M, Corcodel N, Rammelsberg P. et al. Colour compatibility between teeth and dental shade guides in Quinquagenarians and Septuagenarians. J Oral Rehabil 2009; 36: 848-55
- 17 Yuan JC, Brewer JD, Monaco Jr EA, Davis EL. Defining a natural tooth color space based on a 3-dimensional shade system. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 98: 110-9
- 18 Baltzer A, Kaufmann-Jinoian V. The determination of the tooth colors. Quintessenz Zahntech 2004; 30: 726-40
- 19 Paravina RD, Powers JM, Fay RM. Dental color standards: Shade tab arrangement. J Esthet Restor Dent 2001; 13: 254-63
- 20 Ueda T, Takagi I, Ueda-Kodaira Y, Sugiyama T, Hirose N, Ogami K. et al. Color differences between artificial and natural teeth in removable partial denture wearers. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll 2010; 51: 65-8
- 21 Odioso LL, Reno EA. The Impact of Age on Tooth Color the 76th General Session of the IADR; Nice, France 1998 Abstract No. 1717.
- 22 Gibb RD, Zhou X, Sagel PA, Gerlach RW. Demographic Variables and Tooth Color: Evidence from Eleven Randomized Clinical Trials 30th Annual Meeting of the American Assosiation of Dental Resarch; March, USA; 2001.
- 23 Zhao Y, Zhu J. In vivo color measurement of 410 maxillary anterior teeth. Chin J Dent Res 1998; 1: 49-51
- 24 Gozalo-Diaz D, Johnston WM, Wee AG. Estimating the color of maxillary central incisors based on age and gender. J Prosthet Dent 2008; 100: 93-8
- 25 Raigrodski AJ, Chiche GJ, Aoshima H, Spiekerman CF. Efficacy of a computerized shade selection system in matching the shade of anterior metal-ceramic crowns – A pilot study. Quintessence Int 2006; 37: 793-802
- 26 Karamouzos A, Papadopoulos MA, Kolokithas G, Athanasiou AE. Precision of in vivo spectrophotometric colour evaluation of natural teeth. J Oral Rehabil 2007; 34: 613-21
- 1 Baldwin DC. Appearance and aesthetics in oral health. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1980; 8: 244-56
- 2 Mayekar SM. Shades of a color. Illusion or reality?. Dent Clin North Am 2001; 45: 155-72 , vii
- 3 Rimmer SE, Mellor AC. Patients’ perceptions of esthetics and technical quality in crowns and fixed partial dentures. Quintessence Int 1996; 27: 155-62
- 4 Paravina RD, Powers JM. Color matching. In: Esthetic Color Training in Dentistry. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004: 139-80
- 5 Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Fujimoto JF. Description of color, color-replication process, and esthetics. In: Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics. 4th ed.. St. Louis: Mosby; 2006: 709-39
- 6 Paul S, Peter A, Pietrobon N, Hämmerle CH. Visual and spectrophotometric shade analysis of human teeth. J Dent Res 2002; 81: 578-82
- 7 Chu SJ, Trushkowsky RD, Paravina RD. Dental color matching instruments and systems. Review of clinical and research aspects. J Dent 2010; 38 (Suppl. 02) e2-16
- 8 Gehrke P, Riekeberg U, Fackler O, Dhom G. Comparison of in vivo visual, spectrophotometric and colorimetric shade determination of teeth and implant-supported crowns. Int J Comput Dent 2009; 12: 247-63
- 9 Da Silva JD, Park SE, Weber HP, Ishikawa-Nagai S. Clinical performance of a newly developed spectrophotometric system on tooth color reproduction. J Prosthet Dent 2008; 99: 361-8
- 10 Browning WD, Chan DC, Blalock JS, Brackett MG. A comparison of human raters and an intra-oral spectrophotometer. Oper Dent 2009; 34: 337-43
- 11 Hasegawa A, Ikeda I, Kawaguchi S. Color and translucency of in vivo natural central incisors. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 83: 418-23
- 12 Jahangiri L, Reinhardt SB, Mehra RV, Matheson PB. Relationship between tooth shade value and skin color: An observational study. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 87: 149-52
- 13 Xiao J, Zhou XD, Zhu WC, Zhang B, Li JY, Xu X. The prevalence of tooth discolouration and the self-satisfaction with tooth colour in a Chinese urban population. J Oral Rehabil 2007; 34: 351-60
- 14 Hassan AK. Effect of age on colour of dentition of Baghdad patients. East Mediterr Health J 2000; 6: 511-3
- 15 Geary JL, Kinirons MJ. Use of a common shade guide to test the perception of differences in the shades and value by members of the dental team. Prim Dent Care 1999; 6: 107-10
- 16 Cocking C, Cevirgen E, Helling S, Oswald M, Corcodel N, Rammelsberg P. et al. Colour compatibility between teeth and dental shade guides in Quinquagenarians and Septuagenarians. J Oral Rehabil 2009; 36: 848-55
- 17 Yuan JC, Brewer JD, Monaco Jr EA, Davis EL. Defining a natural tooth color space based on a 3-dimensional shade system. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 98: 110-9
- 18 Baltzer A, Kaufmann-Jinoian V. The determination of the tooth colors. Quintessenz Zahntech 2004; 30: 726-40
- 19 Paravina RD, Powers JM, Fay RM. Dental color standards: Shade tab arrangement. J Esthet Restor Dent 2001; 13: 254-63
- 20 Ueda T, Takagi I, Ueda-Kodaira Y, Sugiyama T, Hirose N, Ogami K. et al. Color differences between artificial and natural teeth in removable partial denture wearers. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll 2010; 51: 65-8
- 21 Odioso LL, Reno EA. The Impact of Age on Tooth Color the 76th General Session of the IADR; Nice, France 1998 Abstract No. 1717.
- 22 Gibb RD, Zhou X, Sagel PA, Gerlach RW. Demographic Variables and Tooth Color: Evidence from Eleven Randomized Clinical Trials 30th Annual Meeting of the American Assosiation of Dental Resarch; March, USA; 2001.
- 23 Zhao Y, Zhu J. In vivo color measurement of 410 maxillary anterior teeth. Chin J Dent Res 1998; 1: 49-51
- 24 Gozalo-Diaz D, Johnston WM, Wee AG. Estimating the color of maxillary central incisors based on age and gender. J Prosthet Dent 2008; 100: 93-8
- 25 Raigrodski AJ, Chiche GJ, Aoshima H, Spiekerman CF. Efficacy of a computerized shade selection system in matching the shade of anterior metal-ceramic crowns – A pilot study. Quintessence Int 2006; 37: 793-802
- 26 Karamouzos A, Papadopoulos MA, Kolokithas G, Athanasiou AE. Precision of in vivo spectrophotometric colour evaluation of natural teeth. J Oral Rehabil 2007; 34: 613-21