Applied Clinical Informatics, Table of Contents Appl Clin Inform 2010; 01(02): 132-141DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2009-12-R-0020 Review Schattauer GmbH Telemedicine What have we learned? P. Whitten 1 Michigan State University , B. Holtz 1 Michigan State University , C. LaPlante 1 Michigan State University › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Full Text PDF Download Keywords KeywordsTelemedicine - telehealth - e-health References References 1 Wittson CL, Affleck DC, Johnson V. Two-way television in group therapy. Mental Hospitals. 1961; 12 (Suppl. 10) 22-23. 2 Whitten P, Goolittle G, Hellmich S. Telehospice: Using telecommunication technology for terminally ill patients. JCMC. [Internet]. 2001 Jul [cited 2010 Feb 6]; 6(4). Available from 3 Grigsby J. Telemedicine: Where it is and where it’s going. Annals of Internal Medicine 1998; 129 (Suppl. 02) 123-127. 4 Craig J, Patterson V. Introduction to the practice of telemedicine. 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