CC BY 4.0 · Brazilian Journal of Oncology 2020; 16: e-20200024
DOI: 10.5935/2526-8732.20200024
Original Article
Oncological Surgery

Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology (BSSO) considerations on oncological thoracic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic

Considerações da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Oncológica (SBCO) sobre cirurgia torácica oncológica durante a pandemia de COVID-19

1   Instituto Mario Penna/Hospital Luxemburgo, Cirurgia Torácica - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
Antônio Bomfim Marçal Avertano Rocha
2   Hospital Porto Dias, Cirurgia Torácica - Belém - Pará - Brazil
Jefferson Luiz Gross
3   AC Camargo Cancer Center, Cirurgia Torácica - Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Rodrigo Afonso Silva Sardenberg
4   Hospital Alemão Osvaldo Cruz, Cirurgia Torácica - Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Ruy Fernando Kuenzer Caetano da Silva
5   Mackenzie University and Neurological Institute of Curitiba, Cirurgia Torácica - Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil
Daniel Oliveira Bonomi
6   Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Cirurgia Torácica - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
Alexandre Ferreira Oliveira
7   Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Presidente da SBCO - Department of Oncology - Juiz de Fora - MG - Brazil
Reitan Ribeiro
8   Erasto Gaertner Hospital, Surgical Oncology - Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil
Heber Salvador de Castro Ribeiro
9   AC Camargo Cancer Center, Cirurgia abdominal - Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Paulo Henrique de Sousa Fernandes
10   Federal University of Uberlândia, Surgical Oncology - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil
› Author Affiliations
Financial support: none to declare.


This proposal aims to serve as a tool and assist surgeons in the treatment of thoracic neoplasms during COVID-19 pandemic. It is based on the literature review published so far, in the opinion of individuals specialized in the field of thoracic oncology and not necessarily on evidence-based instructions. We recognize that management strategies are dynamic and must be determined individually, depending on the equipment and tools available for cancer treatment in each institution. In addition, its application will vary according to the severity of COVID-19 in each region.



Esta proposta tem como objetivo servir de ferramenta e auxiliar cirurgiões no tratamento de neoplasias torácicas durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Baseia-se em revisão de literatura publicada até o momento, na opinião de indivíduos especializados no campo da oncologia torácica e não necessariamente em instruções baseadas em evidências. Reconhecemos que as estratégias de gestão são dinâmicas e devem ser determinadas individualmente, dependendo dos equipamentos e ferramentas disponíveis para o tratamento do câncer em cada instituição. Além disso, sua aplicação variará de acordo com a gravidade do COVID-19 em cada região.


This proposal aims to serve as a tool and assist surgeons in the treatment of thoracic neoplasms during COVID-19 pandemic. It is based on the literature review published so far, in the opinion of individuals specialized in the field of thoracic oncology and not necessarily on evidence-based instructions. We recognize that management strategies are dynamic and must be determined individually, depending on the equipment and tools available for cancer treatment in each institution. In addition, its application will vary according to the severity of COVID-19 in each region.


At all levels of thoracic cancer care, the surgeon and patient should be discussed on a case-by-case basis, there is a risk in both decisions, so the definition must be shared with the patient.

Possible hospital scenarios found:

  1. Oncology hospital free of COVID-19;

  2. General hospital with elective thoracic oncology surgery with physical separation Oncology/ COVID-19 (for example, separate floors);

  3. Oncological hospital with the presence of COVID-19, but with physical separation;

  4. Oncological hospital with the presence of COVID-19 without adequate physical separation;

  5. General hospital with elective thoracic oncology surgery without adequate physical separation from Oncology/COVID-19.



  1. Level 0: Oncology thoracic surgery clinic:

    • Restrict outpatient consultations to new patients during cancer diagnosis and treatment;

    • The number of professionals involved must be restricted to the minimum necessary for attendance;

    • Restrict accompanying family members to one person;

    • Postpone routine consultations for returning and asymptomatic patients;

    • Postpone laboratory and imaging tests for asymptomatic patients;

    • Consider “telemedicine” and enter the considerations in the medical records;

    • Explain calmly to the patient who wants to operate on the risks of operating during a pandemic;

    • Apply an appropriate consent form for COVID-19 (Informed Consent Form (ICF) of BSSO);

    • Use of N95 masks during care for suspected and confirmed patients, surgical mask for patients with chemotherapy;

    • Question all patients about recent contact with confirmed COVID-19 people and about symptoms suggestive of COVID-19;

    • To advise on the importance of social isolation, especially in the 14 days before the scheduled date for the surgery;

    • Provide guidance on protective hygiene issues and reduction of risk factors for postoperative complications (e.g., smoking cessation).

  2. Level 1: Cases with surgical priority without the possibility of waiting:

    • Solid or predominantly solid lung cancer (>50%) or presumed lung cancer >2cm, negative mediastinal clinical staging;

    • Nodule smaller than 2cm and highly suspicious in patients with associated risk factors for lung cancer;

    • Lung cancer smaller than 2cm confirmed with biopsy;

    • Lung cancer with compromised mediastinum;

    • Lung cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy;

    • Atypical or central carcinoid tumors of any degree with the presence of hemoptysis and/ or obstructive pneumonia;

    • Tumors of the chest wall larger than 3cm or of any symptomatic size - evaluate the histological type, in cases of high-grade or undifferentiated tumors, they must be operated regardless of size and/or symptoms;

    • Staging to start treatment (mediastinoscopy, diagnostic VATS for pleural dissemination);

    • Symptomatic mediastinal tumors of any size and asymptomatic over 3cm;

    • Pulmonary metastases: single greater than 2cm or more than two nodules regardless of size;

    • Any number of metastases and any size of melanoma, sarcoma and/or other tumors of undifferentiated histology, high grade or aggressive behavior;

    • Patients enrolled in therapeutic clinical trials.

  3. Level 2: Cases that can be evaluated to wait (each surgeon and patient has the option of opting for surgery at that time):

    • Ground glass nodules with component <50% solid;

    • Nodule less than 2cm with indeterminate appearance, with no clear risk or tomographic factors that may suggest neoplasia;

    • Low-grade carcinoid tumors without hemoptysis or obstructive pneumonia;

    • Thymoma less than 3cm;

    • Chest wall tumor less than 3cm, asymptomatic and low-grade and well- differentiated histology;

    • Pulmonary metastasis: a nodule smaller than 2cm - unless it is clinically necessary to assess therapeutic or diagnostic indications;

    • Patients who are unlikely to need prolonged ICU and mechanical ventilation;

    • Tracheal resection (except aggressive histology that is not causing obstruction greater than 50%).

  4. Alternative approaches to consider:

    • Ablative Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SABR);

    • Ablation (for example, cryotherapy and radiofrequency ablation);

    • Stent for neoplastic obstruction and treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy;

    • Debulking (endobronchial tumor) only in circumstances where alternative therapy is not an option due to the increased risk of aerosolization (e.g., stridor after obstructive pneumonia not responsive to antibiotics);

    • Non-surgical staging (image, biopsy of interventional radiology);

    • Rescue surgery in patients after neoadjuvancy with failure of local control.

  5. Cases that need to be done as soon as possible:

    • Infection associated with tumors, but without signs of sepsis (for example, debulking for postobstructive pneumonia);

    • Treatment of surgical complications (hemothorax, empyema and infected mesh) - in hemodynamically stable patients;

    • Central tumors with hemoptysis;

  6. RECOMMENDED alternative treatment approaches:

    • Transfer patient to the oncology hospital not COVID-19;

    • If you are eligible for adjuvant therapy, give neoadjuvant therapy;

    • Ablative Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SABR);

    • Ablation (for example, cryotherapy and radiofrequency ablation).



The ideal would be to centralize the oncological cases in hospitals that are qualified and with trained staff, preferably in Hospitals Free of COVID-19 or hospitals with areas with evident physical separation (different floors for example).

Avoid proximity of patients in the postoperative period to suspected and/or confirmed patients to avoid nosocomial infection by COVID-19.

Evaluate the logistics of ICU beds, infirmary and apartment to decrease the chance of contact between contaminated and non-contaminated patients.

In Brazil, there are still legal implications with the risk of penalizing managers according to Law No. 12,732/12 (in force since 05/23/2013), which established that the first cancer treatment in SUS (Brazilian Public Health System) must start within a maximum period of 60 days from the signature of the pathological report or in a shorter period, therefore each case must be assessed individually.

When evaluating any surgeries to be postponed, the occupancy rates of the inpatient units and especially the ICU occupancy rate should be considered. Operating a high-risk patient without an ICU backup may not be feasible.

Depending on the availability of each institution, consider testing for COVID-19, even in asymptomatic patients, to avoid operating on patients during the incubation period, and who may manifest the disease in the postoperative period.

All cases, as long as available, should be discussed in a multidisciplinary team (Tumor Board).

Stressing once again that all cases must be evaluated between the surgeon and the patient, so that they can define the best conduct, respecting the patient's opinion and decision. At all suggested levels of conduct, the surgery is the decision of the surgeon and the patient.


Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest relevant to this manuscript.

Corresponding author:

Erlon de Avila Carvalho
Instituto Mario Penna/Hospital Luxemburgo
Cirurgia Torácica - Belo Horizonte - MG

Publication History

Received: 13 April 2020

Accepted: 30 April 2020

Article published online:
13 August 2020

© 2022. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda.
Rua do Matoso 170, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20270-135, Brazil

Bibliographical Record
Erlon de Avila Carvalho, Antônio Bomfim Marçal Avertano Rocha, Jefferson Luiz Gross, Rodrigo Afonso Silva Sardenberg, Ruy Fernando Kuenzer Caetano da Silva, Daniel Oliveira Bonomi, Alexandre Ferreira Oliveira, Reitan Ribeiro, Heber Salvador de Castro Ribeiro, Paulo Henrique de Sousa Fernandes. Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology (BSSO) considerations on oncological thoracic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brazilian Journal of Oncology 2020; 16: e-20200024.
DOI: 10.5935/2526-8732.20200024