DOI: 10.1055/s-00000078

Skull Base Surgery

Issue 02 · Volume 6 · April 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-10765

Original Articles

Robbins, K. Thomas; Pelliteri, Phillip K.; Vicario, Daniel; Kerber, Charles W.; Robertson, Jon H.; Hanchett, Catherine; Howell, Stephen B.: Targeted Infusions of Supradose Cisplatin With Systemic Neutralization for Carcinomas Invading the Temporal Bone
Deschler, Daniel G.; Gutin, Philip H.; Mamelak, Adam N.; McDermott, Michael W.; Kaplan, Michael J.: Complications of Anterior Skull Base Surgery

Technical Note

Spallone, Aldo; Rizzo, Antonella; Konovalov, Alexander N.; Giuffre, Renato: Fronto-Orbito Zygomatic Approach: A Technical Modification

Case Reports

Kehrli, Pierre; Gauthier, Nathalie; Maitrot, Daniel; Gentine, André; Conraux, Claude: Intracanalicular and Intratemporal Facial Nerve Schwannomas