DOI: 10.1055/s-00000078

Skull Base Surgery

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 5 · Januar 1995 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-10783

Original Articles

Pappas Jr, Dennis G.; Hoffman, Ronald A.; Holliday, Roy A.; Hammerschlag, Paul E.; Pappas Sr, Dennis G.; Swaid, Swaid N.: Evaluation and Management of Spontaneous Temporal Bone Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks
Albert, Friedrich K.; Forsting, Michael; von Kummer, Rüdiger; Aschoff, Alfred; Kunze, Stefan: Combined Microneurosurgical and Endovascular "Trapping-Evacuation" Technique for Clipping Proximal Paraclinoidal Aneurysms
Sargent, Eric Winslow; Herschman, Barry Ronald; LaRouere, Michael Joseph: Carcinoma Metastatic to Both Cerebellopontine Angles Masquerading as Acoustic Neuromas
Francis, Howard W.; Nager, George T.; Holliday, Michael J.; Long, Donlin M.: Association of Heterotopic Neuroglial Tissue with an Arachnoid Cyst in the Internal Auditory Canal

Case Report

Carrau, Ricardo L.; Curtin, Hugh D.; Snyderman, Carl H.; Bumpous, Jeffrey; Stechison, Michael: Practical Applications of Image-Guided Navigation during Anterior Craniofacial Resection

Technical Note

Silverstein, Herbert; Willcox, Thomas O.; Rosenberg, Seth I.; Seidman, Michael D.: The Jugular Dural Fold - Helpful Skull Base Landmark to the Cranial Nerves