DOI: 10.1055/s-00000039

min - Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

Issue 02 · Volume 39 · June 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-11473

Scholz, M.; Deli, M.; Wildförster, U.; Wentz, K.; Recknagel, A.; Preuschoft, H.; Harders, A.: MRI-guided Endoscopy in the Brain: A Feasability Study
Kataoka, K.; Taneda, M.; Akai, F.; Akizuki, S.; Matsushita, K.; Kinoshita, A.: Monitoring of Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure during Embolization of AVM
Boecher-Schwarz, H. G.; Grunert, P.; Guenthner, M.; Kessel, G.; Mueller-Forell, W.: Stereotactically Guided Cavernous Malformation Surgery