DOI: 10.1055/s-00000068

Seminars in Interventional Radiology

Issue 02 · Volume 5 · June 1988 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-12549

Katzen, Barry T.; van Breda, Arina: Developing an Interventional Radiology Practice
Kerlan, Robert K.; Marone, Timothy; Ring, Ernest J.: The Clinical Role of the Interventional Radiologist
Mueller, Peter R.; Simeone, Joseph F.: Training for Interventional Radiology
McGahan, John P.; Wittich, Gerhard R.; vanSonnenberg, Eric: Role of Laboratory Research in the Development of Invasive Radiologic Procedures
Casola, Giovanna; vanSonnenberg, Eric; Darde, Rose Marie: Maximizing Laboratory Resources for Interventional Radiology
Withers, Cynthia E.; Scheller, Mark S.; vanSonnenberg, Eric: Anesthesia for Interventional Radiologic Procedures
Halio, Michon; Kearns, Michael; Bauman, Michael; vanSonnenberg, Eric: Materials for Interventional Radiologic Procedures
Siragusa, Roy J.; Merandi, Steve; Hanner, James S.; Hawkins, Irvin F.; Akins, E. William; Ros, Pablo R.; Iravani, Abdollah; Castañeda-Zuñiga, Wilfrido R.: Renal Ablation with Iodinated Contrast Medium: Initial Clinical Experience - New Clinical Techniques
Hawkins, Irvin F.; Akins, E. William; Mladinich, Christopher; Tupler, Richard; Siragusa, Roy J.: Transvisceral Access Using a Blunt Needle: Technical Note
Maynar, M.; Lopez, L.; Ramirez, J.; Reyes, R.; Pulido, A. J.; Castañeda, W. R.; Gissel-Letourneau, J.: Clinical Experience with Silicone Biliary Endoprosthesis
Maynar, M.; Martin, M.; Cabrera, P.; Fernandez, J. M.; Reyes, R.; Castañeda, Flavio; Gissel-Letourneau, J.: Percutaneous Introduction of Inferior Vena Cava Filters as Prophylaxis for Pulmonary Embolus
Maynar, M.; Rodriguez, J. C.; Fernandez, A.; Palop, L.; Reyes, R.; Pulido, A. J.: Transluminal Angioplasty of Transplant Renal Artery Stenosis