DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 01 · Volume 23 · January 2002 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-1335

Physiology and Biochemistry

Leon, A. S.; Gaskill, S. E.; Rice, T.; Bergeron, J.; Gagnon, J.; Rao, D. C.; Skinner, J. S.; Wilmore, J. H.; Bouchard, C.: Variability in the Response of HDL Cholesterol to Exercise Training in the HERITAGE Family Study
Dawson, B.; Henry, G. J.; Goodman, C.; Gillam, I.; Beilby, J. R.; Ching, S.; Fabian, V.; Dasig, D.; Morling, P.; Kakulus, B. A.: Effect of Vitamin C and E Supplementation on Biochemical and Ultrastructural Indices of Muscle Damage after a 21 km Run

Training and Testing

Weston, S. B.; Gray, A. B.; Schneider, D. A.; Gass, G. C.: Effect of Ramp Slope on Ventilation Thresholds and V˙O2peak in Male Cyclists
Derave, W.; Tombeux, N.; Cottyn, J.; Pannier, J.- L.; De Clercq, D.: Treadmill Exercise Negatively Affects Visual Contribution to Static Postural Stability
Millet, G. P.; Candau, R. B.; Barbier, B.; Busso, T.; Rouillon, J. D.; Chatard, J. C.: Modelling the Transfers of Training Effects on Performance in Elite Triathletes

Orthopedics and Clinical Science


Nieman, D. C.; Henson, D. A.; Fagoaga, O. R.; Utter, A. C.; Vinci, D. M.; Davis, J. M.; Nehlsen-Cannarella, S. L.: Change in Salivary IgA Following a Competitive Marathon Race