DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 09 · Volume 25 · October 2008 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-13757

Liu, Jing; Li, Jian; Qin, Gui-Lian; Chen, Yan-Hua; Wang, Qi: Periventricular Leukomalacia in Premature Infants in Mainland China
Blackall, Douglas P.; Pesek, Gina D.; Montgomery, Matthew M.; Oza, Krishna K.; Arndt, Patricia A.; Garratty, George; Shahcheraghi, Ali; Denomme, Gregory A.: Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn Due to Anti-Ge3: Combined Antibody-Dependent Hemolysis and Erythroid Precursor Cell Growth Inhibition
Sarafidis, K.; Drossou-Agakidou, V.; Evdoridou, I.; Petridou, S.; Hatzisevastou-Loukidou, H.; Dadamojas, C.; Roilides, E.: Hydrothorax as a Sole Manifestation of Congenital Parvovirus B19 Infection
de la Torre, Lesley; Istwan, Niki B.; Desch, Cheryl; Rhea, Debbie J.; Roca, Luis; Stanziano, Gary J.; González-Quintero, Víctor Hugo: Management of Recurrent Preterm Labor in Twin Gestations with Nifedipine Tocolysis
Burstein, Eliezer; Levy, Amalia; Mazor, Moshe; Wiznitzer, Arnon; Sheiner, Eyal: Pregnancy Outcome Among Obese Women: A Prospective Study
Bensal, Adi; Weintraub, Adi Y.; Levy, Amalia; Holcberg, Gershon; Sheiner, Eyal: The Significance of Peripartum Fever in Women Undergoing Vaginal Deliveries
Lee, Richard H.; Stanczyk, Frank Z.; Stolz, Andrew; Ji, Qing; Yang, Gloria; Goodwin, T. Murphy: AKR1C1 and SRD5A1 Messenger RNA Expression at Term in the Human Myometrium and Chorioamniotic Membranes
Gandhi, Manisha; Cleary-Goldman, Jane; Ferrara, Lauren; Ciorica, Doina; Saltzman, Daniel; Rebarber, Andrei: The Association Between Vasa Previa, Multiple Gestations, and Assisted Reproductive Technology
Aslam, Muhammad; DeGrazia, Michele; Hossain, Tanzeema: Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome Masquerading as Respiratory Illness