DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 08 · Volume 30 · August 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-19694


Redziniak, D. E.; Diduch, D. R.; Turman, K.; Hart, J.; Grindstaff, T. L.; MacKnight, J. M.; Mistry, D. J.: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the Athlete

Physiology & Biochemistry

Furuichi, Y.; Masuda, K.; Takakura, H.; Hotta, N.; Ishida, K.; Katayama, K.; Iwase, S.; Akima, H.: Effect of Intensive Interval Training during Unloading on Muscle Deoxygenation Kinetics
Pokrywka, A.; Tszyrsznic, W.; Kwiatkowska, D. J.: Problems of the Use of Pseudoephedrine by Athletes

Training & Testing

Small, K.; McNaughton, L. R.; Greig, M.; Lohkamp, M.; Lovell, R.: Soccer Fatigue, Sprinting and Hamstring Injury Risk
Godfrey, J. K.; Kayser, B. D.; Gomez, G. V.; Bennett, J.; Jaque, S. V.; Sumida, K. D.: Interrupted Resistance Training and BMD in Growing Rats
Huijgen, B. C. H.; Elferink-Gemser, M. T.; Post, W. J.; Visscher, C.: Soccer Skill Development in Professionals
Forbes, H.; Bullers, A.; Lovell, A.; McNaughton, L. R.; Polman, R. C.; Siegler, J. C.: Relative Torque Profiles of Elite Male Youth Footballers: Effects of Age and Pubertal Development
Oshita, K.; Ross, M.; Koizumi, K.; Kashimoto, S.; Yano, S.; Takahashi, K.; Kawakami, M.: The Critical Velocity and 1 500-m Surface Performances in Finswimming
Forbes, H.; Sutcliffe, S.; Lovell, A.; McNaughton, L. R.; Siegler, J. C.: Isokinetic Thigh Muscle Ratios in Youth Football: Effect of Age and Dominance
Reilly, T.; George, K.; Marfell-Jones, M.; Scott, M.; Sutton, L.; Wallace, J. A.: How Well do Skinfold Equations Predict Percent Body Fat in Elite Soccer Players?
Izquierdo, M.; Ibañez, J.; Calbet, J. A. L.; González-Izal, M.; Navarro-Amézqueta, I.; Granados, C.; Malanda, A.; Idoate, F.; González-Badillo, J. J.; Häkkinen, K.; Kraemer, W. J.; Tirapu, I.; Gorostiaga, E. M.: Neuromuscular Fatigue after Resistance Training


Genetics & Molecular Biology

Cieszczyk, P.; Krupecki, K.; Maciejewska, A.; Sawczuk, M.: The Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene I/D Polymorphism in Polish Rowers

Letter to the Editor