Hormone and Metabolic Research
Issue 08 ·
Volume 42 ·
July 2010
DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21107
Original Basic
Animals, Clinical
Humans, Clinical
Pappalardo, M. A.;
Russo, G. T.;
Pedone, A.;
Pizzo, A.;
Borrielli, I.;
Stabile, G.;
Artenisio, A. C.;
Amato, A.;
Calvani, M.;
Cucinotta, D.;
Trimarchi, F.;
Benvenga, S.:
Very High Frequency of the Polymorphism for the Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 (IRS-1) at Codon 972 (Glycine972Arginine) in Southern Italian Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Koyama, K.-I.;
Yasuhara, D.;
Nakahara, T.;
Harada, T.;
Uehara, M.;
Ushikai, M.;
Asakawa, A.;
Inui, A.:
Changes in Acyl Ghrelin, Des-acyl Ghrelin, and Ratio of Acyl Ghrelin to Total Ghrelin with Short-term Refeeding in Female Inpatients with Restricting-type Anorexia Nervosa
Müssig, K.;
Öksüz, M. Ö.;
Dudziak, K.;
Ueberberg, B.;
Wehrmann, M.;
Horger, M.;
Schulz, S.;
Häring, H.U.;
Pfannenberg, C.;
Bares, R.;
Gallwitz, B.;
Petersenn, S.:
Association of Somatostatin Receptor 2 Immunohistochemical Expression with [111In]-DTPA Octreotide Scintigraphy and [68Ga]-DOTATOC PET/CT in Neuroendocrine Tumors
Resmini, E.;
Farkas, C.;
Murillo, B.;
Barahona, M. J.;
Santos, A.;
Martínez-Momblán, M. A.;
Roig, O.;
Ybarra, J.;
Geli, C.;
Webb, S. M.:
Body Composition After Endogenous (Cushing's Syndrome) and Exogenous (Rheumatoid Arthritis) Exposure to Glucocorticoids