DOI: 10.1055/s-00000167

International Journal of Angiology

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 15 · Februar 2006 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21928

Review Article

Original Articles

Rosman, Jonathan; Shapiro, Michael; Hanon, Sam; Schweitzer, Paul: Electrocardiographic findings of severe left main coronary artery stenosis

Haq, Salman; Khaja, Masi; Holt, Jeffery J.; Kassotis, John: The effects of intravenous levofloxacin on the QT interval and QT dispersion
Kasirajan, Karthikeshwar; Milner, Ross; Dodson, Thomas F.; Smith, Robert B.; Salam, Atef; Chaikof, Elliot: Neuroprotection during carotid angioplasty and stenting: Comparison of no protection, occlusion, or filters
Holler, Dirk; Claes, Christa; von der Schulenburg, J.-Matthias Graf: Cost-utility analysis of treating severe peripheral arterial occlusive disease
Yamamura, Mitsuhiro; Miyamoto, Yuji; Mitsuno, Masataka; Ohata, Toshihiro; Tanaka, Hiroe; Ryomoto, Masaaki; Yoshioka, Yoshiteru: Suppression of rat lower extremity postoperative reperfusion injury with edaravone
Butany,, Jagdish; Singh, Gursharan; Henry, Jessica; Leong, Shaun W.; Nair, Vidhya; Thangaroopan, Molly; Feindel,, Christopher; Kandel,, Rita: Vascular smooth muscle tumors: 13 cases and a review of the literature
Skeik, Nedaa; Yacoub-Wasef, Sherif; Kamenetsky, Aleksy; Chaudhari, Shobhana: Refractory case of coronary artery spasm with interesting findings: A case report

Case reports

Radhakrishnan, Neetu; Park, Chong. H.; Kaplan, Barry M.; Jauhar, Rajiv: Peripheral vascular complication from coronary angiography: A case report of cholesterol embolization