DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 52 · April 2004 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-3302


Original Cardiovascular

Gummert, J. F.; Bucerius, J.; Walther, T.; Doll, N.; Falk, V.; Schmitt, D. V.; Mohr, F. W.: Requirement for Renal Replacement Therapy in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Hoffmeier, A.; Deiters, S.; Schmidt, C.; Tjan, T. D. T.; Schmid, C.; Drees, G.; Fallenberg, E. M.; Scheld, H. H.: Radical Resection of Cardiac Sarcoma
Strauch, J. T.; Spielvogel, D.; Haldenwang, P. L.; Shiang, H.; Zhang, N.; Weisz, D.; Bodian, C. A.; Griepp, R. B.: Changes in Regional Cerebral Blood Flow under Hypothermic Selective Cerebral Perfusion

Original Thoracic

Halter, G.; Buck, A. K.; Schirrmeister, H.; Aksoy, E.; Liewald, F.; Glatting, G.; Neumaier, B.; Mühling, B.; Nüssle-Kügele, K.; Hetzel, M.; Sunder-Plassmann, L.; Reske, S. N.: Lymph Node Staging in Lung Cancer Using [18F]FDG-PET

Original Basic Science

Short Communication

Shiraishi, T.; Hirayama, S.; Hiratsuka, M.; Iwasaki, A.; Makimoto, Y.; Iwasaki, H.; Kawahara, K.; Shirakusa, T.: Mediastinal Solitary Fibrous Tumor: Report of a Case with Direct Invasion to the Trachea
Chi, N.-H.; Yu, H.-Y.; Chang, C.-I.; Lin, F.-Y.; Wang, S.-S.: Clinical Surgical Experience of Congenital Submitral Left Ventricular Aneurysm

Special Report

Letter to the Editor

Knaut, M.; Tugtekin, S. M.; Matschke, K.: Letter to the Editor