DOI: 10.1055/s-00000041


Ausgabe 02 · Volume 30 · April 1999 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-5714

The Peter Emil Becker Award Lecture 1998

Original articles

Saito, Y.; Ito, M.; Hanaoka, S.; Ohama, E.; Akaboshi, S.; Takashima, S.: Dopamine Receptor Upregulation in Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome: A Postmortem Study
Alikaşifoǧlu, M.; Topaloǧlu, H.; Tunçbilek, E.; Ceviz, N.; Anar, B.; Demir, E.; Özme, Ş: Clinical and Genetic Correlate in Childhood Onset Friedreich Ataxia
Mercuri, E.; Guzzetta, A.; Haataja, L.; Cowan, F.; Rutherford, M.; Counsell, S.; Papadimitriou, M.; Cioni, G.; Dubowitz, L.: Neonatal Neurological Examination in Infants with Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy: Correlation with MRI Findings

Short communications

de Koning, T. J.; de Vries, L. S.; Groenendaal, F.; Ruitenbeek, W.; Jansen, G. H.; Poll-The, B. T.; Barth, P. G.: Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia Associated with Respiratory-Chain Defects
Giordano, L.; Accorsi, P.; Valseriati, D.; Tiberti, A.; Menegati, E.; Zara, F.; Vignolio, A.; Vigevano, F.: Benign Infantile Familial Convulsions: Natural History of a Case and Clinical Characteristics of a Large Italian Family

Letters to the editor