DOI: 10.1055/s-00000077

Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis

Issue 02 · Volume 24 · April 1998 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-7270

Mammen, Eberhard F.: Preface
Fenton, John W.; Ofosu, Frederick A.; Brezniak, Diane V.; Hassouna, Houria I.: Thrombin and Antithrombotics
Francis, John L.; Biggerstaff, John; Amirkhosravi, Ali: Hemostasis and Malignancy
Römisch, Jürgen; Bonik, Klaus; Müller, Heinz-Georg: Comparative In Vitro Investigation of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
Balk, Robert; Emerson, Thomas; Fourrier, Francois; Kruse, James A.; Mammen, Eberhard F.; Schuster, Hans-Peter; Vinazzer, Helmut: Therapeutic Use of Antithrombin Concentrate in Sepsis
Mammen, Eberhard F.; Comp, Philip C.; Gosselin, Robert; Greenberg, Charles; Hoots, W. Keith; Kessler, Craig M.; Larkin, Edward C.; Liles, Darla; Nugent, Diane J.: PFA-100™ System: A New Method for Assessment of Platelet Dysfunction