DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Issue 09 · Volume 28 · November 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-7932

Original Article

Natsugoe, S.; Yoshinaka, H.; Moringa, T.; Shimada, M.; Hokita, S.; Baba, M.; Takao, S.; Fukumoto, T.; Stein, H. J.; Aikou, T.: Assessment of Tumor Invasion of the Distal Esophagus in Carcinoma of the Cardia Using Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Heldwein, W.; Avenhaus, W.; Schönekäs, H.; Kaess, H.; Müller-Lissner, S.; Hasford, B.; Hasford, J.: Injection of Fibrin Tissue Adhesive Versus Laser Photocoagulation in the Treatment of High-Risk Bleeding Peptic Ulcers: A Controlled Randomized Study

Short Communication


Review Article

Woloshynowych, M.; Oakley, D. A.; Saunders, B. P.; Williams, C. B.: Psychological Aspects of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A Review

Special Section: Horizons in Endoscopic Technology

Case Report

Schoefl, R.; Haefner, M.; Pongratz, S.; Pfeffel, F.; Stain, C.; Poetzi, R.; Gangl, A.: Endoscopic Treatment of Fistulas and Abscesses in Pancreatitis: Three Case Reports

Unusual Cases and Technical Notes

Contractor, Q. Q.; Al Hamid, K. S.; Farrag, A. M. M. K.; ul Haque, I.: Biliary Tract Obstruction by Unusual Parasites
Szántó, I.; Kiss, J.; Vörös, A.; Altorjay, Á; Nagy, P.: Endoscopic Mucosectomy of the Esophagus with a “Shark-Tooth” Polypectomy Snare
Öksuzoglu, G.; Arslan, M.; Tatar, G.: Pin Ingestion and Upper Endoscopy
Shah, H. K.; Shah, S. R.; Sanzgiri, M. D.; Mathur, S. K.: Laparoscopic Retrieval of a Needle Migrated from the Alimentary Tract
Losanoff, J. E.; Kjossev, K. T.; Losanoff, H. E.: Olive Pit Pyloric Obstruction
Takano, H.; Yoshikawa, T.; Nishida, K.; Terasawa, Y.; Fujii, M.; Yamaguchi, A.; Nishioka, B.; Kondo, M.: Candida Cholecystitis as an Unusual Complication of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiography
Sans, M.; Llach, J.; Bordas, J. M.; Andreu, V.; Campo, A.; Castells, A.; Mondelo, F.; Terés, J.; Rodés, J.: Metastatic Malignant Melanoma of the Papilla of Vater: An Unusual Case of Obstructive Cholestasis Treated with Biliary Prostheses
Pontes, J. M.; Leitão, M. C.; Portela, F.; Andrade, P.; Lopes, H.; Vasconcelos, H.; Romão, Z.; Pimentel, J.; Donato, A.; Freitas, D.: Gastric Ascariasis: A Rare Cause of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Yoshikane, H.; Hidano, H.; Sakakibara, A.; Ayakawa, T.; Watanabe, M.; Takeuchi, A.; Hashimoto, S.; Mori, S.: Fibrolipoma of the Colon with an Unusual Appearance