DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 46 · Juni 1998 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-8716

Original Cardiovascular

Kaemmerer, H.; Oelert, F.; Bahlmann, J.; Blücher, S.; Meyer, G. P.; Mügge, A.: Arterial Hypertension in Adults After Surgical Treatment of Aortic Coarctation
Kilger, E.; Pichler, B.; Goetz, A. E.; Rank, N.; Welte, M.; Mörstedt, K.; Vetter, H. O.; Gödje, O.; Schmitz, C.; Lamm, P.; Engelschalk, E.; Muehlbeyer, D.; Frey, L.: Procalcitonin as a Marker of Systemic Inflammation After Conventional or Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Pfeiffer, D.; Omran, H.; Otto, J.; Lê, T. P.; Neugebauer, A.; Lüderitz, B.: Transvasal Closure of Interatrial Defects Using the Babic Double-Umbrella Occluder System

Original Thoracic

Brunelli, A.; Fianchini, A.; Xiume, F.; Gesuita, R.; Mattei, A.; Carle, F.: Evaluation of the POSSUM Scoring System in Lung Surgery
Friedel, G.; Hürtgen, M.; Toomes, H.: Intraoperative Thoracic Sonography

Case Report

Hammel, D.; Tjan, D. T.; Scheld, H. H.; Schmid, Ch.; Loick, M.; Deng, M. C.: Successful Treatment of a Novacor LVAD Malfunction Without Repeat Sternotomy
Schmid, C.; Garritsen, H. S. P.; Kelsch, R.; Cassens, U.; Baba, H. A.; Sibrowski, W.; Scheld, H. H.: Suppression of Panel-Reactive Antibodies by Treatment with Mycophenolate Mofetil
Goverde, P.; Van Schil, P.; Van den Brande, F.; Vanmaele, R.: Chronic Herniation of the Lung in a Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Cardiovascular Review