DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 07 · Volume 15 · October 1994 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-8997

Physiology and Biochemistry

De Souza, M. J.; Arce, J. C.; Pescatello, L. S.; Scherzer, H. S.; Luciano, A. A.: Gonadal Hormones and Semen Quality in Male Runners

Walsh, R. M.; Noakes, T. D.; Hawley, J. A.; Dennis, S. C.: Impaired High-Intensity Cycling Performance Time at Low Levels of Dehydration
Le Gallais, D.; Prefaut, C.; Mercier, J.; Bile, A.; Bogui, P.; Lonsdorfer, J.: Sickle Cell Trait as a Limiting Factor for High-Level Performance in a Semi-Marathon
Wennlund, A.; Wahrenberg, H.; Hagström-Toft, E.; Bolinder, J.; Arner, P.: Lipolytic and Cardiac Responses to Various Forms of Stress in Humans
Rodenburg, J. B.; Steenbeek, D.; Schiereck, P.; Bär, P. R.: Warm-up, Stretching and Massage Diminish Harmful Effects of Eccentric Exercise
Kanehisa, H.; Ikegawa, S.; Tsunoda, N.; Fukunaga, T.: Cross-Sectional Areas of Fat and Muscle in Limbs During Growth and Middle Age
Rokitzki, L.; Hinkel, S.; Klemp, C.; Cufi, D.; Keul, J.: Dietary, Serum and Urine Ascorbic Acid Status in Male Athletes

Training and Testing


Swensen, T.; Crater, G.; Bassett, D. R.; Howley, E. T.: Adding Polylactate to a Glucose Polymer Solution Does Not Improve Endurance
