DOI: 10.1055/s-00023610

Drug Research

Issue 04 · Volume 64 · April 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-26741


Original Article

Yuan, M. Q.; Zhu, F.; Lou, J. Y.; Yuan, W. M.; Fu, L.; Liu, S.; Zhang, Z. Z.; Liu, C. Y.; He, Q.: The Anti-tumoral Efficacy of a Docetaxel-loaded Liposomal Drug Delivery System Modified with Transferrin for Ovarian Cancer
Rudzki, P. J.; Kaza, M.; Leś, A.; Gilant, E.; Ksycińska, H.; Serafin-Byczak, K.; Troć, M.; Raszek, J.; Piątkowska-Chabuda, E.; Skowrońska-Smolak, M.; Tarasiuk, A.; Wilkowska, E.; Łazowski, T.: Bioequivalence Study of 8 mg Ondansetron Film-coated Tablets in Healthy Caucasian Volunteers

Original Paper

Nagarajan, K.; Taleuzzamman, M.; Kumar, V.; Singh, S.; Singh, J.; Panda, B. P.; Ghosh, L. K.: Antimicrobial Glycopeptides: Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of N-linked and O-linked Smaller Chain Glycopeptides