DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 14 · Volume 35 · Dezember 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-28149

Clinical Sciences

Gil-Rey, E.; Quevedo-Jerez, K.; Maldonado-Martin, S.; Herrero-Román, F.: Exercise Intensity Guidelines for Cancer Survivors: a Comparison with Reference Values


Training & Testing

Beltrão, N. B.; Ritti-Dias, R. M.; Pitangui, A. C. R.; De Araújo, R. C.: Correlation between Acute and Short-Term Changes in Flexibility Using Two Stretching Techniques
Ferreira-Junior, J. B.; Bottaro, M.; Vieira, C. A.; Soares, S. R. S.; Vieira, A.; Cleto, V. A.; Cadore, E. L.; Coelho, D. B.; Simoes, H. G.; Brown, L. E.: Effects of Partial-body Cryotherapy (− 110°C) on Muscle Recovery between High-intensity Exercise Bouts
Alberton, C. L.; Pinto, S. S.; Cadore, E. L.; Tartaruga, M. P.; Kanitz, A. C.; Antunes, A. H.; Finatto, P.; Kruel, L. F. M.: Oxygen Uptake, Muscle Activity and Ground Reaction Force during Water Aerobic Exercises
Barrero, A.; Chaverri, D.; Erola, P.; Iglesias, X.; Rodríguez, F. A.: Intensity Profile during an Ultra-endurance Triathlon in Relation to Testing and Performance
Ferreira-Junior, J. B.; Vieira, C. A.; Soares, S. R. S.; Guedes, R.; Rocha Junior, V. A.; Simoes, H. G.; Brown, L. E.; Bottaro, M.: Effects of a Single Whole Body Cryotherapy (−110°C) Bout on Neuromuscular Performance of the Elbow Flexors during Isokinetic Exercise
Eriksen, L.; Tolstrup, J. S.; Larsen, S.; Grønbæk, M.; Helge, J. W.: A Maximal Cycle Test with Good Validity and High Repeatability in Adults of All Ages
Jenkins, N. D. M.; Housh, T. J.; Traylor, D. A.; Cochrane, K. C.; Bergstrom, H. C.; Lewis, R. W.; Schmidt, R. J.; Johnson, G. O.; Cramer, J. T.: The Rate of Torque Development: A Unique, Non-invasive Indicator of Eccentric-induced Muscle Damage?
Andersen, V.; Fimland, M. S.; Brennset, Ø.; Haslestad, L. R.; Lundteigen, M. S.; Skalleberg, K.; Saeterbakken, A. H.: Muscle Activation and Strength in Squat and Bulgarian Squat on Stable and Unstable Surface

Orthopedics & Biomechanics


Lee, M. J. C.; Hammond, K. M.; Vasdev, A.; Poole, K. L.; Impey, S. G.; Close, G. L.; Morton, J. P.: Self-selecting Fluid Intake while Maintaining High Carbohydrate Availability Does not Impair Half-marathon Performance


Vaara, J. P.; Vasankari, T.; Fogelholm, M.; Häkkinen, K.; Santtila, M.; Kyröläinen, H.: Maximal Strength, Muscular Endurance and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Young Adult Men