DOI: 10.1055/s-00000161

The Journal of Knee Surgery

Issue 01 · Volume 28 · February 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-28510

Special Focus Section

Fortier, Lisa A.; Cook, James L.: Biologics in Sports Medicine
Mascarenhas, Randy; Saltzman, Bryan M.; Fortier, Lisa A.; Cole, Brian J.: Role of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Articular Cartilage Injury and Disease
Hutchinson, Ian D.; Rodeo, Scott A.; Perrone, Gabriel S.; Murray, Martha M.: Can Platelet-Rich Plasma Enhance Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Meniscal Repair?
Beitzel, Knut; Allen, Donald; Apostolakos, John; Russell, Ryan P.; McCarthy, Mary Beth; Gallo, Gregory J.; Cote, Mark P.; Mazzocca, Augustus D.: US Definitions, Current Use, and FDA Stance on Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Sports Medicine
LaPrade, Christopher M.; James, Evan W.; LaPrade, Robert F.; Engebretsen, Lars: How Should We Evaluate Outcomes for Use of Biologics in the Knee?
Fiorentino, Stefano; Roffi, Alice; Filardo, Giuseppe; Marcacci, Maurilio; Kon, Elizaveta: European Definitions, Current Use, and EMA Stance of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Sports Medicine
Chirba, Mary Ann; Sweetapple, Berkley; Hannon, Charles P.; Anderson, John A.: FDA Regulation of Adult Stem Cell Therapies as Used in Sports Medicine

Original Article

Koehler, Ryan; John, Tamara; Lawler, Jeffrey; Moorman, Claude; Nicandri, Gregg: Arthroscopic Training Resources in Orthopedic Resident Education
Hitt, Kirby; Bhowmik-Stoker, Manoshi; Howard, Michael; Mittal, Yogesh; Heekin, R. David; Jacofsky, David: Joint Line Restoration in a Contemporary Revision Knee System
Krych, Aaron; Arutyunyan, Grigoriy; Kuzma, Scott; Levy, Bruce; Dahm, Diane; Stuart, Michael: Adverse Effect of Femoral Nerve Blockade on Quadriceps Strength and Function after ACL Reconstruction
Schwartzberg, Randy; Snyder, Kevin; Reuss, Bryan: Preoperative Measurement of ACL Insertion Sites