DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 08 · Volume 36 · Juli 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-29373


Bosquet, L.; Gouadec, K.; Berryman, N.; Duclos, C.; Gremeaux, V.; Croisier, J.-L.: Physiological Interpretation of the Slope during an Isokinetic Fatigue Test

Physiology & Biochemistry

Hoffmann, U.; Urban, P.; Koschate, J.; Drescher, U.; Pfister, R.; Michels, G.: Essential Hypertension: Cardiovascular Response to Breath Hold Combined with Exercise
Melo, X.; Santa-Clara, H.; Santos, D. A.; Pimenta, N. M.; Minderico, C. S.; Fernhall, B.; Sardinha, L. B.: Independent Association of Muscular Strength and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Children
Veltmeijer, M. T. W.; Thijssen, D. H. J.; Hopman, M. T. E.; Eijsvogels, T. M. H.: Within-subject Variation of Thermoregulatory Responses during Repeated Exercise Bouts

Training & Testing

Vasconcellos, F.; Seabra, A.; Montenegro, R.; Cunha, F.; Bouskela, E.; Farinatti, P.: Can Heart Rate Variability be used to Estimate Gas Exchange Threshold in Obese Adolescents?
Tomasi, F. P.; Chiappa, G.; Maldaner da Silva, V.; Lucena da Silva, M.; Lima, A. S. C. G. B.; Arena, R.; Bottaro, M.; Cipriano, G.: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Improves Exercise Tolerance in Healthy Subjects
Deprez, D.; Valente-Dos-Santos, J.; Coelho-e-Silva, M. J.; Lenoir, M.; Philippaerts, R.; Vaeyens, R.: Longitudinal Development of Explosive Leg Power from Childhood to Adulthood in Soccer Players
Bosquet, L.; Gouadec, K.; Berryman, N.; Duclos, C.; Gremeaux, V.; Croisier, J.-L.: Physiological Interpretation of the Slope during an Isokinetic Fatigue Test

Clinical Sciences


Gill, S. K.; Hankey, J.; Wright, A.; Marczak, S.; Hemming, K.; Allerton, D. M.; Ansley-Robson, P.; Costa, R. J. S.: The Impact of a 24-h Ultra-Marathon on Circulatory Endotoxin and Cytokine Profile