DOI: 10.1055/s-00029169

Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology

Issue 04 · Volume 02 · December 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-29823

Winfeld, Matthew; Jensen, Jens; Adisetiyo, Vitria; Fieremans, Els; Helpern, Joseph; Karajannis, Matthias; Allen, Jeffrey; Gardner, Sharon; Milla, Sarah: Differentiating high and low grade pediatric brain tumors using diffusional kurtosis imaging
Platzek, Ivan; Kitzler, Hagen H; Gudziol, Volker; Wiggermann, Philipp; Laniado, Michael; Hahn, Gabriele: MRI in pediatric neck abscesses

Case Report

Pulivarthi, Swaroopa; Rodriguez, Gustavo J.; Bershad, Eric M.; Mckinney, Alexander; Divani, Afshin A.: Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: A pediatric case of undetermined etiology and review of literature
Das, Suman; Chattejee, Kaushani; Mazumdar, Jayitri; Sarkar, Nirmalya; Aich, Bholanath: Developmental brain anomaly due to fetal hydrocephalus
Benbir, Gülçin; Muhammed, Reza P.; Hasiloglu, Zehra I.; Albayram, Sait; Yalçınkaya, Cengiz: Ischemic stroke following varicella vaccine
Galluzzi, Paolo; Occhini, Rossella; Cerase, Alfonso; Toti, Paolo; Hadjistilianou, Theodora; Venturi, Carlo; Francesco, Sonia De: Pediatric focally pigmented choroidal melanoma: Imaging with pathological correlation