DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Ausgabe 12 · Volume 47 · November 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-30350

Endocrine Care

Note of Concern

Endocrine Care

Adamczyk, P.; Bužga, M.; Holéczy, P.; Švagera, Z.; Zonča, P.; Sievänen, H.; Pluskiewicz, W.: Body Size, Bone Mineral Density, and Body Composition in Obese Women After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: A 1-Year Longitudinal Study
Esquiaveto-Aun, A. M.; Zantut-Wittmann, D. E.; Petroli, R. J.; Nakano, B.S. L.; Guerra-Júnior, G.; de Lemos-Marini, S.H. V.; de Mello, M. P.: Two Novel Mutations in the Thyroid Hormone Receptor β in Patients with Resistance to Thyroid Hormone (RTH β): Clinical, Biochemical, and Molecular Data
García, V.; Oróstica, L.; Poblete, C.; Rosas, C.; Astorga, I.; Romero, C.; Vega, M.: Endometria from Obese PCOS Women with Hyperinsulinemia Exhibit Altered Adiponectin Signaling

Endocrine Research

de Souza, E. C. L.; Dias, G. R. M.; Cardoso, R. C.; Lima, L. P.; Fortunato, R. S.; Visser, T. J.; Vaisman, M.; Ferreira, A. C. F.; Carvalho, D. P.: MCT8 is Downregulated by Short Time Iodine Overload in the Thyroid Gland of Rats