DOI: 10.1055/s-00000180

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 77 · Januar 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-006-30834

In Memoriam

Freimann, Florian Baptist; Thomale, Ulrich-Wilhelm: Obituary Christian Sprung

Original Article

Setty, Pradeep; D'Andrea, Kenneth P.; Stucken, Emily Z.; Babu, Seilish; LaRouere, Michael J.; Pieper, Daniel R.: Fully Endoscopic Resection of Cerebellopontine Angle Meningiomas
Mirzayan, M. Javad; Calvelli, Karoline; Capelle, Hans-Holger; Weigand, Jessica; Krauss, Joachim K.: Subdural Hematoma and Oral Anticoagulation: A Therapeutic Dilemma from the Neurosurgical Point of View
Rossi-Mossuti, Frédéric; Fisch, Urs; Schoettker, Patrick; Gugliotta, Marinella; Morard, Marc; Schucht, Philippe; Schatlo, Bawarjan; Levivier, Marc; Walder, Bernhard; Fandino, Javier: Surgical Treatment of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Switzerland: Results from a Multicenter Study
Czorlich, Patrick; Regelsberger, Jan; Meixensberger, Jürgen; Westphal, Manfred; Eicker, Sven Oliver: From Abstract to Publication in a Peer-Reviewed Journal: Evaluation of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery

Review Article

Carvalho, Carlos Henrique; Kimmig, Hubert; Lopez, William Omar Contreras; lange, Manfred; Oeckler, Reinhard: Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration: A Neurosurgical Point of View

Consensus Statement

Winkelmueller, Matthias; Kolodziej, Malgorzata Anna; Welke, Wolfgang; Koulousakis, Athanasios; Martinez, Ramon: Subcutaneous Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Back Pain: Patient Selection and Technical Aspects

Case Report

Klessinger, Stephan; Freund, Wolfgang; Karpel-Massler, Georg; Wirtz, Christian; Thal, Dietmar; Halatsch, Marc-Eric: First Report of Recurrent Intramuscular Lipoma after Decompression Surgery of the Lumbar Spine