DOI: 10.1055/s-00031417

Journal of Hand and Microsurgery

Issue 03 · Volume 08 · December 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-006-33125

Original Article

Yazdanshenas, Hamed; Naeeni, Alireza Fadaee; Ashouri, Anousheh; Washington, Eleby R.; Shamie, Arya Nick; Azari, Kodi: Treatment and Postsurgery Functional Outcome of Spaghetti Wrist
Tobert, Daniel G.; Klausmeyer, Melissa; Mudgal, Chaitanya S.: Intramedullary Fixation of Metacarpal Fractures Using Headless Compression Screws
AL-Madawy, Ahmed Mohammed; Elatta, Mohamed Mahmoud Abou; Hasanin, Mostafa Mahmoud; Al-Nahal, Ashraf Abd El-Kader: The Use of Minilocked Plate for Management of Unstable Metacarpal Fractures

Case Report

Calotta, Nicholas A.; Gornet, Megan E.; McCarthy, Edward F.; Magid, Donna; Deune, E. Gene: Radial Artery Pseudoaneurysm with Aberrant Radial Artery Anatomy: An Unusual Presentation of Flexor Tenosynovitis

Letter to the Editor

Letsch, Maarten T.; de Boer, H.L. Luitzen; Nguyen, Duy Thuan: Open Reduction of the Dislocated Pisiform Bone

Point of Technique