DOI: 10.1055/s-00000182

Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports

Issue 01 · Volume 78 · January 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-33228

Case Report

Córdoba-Mosqueda, M. E.; Guerra-Mora, J. R.; Sánchez-Silva, M. C.; Vicuña-González, R. M.; Torre, A. Ibarra-de la: Primary Spinal Epidural Lymphoma As a Cause of Spontaneous Spinal Anterior Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review
Gresham, Malia S.; Shen, Steven; Zhang, Yi J.; Gallagher, Kelly: Anterior Skull Base Glomangioma-Induced Osteomalacia
Cannon, Richard B.; Wiggins, Richard H.; Witt, Benjamin L.; Dundar, Yusuf; Johnston, Tawni M.; Hunt, Jason P.: Imaging and Outcomes for a New Entity: Low-Grade Sinonasal Sarcoma with Neural and Myogenic Features
Céspedes, Mario Tapia; Vargas, Jaime Pinto; Yañez, Fernando Andrade; León, Loreto Spencer; Arancibia, Pablo Álvarez; Putz, Thomas Schmidt: Remarkable Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Sellar Xanthogranuloma: Report of Three First Cases in Latin America
Botros, James; Hatanpaa, Kimmo; Isaacson, Brandon; Barnett, Samuel L.: Calcified Middle Cranial Fossa Mass
Fisahn, Christian; Burgess, Brittni; Iwanaga, Joe; Alonso, Fernando; Chapman, Jens R.; Oskouian, Rod J.; Tubbs, R. Shane: A Previously Unreported Arterial Variant of the Suboccipital Region Based on Cadaveric Dissection
Forte, Dalila; Irañeta, Amets Sagarribay; Nabais, Anabela; Figueiredo, António; Mafra, Manuela; Gonçalves, Victor: Nasal Lobular Capillary Hemangioma as a Complication after an Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Gonadotrophin-Producing Pituitary Adenoma Resection