DOI: 10.1055/s-00000161

The Journal of Knee Surgery

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 30 · Juli 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-34316

Original Article

Nuelle, Clayton W.; Milles, Jeffrey L.; Pfeiffer, Ferris M.; Stannard, James P.; Smith, Patrick A.; Kfuri, Mauricio; Cook, James L.: Biomechanical Comparison of Five Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Techniques
Issa, Kimona; Pierce, Todd P.; Gwam, Chukwuweieke; Goljan, Peter; Festa, Anthony; Scillia, Anthony J.; Mont, Michael A.: Detection of Total Knee Arthroplasties at Airport Security Checkpoints: How Do Updated Security Measures Affect Patients?
Westermann, Robert; Anthony, Chris A.; Duchman, Kyle R.; Gao, Yubo; Pugely, Andrew J.; Hettrich, Carolyn M.; Amendola, Ned; Wolf, Brian R.: Infection following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: An Analysis of 6,389 Cases
Rodriguez-Mendez, Luis Manuel; Martinez-Ruiz, Jose de Jesus; Perez-Manzo, Ruben; Corona-Hernandez, Jorge Luis; Alcala-Zermeno, Juan Luis; Sanchez-Enriquez, Sergio: Preoperative Ultrasonographic Prediction of Hamstring Tendon Diameter for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair
Hanley, Jessica; Westermann, Robert; Cook, Shane; Glass, Natalie; Amendola, Ned; Wolf, Brian R.; Bollier, Matthew: Factors Associated with Knee Stiffness following Surgical Management of Multiligament Knee Injuries
Shah, Sapan H.; Schwartz, Brian E.; Schwartz, Aaron R.; Goldberg, Benjamin A.; Chmell, Samuel J.: Total Knee Arthroplasty in the Younger Patient
Thein, Ran; Hershkovich, Oded; Gordon, Barak; Burstein, Gideon; Tenenbaum, Shay; Derazne, Estela; Tzur, Dorit; Shamis, Ari; Afek, Arnon; Kreiss, Yitshak: The Prevalence of Cruciate Ligament and Meniscus Knee Injury in Young Adults and Associations with Gender, Body Mass Index, and Height a Large Cross-Sectional Study
Zhang, Shaoyun; Xu, Bin; Huang, Qiang; Yao, Huan; Xie, Jinwei; Pei, Fuxing: Early Removal of Drainage Tube after Fast-Track Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty
Mehta, Saurabh P.; Barker, Katherine; Bowman, Brett; Galloway, Heather; Oliashirazi, Nicole; Oliashirazi, Ali: Reliability, Concurrent Validity, and Minimal Detectable Change for iPhone Goniometer App in Assessing Knee Range of Motion
Henry, Brandon Michael; Tomaszewski, Krzysztof A.; Pękala, Przemysław A.; Ramakrishnan, Piravin Kumar; Taterra, Dominik; Saganiak, Karolina; Mizia, Ewa; Walocha, Jerzy A.: The Variable Emergence of the Infrapatellar Branch of the Saphenous Nerve
Wang, Lih; Seok, Sangyun; Kim, Sungsoo; Kim, Kyungtaek; Lee, Seunghyun; Lee, Kyungho: The Risk Factors of Postoperative Delirium after Total Knee Arthroplasty
Hurt, James A.; Berry, John H.; Replogle, William; Thibodeaux, Kasey; Hydrick, Josie M.; Barrett, Austin M.; Barrett, Gene R.: Efficacy of Two Techniques in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction


Zhang, Shaoyun; Xu, Bin; Huang, Qiang; Yao, Huan; Xie, Jinwei; Pei, Fuxing: Erratum: Early Removal of Drainage Tube after Fast-Track Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty
Thein, Ran; Hershkovich, Oded; Gordon, Barak; Burstein, Gideon; Tenenbaum, Shay; Derazne, Estela; Tzur, Dorit; Shamis, Ari; Afek, Arnon; Kreiss, Yitshak: Erratum: The Prevalence of Cruciate Ligament and Meniscus Knee Injury in Young Adults and Associations with Gender, Body Mass Index, and Height a Large Cross-Sectional Study