DOI: 10.1055/s-00000018

Facial Plastic Surgery

Issue 05 · Volume 33 · October 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-34928 The Evidence Base in 21st Century Facial Plastic Surgery Guest Editor, Charles East, MB, FRCS

Guest Editor Preface

Original Article

East, Charles; Badia, Lydia; Marsh, Daniel; Pusic, Andrea; Klassen, Anne F.: Measuring Patient-Reported Outcomes in Rhinoplasty Using the FACE-Q: A Single Site Study
Saban, Yves; Polselli, Roberto; Bertossi, Dario; East, Charles; Gerbault, Olivier: Facial Layers and Facial Fat Compartments: Focus on Midcheek Area
Kovacevic, Milos; Friedman, Oren; Riedel, Frank; Wurm, Jochen; Bran, Gregor M.: Management of the Cephalically Malpositioned Lower Lateral Crus in Aesthetic Rhinoplasty
Longmire, Natasha M.; Wong Riff, Karen W.Y.; O'Hara, Justine L.; Aggarwala, Shivani; Allen, Gregory C.; Bulstrode, Neil W.; Forrest, Christopher R.; French, Brooke M.; Goodacre, Timothy E.E.; Marucci, Damian; Norris, Jonathan H.; Panchapakesan, Vivek; Piplani, Bhoomika; Pusic, Andrea L.; Vercruysse, Herman Jr.; Klassen, Anne F.: Development of a New Module of the FACE-Q for Children and Young Adults with Diverse Conditions Associated with Visible and/or Functional Facial Differences
Gill, Daljit S.; Lloyd, Timothy; East, Charles; Naini, Farhad B.: The Facial Soft Tissue Effects of Orthognathic Surgery

Rapid Communication

Niehaus, Richard; Kovacs, Lazlo; Machens, Hans-Günther; Herschbach, Peter; Papadopulos, Nikolaos A.: Quality of Life—Changes after Rhinoplasty
Li, Dong; Luo, Sheng-Kang; Wang, Yi-Chao; Lemperle, Gottfried: Facial Volume Restoration with Permanent Dermal Filler (Artecoll-4) in Chinese Women
Bhattacharyya, Tapan K.; Bueller, Hope; Hsia, Yvonne; Thomas, J. Regan: Dermal Histology in Mouse Skin Exposed to Cosmeceuticals

Letter to the Editor

Kandathil, Cherian K.; Moubayed, Sami P.; Chanasriyotin, Chayada; Most, Sam P.: Natural History of Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation Scale following Functional Rhinoplasty


Shen, Jasper; Hur, Kevin; Li, Chengyu; Zhao, Kai; Leopold, Donald; Wrobel, Bozena: Erratum: Determinants and Evaluation of Nasal Airflow Perception